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  • Pages: 110
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chapter 01: "arriving at babylon's shore" location: location: location: location: location: location: location: location: location:

"the "the "the "the "the "the "the "the "the

ramparts" (1%) harbor district" (3%) streets of babylon" (4%) palace balcony" (5%) palace" (8%) throne room" (9%) trapped hallway" (10%) ruined palace" (11%) royal chambers" (12%)

chapter 02: "into the bowels of babylon" location: location: location: location: location: location: location:

"the sewers" (13%) "the tunnels" (17%) "the fortress" (18%) "chariot chase" (20%) "lower city" (21%) "the lower city rooftops" (23%) "the arena" (25%)

chapter 03: "heading to the gates of babylon" location: location: location: location: location: location: location: location: location:

"arena tunnel" (29%) "the balconies" (30%) "the dark alley" (31%) "the temple rooftops" (33%) "the temple" (37%) "the marketplace" (42%) "the market district" (44%) "the bowery" (46%) "the brothel" (49%)

chapter 04: "at the heart of the city" location: location: location: location: location: location: location:

"the "the "the "the "the "the "the

plaza" (50%) upper city" (52%) city gardens" (55%) canal" (59%) promenade" (62%) royal workshop" (65%) king's road" (67%)

chapter 05: "battle for the thrones" location: location: location: location: location: location: location: location: location: location: location:

"the "the "the "the "the "the "the "the "the "the "the

palace entrance" (70%) hanging gardens" (74%) structure's mind" (76%) well of ancestors" (78%) well of ancestors (continued)" (81%) labyrinth" (83%) underground cave" (85%) royal kitchen" (88%) secret passage" (89%) lower tower" (90%) middle tower" (92%)

location: "the upper tower" (96%) location: "the terrace" (97%) location: "the mental realm" (99%) iv. ps2 video gallery v. life upgrade locations vii. frequently asked questions ============================i. legal info================================= this document may not be altered, copied, published, sold nor reproduced for profit in any way shape or form without advance permission from me. use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited. if you steal any part of this guide, faq, you will be punished to the full extent of the law. plagiarism is illegal, and i really detest it. if you do email us for our permission, we have nearly no problems in allowing you to post it on your site as long as full credit is given to us (yugiohfm2002 & yugiohangel), and you are not charging or profiting off of gamers/users to access it directly or indirectly in any way shape or form. however, you may print this document out if it is for your own personal use. if you see a site using this without our permission let us know. ========================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ii. introduction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% this walkthrough was made using hard mode which means if you are on an easier mode the tactics may differ a little. if you see any major directional problems let one of us know and we will correct it. ================= = iia. controls = ================= l1 & l2 r1 & r2 | | v v _____ || _____ / l | || | r \ _/ |___________||___________| \_ / _ \ / ^ \ / | | \ select start / /_\ \ directional | _ v _ \ ___ / __ _ | pad ---> | |_> <_| | |___| |::> | | | / \ | (d-pad) | ^ /____ ___ _____\|__| \_/ | \ |_| / __ \ |___| / __ \ \/ / \ / / \ \_______/ / \ \ /\ / /\______/ | | | | | | \______/\ / /\ \__/ / \ \__/ /\ \ / / \ / \ / \ \ / / \___/ \_____/ \ \ / / ^ ^ \ \ / / | | \ \ \ / left analog stick right analog stick\ / \____/ (l3) (r3) \____/

gameplay controls left analog stick = move the prince/dark prince right analog stick = move camera r3 (push down on right analog stick) = reset camera triangle = trigger speed kill attack / (prince) use second weapon and grab enemies (dark prince) whip enemies / swing with whip on specific objects / pull specific blocks and speed kill attack button for the dark prince. circle = (prince) drop down and pickup/throw weapons (dark prince) square = speed kill attack button for the prince (when the sword flashes) dagger attack button / insert dagger into dagger plate / attack enemy during chariot rides x = action button (jump / roll / climb) start = pause/options menu l2 = wide view (landscape view) r2 = look (first person view) l1 = hold down to rewind time and tap to slow down time (when you have the power) r1 = wall run / swing on bar / push and pull boxes / drink water / block during combat &*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*& * iii. walkthrough * &*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*& (note: before we start i want to warn you i will not be telling you about speed kills on enemies except for bosses. i recommend recognizing the prompt that it gives you to when you can use one. i won't be teaching or covering how to do moves in this game because it tells you what to do at the bottom of the screen during the tutorial parts of the game at the beginning.) intro scene -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ chapter 01: "arriving at babylon's shore" -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 1. head for the door with the hole at the bottom of it to the prince's left and roll under the door (x). 2. step up to your left to get around the fire in front of you and then wall run (r1) up the boxes to your left. 3. climb up onto the boxes and jump to the ledge to the left. 4. jump to the ledge in front of you and then walk along the walkway to the prince's left. 5. run and jump to the ledge on the other side of the gap and wall run over the gap to the prince's left. 6. wall run up the wall to the right to grab the gap near the top of the wall. 7. shimmy to the prince's left around the side of the building and then drop down. 8. drop down to the prince's left and then go over to the ladder to go down

it. 9. go down the stairs and into the room to the prince's right. 10. jump towards the column that is nearest to you and climb up it. 11. face the prince's back towards the other column in the room and jump (x) to it. 12. climb all the way up this column and then face the back of the prince towards the column you just came from before jumping back to it. 13. climb all the way up and then face the prince's back towards the ledge you see to the left. 14. jump to that ledge and then go to the prince's right to find a wooden cage with a railing on top of it. 15. climb up on the wooden cage and hop over the side of the railing to the prince's right. 16. face the prince's back directly at the column you just came from and jump to it. 17. climb all the way up the column before facing the prince's back towards the gap in the wall to the prince's left and then jump to it. 18. shimmy to the prince's right and when you reach the end of the gap drop down to the ledge below you. 19. wall run along the wall here towards the ledge you can see in the far distance. 20. once you reach that ledge jump up to the gap above you. 21. shimmy to the prince's left until you can climb up (x). 22. drop down into the empty room below and go over to the water fountain to drink some water plus save your game for the first time. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the ramparts" (1%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ (note: if you are wondering what the 1% by the location name is for. we decided we would add the rough percentage of the game you have now completed so far. this is not exact as the game does not tell but this will at least tell you how far you are into the game. we based the numbers off of how many chapters/save names and by how long we felt each one roughly took.) 1. go to the prince's left and go down the ramp you find here. 2. you should see an eye symbol at the bottom left of your screen when you reach the bottom of the ramp. use your landscape view (l2) to help you see a

larger view of the area and it sometimes helps you know where you need to go if you are stuck (i recommend anytime you see the icon to use it to check out the area and if you need to get out of it push l2 a second time to get out of it). 3. climb up the ladder you see to the prince's right and when you reach the top go through the doorway to the prince's right. scene 4. this is where you learn how to do a speed kill. you will need to recognize the speed kill prompt which is the circular blurry circle that is around the prince. when you see that you need to trigger a speed kill attack (triangle). once you have triggered one wait until you see your dagger flash and then push the attack button (square). everytime you see the dagger flash is another time you will need to push the attack button (it takes very good timing and alot of practice especially on boss fights). this move is very important to know how to use so i recommend practicing this move on future enemies and learning how to do them because if you don't you won't beat any bosses in this game. when you see the flash you only have about a second to push the attack button or else you will fail the speed kill and get hit or thrown if the flash disappears on the dagger before you push the attack button. 5. hop over the railing to the prince's right and face the prince's back at the pillar you see near you. 6. jump to the pillar and slide down it. 7. sneak up on the guy here and use a speed kill. 8. go to the part of this platform/ledge where the railing is missing and either wall run or jump towards the rooftop you see in the distance. 9. jump up to the gap in the wall here and shimmy to the prince's right. 10. climb up onto the ledge when you reach the end of it and grab the gap above you. 11. shimmy to the prince's right again and then drop down to the ledge below you when you reach the end of this gap. 12. sidestep to the prince's right until you reach the end of this ledge and then jump to the ledge behind the prince. 13. go down the ladder to the prince's right and deal with the enemy here. 14. go down to the lower area with the ramp around the corner or drop off on the other side of the railing here and go down the alley you find here. 15. fight off the enemy here before continuing down the alley around the corner to the prince's right. 16. drop down to the water and drink it (r1) if you need health. 17. climb back up and wall run along the wall here (towards the waterfall). 18. near the end of your wall run jump to the narrow ledge you see to the

prince's right. 19. sidestep to the prince's left and then grab the narrow ledge above you. 19. shimmy to the prince's left and then climb up when you can. 20. climb up the ladder to the prince's left and when you reach the top look up. 21. wall run up the wall under the doorway and climb up to that doorway. 22. drop down to the balcony and go to the prince's left. scene 23. wall run along the wall towards the red curtain and when you reach the curtain the prince will automatically slide down the curtain. 24. when you reach the ground go in the direction of the door the guards took kaileena. 25. go past the doorway and fight off the enemies that appear. 26. go into the doorway they were guarding and climb up the ladder you see in front of you. 27. when you reach the top of the ladder jump to get onto the ladder behind the prince. 28. move to the left or right to get on the correct side of the ladder and then climb to the top of this ladder. 29. wall run up the wall in front of the prince and at the peak of the wall run jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 30. climb up onto the narrow ledge and then line up the prince's back (as best you can) with the ladder you see to the right. 31. jump to the ladder and climb all the way up it. 32. go straight and drop down off the edge to the walkway below. 33. go down this walkway to the prince's left and climb up onto the small ledge that is just to the left of the doorway at the end of this walkway. 34. climb up to the roof of this building and then wall run along the wall on the other side of the rooftop towards the narrow ledge in the distance. 35. speed kill the archer if you can and then go down the ladder at the end of the walkway he was guarding. 36. you should see a guard walking away from you. 37. go in the direction he is going and wall run up the wall to the prince's left. 38. climb up onto the narrow ledge the prince finds and sidestep to the prince's right all the way.

39. jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince and sidestep to the prince's left about halfway along this narrow ledge. 40. speed kill the guard walking back and forth if you can and then speed kill the archer at the end of this corridor. 41. hop through the doorway/window the archer was guarding and then climb up the ladder up ahead. 42. drop down out of the doorway in front of you when you reach the top of the ladder and go to the fountain to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the harbor district" (3%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. go to the prince's left if your facing towards the fountain and go to the end of the ledge in front of you. 2. wall run along the wall here and jump to the ledge to the prince's right. 3. go to the other end of this ledge and walk towards the narrow ledge along the wall. 4. once you are walking along the narrow ledge drop down to hang from it and shimmy to the prince's right all the way. 5. climb up when you can and then walk onto the balcony to the prince's right. 6. walk across the narrow beam to the prince's right and when you reach the wall sidestep to the prince's right. 7. once you go around the corner of the building walk out onto the small narrow beam. 8. jump to the small narrow beam that you can see from here and walk onto the ledge in front of you. 9. roll through the opening you see to the prince's left and walk out on the small narrow beam at the opening of the balcony to the prince's left (weapons rack is near the wall if you need another secondary weapon). 10. jump to the narrow beam you can see in the distance behind the hanging tapestries. 11. once you are on the high beam drop down (circle) to hang from the beam and then drop down to stand on the lower narrow beam. 12. speed kill the enemies here if you can and then go up the stairs at the far corner of this area.

13. wall run up the wall in front of you and at the peak of the wall run jump to the narrow beam behind the prince. 14. climb up and then jump up to grab the narrow beam above you. 15. climb up onto it and walk along it to the ledge that it is connected to it. 16. drop down up ahead and then you should see a narrow beam near the edge of this ledge here. 17. jump to that narrow beam and climb up onto it. 18. walk out onto the small narrow portion of this beam and jump towards the narrow space up ahead. 19. once the prince automatically stops him self from falling slide down the gap and drop down once you reach the bottom. 20. kill the enemies that are here if you want or go around the corner and quickly jump to the narrow beam you see here near the opening in the railing. 21. walk along the beam to your right and then jump to the higher narrow beam you can see from here. 22. walk out to the edge of this short beam and jump to the gap you see straight ahead. 23. move upwards and then climb up onto the ledge the prince hangs onto. 24. go to the far side of this ledge and jump to the narrow beam you can see up ahead. 25. walk out onto the short narrow part of the beam and jump towards the gap up ahead. 26. slide down the gap and turn the prince to face him towards the enemy in order to speed kill the enemy below. 27. go up the small staircase you are near and follow the walkway. 28. go to the end of the walkway to make the birds fly off. 29. jump to the narrow beam you can see in front of you and then do a speed kill on the enemy here. 30. sneak up on the archer and speed kill them also before climbing the ladder the archer was guarding. 31. walk out onto the short small beam to the prince's right and jump to the balcony you can see in front of you. 32. hop over the railing and kill the archer you see here. 33. follow the alley the archer came from and roll through the opening at the end of the alley. 34. go around the corner to the left and use the fountain to heal yourself

plus save the game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the streets of babylon" (4%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ (note: when it says "facing the fountain" it refers to facing the spout of the fountain where the water is flowing from it and it is only there to make sure you go in the correct direction even though it is obvious you go forward instead of backtracking.) 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's right (towards the railing you see up ahead) and before you reach the railing wall run up the side of the building to the prince's right. 2. climb up onto the roof of this building and then wall run along the wall to the prince's left. 3. before the end of the wall run jump to the narrow beam to the prince's left. 4. go along the beam until you are between the two enemies below and speed kill one and then sneak up and speed kill the other. 5. you should see a higher short beam from where the archer was standing. 6. jump or wall run to that small beam and once you have climbed up onto it walk out to the very edge of it. 7. jump to the opening you see in front of the prince and go up the stairs to the prince's left. 8. once you reach the dead end wall run up either the left or right wall and then jump at the peak of the wall run. 9. quickly jump when the prince touches the wall again and then climb up onto the beam you grabbed. 10. if you are not on the beam to your right jump to it to grab a narrow ledge just above it and if you did grab the beam on the right just jump up and grab the ledge above it. 11. climb up onto the ledge and sidestep to the prince's right. 12. go around the corner to the right and climb up onto the platform here. 13. walk out onto the narrow beam to the prince's right and then walk out to the edge of the narrow beam to the prince's left to be looking towards the many narrow beams you will be jumping to. 14. jump straight ahead from narrow beam to narrow beam until you reach a balcony. 15. hop over the railing of the balcony and jump to the narrow ledge you see

on the side of the building behind the prince 16. drop down to the narrow ledge below it and then speed kill the enemies that you can below you (make sure the second enemy isn't looking in the direction of the enemy or you will be spotted during your speed kill). 17. go down the alley these two enemies were protecting and walk out onto to the edge of the narrow beam you find at the opening of a railing to the prince's right. 18. jump to the narrow ledge you see along the wall and shimmy to the prince's left. 19. climb up onto the narrow beam once you shimmy around the corner and then jump to the narrow beam you see in front of you. 20. walk to the edge of this narrow beam and jump to the opening in the railing you see in front of the prince. 21. go around the corner to the prince's left and then wall run along the wall on the prince's right. 22. jump to the narrow beam to the prince's left near the end of the wall run and once you climb up onto it jump towards the wall to the right or left of the prince. 23. quickly jump again when the prince touches the wall to grab the beam just above the one you were on and then climb up onto it. 24. walk towards the ledge with the fire on it and jump to that ledge. 25. climb up onto the ledge and go to the fountain to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the palace balcony" (5%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's left and hop over the railing to the prince's right. 2. drop down the rooftop below and go to the other side of the rooftop. 3. wall run along the wall here when you don't see the enemy on the large balcony and jump to the balcony. 4. hop over the railing and wall run up the wall to the right of the doorway to grab a narrow ledge. 5. climb up onto it and sidestep to the prince's right. 6. speed kill the enemy you see below you when the archer walks away and then go around the corner to find a metal wall to hide near.

