Podcast Rubric Y7

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 314
  • Pages: 1
Rubric: Create a Podcast Below expected standard 1 2 Has no relevance to partially relevant completed script and not completed Storyboard Planning/ scripting

Use of language/ Recording


Adds visual and sound effects in editing

Publishing Podcaster's Name Room No. Reviewer's Name

not done or incomplete. No structure

has an introduction. Content muddled. No evidence of proof reading.

Speech not clear. Speed too fast or too slow. Reads word for word. needs assistance to save work & to transfer recording Only has a sound track

Speech mostly clear but lacks any expression.

No web page

Web page incomplete

needs some help to transfer work via flash drive Sound and podcast track but photos not synchronized. No Web Page created.

At expected standard Above expected standard 3 4 5 relevant to the includes notes and Has references to completed script instructions for sound/music/ visual editing effects and transitions Introduction, content as for level 3 As for level 4 plus and conclusion. plus:shows evidence modifications made Content is relevant. of planning, to script to enhance Evidence of storyboarding. its effect on proofreading audience. Sounds clear and As for level 3 plus Uses voice for confident. Uses uses humor or dramatic effect. expression and pathos to add Should be on TV! changes tone. emotional appeal. saves work and Helps others as a Provides quality transfers technician. technical help to independently other students. Podcast is As for level 3 but Credits are of high synchronized and sound effects and standard, use of Web Page music are ducked. special effects adds completed. Adds to overall effect of credits and music/ podcast. sound effects. Web Page has a As for level 3 but Contains hyperlinks, short commentary adds hyperlinks to a high quality about the podcast schools intranet commentary and and some photos supporting photos. Instructions: Mark or circle the relevant boxes as you view the podcast you are assessing.

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