Pocket Thought Dial Sheets

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  • Words: 1,524
  • Pages: 7
This set of Pocket Thought Dial sheets is from the 2007 edition. Buy the updated version [email protected]

Life Happens: You Can Fix It! The Thought Dial™ For the 21st Century Sydney Omarr Updated Edition by Jeraldine Saunders Steve McCrea

This edition is intended to be used with an audio CD, developed especially for this book. You can order the CD through www.CDbaby.com Search for “Life Happens” or go to http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/saundersmccrea

BONUS: The Pocket Thought Dial™ The Pocket Thought Dial™ focuses on the two chapters of Sydney’s book that are most useful in the moment: Asking our subconscious for help and Finding lost objects. Using the Card, you can instantly access additional information that might lead to finding the object or getting insight into your current situation.

☺☻The Pocket Thought Dial™ by Sydney Omarr (updated) © 2007 Your reduced number indicates that Number

Your Subconscious wants to say… How to use: 

(1) Think of a question. Focus on the question. (2) Think of 3 numbers. Add the numbers together. Example: 3, 5, 8  3+5+8 = 16  1+6 = 7 Read this number for your answer. Go to LookForPatterns.com [email protected]

Begin it. Break with the past. Move ahead, go on your own, act. Begin new projects, take the initiative. (Yes) Go with the flow. No news is good news, wait. (No) Recharge, prepare for the next stage. Be patient. Attend to home, family, postpone decisions, be watchful. Confusion. You are trying to do too much at one time. Be cheerful. Be enthusiastic (without extravagance). Avoid wasted energy. Don’t become tied down. You want to expand, but focus your efforts. (Maybe yes) Focus on work, don’t leave details to others. Double check. Work now to build the future. Persistence, determination, no sudden changes. (Maybe no) Change, travel, communication. Go ahead! Advertise! Investigate something new or different, do it now, be creative. Careful! Avoid excess. (Answer: yes) (No) Seek harmony. Listen to others. Attend to matters at home. Don’t delay. Don’t complicate matters by acting forcefully. Be diplomatic. Remedy an oversight. Look out for self-deception. Don’t sign contracts. Take time to reflect. Avoid commitments. Analyze, examine, simplify. (No, but “yes” is indicated after some delay) Push ahead. Make your own opportunities. Ambition, finances and investments. (Yes is indicated soon.) Full commitment is needed. Do it now. Finish. To hang on is to imprison yourself. It is time for a new approach. Work to bring a cycle to an end. (The answer is “Yes,” but new ideas are needed.) Trust your intuition and your ideals. Follow your heart. Avoid suggestions to be “more practical.” Listen to your conscience. (No, something better is coming.) Know your potential and rise to the occasion. Think big. Avoid details. Don’t compromise your ideals. Be diplomatic. Ambition is high, be sensitive. Don’t be petty or inefficient. (Answer: Yes.) Adapted from The Thought Dial™ by Sydney Omarr. This Pocket version is an added benefit for purchasing the book Life Happens: You Can Fix It, an expanded edition of The Thought Dial™ compiled by Jeraldine Saunders

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and Steve McCrea.

♥♦ The Pocket Thought Dial™ ♠♣ by Sydney Omarr (updated) © 2007 Number

Find Lost Objects… Keep a copy of this page in your car

How to use 

(1) Think of a lost object. Focus your imagination on the item. (2) Quickly think of 3 numbers. Add the numbers together. Example: 3, 5, 8  3+5+8 = 16  1+6 = 7 Read this number for your answer. LookForPatterns.com [email protected]


Look in the main part of the house: Living room or bedroom. SOUTH. The object was lost while you were pursuing pleasure. The item is close to a vase or bowl. Someone might help you find the item. SOUTH. It is in a house (a domestic place). Look between papers or where men congregate. NORTH. Carelessness led to misplacing this item. The article is not lost. NORTHEAST. It was misplaced due to absent-mindedness. Suddenly you will remember where you left it. Look under a hat or other headgear. You will find the object (after you stop looking for it). WEST. It was lost during communication or travel. Look where boots or shoes are kept. It might be on a shelf. EAST or WEST. The chance of finding this object is not good. Ask a servant. Deception, someone withholds information. EAST. The odds of recovery are not good. Shelf. Someone else may find it. NORTH. Illness is connected with the loss. A child has it among clothing. EAST. Lost or misplaced in anger or a quarrel. Lost where people relax (pool, night club, restaurant). NORTHEAST. Effort is needed to recover it. May prove embarrassing. Shelf. Kitchen or bathroom. Look up. Avoid hasty accusations. WEST.

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The pocket version of The Thought Dial™ provides better results when the user has studied the chapter about on subconscious thoughts (pages 36 to 56). Also visit ThoughtDial.com and ThoughtDial.net.