7. watch the archer nearest to you and when they are not looking quickly sneak past them into the doorway just to the left of them. 8. climb up onto the cabinet you find here and then wall run up the wall here. 9. jump at the peak of the wall run to grab the narrow beam behind the prince and then walk out to the edge of the beam just above the archer you snuck by a moment ago. 10. speed kill the archer and then sneak up on the other archer and speed kill them also. 11. look up to the prince's left at the wall you should see two square plates on the wall with circular holes at the center of them (these are dagger plates and you will need to get use to using them because you will be using them quite often through this whole game). 12. climb up onto the platform just below those dagger plates and wall run up towards the lowest dagger plate. 13. when the prince is near it stab your dagger into it (square) and then jump up and stab the dagger plate above the prince. 14. jump to the railing behind the prince and then hop over the railing onto the balcony. 15. go to the prince's right. scene 16. wall run along the wall with the shutter and jump (x) when the prince steps on it (you will want to get use to the shutter also as you will be using them throughout the game). 17. if done correctly you should have landed on a walkway. 18. step on the floor switch you see near the prince (just in front of the weapons rack) and quickly run through the door that opens before it closes. 19. climb up onto the table to the prince's right and then wall run along the wall here. 20. near the end of the wall run stab your dagger into the dagger plate and then drop down to the narrow beam below you. 21. walk out to the edge of the small beam and jump towards the dagger plate on the wall in front of the prince. 22. stab your dagger into it and then speed kill the enemy below you. 23. jump towards the column that is near a different narrow beam high above some doors (not the one you were just on) and climb up the column to the top. 24. jump towards the narrow beam and then climb up onto it. 25. jump to the balcony this narrow beam is near and hop over the railing.

26. wall run up the wall directly in front of the prince ledge.

to grab a narrow

27. climb up onto it and sidestep to the prince's right and walk to the edge of the narrow beam just above the archer. 28. jump to the gap just above the archer and face the prince towards the archer after sliding down the gap to speed kill them. 29. hop over the railing you are near and then jump to the narrow beam you see behind the prince. 30. climb up onto the beam and speed kill the enemy below. 31. go over to the doorway that is blocked by some chairs. 32. break one of the chairs without the archer in the room spotting you and then once the archer goes back to where they were standing go into the room. 33. wall run up the wall to grab the railing the archer is near and shimmy to the prince's right until you are behind the enemy. 34. hop over the railing and speed kill the enemy. 35. look up and you should see some dagger plates on the wall in front of the prince. 36. wall run up the wall and stab the lower dagger plate with the dagger. 37. jump up and stab the next dagger plate and then push left before wall running to wall run to the prince's left. 38. stab the dagger plate that you see just before the balcony and then wall run again to the prince's left to reach the balcony. 39. climb up onto the table at the far side of this balcony and wall run along the wall here with the shutter. 40. jump when the prince gets to the shutter plus it will trigger a speed kill sequence at the same time and if done correctly you should land on the balcony up ahead trying to pull off a speed kill on the archer here (just watch for the flash of the dagger). 41. once you have killed the archer wall run up the wall just to the left of the large doorway and then jump at the peak of the wall run to reach the narrow beam behind the prince. 42. climb up and jump to the narrow beam you see nearby. 43. walk to the end of this narrow beam and then face the prince towards the wall. 44. jump up and grab a narrow ledge just below the railing here. 45. climb up onto the narrow ledge and jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 46. jump to grab the railing and hop over it to get onto the balcony.

47. climb up the table in front of the prince and then wall run up the wall in front of the prince. 48. stab the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run and then wall run to the prince's right. 49. jump to the narrow ledge to the prince's right before the end of the wall run and then walk along this narrow ledge towards the enemies. 50. walk out onto the short narrow ledge and jump to the gap just above the archer. 51. slide down and face the archer to speed kill archer. 52. go down the hallway towards the next enemy and climb up onto the table to the prince's left. 53. wall run up the wall here and then jump to the narrow beam behind the prince. 54. walk along this beam towards the wall with a dagger plate on it and then jump towards the dagger plate. 55. stab the dagger plate and then wall run to the prince's left to stab another dagger plate. 56. jump to the narrow beam behind the prince and then walk out onto the beam over the enemy. 57. jump to the gap above the enemy.

enemy and slide down before speed killing the

58. go into the open doorway near you and climb up onto the table to the prince's left. 59. wall run up the wall just below the dagger plate and then stab the dagger plate when you are close enough to it. 60. wall run to the prince's right to grab a narrow ledge and then climb up onto it. 61. sidestep to the prince's right and then climb up through the opening in the railing you come to. 62. go towards the door you saw kaileena get dragged through and go down the walkway to the left of that door. 63. wall run up the wall just below the wall button you see here and then quickly jump to the narrow beam behind the prince once the button is pushed. 64. quickly climb up and jump towards the door that opened. 65. climb up through the doorway before it closes and then go to the fountain here to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(

_)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the palace" (8%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. facing the fountain quickly go down the hallway to the prince's right (watch out for the floor spike trap). 2. follow the hallway around to the prince's left and roll past the giant spinning blade through the gap in the blade. 3. continue straight and wall run up the wall up ahead when the spiked floor spins on to it's flat side again to reach the railing here. 4. hop over the railing and then wall run along the wall through the gap of the blade you see spinning (just takes practice and good timing). 5. jump to the ledge to the prince's left before the end of the wall run and go straight down this hallway. 6. wall run along the wall when the spinning wall is flat and jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 7. wait for the spinning wall is just about to go flat to the prince's left and quickly go across the floor here (to avoid the spikes) before you wall run up the spinning wall panel. 8. climb up onto the ledge the prince grabs and roll past through the gap in the spinning blades in front of you. 9. go to the end of this hallway and move the lever here counter-clockwise to open up a hole in the ceiling. 10. look in the direction of the spinning blades you just past and you should see on the wall a new rectangular dagger plate (be sure to remember how these look like as you will be using many of these throughout the game). 11. wall run up the wall and stab your dagger into the dagger plate at the peak of your wall run. 12. quickly jump to the block that came out of the wall behind the prince and then wall run up the wall the block is retracting back into. 13. pull yourself up on the narrow ledge the prince grabs and jump up to climb up through the hole you opened earlier. 14. go to the prince's left in this large room and then go to the fountain here that you see to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the throne room" (9%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\

1. face away from the fountain and you should see to the prince's left high up on the wall above a statue a dagger plate. 2. go to the statue and climb up onto it's back. 3. wall run up the wall under the dagger plate and stab the dagger plate. 4. wall run to the prince's right to reach a ledge here and then wall run again along the wall with the shutter. 5. jump when the prince gets to the shutter and it will automatically trigger a speed kill sequence on the archer here. 6. wall run along the brown metal grate you see here to reach the next large platform on the other side of the gap here. 7. wall run up the wall in front of the prince and after you climb up wall run to the prince's right (towards the shutter). 8. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and it should launch you towards a ledge around a pillar. 9. climb up and jump to stab the dagger plate that is just above you. 10. jump to the gap behind the prince and then shimmy to the prince's right until you can climb up. 11. climb up and walk out onto the short narrow part of this beam and jump towards the gap in the distance. 12. speed kill the archer here and then wall run up the wall to the prince's left to grab a narrow ledge. 13. climb up onto the narrow ledge and sidestep to the prince's right. 14. jump up and stab the dagger plate you see above you once you go around the corner and then wall run to the prince's right. 15. jump to the ledge around the pillar to the prince's right before the end of the wall run and then sidestep to the prince's left until the prince's back is facing the column. 16. jump to the column when the archer turns away from looking and then quickly face the prince's back towards the railing and jump to it. 17. hop over the railing and speed kill the archer before it turns around. 18. hop over the railing the archer is standing near and jump to the column you see here. 19. move the prince to the left to face the gap above the enemies below and jump to the gap. 20. slide down the gap and speed kill the enemies here (this one will be a double speed kill so be ready to push the attack button more then just with a single speed kill). 21. go into the opening they were guarding.

scene 22. you have now gained the ability to reverse time (for those that have not played the previous games in the series this means now if you are going to die you can reverse time and fix the mistake you might have made or at least try to by holding down the l1 button). 23. go into the doorway you are near and break the chairs you see blocking the hallway you will need to move quickly through most of this area as the palace is falling apart just to warn you). 24. quickly go down the hallway and around the corner to the prince's left. 25. continue to follow the hallway and the floor will start to crumble. 26. quickly go down the hallway and wall run up the wall to the prince's left with the big wall button on it. 27. quickly go through the door that opens before it closes and go straight. 28. the floor will crumble in front of you and you need to quickly wall run along the wall here to get across the gap in the floor. 29. quickly continue along the walkway and around the corner to the left. 30. wall run up the gray portion of the wall to the prince's right and stab the dagger into the dagger plate. 31. wall run to the prince's left and stab another dagger plate. 32. wall run again to the prince's left to land on a ledge here and then wall run towards the red curtain you see to the prince's left. 33. when the prince gets to the curtain he will automatically slide down it and you will land on a ledge at the bottom of the curtain. 34. quickly run into the doorway in front of the prince and then fountain here to heal yourself plus save your game.

go to the

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the trapped hallway" (10%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. go down the hallway to the prince's right and make your way past the traps you find as you go down the hallway. 2. when you reach the stairs on the other side of the traps go down the stairs and wall run up the wall to the prince's right to push the big wall button. 3. quickly go through the door at the bottom of the stairs before it closes. 4. jump onto the column at the far right corner of the room and climb up as

high as you can. 5. face the back of the prince towards the column that you are near before jumping to it. 6. climb all the way up and then jump to the column that is near the door you came in. 7. climb all the way up and then jump to the narrow ledge over the window. 8. sidestep to the prince's right all the way and then climb up to the narrow ledge above the prince. 9. sidestep to the prince's right until his back is facing the column at this side of the room. 10. jump to the column and then quickly face the prince's back towards the wall with the dagger plate. 11. jump to the dagger plate reach another dagger plate.

and then wall run to the prince's right to

12. wall run to the prince's right one more time to another dagger plate and then jump to the column behind the prince. 13. quickly move the prince to face his back to the column near you and jump to it. 14. quickly move the prince to face his back towards the small beam sticking out of the wall and jump to it. 15. jump to the opening to the prince's right and then jump to the red curtain you can see in front of you. 16. just before you reach the bottom of the curtain jump backward to the gap in the wall. 17. slide down the gap and drop down to the floor below to find a fountain to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the ruined palace" (11%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. follow the hallway to the prince's left and get past the many traps you find along this hallway. 2. once you get past the traps quickly run for the doorway up ahead before the floor crumbles under you. 3. go out of the doorway to the prince's left and then jump across the gap to the prince's right. 4. go to the prince's left and you should see an enemy to the prince's left.

5. fight the enemy here or throw him in the hole (that is what i usually do) and then climb up onto the small ledge the enemy was protecting. 6. jump from this small ledge towards the narrow ledge along the wall in front of the prince. 7. sidestep to the prince's left and then climb up onto the small ledges on the side of the building to the prince's left after dealing with the enemies that appear. 8. jump up to grab the rooftop of the building and climb up to the rooftop of this building. 9. deal with the enemy that is up here and then jump towards the wall you see some dagger plates on. 10. go up to the higher dagger plate and then jump up to grab the narrow ledge above you. 11. climb up onto the ledge and sidestep to the prince's left. 12. jump across the gap to a ledge to the prince's left and then wall run along the wall the shutter is on. 13. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and it should launch you onto a narrow ledge. 14. sidestep to the prince's left and go into the doorway you come to. 15. go over to the fountain to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the royal chambers" (12%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. step on the floor and go through the door that opens before it closes. 2. go all the way down the stairs. scene -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ chapter 02: "into the bowels of babylon" -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ (note: go over to the fountain that is near you to heal yourself plus save your game if you need to for some reason.) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the sewers" (13%) /(_ _)\ _)\

/(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. go straight down the tunnel and jump to the pole in front of you. 2. swing/jump to the next two poles and then swing/jump to the ledge up ahead. 3. go up the stairs and jump to the pole you see to the prince's left. 4. shimmy to the prince's right until you reach the other side of this long pit and then face the prince towards the ledge you are near before you swing/jump to that ledge. 5. go up the stairs and jump to the pipe here. 6. swing/jump to the narrow ledge in front of the prince and then shimmy to the prince's left all the way. 7. once you are inside the gap in the wall drop down and then slide down the gap here. 8. once you reach the bottom drop to the floor below. 9. stay near the lighted floor and defeat all the enemies that appear. 10. go down the corridor and stab your dagger into the dagger plate after you wall run up at the end of this corridor. 11. drop and slide all the way down. 12. face the prince towards the pole you can see on the right side of the screen and jump to grab it. 13. drop down to the pole below and then drop down to the next pole before dropping down to the ground. (note: you can now drink the water here to regain health but it might just be me though. i thought drinking ocean water was bad in warrior within to gain health but looks like they topped themselves this time by gaining health for drinking sewer water ewwww that is just sick and wrong.) 14. go to the other side of the room to find a ledge that you can use landscape view on. 15. you should see some dagger plates high up on the wall. 16. wall run up and use the dagger plates. 17. once you are on the higher dagger plate jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince and sidestep to the prince's right. 18. face the back of the prince towards the column you see near you and jump to that column. 19. slide all the way down it once it moves and then go into the door that opened up near you.

