Poems By Jude

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,724
  • Pages: 17
My Poems By



ASHLEY This Christmas

1. Seasons Under the Sun The glorious time of the day arrives, The sun emaciating its rays, Touching from the tiniest speck of sand, To the largest of the mountains. Rosy cheeked children come out to play, Sweat pouting out of every pore. The flowers are beautiful to see, The buttercups glowing under the flaming sun, And the mighty oaks swaying gaily, In the soft wind. Even the animals stir about in frenzy, The rabbits sniffing for carrots, While the field mice scramble for stray wheat. The sparrows chirp sweetly’ While the pigeons swoop down gracefully. But as the day comes to an end, And as the night falls, A strange transformation takes place. Touched with a ghostly beauty, The once green leaves, alive with, The pleasures of the summer, Now turns a bloody red. The morning dawns, With the sound of the rustle, Of the leaves, Falling down in its millions, Leaving its mighty home naked and bare. The day of winnowing arrives, And where all the oozing of rations- collected. The gnats moan and the birds tweet, Preparing for their annual journey to, The lands of the sun. But as the day turned round, A whiteness covered, Everything in its path. The green grass, Now choked with the weight, Of the white blanket above it. The roads also seem lonely. No birds fly up the sky. The woods filled with an eerie silence, As the white flakes fall up from the heavens.

The wild fox hunts, At this time of the day, For the weakest of its prey. Its time for the Eskimos, time for the penguins, time for the polar bears, As well as for the, Enchanting ride of Santa. At long last, All the hardships of earth, Bore fruit, As the flowers blossomed, And as the creeper creeped, Under the light of the morning sun. The habitats are full again, And nature itself arouses a chatter. The gentle winds blow, Spreading a cool spirit over, The remnants of the bitter winter. The dead wake up, And all stupor awakens. Ripe apples appear, Calling squirrels to dine and dinner. The sun rises again, Bringing the flora to bloom. The fauna returns, Dotting the hilly plains, Of the misty mountains. As the cycle continues, From the verge of summer, To autumn, to winter and finally to spring, The earth continues to pursue, Its destiny, With the seasons under the sun. Jude (20/07/2006)

2.The Dawn of the Mighty Sun The stretch of the land, Remains quite and dark. The air is silent, Except for the tiny ripples of wind.

The trees sway gently, As the snow flakes fall down, Enclosing the hard ground, With the softness of the, Trailing snow. Everything seems to be dead, No shadows move, Within the confines of the houses, No fires seem to burn, The crackling of flames, Unheard. Everything seems to be asleep, From the tiniest of the shrubs, To the greatest of the mountains. This is a sight, That should be seen. A sight so majestic. But the time trickles by, And the streaks of, An illuminating source appears. Snake like streams of light, Seep from the edges of the mountains. A giant ball of fire rises up the east. Lighting up the surroundings, In splendour. The flashing light, Goes through the tiny cracks, Of windows, Arousing all occupants, Hidden in, The shelter of their homes. Suddenly the noises of automation begins, Filling the air with sounds. Children play happily, While their parents go to work. Everything appears to be alive, As if resurrected from the dead. The dawn of the sun has come by, Rising from the extremes of the east, Giving life to all mortality.

3. The Force Unknown The moment my foot touched, The floors of honor, Something crept deep within me, A feeling that I’ve never felt before. The throb of my heart quickened, And a tingling rang throughout my body, My pace increased, As I took my solitary seat. Surrounding me were hundreds, Of souls all chattering, In their endless notes, No meaning or depth within them, I suddenly felt small, Small within the confines of many. But apart from all this, I felt that ‘something’, Within me yet again . I stirred restlessly, As if a prisoner, Waiting to be unleashed, Out into the story of freedom. What I felt within me, I cannot utter by my lips, But it was sweet, And tasted sweeter than, The sweetest of honey. I felt the fragrance, It all seemed far away. But not I feel it, Close within my conscience. It was something that, I had never felt before, It was all serene and peaceful. All this was beyond, My mere comprehension. Something beyond my wildest dreams. It was a feeling, That I had always yearned for. But here now as I sit, Awaiting the time,