The Thought Dial para el siglo 21. Adaptado de The Thought Dial™ de Sydney Omarr. Esta versión de bolsillo es un beneficio añadido al comprar el libro Life Happens: You Can Fix It, una edición expandida de The Thought Dial™ compilado por Jeraldine Saunders y Steve McCrea. ThoughtDial.net and ThoughtDial.com

♥♣ The Pocket Thought Dial™ ♠♦ por Sydney Omarr and Steve McCrea (puesto al dia) © 2007 Traducción: A. Ortiz Number

Encontrar Objetos Perdidos


Mirar en las áreas principales de la casa. Sala o dormitorio. SUR. El objeto se perdió mientras buscabas deleitarte El objeto está cerca de un jarrón, tazón o vaso. Alguien pudiera ayudarle a encontrar el objeto. SUR. Está en un lugar doméstico. Mire entre los papeles o en cualquier lugar donde se reunen hombres. NORTE. Falta de cuidado con llevo a poner este objeto fuera de su lugar El artículo no está perdido. NORESTE. Se puso fuera de su lugar por descuido. De repente se acordará en donde lo dejó Busque debajo de un sombrero u otro artículo para la cabeza. Encontrará el objeto (después que deje de buscarlo). OESTE. Lo perdió durante una comunicación o un viaje. Busque donde tiene los zapatos. Puede que esté en una repisa. ESTE u OESTE. La posibilidad de encontrar ese objeto no es buena. Pregunte a algún sirviente. Engaño, alguien está reteniendo información. ESTE. Las probabilidades de recuperarlo no son buenas Estante. Otra persona lo puede encontrar. NORTE. Alguna enfermedad está conectada a la pérdida Un niño lo puede tener en su ropa (bolsillo). ESTE. Perdido o puesto en un lugar equivocado al estar molesto o pelear. Se perdió en lugares donde las personas se relajan (piscina, club nocturno, restaurante). NORESTE. Esfuerzo es necesario para encontrarlo. Puede ser vergonsozo Estante. Cocina o baño. Mire hacia arriba. Evite acusaciones apresuradas. OESTE.

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Como usar: (1) Piensa una pregunta. Concéntrate en la pregunta. (2) Piensa en 3 números. Suma todos los números. Ejemplo: 3, 5, 8  3+5+8= 16  1+6=7 Lee este número para obtener tu respuesta. ThoughtDial.com

The Pocket Thought Dial™ por Sydney Omarr and Steve McCrea (puesto al dia) ©2007 # 1











Tu Subconsciente quiere decir… Empiézalo. Rompe con el pasado. Avanza, vete por tu cuenta, actua. Empieza nuevos projectos, toma la iniciativa. Sí! Ve con la corriente. Si no hay noticias es buena noticia, espera. Recarga, prepárate para la próxima face. Se paciente. Atiende tu casa y a tu familia, pospón decisiones, está alerta. Confusión. Estás tratando de hacer demasiado a la vez. Está alegre. Se entusiasta (sin extravagancia). Evita la energía perdida. No te decaigas. Te quieres extender, pero enfoca tus esfuerzos. Enfócate en tu trabajo, no dejes los detalles a otros. Revisa dos veces. Trabaja ahora para construir el futuro. Persistencia, determinación, no cambios repentinos. Cambia, viaja, comunicación, variedad. Adelante. Investiga algo nuevo o diferente, hazlo ahora, se creativo. (Cuidado: Evita excesos). Busca armonía. Escucha a los demás. Atiende los asuntos de tu hogar. No te demores. No compliques las cosas actuando a la fuerza. Se diplomático. Repara algún descuido. Está alerta de no engañarte a ti mismo. No firmes contratos. Saca tiempo para reflexionar. Evita obligaciones. Permanece solo - no sentiras soledad. Analiza, examina, simplifica. Sigue adelante para que coseches las recompensas. Haz tus propias oportunidades. Ambición, finanzas e inversiones. La ganancia material sera tuya si trabajas duro. Hazlo ahora. Completa. Termina. No empiezes un projecto. Estancarse es aprisionarse a si mismo. Es el momento de actuar vigorosamente. Trabaja para traer un ciclo a su fin. Prepárate para la nueva era. Confia en tu intuición. Hazle caso a tu corazón. Evita sugerencias de ser “más práctico”. Escucha tu conciencia. Aprovecha la oportunidad. Piensa en grande. Evita los detalles. No comprometas tus ideales. Se diplomático. La ambición está alta, se sensitivo. No seas insignifacante o ineficiente.

Ve a: LookForPatterns.com ThoughtDial.net.

Order the audio CD: www.CDbaby.com and search for “Life Happens Jeraldine”


This is the 2007 edition. Buy the updated version – for information, write to [email protected] Visit the blog about Cycles KnowYourCycles.com

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