20.walk out to the end of the short narrow beam and jump to the gap to the prince's right. 21. slide down the gap and drop down to the ground below. 22. follow the flow of water by drop down off the ledge and go towards the edge of the ledge in front of you. 23. jump to the narrow ledge to the prince's left and once you climb up onto it sidestep to the prince's right. 24. climb up to the next narrow ledge above the prince and sidestep again to the right. 25. grab the narrow ledge above you and then line the prince's back up with the column behind him before jumping to it. 26. move to the other side of the column and jump to the pole you see behind the prince. 27. swing/jump towards the wall with the dagger plate use it when it is moving towards you and then wall run to the prince's left when the wall flat with the rest of the wall. 28. go to the prince's left and wall run towards the gap in the distance. 29. when you reach the gap slide down it and when you reach the bottom drop down to the floor below. 30. go towards the white block with the lion face on it. scene 31. you are now transformed into the dark prince and he has a few tricks the regular prince can not do. 32. facing the white block with the lion face on it use the dark prince's whip (triangle be sure to hold it down) on it (you will have a disadvantage though as the dark prince because his life bar depends on sand and you will need to move fast through his parts to avoid dying from your life draining away). 34. defeat all the enemies that appear (or make your way through the door that opened and destroy any breakable objects in this room to collect more sand to refill your life (watch your life bar carefully if the bar is nearly gone you better find some sand or you will die). 35. if you have not gone through the door yet go to the white block and use the whip again to open up the door to get through it before it closes. 36. walk out onto the narrow beam and jump to the beam up ahead. 37. climb up onto it and jump to the column you see in the distance. 38. slide all the way down the column and fight off the enemies that appear here (you don't have to fight them though just avoid their attacks and try to do the next step if you want).

39. find the doorway they are guarding to go through it and then jump towards the pole you see here. 40. use your whip (triangle) to swing on the pole and then break the objects you see on the ledge you land on. 41. go out onto the small narrow beam and jump to the next pole. 42. swing from this pole with your whip and then swing on the next pole. to end up in a gap in the wall. 43. slide down before dropping to the ground below and then locate the white block with the lion face on it. 44. use your whip on it and it will open up another door behind the prince (you can just avoid the enemies here and continue on or defeat them all up to you). 45. quickly go through the door that opened before it closes and then destroy any objects you can in here to gain health back or fill up sand tanks. 46. wall run up the wooden wall in this room and then shimmy to the prince's left on the narrow ledge you grab. 47. climb up when you can and climb up to the ledge above you (destroy the objects here if you need more health or fill up sand tanks). 48. wall run or jump to the ladder in the corner on the wall behind the prince and climb all the way up it. 49. climb up onto that small ledge to your left after destroying the objects near it to get health or fill up sand tanks and then use the dagger plate you see here. 50. once the wall moves all the way quickly jump to the pole behind the prince. 51. swing jump to the next pole and then wait until the wall panel goes flat before you swing/jump towards it. 52. quickly jump when the prince steps on the wall to jump to the wall behind the prince. 53. keep jumping back and forth between the two walls quickly until you reach the ledge at the top of the right wall. 54. climb up and destroy the objects you see here. 55. follow the corridor here and then walk out onto the narrow beam you find. 56. jump to the gap in front of you and slide down the gap before dropping to the ground below. scene 57. go down the tunnel and wall run up to the prince's right to grab a narrow ledge.

58. climb up and jump to the ledge behind the prince. 59. climb up and jump up to climb up onto the narrow ledge above you. 60. sidestep to the prince's left and then jump to the dagger plate behind the prince (when it is in view). 61. wait until the dagger plate moves up and then wall run to the prince's left to reach a ledge. 62. go down this tunnel and you should see glow of sunlight on the ground. 63. fight off the enemies here and then head for the third sunlight glow on the ground. 64. you should see a dagger plate on the wall to use. 65. use it and get through the door before it closes (skip down to 66. if you don't want the life upgrade). (note: you may want to do step 66 also if you want to get the life upgrade to save your game just incase.) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ optional objective #1: life upgrade #1 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. go through the curtain that is over the door to the prince's left and jump across to the ledge on the other side of the gap in front of the prince. 2. jump across the gap to the prince's right and then walk out onto the small narrow beam you see to the prince's left. 3. jump from narrow beam to narrow beam in front of you and then jump to the ledge from the last narrow beam or walk over to it. 4. walk along the narrow beam to the prince's right and then jump to the narrow beam in front of the prince. 5. follow this beam and walk along the beam that is facing the glowing fountain. 6. jump to the ledge and drink from the fountain that you see in the distance. 7. walk along the narrow beam that is in front of you after you get pass the spinning blades and then as you walk across the beam be sure to avoid being hit by the arrows/darts shooting out of the wall. 8. jump across the gap up ahead while avoiding the spinning blades and then get past the final spiked floor spinning blade combination trap to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. 9. you now need to backtrack and go out of the doorway with the curtain over it. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

@ end of optional objective #1: life upgrade #1 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 66. get past the traps you see to the prince's right (or in front of the prince if you went for life upgrade #1) and then go to the fountain (to the prince's right) to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the tunnels" (17%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. follow the tunnel to the prince's left (if you are facing the fountain) until you reach a pit. 2. wall run along the wall to the prince's left and jump to the ledge to the prince's right. 3. wall run or jump to the ladder you see in the corner and climb all the way up it. 4. jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince at the top of the ladder and after you climb up onto it jump up to hang from the next narrow ledge. 5. wait until the arrows/darts shoot before quickly climbing up and then jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 6. hang from this ledge until the arrows/darts shoot before quickly climbing up onto it and then quickly climb up. 7. jump up and climb up out of this pit before you get shot it the back with a arrow/dart. 8. go around the corner to the prince's right and jump across the gap you find here. 9. jump across the next gap when the archer isn?t looking and speed kill it. 10. sneak up on the other archer and speed kill them also. 11. wall run up the wall with the narrow rock ledge on it and then climb up onto the narrow rock ledge above you. 12. jump up and grab the gap in the wall and shimmy to the prince's right all the way. 13. drop down to the narrow ledge below you and then quickly jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 14. jump up and grab the gap above you and shimmy to the prince's right all the way. 15. drop down to the narrow ledge below you and quickly sidestep to the prince's right before jumping up to grab the narrow ledge above you.

16. quickly climb up and jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 17. sidestep to the prince's right and then jump to grab the narrow ledge above you. 18. climb up and sidestep to the prince's right. 19. after the arrows/darts have shot above you jump up to grab the narrow ledge above you and quickly climb up before the arrows/darts shoot again. 20. after the arrows/darts have shot above you jump up to grab the narrow ledge above you and quickly shimmy to the prince's right all the way before you get shot. 21. climb up and then quickly climb up the ledges above you once they come out of the wall. 22. sidestep or shimmy to the prince's right along one of them and quickly climb up through the opening in the railing before the ledges go back into the wall. 23. go over to the fountain here to heal yourself plus save your game. 24. go over to the opening in the railing to the prince's right. scene ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the fortress" (18%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. go to the opening in the railing and drop off the edge of it to hang from the edge. 2. drop down to the gap and slide down to the bottom of the gap. 3. speed kill the enemy that walks under you and then sneak up behind the other enemy to speed kill them as well (the one that is absorbing sand from the sand gate wearing red i believe is the main one you want to kill or reinforcements will show up once it stabs it's sword into the sand gate). 4. once you have killed those protecting this sand gate go over to the sand gate and the prince should automatically deactivate it (similar to the way he stabbed his dagger into the sand cloud in sands of time). 5. once you have deactivated this first sand gate you will gain another sand tank slot. 6. look for an opening in the railing near the spiked wall panel that spins and wall run along that wall when the wall panel is flat. 7. jump to the pole you can see to the prince's right (before you reach the building) and swing/jump to the next pole.

8. swing/jump to the ledge that the archer is on and kill or speed kill the archer (if you can sneak up on them). 9. from this ledge you should be able to see an enemy down below and just above them is a rather hard to see chain hanging above him. 10. jump to the chain and go near the bottom of the chain before you speed kill the enemies that are below you. 11. once you have killed all three enemies climb up onto the little wooden shack you see in the corner near to where the chain is hanging. 12. look up on the wall above it and you should see some dagger plates. 13. wall run up to use the dagger plate and then jump up to use the higher dagger plate. 14. wall run to the prince's left towards the next dagger plate and then wall run again to the prince's left to go to the shutter you see near you. 15. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and then jump again when he steps on the shutter he lands on to launch you towards a narrow ledge in the corner. 16. drop down to the ground from this narrow ledge and climb up onto the narrow ledge behind the prince. 17. jump up and hang from the railing until the enemy near the railing faces away from you. 18. quickly hop over the railing and speed kill the enemy. 19. quickly sneak up on the archer that you see farther down the walkway and speed kill the archer. 20. move the lever you see here counter clockwise until it snaps into place. 21. go over to the opening in the railing near spinning wall panels you see near you and wall run along that wall when the one panel is about to go flat to land on the next balcony. scene 22. you have now transformed into the dark prince for the second time. 23. quickly wall run towards the torch it showed you in the scene and use your whip (triangle) when you get near it to extend your wall run. 24. once you reach the next ledge go to the dark prince's right and you should see a pole to the dark prince's left. 25. jump towards the pole and use your whip to swing from it. 26. you should land on a ledge overlooking an enemy. 27. go down and speed kill the archer and then climb back up to the ledge you were just on.

28. wall run along the wall here towards another torch and use your whip to extend the wall run. 29. jump when you get near the chain that is hanging to grab the chain and then slide down it. 30. speed kill the enemies that are here and once you have cleared the area jump towards the column at the center of this area. 31. climb all the way up the column and then face the back of the dark prince towards the flag pole before jumping to it. 32. swing/jump from the flagpole to the next flagpole in front of you. 33. swing/jump from this flagpole to the next one and then swing/jump to the dagger plate to use it. 34. quickly make your way out of the gate you opened up (unless you want to fight the enemies that show up). scene 35. move into the water to transform back into the prince. scene 36. go towards the chariot you see in front of you. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "chariot chase" (20%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ scene 1. follow the road the chariot is on and attack any enemies that climb onto it or run any other chariots into the wall when you get the chance until you reach the large city gates. scene 2. go to the prince's left and go around the corner to the left. 3. wall run up to grab the narrow ledge above the door in front of you and climb up onto it. 4. climb up onto the narrow ledge above the prince and sidestep to the prince's left. 5. jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince and then climb up onto the ledge above the prince. 6. climb up the ladder to the prince's left and then jump to the ledge behind the prince.

7. climb up onto the ledge and then jump up to grab the broken portion of wall above the prince. 8. jump to the ladder behind the prince and climb all the way up it. 9. go into the doorway to the prince's right at the top of the ladder and then hop over the railing to the prince's right (that is near the ladder you can see on the other side of the glow of the fire below). 10. jump to the ladder and climb up it all the way. 11. jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince and then sidestep to the prince's left around the corner of the building. 12. face the back of the prince towards the ladder and then jump to it. 13. climb all the way up the ladder and then jump to the railing behind the prince. 14. hop over the railing and follow the path to the prince's left. 15. go over to the fountain that you find as you exit the corridor to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "lower city" (21%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's right and walk out onto the narrow beam you find here. 2. jump to the narrow beam in front of the prince and then walk along it to the right and jump to the narrow ledge you can see in front of the prince. 3. sidestep to the prince's right and when you go around the corner drop down through the gap in the roof to grab a very small window. 4. drop down from this small window to the narrow ledge below and hang off this narrow ledge. 5. shimmy to the prince's right until you pass the window the enemy is looking out of and then walk out onto the narrow beam here (once the enemy at the window has walked away from the window that is). 6. jump to narrow beam in front of the prince and then walk to the walk onto the balcony. 7. go to the prince's left and wall run towards the shutter at the opening of the balcony to the prince's left. 8. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and then speed kill the archer on the balcony (you can sneak up and speed kill the guy inside the room if you want).

9. hop over the railing to the right (if you are facing the doorway with the curtain on it) and you should see a dagger plate below you. 10. drop down to use the dagger plate and then speed kill the enemy that appears below you. 11. follow the walkway under the balcony you came from and around the corner to the prince's right. 12. walk out onto the narrow beam to the prince's left and jump to the pole you see in front of the prince. 13. swing/jump to the gap you see in front of the prince and slide down the gap. 14. speed kill the enemies here and then deactivate this second sand gate (just like you did the previous one) to gain 100 sand credits. 15. go through the doorway you see near you and go to the prince's left down the alley here. you should see up on the wall above the debris covered with a carpet/blanked a dagger plate. 16. climb up onto the debris that is covered and wall run up the wall to use the dagger plate. 17. wall run to the prince's left and climb up after you shimmy to the prince's right to get onto the narrow ledge you ran into. 18. go through the large hole in the wall and drop down to the box below. 19. go down the alley to the prince's left. scene 20. just ignore the ugly sand dogs/wolves and go down the alley to the prince's left. 21. wall run along the wall to the prince's right to get across the gap and then go around the corner to the prince's left. 22. jump across the gap here and then wall run up the wall in front of you to grab the railing above the prince. 23. hop over the railing

and follow the walkway to the prince's right.

24. jump across the gap to the room with the burning corpses. scene 25. you have just transformed into the dark prince for the 3rd time. 26. quickly run out of the doorway in front of the dark prince and jump towards the pipe you see. 27. use your chain (triangle) to swing on the pipe and then quickly go to the dark prince's right before the ledge below your feet falls. 28. jump to the pole you should see here to grab onto it and then climb up

to stand on top of the pole. 29. jump up to grab the ledge above you and then climb up onto that ledge. 30. speed kill (rapidly push triangle after you trigger the speed kill) the archer here and then destroy all the objects here for some sand. 31. wall run along the wall you can see a torch on and use your whip when you get near it to extend your wall run. 32. quickly run around the corner to the dark prince's left and then jump to the pole in front of the dark prince. 33. use your whip (triangle) to swing from the pole and climb up the ladder you grab onto after the swing. 34. walk into the water to change back into the prince. scene 35. go down the stairs and go over to the fountain here to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the lower city rooftops" (23%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing away from the fountain go straight and jump to the rooftop you see the archer on to speed kill them. 2. hop over the railing of this rooftop and drop down to the rooftop with another archer to speed kill. 3. wall run along the wall with the shutter on it and jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 4. jump when you step on the shutter you land on and you should be launched towards a balcony. scene 5. follow the walkway around the corner and jump to the next rooftop to the prince's left. 6. wall run up the door here and grab the ledge above. 7. speed kill the archer here when it isn't looking and then use your the camera to look around the corner as you hide behind the canopy here. 8. when you see neither archers looking your way jump to the rooftop they are on to hang from the edge of it. 9. when they are not looking sneak up on them for speed kills.