When I’ll be seen, By the eyes of millions, I savor the joy of, What I always dreamt before. Jude (7/10/2006)

4. The Song of Friendship One day, when the sun, Was smiling brightly, Its rays warmly touching, The floors of the earth, The Lord Almighty decided, To do something, Something that would last forever, And cannot be compared, To the endless oceans. The Lord planted a seed, Upon the bare ground. It was watered and nourished, And soon what was thought, To be a mere seed, Sprouted and transformed, Into the glorious of trees. Mighty and strong it grew, Nothing to destroy, Its pure growth. The birds nestled, And built their homes on it, The fruit grew, So ripe that it was, Sweetest to its core, Nothing can be compared, To the beauty of this, Fair growth, For nothing shall ever, Thwart its beauty. But no, If this tree of beauty,

Cannot be compared, Then something would be terribly wrong, For one thing can be compared, With this tree of eternal beauty. It is the sweetness, Of nothing else, But of the fairness of friendship. In reality friendship, Is far too majestic, Far too greater, To be compared to anything else. For a friend is someone, Who is there by your side, To share your joys and laughter, Ever ready to give advice…. The one whose love is, Like an endless ocean, And who cares for you, With true devotion. It is the Lord, that makes, What is meant to be, And most of all it is, The greatness of, Friendship. Jude (8/10/2006)

5. Lost in Tranquility All was silent and quiet, No soul was in sight, Leaving the painted like, Scenery deserted. The tranquility that was, Beyond comprehension, Lay there on the woods, Seldom ventured by, A living soul. The chestnut colored horse, I came with neighed nervously, Thinking it strange, That I should stop,

In a vicinity, So lonely, so quiet. Comforting the creature, I stopped to listen, The deep silence, That seem to echo, Memories of unknown ages. But that beautiful silence, Held up no more, For a piercing wind, Began to blow, Whistling past my ears, And attacking my very skin, As if with a thousand knives, All tranquility lost. The poor beast, Began to move around nervously, And I whispered, Into her ears, That I will always stand by her side. What was so quiet before, Was now filled with, The eerie howls of the wind, And the snow that had begun to fall. Soon the floor was covered, With the whiteness of the, Sparkling snow. And now I was standing, All alone, Against a white world. The beauty is so surpassing, That no word uttered by man, Could describe it, But I urged my horse, To resume, For although my wake, Lies enthralling in the sight of my eyes, I have to pursue my, Final destination, A destination that would be, So pure as what I see before my eyes, Where my destiny would, Satisfy me and what lies beneath,

The very depths of my heart. Jude (16/10/2006)

6. Life and The Rose As I stood, Staring out of the window, Into the starry night, My eyes were blinded, With the tears that brimmed over, But I tried to clear, My overflowing mind, Of the wake that was behind me. Instantly my mind, Was filled with the, Vision of a rose, So fragrant and, Filled with uncomparable beauty. This rose was planted, Upon the soil of mother earth, And day by day, It grew ever so beautiful, Swaying gaily with the wind, Its fragrance floating through the air. But horror struck me, When I saw a rough hand, Pull out the ever so beautiful rose, Growing with all the pleasures, That nature could give. It was pulled out of its life, And what made it horrifying, Was that it was mercilessly thrown, Thrown away into the dirt ground, A place not fit for something, So glorious, so beautiful. My heart was filled with sorrow,

A sorrow that would last forever, For the rose that once grew, So intensely beautiful, Was now lost in color, Its soft petals fallen, And its green leaves withered and shriveled. No beauty lingered over it anymore, No life touched it form. Suddenly I awoke, From my vision. I found myself, Still staring out, Into the starry night, Sweat now appearing, On the very surface Of my forehead. It is then that I understood, That life is very much, Like a beautiful rose. Life which is so beautiful, Can be so touching to us, And also to the wide world, But when the shadow of death, Comes into our lives, All beauty that once, Seemed to be in all eternity, Is now wasted in utter despair. A sudden gasp, Broke the stony silence, Like a death lullaby. Turning over I saw, The rose with the, Shadow of darkness upon her face. But as I walked over, And held her hand, And mine in hers, The rose that I thought, I would have forever, Gave a painful shudder, And for all eternity, I saw the light that, Left her eyes, Just as the,

Helpless rose. Jude (18/10/2006)

7. A Special World A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us gently in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong.