10. climb up to the higher part of this rooftop and go towards the other side of the rooftop. scene 11. jump to the rooftop it showed you near the one you are on now and then wall run along the wall with the shutter you see. 12. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and the prince will grab a chain. 13. go down to the bottom of the chain and speed kill the enemies below. 14. go through the doorway you find on this balcony and jump to the narrow beam you see at the other side of the gap in front of you. 15. drop down until you get to the ground and then follow the alley out through a doorway. 16. go to the prince's left and wall run up the wall below the dagger plate you see high up on the wall to the prince's left. 17. jump to the narrow beam behind the prince and then climb up the narrow beams to the rooftop. 18. wall run along the wall to the prince's left and use the dagger plate at near the end of the wall run. 19. drop down to the dagger plate below you and then drop down to the ground. 20. wall run up the wall with the dagger plates on the boarded up window (after you destroy the stuff near the wall of course) and climb up to the upper dagger plate. 21. wall run to the prince's right and use the slim dagger plate. scene 22. it showed you two doors opening which gives you two options: a. go down to the doorway farther away from the slim dagger plate (that it showed you on the right side of the screen) to get life upgrade 2. or b. go into the door near the slim dagger plate to continue on with the game. if you want this option skip down to step 23. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ optional objective #2: life upgrade #2 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. drop off the edge of the ledge in front of the prince and drop down until you are standing on the bottom narrow ledge. 2. jump to the ledge behind the prince and then make your way down to the hallway below.

3. follow the hallway until you need to wall run up a few ledges. 4. once you have gone up all the ledges you will see a glowing fountain and then drink from the glowing fountain. 5. make your way past the spinning floor panels in front of you and quickly walk out onto the small narrow beam. 6. jump to the narrow beams you see below after the arrows/darts have shot and quickly walk to the cross section of the beams to avoid being shot. 7. once the arrows/darts shoot again quickly walk out to the edge of the small beam and quickly jump to the next beam. 8. quickly climb up onto this narrow beam and walk out onto the smaller part of it. 9. jump to the bottom ledge in front of you first thing it pops out of the wall. 10. quickly climb up the ledges above you until you reach the walkway at the top. 11. head for the light to leave this place. 12. backtrack the way you came and use the slim dagger plate near the door to open it. 13. quickly go through the door before it closes. 14. wall run up the wall with the dagger plates on the boarded up window and climb up to the upper dagger plate. 15. wall run to the prince's right and use the slim dagger plate. 16. go into the door that opened up near the slim dagger plate. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ end of optional objective #2: life upgrade #2 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 23. go to the fountain in front of the prince to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the arena" (25%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's left down the hallway here and go out of the doorway at the end of this hallway. (note: we have heard some are having problems with the next boss fight where the flash of the dagger does not appear during the speed kill sequences. if the speed kill flash does not work for you on this boss battle ahead for some

reason direct all your questions about it to the various message boards as we did not run into any problems with this boss fight at all no matter which side we started on.) scene 2. boss battle "klompa" (note: when you start this battle you can go to the right side of the arena to find a ramp or go to the left. we start off with the one to the right only because it is closer to where you start the fight at. we were able to do it either way so it doesn't matter which side you start on. i do recommend starting with the one the fight starts near though. when you start a speed kill sequence be sure to not push any other button except for the speed kill attack button (square) only when the dagger flashes though and only push it once or you may screw up the next dagger flash. timing is the key for most of the boss battles when you need to do a speed kill on them. if you push the attack button too early it won't show the flash and if you get the message that says you were too slow (as in pushed it too late) it not only gives you this message when you are too slow but it also gives this same message when you pushed it too soon. you can also just try to go with when you hear the unique sound the dagger makes when it flashes to push the button instead of going with out actually seeing the flash of the dagger because during some boss fights the camera does not always give you the best view of the dagger.) these are the steps you need to follow to defeat this boss: a. ignore the big guy for the moment and go to the prince's right along the edge of the arena (or you can start from the other side first and skip down to step e). b. dodge any attacks he might try on you as you are going and you should eventually see a wooden ramp to go up. c. go up the ramp and wall run up the wall at the top of the ramp before using the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. wall run to the prince's right and use the next dagger plate you see along this wall. wait until the big guy breaks the wall blocking your way to the right and then wall run to the prince's right to grab a railing of a ledge. hop over the railing and go up the ramp in front of the prince. wall run up the wall below the dagger plate you see above you and use it. quickly wall run to the prince's left from the dagger plate to avoid being hit and then go out onto the small narrow beam quickly or he will swat you with his sword. use the speed kill trigger (triangle) when you get the prompt about halfway walking along the small narrow beam. you will now need to wait until the dagger flashes to attack the big guy. the first one will be right when you land on his arm/shoulder and then the prince will run across his back to his other shoulder. right before the big guy grabs you the dagger should flash again to attack (square) a second time. the prince should jump up onto his head and when he is about to stab him in the eye you will need to give him the final attack (square) to end this first speed kill. d. the prince will then jump off of him and now you need to go to the other side of the arena. e. you should find a ramp similar to the one you just used on the other side of the arena. go up the ramp and wall run to the prince's right to grab the

narrow beam you see here. climb up onto it and jump to the ledge in front of the prince once the big guy breaks the wall in your way. go up the ramp in front of the prince and wall run up the wall below the dagger plate you see above you to use it. wall run to the prince's left and go out onto the small beam on this ledge. do the same as before and trigger a speed kill once you are on the small beam (watch for the dagger to flash). the first attack you should give to him is when the prince is flying towards him in midair and the second attack should be on his hand when he starts squeezing you with his hand. the final attack for this speed kill is when the prince gets on his head and stabs him in the other eye he didn't attack yet. f. now that you have him on the ground you will need to get one final speed kill on him. g. you first need to wait until he stands up and then once he does attack the back of his legs (if you have played warrior within you need to do almost the same thing you did against the golems in that game to make them kneel) until he lifts up one of his legs in pain. h. quickly hit the leg that isn't up in the air and this should bring him down to his knees if done fast enough (for hard mode this means you will need to hit his legs until his life bar at the bottom of the screen is almost gone). i. once he goes on his knees the prince will hop on his back to start a the final speed kill. your first attack (triangle when dagger flashes) will be when the prince is on his back and the second attack is when the prince is in mid air just after stabbing him in the back. the final speed kill attack will happen when the prince is about to stab the big guy in the back of the neck. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ chapter 03: "heading to the gates of babylon" -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ scene 1. you have now transformed into the dark prince for the fourth time. 2. save your game and then continue on. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "arena tunnel" (29%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. face towards the pit and wall run along either wall to get across the pit and then wall run up the wall directly in front of the dark prince to grab a narrow ledge above. 2. climb up onto it and sidestep to the dark prince's left. 3. climb up to the center of the narrow ledge above you when it comes out of the wall and then quickly jump to the pole behind the dark prince. 4. use your whip (triangle) to swing from the pole and land on another narrow

ledge. 5. climb up to the ledge above you and follow the hallway around to the left. 6. before you reach a pit you will see two gray squares on each wall before you reach the pit. don't step in the area between those until you are ready (as it is a trap and it will squish you). before going anywhere you should notice the pounding block trap in the distance and the pole that is just before that trap. 7. when you see the pounding block trap in the distance hit the wall to the left quickly run between those gray areas and jump towards the pole. 8. use the whip (triangle) to swing from the pole and land on the ledge near that pounding block. 9. quickly climb up the narrow ledges above you when the pounding block is retracting to avoid being squished. 10. jump up and grab the narrow beam you see above you and then jump to the ledge near it. 11. climb up once the pound blocks here start to retract and quickly go past them (roll if you need to). 12. may you the

slide down the ladder to the dark prince's left (before you do that you want to destroy the pots in the corner to gain back some health) and when reach the bottom use your whip (triangle) to pull the white block out of wall.

13. quickly jump to the white block and climb up onto the ledge in front of you. 14. quickly run to the door that is opened at the end of this hallway and roll to get through it before it closes (destroy the objects you find here to gain back more health). 15. go to the dark prince's right and wall run towards the narrow ledge you see in the distance. 16. use your whip on the torch to extend your wall run and land on the narrow ledge. 17. sidestep to the dark prince's left and then climb up onto the narrow ledge above him. 18. sidestep to the dark princes left and then jump to the pole you see. 19. use your whip (triangle) to swing on it and land on a narrow ledge up ahead. 20. climb up onto the narrow ledge above the dark prince and then jump to the narrow beam behind the dark prince. 21. jump to the next narrow beam and then jump to the ledge here. 22. go down the ramp to the dark prince's right and go into the water to the dark prince's left as you enter the room at the bottom of the ramp.

scene 23. you have now transformed back into the prince. 24. go down the stairs in front of the prince and out of the doorway to the prince's right. scene 25. go over to the fountain here to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the balconies" (30%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. you should see a shutter on a wall to the prince's right from here. 2. wait until the archer on the ledge up ahead isn't looking before you wall run along the wall with the shutter and jump when the prince steps on the shutter to trigger a speed kill. 3. once you have killed the archer sneak up behind the other enemy and speed kill them as well. 4. climb up onto the block to the prince's left and wall run along the wall with the shutter you can see from here (when the archer on the next ledge is not looking your way). 5. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and speed kill the archer. 6. hop over the railing on the other side of this balcony that you can see another enemy from and jump to the ledge that enemy is on. 7. sneak up and speed kill the enemy here. 8. hop over the railing the enemy was standing near to drop down to the balcony below. 9. wall run up the wall that you can see the dagger plate on to use the dagger plate (square). 10. wall run to the prince's left and stab the next dagger plate. 11. wall run to the prince's left again and stab the next dagger plate. 12. wall run to the prince's left again and jump to the chain to the prince's left (jump when the prince is under the narrow beam the chain is hanging from). 13. slide down the chain and speed kill the enemy you see appear below you at the bottom of the chain. 14. walk out onto the narrow beam here and jump to the chain you see in front

of the prince. 15. slide down and speed kill the enemy when the other one is not looking and then sneak up to speed kill the other enemy. 16. hop over the railing when the sand gate guardian isn't looking your way and drop down to where the sand gate is at. 17. sneak up and speed kill the sand gate guardian. 18. deactivate the 3rd sand gate here and you will gain the eye of the storm ability/power which you will need to use in a moment. 19. wall run up the wall you dropped down from and hop over the railing you hopped over a minute ago. 20. follow the walkway to some stairs and fight the enemies you find at the top of the stairs (if you are on hard mode i recommend taking on one at a time and you can do this by tossing them down the stairs farther away from their friends the better). 21. once you have killed them all look along the wall they were near and you should see a wall button. 22. wall run up the wall with the button and before the prince reaches the button use eye of the storm (tap l1) to slow down time. 23. once the prince steps on the button quickly jump out of the window near this button (behind the prince if you are facing the wall button or in front of the prince if you are facing away from the wall button). 24. quickly roll through the doorway that is open just past the sand gate before it closes (and before your eye of the storm power ends). 25. roll through the gap under the wooden barrier in front of the prince and and go over to the fountain to the prince's left to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the dark alley" (31%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's right and use your landscape view to see a dagger plate high up on the wall. 2. wall run up the left or right wall and jump back and forth between them until you reach the dagger plate to use it. 3. wall run to the prince's right to reach the ledge here and then go into the doorway to the prince's right. 4. climb up onto the ledge in front of you and climb up the ladder you see here.

5. go to the end of this wooden ledge you are on and drop down to the rooftop below. 6. go towards the railing in front of the prince (if you are facing away from the wooden walkway you just came from) and wait until the archer goes pass the baskets before hopping over the railing to speed kill the archer. 7. quickly jump over to the nearby rooftop to kill the other archer that is here (that is if a glitch doesn't occur making the other archer walk off the rooftop he is guarding). 8. kill or speed kill off the archer and then wall run up the wall to reach the higher part of this rooftop. 9. climb up onto this rooftop and you will find farah. scene 10. go past the clothes on the clothes line to the prince's left and hop over the railing here when the enemy isn't looking to speed kill the enemy him. 11. wall run up the wall here and use the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 12. wall run to the prince's left and use the next dagger plate you come to. 13. wall run to the prince's left to reach another balcony and fight off the enemies here (i recommend just throwing them off the rooftop). 14. walk out onto the small wooden ledge and jump towards the rooftop with the fire on it. 15. fight off the the enemies here to prove to farah you are worth working together with (i recommend either pushing them into the small fire or throwing them off the roof). scene 16. go into the doorway that farah opened for you and walk out onto the narrow beam to the prince's left. 17. jump to the gap in front of the prince and slide all the way down to the bottom of the gap. 18. face the prince towards the dagger plate and jump to it to use it. 19. wall run to the prince's right and the prince will slide down the red curtain (when you reach it) all the way until you reach the ground. 20. go out of the doorway and go down the alley to the prince's left. 21. wall run up the wall to the prince's right and climb up onto the ledge the prince grabs. 22. wall run towards the red curtain and before you reach the bottom of the curtain jump to the ledge behind the prince. 23. go out of the doorway in front of the prince and go over to the lighted

dead end to the prince's left. 24. wall run up the left or right wall and jump back and forth between them until you reach the narrow ledge at the top of the left wall. 25. climb up and sidestep to the prince's left almost all the way before walking out on the small narrow beam. 26. jump to the balcony in front of the prince and follow the walkway around the corner to the right. 27. wall run along the wall to the prince's left to reach the ledge on the other side of the gap here and then climb up the ladder to the prince's left. 28. when you reach the top climb up the ladder to the prince's left and go out of the doorway to the prince's right. 29. go over to the fountain to the prince's left to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the temple rooftops" (33%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the opening in the railing to the prince's right. scene 2. before you drop down to the area below take notice of the very big statue to the prince's right and the large base that the statue is standing on. 3. drop down to the area below and you will be attacked by some invisible enemies. 4. you can fight them if you want or go to the far side of the statue's base that i mentioned a moment ago and look for the dagger plate on the side of the base. 5. wall run up the base of the statue and stab your dagger (square) into the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 6. jump up and grab the gap above the prince. 7. shimmy to the prince's right around the corner and continue to shimmy to the prince's right around the next corner. 8. position the prince's back in line with the column you see behind him and jump to it. 9. climb all the way up the column and then face the prince's back towards the dagger plate on the wall that you can see. 10. jump to the dagger plate to stab it and then wall run to the prince's

right towards the shutter you can see from here. 11. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and it should launch you onto a ledge or column. scene 12. jump down to the ledge that the bell fell onto and move the bell (stand near it and push r1 + left analog stick) under the large hole in the wall you can see at the top of the wall. 13. climb up onto the bell and wall run up to climb into that hole in the wall. 14. wall run up the wall and use the slim dagger plate. 15. drop back down to the bell and wall run back towards the ledge you were on earlier. 16. go into the door you opened up and look to the prince's right. 17. wall run along the wall to the prince's left or jump to the narrow ledge that is below that torch you see on the wall in front of you. 18. sidestep to the prince's right once you are on it and jump to the dagger plate behind the prince to use it. 19. wall run to the prince's left to land on a narrow ledge and then quickly sidestep to the prince's left before the ledge under your feet gives way. 20. when you reach the end of this narrow ledge jump to the dagger plate behind the prince to use it and then wall run to the prince's right. 21. sidestep to the prince's right all the way and then jump up to use the dagger plate above the prince. 22. jump to the slim dagger plate behind the prince and stab your dagger (square) into it to use it. 23. drop down to the ledge below you and hang from this ledge. 24. quickly shimmy to the prince's left as far as you can and then quickly climb up onto the narrow ledge. 25. quickly jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince and then quickly sidestep to the prince's right to grab the narrow ledge above the prince before the one you are standing on goes back into the wall. 26. climb up onto the narrow ledge and sidestep to the prince's right all the way. 27. jump up to grab the gap in the wall and shimmy to the prince's right all the way. 28. drop down to the narrow ledge below the prince and then sidestep to the prince's right all the way. 29. jump to the dagger plate behind the prince to use it and then wall run

to the prince's left. 30. jump to the ledge to the prince's left before you run into the wall and then wall run up the wall in front of you. 31. climb up onto the narrow ledge you grab and jump to the doorway behind the prince. 32. climb up and you can decide if you want to fight the sand dogs/wolves here. 33. here is the choices you have for this area (i recommend a but you can use b if you want it is a bit more tricky to pull off though to get pass this area also): a. go over to the lone block of stone to the prince's right and wall run along the wall to the prince's right. jump to the pole to the prince's right at the end of his wall run and line up the prince with the slim dagger plate you see in front of the prince. swing/jump to the dagger plate and use it to drop down and run over to the block that came up from using that dagger plate. climb up onto it and then wall run to the prince's right to end up on a wooden ledge. wall run along the wall to the prince's left and near the end of the wall run jump to the pole you see here. climb up onto the pole (x) and jump to the white wall you see to the right of the screen. climb up onto that wall and then jump to the broken ledge you see up ahead of the prince (where the dagger plate on the wall is at). sidestep to the prince's right after climbing up and then wall run up the wall to use the dagger plate. wall run to the prince's left and then jump to the pole to the prince's left before the end of the wall run. swing/jump to the small narrow beam in front of the prince and then jump to the ledge you see up ahead once you see the enemy at the doorway you are near walks away. (note: we found this option b by accident it's like a little shortcut for the beginning part of option a.) b. you will probably want to kill the sand dogs/wolves before doing trying this. go between the two circular buildings of this area just below the edge of the wooden ledge between them. wall run up one of the walls and then jump to the wall of the other building. jump back to the first wall you ran up and the prince should grab the wooden ledge (you have to pull off the jumps in the right place to pull this off just right that is why i say you should stick with option a but we thought since we found this way we would share it). wall run along the wall to the prince's right and near the end of the wall run jump to the pole you see here. climb up onto the pole (x) and jump to the white wall you see to the right of the screen. climb up onto that wall and then jump to the broken ledge you see up ahead of the prince (where the dagger plate on the wall is at). sidestep to the prince's right after climbing up and then wall run up the wall to use the dagger plate. wall run to the prince's left and then jump to the pole to the prince's left before the end of the wall run. swing/jump to the small narrow beam in front of the prince and then jump to the ledge you see up ahead once you see the enemy at the doorway you are near walks away. 34. go to the prince's right on this ledge (you may want to break the pots on this ledge first to get some sand to rewind if your tanks are empty from the dog/wolf fight)and hop over the railing to the prince's right to hang from it.

35. jump to the small narrow beam behind the prince and then jump to the dagger plate on the wall you can see from here. 36. wall run to the prince's left and jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 37. use the dagger plate that the shutter launches you near and then wall run to the prince's left to use another dagger plate. 38. wait until the enemy that is walking around comes near the enemy below you and the enemy near the sand gate is not looking in your direction before doing a speed kill. 39. quickly double speed kill the enemies below and then sneak up on the sand gate guardian for another speed kill.. 40. deactivate the 4th sand gate to gain your 4th sand tank. 41. once you have done that go over to the bell that is near the doorway/window and push/pull it over to the corner of this area where there is two dagger plates one above another high up on the wall. 42. climb up onto the bell before you wall run up the wall and use the dagger plate. 43. jump up and use the dagger plate above you. 44. jump up to grab the ledge above you and climb up. scene 45. hop over the railing in front of the prince and then drop down to the ground below (take notice of the slim dagger plate high on the wall to the prince's right as you will be coming back to it a bit later). 46. go to the prince's left and climb up onto that small stone block to the prince's left. 47. wall run up the wall here and use the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 48. jump towards the dagger plate behind you and use it. 49. jump up and grab the bottom of the hole in the wall. 50. climb up and drop down on the other side of the wall (push the analog stick towards the side of the wall you want to drop off on and then push circle). 51. look to the prince's right and you will see two handles here. 52. go to the handle nearest to farah and turn the handle clockwise. 53. go to the handle farthest from farah and turn that handle counter-clockwise. scene

54. you now need to turn the handle the prince is standing next to clockwise. scene 55. go back to the hole you drop down from and wall run up the wall there to grab the bottom of the hole again. 56. climb back up and drop down into the inner part of this circular building. 57. drop down and use the dagger plate just below you before dropping down to the ground. 58. go towards the slim dagger plate on the wall and run up the wall to the right of it to grab a railing. 59. hop over the railing and turn the handle you find here counter-clockwise. scene 60. turn the handle clockwise now to put farah in view of the bell. scene 61. hop over the railing you came over and drop down to the ground. 62. push/pull the bell over to the slim dagger plate and then after you climb onto the bell wall run up the wall to use the slim dagger plate. 63. use the slim dagger plate again and you will see a door open just to the left of the prince. 64. quickly jump to the railing to the prince's left and hop over it. 65. quickly go into the doorway before the door closes. 66. go to the prince's right and sidestep all the way to the prince's right along the narrow ledge you see along the wall to the prince's left. 67. jump to the dagger plate behind the prince and then wall run to the prince's left. 68. wall run up the wall in front of you under the dagger plate and then jump up to grab the narrow ledge above. 69. climb up onto the narrow ledge and sidestep to the prince's right all the way. 70. climb up onto the narrow ledge above the prince and sidestep to the prince's right until his back is facing the narrow ledge you see behind him. 71. jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince and climb up onto it. 72. jump to the dagger plate behind the prince and then wall run to the prince's left. 73. climb up onto the ledge and follow the hallway here up some stairs.

74. go over to the fountain to the prince's left to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the temple" (37%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. face away from the fountain and wall run up the wall in front of the prince to use the slim dagger plate. 2. quickly drop down and go through the door before it closes. 3. go down the staircase and out onto the balcony to the prince's left. scene 4. you have now transformed into the dark prince for the fifth time. 5. hop over the railing and jump towards the yellow/white wall with the narrow ledge behind the dark prince (above the narrow beam you see below). 6. drop down to the narrow beam below and then jump to the darker narrow beam you can see near you. 7. speed kill the enemy below you (push triangle repeatedly once you trigger it) and then go to the opening in the railing to the dark prince's right after you kill any enemies that appear. 8. wall run along the wall here and climb up onto the ledge you grab at the end of the wall run. 9. wall run along the wall to the dark prince's right and jump at the end of your wall run. 10. use your whip (triangle) to swing on the pole you jumped towards and then use your whip again to swing on the next pole to land on another ledge. 11. wall run along the wall to the dark prince's left and jump at the end of the wall run to grab a narrow beam. 12. climb up onto it and jump to the next narrow beam. 13. speed kill the enemy below and then kill any other enemies that appear. 14. go over to the ledge near the white block on the wall and use your whip (triangle) to pull it out of the wall. 15. jump or wall run to the white block and then wall run up the wall to the dark prince's left. 16. jump at the peak of the wall run to grab the ledge behind the dark prince. 17. climb up and go into the open doorway to the dark prince's right.

18. walk off the edge of the ledge in front of you to hang from it and shimmy all the way to the dark prince's right. 19. use the whip (triangle) on the white block behind the prince and then jump to the white block. 20. climb up onto the white block and wall run to the dark prince's right. 21. use your whip (triangle) on the torch to extend your wall run and then use the whip again on the next torch to extend the wall run again. 22. jump when the dark prince steps on the shutter and then jump again when he lands on the next shutter. 23. speed kill the enemy here quickly and then speed kill the other enemy you can see through the doorway. 24. go to the opening in the railing and wall run towards the torch here. 25. use your whip to extend the wall run and then jump near the end of the wall run. 26. use your whip (triangle) to swing on the pole you are jumping towards to land on a wooden ledge and then climb up onto the wooden ledge. 27. wall run to the dark prince's left towards the gap between the wall and the statue. 28. jump towards the pole you see up ahead and use the whip to reach the next gap between the wall and statue. 29. slide down the gap and jump towards the ledge you are near. 30. go to the dark prince's left and wall run to the ledge you can see up ahead. 31. wall run up the wall in front of the dark prince and jump at the peak of the wall run to grab the ledge behind the prince. 32. speed kill the enemy here and then speed kill the enemy through the doorway. 33. go over to the opening in the railing and wall run to the red curtain you see on the wall. 34. jump before you reach the bottom of the curtain and quickly use your whip to swing on the pole you are jumping towards. 35. use the curtain you land on to slide down to the ground floor. 36. you can fight the enemies here if you want to or quickly go over to the floor button and push it. 37. use your eye of the storm power (tap l1) to slow down time and quickly go through the door that opened before it closes. 38. wait until the eye of the storm wears off and then use it again after you

step on the floor button in front of you. 39. quickly make your way up the stairs past the traps and into the open door at the top of the stairs before it closes. scene 40. you have now transformed back into the prince. 41. go over to the handle to the prince's left and turn it counter-clockwise one full circle until it snaps into place. 42. kill the enemies that appear (use eye of the storm to make it easier to kill them). 43. look up once you have defeated them and you should see quite a few broken columns. 44. wall run up the wall near the lowest broken column and jump to the column at the peak of the wall run. 45. climb all the way up the column and then face the back of the prince towards the only column you can jump to. 46. climb all the way up this short broken pillar and jump towards the ledge you see nearby. 47. climb up onto the ledge and wall run along the wall to the prince's left. 48. after you go around the curve in the wall jump to the pole to the prince's left. 49. climb up (at a standstill push x) onto the pole and then climb up onto the pole above the prince. 50. jump to the pole you see on the other side of this room. 51. you now have a choice: a. shimmy to the prince's right until you line up with the flag you see in front of you and then swing/jump into the hole hole hidden behind the flag. or b: if you don't want life upgrade 3 skip down to step 52. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ optional objective #3: life upgrade #3 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. go to the prince's left and wall run along the wall towards the red curtain. 2. before you reach the bottom of the red curtain jump to the red curtain behind the prince and slide down to the ground below. 3. go through the doorway here and follow the hallway until you reach the glowing fountain at the end of it.

4. drink from the glowing fountain. 5. wall run along the wall to the prince's right towards the shutter and then jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 6. jump from shutter to shutter until you finally reach a column. 7. face the back of the prince quickly towards the next column and jump when the spinning blade is not in the way. 8. keep doing the same thing until you get past all the spinning blades and the head for the light. 9. backtrack along the hallway and then wall run up the wall to the prince's left at the end of the hallway. 10. step on the floor button and quickly go through the door before it closes. 11. do the same as before by wall running up the wall near the lowest broken column and jump to the column at the peak of the wall run. 12. climb all the way up the column and then face the back of the prince towards the only column you can jump to. 13. climb all the way up this short broken pillar and jump towards the ledge you see nearby. 14. climb up onto the ledge and wall run along the wall to the prince's left. 15. after you go around the curve in the wall jump to the pole to the prince's left. 16. climb up (at a standstill push x) onto the pole and then climb up onto the pole above the prince. 17. jump to the pole you see on the other side of this room. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ end of optional objective #3: life upgrade #3 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 52. climb up onto the pole and then climb up onto the pole above you. 53. jump to the pole behind the prince and then swing jump to the ledge in front of you. 54. climb up and go into the doorway in front of you. 55. go to the prince's right and turn the handle you find here counter-clockwise. 56. go through the door that opened and hop over the railing to the left. 57. line up the back of the prince with the red curtain behind the prince and then jump to it.

58. before you reach the bottom of the red curtain jump to the red curtain behind the prince to get down to the ground. 59. go into the open doorway here and use the slim dagger plate on the wall to the prince's right. 60. quickly drop and go through the doorway that opened before it closes. 61. go around the corner to the left up ahead and wall run along the wall to the prince's right. 62. shimmy to the prince's left on the railing you run into and then hop over the railing. 63. climb all the way up the ladder to the prince's right and then go over to the fountain to the prince's left to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the marketplace" (42%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's right. scene 2. go up the stairs behind the prince and around the corner to the prince's right. 3. go around the corner to the prince's left and go down the ramp in front of the prince. 4. wall run along the wall to the prince's left and then jump to the narrow ledge to the prince's right near the end of the wall run. 5. climb up before you sidestep to the prince's right all the way and then jump to the gap behind the prince. 6. slide down the gap to the bottom and turn the prince to face the enemies down below. 7. wait until the enemies below are near each other and then trigger a double speed kill. 8. once you have killed them go over to the far side of this area to find a box you can push and pull. 9. push/pull the box onto the floor button near the door you just killed the enemies at. 10. go into the doorway and follow the hallway to the prince's left. 11. wall run up the door to the prince's left to reach the ledge above the door and after climbing up walk out onto the narrow beam here (be sure not to fall off the beam or you will be spotted).