8. The Friend You Truly Are You are friendly, kind and caring Sensitive, loyal and understanding Humorous, fun, secure and true Always there... yes that's you. Special, accepting, exciting and wise Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright Yes that's you... not one bit of spite. You're one of a kind, different from others Generous, charming, but not one that smothers Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game But not just another... in the long chain. Appreciative, warm and precious like gold Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old You'll always be there, I know that is true I'll always be here... always for you.

9. The Web Beautifully You worked your art You spun a web Around my heart How beautifully Your deeds have spread Each intricately Woven thread With strands of care You dried my tears Your gentleness Dispelled my fears Your wisdom Helped me understand And patiently You held my hand To give me courage To brave the storm With kindness You have kept me warm Your passion Lit a glowing fire That filled my soul With sweet desire You're all That I was dreaming of For the web you spun Was made of true friendship.

10. Your Name I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.

11. My Friendship My friendship is like an ocean It goes down so deep

My friendship is like a rose Whose beauty you want to keep. My friendship is like a river That will never end My friendship is like a dove With a beautiful message to send. My friendship is like a song That goes on and on forever My friendship is like a prisoner It's to you that I surrender.

12. Friendship Friendship is like a lump of gold, Hard to get, and hard to hold. Of all the people I've ever met, You're the one I can't forget. I do believe that God above, Created you for me to be friends with. He chose you from all the rest, Because he knew I would be friendly with you the best.

13. My Treasure When I write to you, eternity is a step away, my friendship continues to grow, with each passing day. This treasure of friendship, I cherish within my soul, how much I think of you... you'll never really know. You bring a joy to my heart, I've never felt before, with each word you write with your hand, My friendship grows more and more. Where ever I am, where ever I go,

know I hold you dearly, deep inside my heart. So these eight words, I pray you hold true, "Forever And Always, I Will think of You."

14. An Ode to Acquaintance Friendship is like the breeze, You can't hold it, Smell it, Taste it, Or know when it's coming, But you can always feel it, And you'll always know it's there, It may come and then go, But you can know it'll always be back.

15. My Hopes As I write this poem to you, Stuck within the darkness of this room, All the ghosts of my past, I hear them screaming, Right next to my ear. But suddenly I woke up, Right from my bed, Drenched with sweat and fear, And realized that, It was all a dream. I got up and walked, Towards the nearest window, Opening the curtains, I was lucky enough, To see the first, Rays of the rising sun, Touching the features of my face. A soft breeze was sent, Playing across my face, But nothing could hide,

The darkness that, Lies within the depths, Of my heart. I looked out of the window, Waiting for the return, But on the distant roads, I could only see a tramp, Carrying a dirty bundle, As he walked up the road. With a sigh, I returned to the confines, Of my bed, And sat down in deep thought. Remembering the days, That we used to spend, It seemed like it would, Go on for eternity, The days that we used, To sit under the apple trees, And we played, With each other, Not minding the strong breeze. But all that just shattered And I still stay here waiting. As I pondered mournfully, I suddenly heard, An abrupt knock, Against the door. Running down in anticipation, I opened the door in a rush, Only to see with disappointment, The tramp that I had seen before, Right on my doorstep. But no he did not come in. No! He just stood there, Holding a letter with a look, Of glee etched on his face. I grabbed it and tore it open. But a scrap of paper fell out, And nothing was written on it. But wait a beautiful odor came, Yes it came from the letter,

And I recognized it, As I took in the fragrance. I looked up but to my amazement, No one stood there. The tramp had vanished. Closing the door behind me, I knew that something, Was going to change, All that darkness in my life, But as I walked, I wondered how long, Would I have to wait, Until that beautiful day arrived.

16. Standing by Your Side Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day. Holding you up, When you are weak, Helping you find what it is you seek. Catching your tears, When you cry. Pulling you through when the tide is high. Just being there, Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.

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