12. jump to the column you see in front of the prince and then face the prince's back towards the next column up ahead. 13. face the prince's back towards the wall to the prince's right and jump to the dagger plate you see here. 14. after stabbing the upper dagger plate wait until the enemy that is walking around walks away from the guy below you. 15. quickly trigger a speed kill on the enemy below you (there will be about 5 or 6 attack stabs for this speed kill) and then sneak up on the other enemy standing still and speed kill him. 16. sneak up on the enemy walking around to pull off the last speed kill for this area. 17. look around and you should see a block that you can push/pull. 18. push/pull the block towards the wall that is just left of the dagger plates wall you came down from. 19. climb up onto the box and climb up onto the wall. 20. walk out onto the narrow beam and jump to the dagger plate on the wall in front of the prince. 21. wall run to the prince's right and then jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 22. jump when the prince lands on the next shutter and then stab the dagger plate you are launched too. 23. wait until the enemies are near each other and then trigger a double speed kill. 24. go over to the wall with the slim dagger plate on it and wall run up to use it. scene 25. push/pull the box that dropped onto the floor button that is near it and then use the prince to step on the second floor button near the slim dagger plate (you may want to destroy the objects around here to gain more sand before stepping on the second button). scene 26. quickly go into the doorway that opened before it closes. 27. go into the doorway to the prince's right and climb up the ladder in front of the prince. 28. wall run up the wall in front of the prince and stab the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 29. jump up to grab the gap above the prince and then shimmy to the prince's left until you can climb up.

30. jump up and climb up onto the ledge above the prince. 31. wall run along the wall with the shutter and jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 32. stab the dagger plate that it launches you at and then wall run to the prince's right to land on a narrow ledge. 33. sidestep all the way to the prince's right and then jump to the dagger plate behind the prince. 34. stab the dagger plate and then wall run to the prince's left. 35. jump before you run into the wall and climb up onto the narrow beam. 36. jump to the next narrow beam and climb up onto it. 37. line up with the dagger plate on the wall and jump to the dagger plate. 38. stab the dagger plate and then wall run to the prince's left. 39. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and then jump when the prince lands on another shutter. 40. stab the dagger plate that you land near and then wall run to the prince's left to reach a narrow beam. 41. climb up onto the beam and line the prince up with the dagger plate on the wall before jumping to it. 42. stab the dagger plate and then wall run to the prince's left to reach a doorway. 43. climb up and follow the hallway to the prince's right. 44. go over to the fountain in front of the prince to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the market district" (44%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's left and then drop down to the ledge to the prince's right. 2. wall run along the wall to the prince's left and then jump to the narrow ledge to the prince's left. 3. drop down to hang from this narrow ledge and then shimmy to the prince's right all the way. 4. drop down and stab the dagger plate you see below the prince.

5. wall run to the prince's right and stab the dagger plate you see here. 6. jump up to grab the ledge above the prince and shimmy to the prince's right. scene 7. shimmy to the prince's right and then climb up onto the narrow ledge. 8. sidestep to the prince's right and then walk out onto the narrow beam. 9. jump to the gap in the wall in front of the prince and then slide down it. 10. wait until the middle enemy is walking away from the enemy below you before you trigger the speed kill. 11. quickly climb up the ladder near you to avoid being spotted by the enemy walking around. 12. jump across the gap to the prince's right and grab the gap in the wall. 13. shimmy to the prince's left until you get around the corner. 14. hang from the corner here until you see the walking enemy near the enemy below you and then trigger the double speed kill. 15. you should see a slim dagger plate here to the prince's left (just around the corner from it is the ladder you climbed up a moment ago). 16. wall run up the wall after destroying the objects blocking the wall and use the slim dagger plate. 17. before you drop off the dagger plate use the eye of the storm power (tap l1) to slow down time and then quickly make your way through the door that opened to the prince's left before it closes. 18. follow the alley to the prince's left and wall run up the door you find around the corner to the prince's left. 19. walk out to the end of the narrow beam in front of the prince and then jump to the narrow beam in front of the prince. 20. kill the enemies that are guarding the sand gate below just be sure to stop the sand gate guardian from stabbing his sword into the gate and once you have killed them off deactivate the 5th sand gate to gain 150 sand credits. 21. pull the box out that you see under the pile of boxes blocking farah's path. scene 22. push/pull the block over to the wall behind the prince that has the slim dagger plate on it. 23. climb up onto the box and wall run up to use the slim dagger plate. 24. drop down and go to the prince's right to go into the door that opened

before it closes. 25. follow the alley to the prince's right and climb up the ladder to the prince's right at the end of the alley. 26. go straight and look around the corner to the left. 27. wall run along the wall to the prince's right and jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 28. jump when he lands on the next shutter and he should land on the ledge up ahead. scene 29. go up the stairs and go over to the fountain here to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the bowery" (46%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's right and when you reach the gap up ahead wall run along the wall to the prince's left. 2. jump near the end of the wall run to grab the narrow ledge to the prince's right. 3. climb up onto the narrow ledge and then jump up and grab the gap above the prince. 4. shimmy to the railing to the prince's right and hop over the railing when the archer isn't looking to speed kill him. 5. hop over the other railing on this balcony and jump to the beam behind the prince. 6. climb up onto the beam and jump to the gap in the wall that you can see from here. 7. shimmy to the prince's right until you are over the wooden ledge and then drop down to it. 8. head for the other side of this balcony. scene 9. you have now transformed into the dark prince for the sixth time. 10. hop over the railing in front of the dark prince and then jump towards the pole behind the dark prince. 11. use your whip (triangle) to swing on the pole and then drop down to the ground from the narrow ledge you land on.

12. fight off all the enemies that appear here if you want and then go over to the large door you saw farah go into. 13. face away from the door and go to the far right corner of this area (the wall to the right of the large wooden gate). 14. wall run up the wall to grab a narrow ledge here and then climb up onto the narrow ledge. 15. climb up onto the next narrow ledge above the dark prince and then jump to the pole behind the dark prince. 16. use the whip (triangle) on the pole to swing and land on a beam. 17. jump over to the railing near you and then hop over the railing. 18. go into the doorway to the prince's right and wall run up the wall in front of the dark prince with the wall button on it. 19. before pushing the wall button use eye of the storm (tap l1) to slow down time and then quickly go through the door that opened. 20. go to the dark prince's left and hop over the railing in front of the dark prince. 21. line the dark prince up with the red curtain below you and then drop down to the red curtain. 22. fight off all the enemies that you see in this area and then go to the other side of this room to find a column nearest to a small mirror on the wall. 23. jump onto the column and climb all the way to the top. 24. face the dark prince's back to the stone structure at the center of this area. 25. jump to the stone structure to grab a narrow ledge and then shimmy to the dark prince's left. 26. climb up onto the narrow ledge and then climb up onto the narrow ledge above the dark prince. 27. jump to the balcony behind the dark prince and hop over the railing to speed kill the archer here. 28. wall run across the gap to the dark prince's left to the ledge you see here. 29. follow the walkway here to the dark prince's left and kill off any enemies that appear along the way (break any objects here along the way to gain back health). 30. wall run to the dark prince's left at the end of the walkway and speed kill the archer here. 31. go into the open doorway and go to the corner of the room to the prince's

left. 32. wall run up the wall to the left or right of the door and then jump back and forth between the walls until you reach a railing. 33. hop over the railing and go through the open doorway here. 34. move the handle counter-clockwise until a pole at the center of the room comes down. 34. wall run along the wall at the opening in the railing and jump near the end of the wall run. 35. use your whip (triangle) to swing on the pole here and land on another balcony. 36. go into the door to the dark prince's left and go through the curtain to the dark prince's left to kill the archer here. 37. go into the door to the dark prince's right. scene 38. hop over the railing to the prince's left. scene 39. you have now transformed back into the prince. 40. grab the railing in front of the prince and then hop over it. 41. go to the prince's left and get by the traps (i recommend using eye of the storm to get by them easier). 42. wall run up the wall at the end of the hallway and stab the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 43. jump up to grab the narrow ledge above the prince and keep climbing up the narrow ledges above the prince until you are hanging from a railing. 44. hop over the railing when the archer is not looking and speed kill them. 45. sneak up and speed kill the next archer as well and then go to the end of this alley (where the weapons rack is at). scene 46. wall run up the wall in front of the prince and then hop over the railing you grab onto. 47. go over to the fountain here to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the brothel" (49%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_

_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's right and drop down to the ledges below. scene 2. boss battle "mahasti" if you have played warrior within this first part of the fight should be a piece of cake. if you have not played warrior within you may have problems with this first part of the fight. this roughly what you need to do. a. for those that have played warrior within if you remember how you beat shahdee you can beat this woman as she fights almost exactly the same way that you would think it's shahdee in a disguise. use block (r1) if she gets close to you and starts attacking you. you won't want to block her too much as she has a powerful kick that she will use every so often. b. keep your distance from her and anytime you have the chance jump towards her to jump over her and then attack as you are coming down on the other side of her. for those that haven't played the previous games you will need to know how to do this jump over move to make this fight easier. just keep doing this until you have taken a good portion of health from her health bar. c. once you have taken out quite a bit off health from her try to attack her without jumping over her. if you have lowered her health enough a scene of the prince and her clashing daggers should appear. quickly repeatedly push the attack button (square) to push her away from you. d. once you have done that repeat step b until step c happens again. scene e. you have now transformed into the dark prince for the seventh time. f. you will now need to give chase to mahasti. make your way over to the ledge she is on after killing any enemies along the way to gain back health and before you climb up onto the ledge she is on use eye of the storm power (tap l1) to slow down time. this is because once you climb up on her ledge she jumps to another ledge. once you use eye of the storm quickly attack her as much as you can before she jumps away from you. once she jumps away from you go to the next ledge she is on and do the exact same thing with eye of the storm before climbing up onto her ledge. g. once her health is almost gone she will jump back to the original ledge you fought her on. go back to that ledge and attack her without eye of the storm or jumping over her until you get another clashing scene. rapidly push the attack (square) button to win this clash and she will be defeated. scene 3. save your game and then continue on. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ chapter 04: "at the heart of the city" -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the plaza" (50%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ (note: just to warn you the remaining areas of the game might get difficult to describe but we will try our best to at least point you in the right direction.) 1. make your way over to the door farah ran into on the opposite side of this area and then jump to the red curtain to slide down it. 2. just before you reach the bottom of the red curtain jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 3. climb up onto it before sidestepping to the dark prince's right around the corner of the narrow ledge and then jump to the ledge/walkway behind the dark prince. 4. go around the corner to the dark prince's left and then jump to the narrow ledge you see along the wall in front of the dark prince. 5. climb up onto the narrow ledge above the one you jumped to and sidestep to the dark prince's right around the corner. 6. jump towards the pole behind the dark prince and use your whip (triangle) to swing on the pole to land on a narrow beam. 7. climb up and jump to the ledge up ahead. 8. destroy the objects here for more health and then look to the dark prince's left. 9. wall run along the wall with the nearest shutter and jump when the prince steps on it. 10. jump when you land on the next shutter and shimmy all the way to the dark prince's right on the narrow ledge you grab. 11. drop down to the narrow ledge below and sidestep to the dark prince's right. 12. follow the walkway to the dark prince's right and wall run along the wall to the dark prince's left (towards the torch). 13. use your whip (triangle) when you get near the torch to extend the wall run and land on the walkway on the other side of the pit. 14. fight off all the enemies that show up. 15. as you enter this area (from the doorway you came from) go to the far left corner of this area. 16. you should see a pole that you can use your whip on.

17. wall run up the wall (the wall near that pole) and then jump towards that pole. 18. use your whip (triangle) to swing on the first pole and then climb up onto the beam you grab. 19. walk along the beam to the ledge to the dark prince's right. 20. go to the dark prince's left and wall run along the wall to the dark prince's left. 21. use your whip on the torch to extend your wall run and then jump when the dark prince steps on the shutter. 22. jump when the dark prince lands on the next shutter and then shimmy to the dark prince's right on the narrow ledge you grab. 23. once you shimmy around the corner jump to the balcony behind the dark prince. 24. climb up onto this balcony and break the objects in the corner for more health. 25. go into the open window that you see to the prince's right after destroying the objects and then go to the dark prince's right. 26. go around the corner to the dark prince's left and then wall run along the wall to the dark prince's right. 27. jump at the end of the wall run and use your whip to swing on the pole here. 28. shimmy to the dark prince's right around the corner of this narrow ledge and then jump to the pole behind the dark prince. 29. use your whip (triangle) to swing from the pole and then slide down the chain you grab. 30. speed kill the enemy at the bottom of the chain and then speed kill the enemy at the open doorway on the other side of this room. 31. go back to the room and find the wall button on the wall. 32. wall run up the wall to push the wall button and quickly go through the doorway it opened up to the dark prince's right (just to the left of the small staircase you see through the doorway). 33. go straight down the alley here and around the corner to the dark prince's left. 34. roll (x) through the gap under the wooden barricade in front of you after destroying the objects in front of it and then continue down the alley around the corner to the dark prince's left. 35. follow the alley until you reach a room with flowing water. scene

36. you have now transformed back into the prince. 37. go over to the fountain on the right side of this room to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the upper city" (52%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. go over to the block with the cross on it and climb up onto the block. 2. wall run to the prince's right and at the end of the wall run jump to the railing to the prince's right. 3. hop over the railing and turn the handle you find on this balcony clockwise. 4. hop over the railing and drop down to the ground below and go over to the block with the cross on it. 5. push/pull the block with the cross on it towards the pool of water along the grated track until it can't go any farther. 6. climb up onto the block and then climb up onto the cross beam. 7. jump towards the wooden portion of wall along the wall on the opposite side of the room from where the handle is and then quickly jump off the wooden wall back towards the cross to grab a wooden beam above the cross. 8. climb up onto the beam and out to the edge of the narrow beam. 9. jump to the gap in front of the prince and then climb up the gap. 10. when you reach the top turn the prince and jump to the narrow beam you see in front of the prince. 11. speed kill the enemies below you and then turn the handle here clockwise. 12. go to the edge of this walkway that is broken and jump to the narrow ledge you see along the wall. 13. drop down to grab the ledge of the open doorway and then climb up to go into that doorway. 14. the enemy that appears i recommend just tossing him out of the doorway you just came in from. 15. go through the doorway to the prince's left and wall run along the wall with the shutter to the prince's left. 16. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and then jump from shutter to shutter until you reach the balcony up ahead.

17. go into the doorway you see to the prince's right. scene 18. go to the opening in the railing to the prince's left and wall run along the wall here. 19. jump at the end of the wall run to the narrow beam you see to the prince's right. 20. walk out to the edge of the narrow beam and then jump to the chain that is near you. 21. go down the chain and then drop down to the ground at the bottom of it. 22. wall run up the wall with the wall button on it and then quickly go through the door it opens before it closes. 23. sneak up on the enemy up ahead and speed kill them. 24. go back towards the door you got here with and wall run up to the window to the prince's left. 25. climb up onto the ledge you grab and sidestep to the prince's left all the way. 26. jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince before climbing up onto it and sidestep to the prince's right. 27. when you reach the ledge wall run to the prince's right and jump when the prince steps on the farthest side of the shutter (if you jump to earlier you will launch into a wall). 28. if you jumped right you should grab a narrow beam. 29. quickly climb up and jump to the next narrow beam. 30. double speed kill the enemies below and then climb up the ladder that you are near (after you destroy the objects blocking your way). 31. when you reach the top of the ladder jump to the wall behind the prince and when the prince touches the wall quickly jump back and forth between the walls until you reach a railing to the right. 32. hop over the railing and then go to the prince's left. 33. wall run up the wall to the prince's right and jump at the peak of the wall run to reach the narrow beam behind the prince. 34. climb up onto the beam and then walk towards the wall. 35. climb up onto the ledge above the prince and then wall run along the wall to the prince's left. 36. climb up onto the beam you come to and then jump to the lower ledge you see up ahead. 37. walk out onto the narrow ledge to the prince's right and drop down to the

lowest narrow ledge. 38. sidestep to the prince's left and then wall run along with the shutter to the prince's left. 39. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and then jump again when the prince lands on the next shutter. 40. sidestep to the prince's right along the narrow ledge you land on and then hang from the ledge before you can trigger a speed kill on the enemy you see below. 41. wall run along the wall with the shutter and jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 42. speed kill the sand gate guardian below and then toss the other two enemies into the fire in the corner if you can't speed kill them. 43. deactivate the 6th sand gate to gain the winds of time power. 44. wall run up the wall with the wall button on it and then use the eye of the storm power to get through the door the button opened before it closes. 45. go up the stairs in front of you and then climb over the wall in front of you as you turn the corner to the prince's left. 46. break the objects in front of you to reveal a box that you can push/pull. 47. push/pull the box down the hallway to the prince's left and push it up against the door that you find at the end of the hallway. 48. climb up onto the box and then wall run up the wall to reach the ledge above the door. 49. climb up and drop down to the hallway in front of the prince. 50. follow the hallway around the corner to the prince's right and wall run up the block you see to the prince's right. 51. wall run up the wall with the dagger plate and stab it at the peak of the wall run. 52. wall run to the prince's left and jump before you run into the wall. 53. stab the dagger plate that you jumped towards and then jump up to the gap in the wall above the prince. 54. shimmy to the prince's right and climb up onto the ledge with a fountain here. 55. go over to the fountain to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the city gardens" (55%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_

_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go out of the doorway to the prince's left. 2. jump to the pole you can see from the opening in the balcony here and then swing/jump from the pole to the dagger plate on the wall up ahead. 3. stab (square) the dagger plate and then wall run to the prince's right (using the next dagger plate is optional as you should still land on the narrow ledge below it with the wall run). 5. sidestep to the prince's right around the corner and then jump to grab the narrow ledge above the prince. 6. shimmy to the prince's right until you are over the a narrow beam before dropping down to it. 7. walk out to the edge of the narrow beam and jump to the narrow beam across the gap. 8. walk to the wall and jump up to grab the narrow ledge above the prince. 9. climb up onto it and sidestep to the prince's right. 10. jump to the narrow beam behind the prince and then walk towards the wall. 11. jump up and stab the dagger plate that you see here on the wall. 12. wall run to the prince's right and stab the next dagger plate on the wall. 13. wall run to the prince's right and then climb up onto the ledge you run into. 14. climb up onto the ledge in front of the prince when the enemy isn't looking and speed kill them. 15. hop over the railing to the prince's left on this balcony and jump to the pole behind the prince. 16. swing/jump to the ledge in front of the prince and then drop off and hang from the other side of this ledge. 17. shimmy all the way to the prince's right and then drop down to the narrow ledge below the prince. 18. jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince and then drop down to hang from this narrow ledge. 19. shimmy to the prince's right all the way and climb up when the prince is able to. 20. jump to the trunk of the palm tree you see behind the prince and slide about half way down this tree (before you reach the green foliage). 21. face the back of the prince towards the smaller palm tree and jump to it. 22. face the prince's back towards the next smaller palm tree and then jump

to it. 23. face the prince's back towards the narrow ledge (to the right of the statue you can see from here) and jump to the narrow ledge. 24. without falling walk along the narrow ledge to the prince's left until you are above an enemy. 25. wait until the enemy walking around comes near the one below you and then double speed kill them. 26. sneak over to the other enemies around this area and speed kill them as well. 27. go over to the statue and look around the base of it until you find the slim dagger plate on it. 28. wall run up that side of the base that the slim dagger plate is on and stab your dagger into it. scene 29. jump away from the dagger plate and you can either jump from palm tree to palm tree until you reach the tall palm tree you came down or just go to the nearest palm tree to the tall one and jump to the tall one. 30. climb all the way back up the tallest palm tree and jump to the ledge you jumped from earlier. 31. drop down from the narrow ledge to hang from it and then shimmy to the prince's left all the way. 32. drop down to the narrow beam you see below the prince and then walk out to the edge of it. 33. jump to the narrow beam across the gap in front of the prince and then walk towards the wall. 34. jump up to grab the narrow ledge and then shimmy to the prince's left all the way. 35. climb up onto the narrow ledge when the prince can and then jump to the gap in the wall behind the prince. 36. shimmy to the prince's left a little to line him up with the dagger plate below him and then drop down to stab the dagger plate. 37. walk out onto the narrow beam you find here and jump to the narrow beam you see to the prince's right. 38. jump to the narrow ledge up ahead and then sidestep to the prince's right. 39. jump to the pole behind the prince and then climb up onto the pole (x when the prince is hanging from it). 40. jump towards the wall you just came from and then jump off that wall to reach the pole above the pole the prince was standing on.

41. swing/jump towards the wall you jump towards a moment ago and grab the narrow ledge here. 42. walk along this narrow ledge and out onto the narrow narrow ledge heading towards the palm tree. 43. when you reach the edge jump to the palm tree trunk you see in front of you. 44. slide down the trunk a little and face the back of the prince towards the narrow ledge near him. 45. jump to the narrow ledge and then to the dagger plate on the wall. 46. wall run to the prince's right and stab the next dagger plate. 47. wall run to the prince's right again and climb up onto the narrow beam you grab. 48. walk out to the edge of the beam and drop down to hang from the beam before you can speed kill the enemy below when the enemy walking around is not looking (if for some reason you don't do the speed kill right i recommend just tossing all the enemies that appear into the canal). 49. quickly drop off ledge you are near and hang from it (hanging above the canal). 50. shimmy to the prince's left and stop right before you reach the other side of the partition wall. 51. wait until the enemy that is walking around walks away and quickly climb up behind the enemy you are near to speed kill them. 52. drop back off the ledge again to hang from it and hide behind the partition wall again. 53. when you see the enemy walking around walk to the left quickly sneak up behind him and speed kill them. 54. deactivate the 7th sand gate to gain you sixth and final sand tank. 55. you should see near the sand gate a wall with a slim dagger plate on it. 56. wall run up that wall and stab your dagger into the slim dagger plate. scene 57. jump to the palm tree and climb all the way up it. 58. face the prince's back towards the narrow ledge you came from earlier and jump to it. 59. walk along the narrow ledge and then walk along it to the prince's right. 60. jump towards that slanted wooden ledge you can see from here and then jump to the narrow ledge up ahead.

61. sidestep to the prince's left and then drop down to the narrow beam below you. 62. walk out to the edge of this narrow beam and jump to the narrow beam across the gap in front of the prince. 63. walk to the wall and jump up to grab the narrow ledge above the prince. 64. climb up onto the narrow ledge and then sidestep all the way to the prince's right. 65. jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince and then sidestep to the prince's right. 66. drop down to the narrow ledge below and then speed kill the enemies below. 67. wall run along the wall you see the pole in the distance on from here to grab the pole and shimmy to the prince's right to the end of the pole. 68. swing/jump to the narrow ledge along the wall in front of the prince and then sidestep all the way to the prince's right. 69. speed kill the enemy below you when it is near you and then speed kill the next enemy on this walkway. 70. follow the walkway around and then drop down to the large area below. scene 71. mini-boss battle "stone guardian" this is an easy fight just get behind him and slash at the back of his legs with your sword until he goes down on one knee. once he is down it should trigger a speed kill. use the speed kill attack button (square) when the prince gets near the stone guardians head to stab him in the head. scene 72. mini-boss battle "stone guardian" part 2 the stone guardian instead of dying starts to run with you riding it. quickly turn him to the right when he gets through the door in front of him and then go to the left towards the next door to bust through it. follow the alley through the twists and turns until you reach another door to bust through (if you run into a wall and fall off use rewind to redo it and turn at the correct times). scene 73. climb up the ladder to the prince's right and go into the doorway at the top of it. 74. go over to the fountain to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\

/(_ location: "the canal" (59%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. you have a choice here at the start of this location: a. facing the fountain go to the the prince's left down the hallway here and climb up onto the block you find at the end of it (if you pick this option skip down to step 2 below end of optional objective). b. facing the fountain go to the prince's right and roll through the small gap in the wall to go after life upgrade #4. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ optional objective #4: life upgrade #4 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. go straight and walk out onto the narrow ledge to the prince's left. 2. when you reach the end of this narrow ledge drop down to the narrow ledge below the prince. 3. sidestep to the prince's left and then drop down to the ground below. 4. go to the prince's left and walk out onto the narrow ledge to the prince's left. 5. sidestep until you are lined up with the ladder behind the prince near the end of this narrow ledge and then jump to the ladder behind the prince. 6. slide down the ladder to the ground below and jump to the corridor behind the prince. 7. drink from the glowing fountain in front of the prince. 8. go around the corner to the left and roll past the traps you find here. 9. go straight and look around the corner to the prince's right. 10. use the eye of the storm power (tap l1) to slow down time and quickly wall run along the wall at the correct time to get past the spinning blades. 11. roll past the next traps at the correct time and then roll past the next spinning blade (use eye of the storm if it is moving too fast for you to time it right). 12. go to the end of the corridor into the light. 13. now backtrack to the fountain you saved your game at and save your game or climb up onto that block just left of the fountain at the end of the hallway. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ end of optional objective #4: life upgrade #4 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2. wall run up the wall to the left and jump back and forth between the walls

until you reach the ledge at the top of the right wall. 3. climb up and go around the corner to the prince's left. 4. wall run along the wall to the prince's right to land on a narrow ledge and then sidestep to the prince's left. 5. line up the prince with the ladder behind him and then jump to the ladder behind the prince. 6. slide all the way down the ladder and then jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 7. sidestep to the prince's right and then jump to the pole behind the prince. 8. swing/jump to the ledge up ahead and then go over to the fountain to the prince's left to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the promenade" (62%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go out of the doorway to the prince's right. 2. climb up onto the box to the prince's right and jump up to grab the pole above the prince. 3. climb up onto the pole and jump to the pole up ahead. 4. hang from the pole and wait for the enemy below to walk under you before speed killing them. 5. go over to the dark colored block you can push/pull and push it over to the corner of the railing and the wall to the left of the large wooden gate. 6. climb up onto it and wall run along the wall over the pool of water. 7. jump before you get to the end of the wall run and jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the ledge at the top of the left wall. 8. hang from the ledge until the enemy isn't looking and then climb up to speed kill them. 9. wall run up the wall with the wall button on it and then quickly wall run along the wall to the prince's left (if you are facing away from the wall button) that you can see a shutter on. 10. jump when the prince steps on the shutter to land on a narrow ledge in the distance. 11. sidestep to the prince's right and then jump up to grab the narrow ledge above the prince.

12. climb up onto the narrow ledge and then jump to the wooden structure behind the prince. 13. jump back and forth between the wooden structure and the wall you jumped from until you reach the roof of the wooden structure. 14. climb up onto the roof and wall run along the wall with the shutter. 15. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and then jump when you land on the next shutter. 16. hop over the railing you grab and go into the doorway here. scene 17. you have now transformed into the dark prince for the eighth time. 18. go to the opening up ahead and jump to the chain at the center of this circular tower. 19. speed kill the enemy at the bottom of the chain and then drop down to deal with the rest of the enemies (destroy any of the objects around here to gain more health if you need it). 20. go out of the doorway of the circular tower and go to the dark prince's left. 21. look along the wall and you will find a slim dagger plate. 22. wall run up the and stab (square) your dagger into that slim dagger plate. scene 23. go to the ledge near the shutters that just closed and wall run over the now closed shutters. 24. use your whip (triangle) on the torch to extend your wall run and then slide down the red curtain. 25. jump before you reach the bottom of the red curtain and use your whip to swing on the pole you jumped towards to land on a ledge up ahead. 26. kill all the enemies here and destroy the objects here to gain back health if you need it. 27. go over to the wall with the slim dagger plate and wall run up it to use it. 28. go over to the wall that the shutters just closed on and wall run over them. 29. use your whip on the torch to extend your wall run and then jump when the prince steps on the shutter at the end of the wall. 30. jump when the dark prince lands on the next shutter and then jump again when he lands on the next shutter.

31. kill the enemy that you see here and destroy any objects here to gain back health. 32. go over to the door on this ledge and wall run along the wall to the left of it. 33. jump when the dark prince steps on the shutter and then jump on when you land on the next two shutters. 34. after you jump off the final shutter use your whip to swing on the pole you are jumping towards to land on the balcony with many enemies on it. 35. fight off all the enemies here and then go over to the opening in the railing. 36. wall run along the wall here to the ledge up ahead and once you are on it go over to the wall with the slim dagger plate. 37. wall run up the wall and use the dagger plate. 38. go back to the wall you ran across and jump up to grab the small beam here. 39. climb up and jump onto the wooden shutter that opened up. 40. climb up onto it and jump to the balcony you were on earlier. 41. wall run up the wall to the dark prince's left and jump to the wooden shutter behind the dark prince at the peak of the wall run. 42. climb up onto the wooden shutter and wall run along the wall to the dark prince's left. 43. jump near the end of the wall run towards the pole to the dark prince's right. 44. use your whip (triangle) to swing from that pole and use it again to swing on the next pole to land on a ledge up ahead. 45. climb up onto the ledge and hang from the edge on the other side of this ledge. 46. shimmy all the way to the dark prince's left and then use your whip to pull the white block out of the wall behind the dark prince. 47. jump to the white block and and climb up onto it. 48. wall run to the dark prince's right to the ladder you grab onto at the end of the wall run and then slide down to the bottom of the ladder. 49. use your whip to pull the white block out of the wall behind the dark prince and then jump to it. 49. climb up onto the white block and wall run to the dark prince's left. 50. jump to the balcony to the dark prince's left before you run into the wall.

scene 51. jump up to the narrow ledge to the right of the flowing water and climb up onto it. 52. jump up to grab the railing above the prince and then hop over it. 53. hop over the railing in front of the prince and shimmy to the prince's right. 54. jump to the pole behind the prince and then swing/jump to the next pole. 55. swing/jump from this pole to the narrow beam you see up ahead. 56. walk out to the edge of the narrow beam and jump to the chain. 57. slide down the chain and speed kill the enemy below when the one nearby is not looking. 58. once you have speed killed it quickly go to the base of the wooden platform you are near. 59. wall run up the base of the platform to grab a narrow ledge on it. 60. jump up and grab the railing above the prince. 61. hop over the railing and wall run along the wall to the prince's left when the enemy on the ledge to the right is looking away from the wall you will be running on 62. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and then jump when he lands on the next shutter. 63. if you timed it right after jumping off the shutter it should trigger a speed kill and you will need to push the speed kill attack button (square) when the dagger flashes. 64. climb up onto the block at the corner of this area and wall run towards the wooden wall to the prince's right. 65. climb up onto the wooden wall and walk alone the wooden wall to line the prince up with the chain to jump to it from here. 66. slide down the chain and speed kill the enemy below you when the enemy near the sand gate is not looking. 67. sneak up and speed kill the last remaining enemy here when they are not looking your way. 68. deactivate the 8th sand gate to gain 200 sand credits. 69. go into the open doorway near to where you dropped down from with the first chain and climb over the blocks blocking the way. 70. follow the conveyor belt to the prince's right and make your way past the pounding blocks and blade traps (i recommend slowing down time to get by these traps easier).

71. continue to follow the conveyor belt around the corner to the prince's left and go over to the fountain that you find as you enter the doorway ahead to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the royal workshop" (65%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's right and wall run up the wall with the slim dagger plate to use it. scene (note: we found a ladder glitch in this room that if you run into i recommend reloading your previous saved game because you will no longer be able to climb up or down ladders. this will be a problem to you because of all the ladder climbing you need to do to complete this puzzle.) 2. go to the very large statue at the far side of the room and jump at the staff the statue is holding to grab onto it like a column or tree. 3. climb almost all the way up it and face the prince's back towards the ledge he is near. 4. jump to the ledge behind the prince and climb up onto it. 5. wall run up the two beams to the prince's right or wall run up the wall in front of the prince and jump at the peak of the wall run to grab the pole above the ledge the prince is on. 6. face the prince towards the wall as he hangs from the pole and shimmy to the prince's left. 7. climb up onto the ledge you come to and then go over to the wall with the big gap. 8. jump up to grab the gap and shimmy to the prince's left all the way. 9.jump to the gap behind the prince and then shimmy to the prince's left. 10. climb up onto the ledge you come to and go towards the ladder you see up ahead. 11. before you climb up the ladder take notice of the handle, the slim dagger plate and the picture above the slim dagger plate. the picture is of an clockwise arrow and if you used the slim dagger plate with that picture there it would turn the statue you climbed up clockwise. if you turned the handle here it would change the picture over the slim dagger plate to a picture of a counter-clockwise arrow. 12. climb up the ladder and go to the prince's left. 13. slide down the ladder you see to the prince's left and you should end up next to another handle. take notice of handle, the slim dagger plate and the

picture above the dagger plate. the picture is of a arrow pointing to the right (or forward in the case of our directions) and if you used the slim dagger plate it will move the statue in the direction it is pointing (forward). if you turned the handle it would change the picture over the slim dagger plate to a picture of a left pointing arrow (or backwards in the case of our directions). 14. this is how you need to move and turn the statue to complete this puzzle: forward (1 time) clockwise (2 times) forward (2 times) clockwise (1 time) backwards (1 time) clockwise (1 time) forward (1 time) clockwise (1 time) forward (1 time) counter-clockwise (1 time) forward (1 time) scene 15. save your game and then continue on. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the king's road" (67%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. you need to do almost the same thing as before with this chariot ride. follow the road the chariot is on and attack any enemies that climb onto it or run any other chariots into the wall when you get the chance until you reach the large city gates. you may want to use your rewind power to rewind any crashes you may have. just keep going until the prince finally tackles an enemy off of another chariot. scene 2. boss battle "sword & axe twins" (note: during this fight try to keep these two a good distance away from each other to make this fight easier. if they are too close to each other you will have a harder time rolling out of the way of the axe enemy's attack.) at the very beginning of this fight pretend like the axe wielding twin isn't even there. attack the sword wielding twin only and once you get enough hits on the sword twin you should see the axe twin come up behind you. once he does that it should go into a slow motion scene of the axe twin trying to slice the prince into two. quickly roll out of the way of the axe attack and if done correctly the axe should get stuck in the ground with the axe enemy trying to pull it out. quickly go behind or on the side of the axe twin and start attacking him as many times as you can before they pull the axe out of the ground (if you can try to keep the axe twin in between you and the sword twin to avoid any unwanted damage from the sword twin and if you can't try to

at least block the sword twin's attacks if he tries to attack you while your attacking the axe twin). once the axe is pulled out of the ground go back to attacking the sword wielding twin until the axe twin tries to slice the prince in two again and roll out of the way again before attacking the axe twin again until the axe is pulled out of the ground. repeat this process about 3 or more times (depending on the difficulty i'm guessing) and eventually it will give you a chance to trigger a speed kill. push the speed kill attack button (square) twice at the correct times that the dagger flashes (it only flashed for me twice anyways for the first speed kill attempt). continue the same tactic again of attacking the sword twin until the axe twin gets their axe stuck in the ground before attacking the axe twin and you will eventually get a second speed kill trigger. push the speed kill button 3 times at the correct times that the dagger flashes to complete this speed kill sequence and end the boss battle. scene -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ chapter 05: "battle for the thrones" -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 1. you have now transformed into the dark prince for the ninth time. 2. defeat all the enemies that appear and once you have defeated them all go through the door that opens. 3. you should see a balcony in front of the dark prince. 4. destroy the boxes near the wall you see to the dark prince's left and then wall run up the wall here to grab the railing of the balcony. 5. shimmy all the way to the dark prince's right and then climb up through the opening you find on the far right of this railing. 6. go past the red curtain covering the doorway in front of the dark prince and step into the water. scene 7. you have now transformed back into the prince. 8. wall run up the wall directly in front of the prince and hop over the railing you grab at the top of the wall. 9. go over to the fountain in front of the prince to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the palace entrance" (70%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go up the stairs to the prince's right. scene

2. wall run along the wall with the shutter you see and jump when the prince steps on the shutter to land on a narrow ledge. 3. sidestep to the prince's right to line up the back of the prince with the gap behind him (if you need to) and then jump to the gap behind the prince. 4. climb all the way up the gap and then turn the prince around to jump towards the balcony in front of the prince. 5. hop over the railing you grab and turn the handle here counter-clockwise to point towards the door it is near. 6. go through the open door and around the corner to the left. 7. jump out of the hole you see to the prince's left and slide down the red curtain. 8. before you reach the bottom of the curtain jump to the narrow ledge on the wall behind the prince. 9. drop down to hang from the narrow ledge and shimmy to the prince's left until you can climb up. 10. climb up and wall run up the wall to the prince's left. 11. climb up onto the narrow ledge you grab before jumping towards the wall behind the prince. 12. jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the railing at the top of the left wall. 13. hop over the railing and fight off the enemies here. 14. go to the opening in the railing and wall run along the wall here. 15. jump about halfway through the wall run (when you are on the bulge of the wall) to grab the pole to the prince's left. 16. swing/jump to the pole in front of the prince and then swing/jump to the dagger plate you see on the wall. 17. stab (square) your dagger into the dagger plate and then wall run to the prince's right. 18. go to the prince's right and hop over the railing. 19. line up the prince's back with the dagger plate you see on the wall and then jump to it to use it. 20. wall run to the prince's right when you see the retractable ledge come out of the wall. 21. once you land on the ledge quickly wall run up the wall and jump to the wall behind the prince. 22. jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the dagger plate on the wall to the left.

23. once you stab the dagger plate wall run to the prince's right and jump to the pole to the prince's right before you hit the wall. 24. hang from the pole and climb up onto it. 25. jump up to grab the pole above and then swing/jump to the next pole. 26. swing/jump from this pole to the balcony ahead and then fight off the enemies on this balcony. 27. turn the handle here counter-clockwise until it is pointing at the door it opens. 28. you now have a choice: a. go after life upgrade #5. or b. go through the door the handle opened and skip down to step 29. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ optional objective #5: life upgrade #5 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. hop over the railing near the handle and line up the back of the prince with the dagger plate you see on the elevator shaft. 2. jump up and stab the next dagger plate and then jump up again and stab the highest dagger plate. 3. jump to the wall behind the prince and then jump back and forth between the two walls until you reach the wall button on the elevator shaft wall. 4. once the prince steps on the wall button quickly activate the eye of the storm power (tap l1) and stab the dagger plate as the prince is falling from the wall button. 5. quickly drop down and stab the dagger plate below and then jump to the balcony with the handle. 6. quickly run through the door that is farthest away from the handle switch before it closes. 7. follow the hallway here until you reach a glowing fountain and then drink from it (destroy the objects near the fountain to gain back some sand tanks as you will probably need them). 8. avoid the small spinning blade in front of you and go right off the edge to hang from the ledge. 9. jump to the ledge behind the prince when the spinning floor panel behind him is about to go flat. 10. quickly jump to that ledge and climb up onto it (sometimes you do sometimes you don't need to climb up).

11. quickly run across the flat floor panel and jump past the spinning blade on the other side of the gap. 12. wall run up the wall in front of you when the narrow ledge above you first pops out of the wall to grab it. 13. quickly climb up and jump to grab the next narrow ledge. 14. quickly climb up again and jump to grab the next narrow ledge. 15. quickly climb up and then jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 16. quickly jump up to grab the narrow ledge above the prince and then climb up onto it. 17. quickly jump to the ledge behind the prince and climb up onto it. 18. use the eye of the storm power to get by one of the wall panels when they go flat. 19. go into the light at the end of the hallway. 20. backtrack to the door you came in and step on the floor button near it to open it. 21. go into the door near the handle up ahead. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ end of optional objective #5: life upgrade #5 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 29. wall run up the wall under the dagger plate and stab the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 30. jump up to grab the railing above the prince and hop over the railing onto the balcony. 31. hop over the railing in front of the prince and then line up the prince with the dagger plate on the wall. 32. jump to the dagger plate to use it and then wall run to the prince's right when the retractable ledge first pops out of the wall. 33. quickly jump to the narrow ledge along the wall in front of the prince. 34. climb up onto it and sidestep to the prince's right all the way. 35. jump to the wall behind the prince and then jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the railing at the top of the left wall. 36. shimmy to the prince's right and then hop over the railing to speed kill the enemies here. 37. go to the opening in the railing and wall run along the wall here. 38. jump about halfway through the wall run (when you are on the bulge of the wall) to grab the pole to the prince's left.

39. swing/jump to the pole in front of the prince and then swing/jump to the wall you see the dagger plate on. 40. quickly jump to the elevator shaft behind the prince and jump back and forth between the walls until you can stab the dagger plate. 41. wall run to the prince's right to land on a narrow ledge here and then sidestep to the prince's right all the way. 42. jump to the railing behind the prince and then shimmy to the prince's right until his back is lined up with the elevator/lift that farah is on. 43. jump to the elevator/lift and climb up into it. scene 44. fight off the enemies that appear and then move the handle here counter-clockwise. 45. you should see a wall near the handle moving. go under that moving wall and when it is about to retract back into the wall quickly wall run up either side of the wall. 46. jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the ledge at the top of the left wall and climb up onto the ledge before the retractable wall pops back out of the wall. 47. wall run up the wall in front of the prince and stab the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 48. when the wall extends out wall run to the prince's left and stab the dagger plate near the end of the wall run. 49. jump up and stab the dagger plate above the prince and then jump up to grab the ledge above the prince. 50. climb up onto the ledge and then go to the prince's right. 51. wall run along the wall to the prince's right when the moving part of the wall is extended and quickly stab the dagger plate when you reach it. 52. once the wall extends again quickly wall run to the prince's right to a ledge and then wall run to the prince's right when the wall panel covers the hole in the wall. 53. slide down the red curtain when you reach it and jump to the narrow beam behind the prince before you reach the bottom of the curtain. 54. walk to the wall and sidestep to the prince's left around the corner. 55. walk out onto the narrow beam and jump to the gap in front of the prince. 56. climb up the gap and then turn the prince around to jump to the dagger plate in front of the prince. 57. stab the dagger plate and wall run to the prince's left. 58. jump to the dagger plate you see to the prince's left near the end of the

wall and stab the dagger plate. 59. wall run to the prince's right to grab a gap in the wall. 60. shimmy to the prince's right all the way and then drop down to the ledge below the prince. 61. go into the doorway here and wall run along the wall to the prince's right. 62. jump to the dagger plate to the prince's left near the end of the wall run to use it and then wall run to the prince's right. 63. stab the dagger plate that you come to before you reach the wall and then jump to the pole behind the prince. 64. swing/jump to the dagger plate you see on the wall in front of the prince to use it and then wall run to the prince's left when the wall becomes flat. 65. go over to the fountain to the prince's left to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the hanging gardens" (74%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's left and go around the corner to the prince's right. 2. drop off the edge in front of you to hang from it and then drop down to the narrow ledge below the prince. 3. sidestep to the prince's right all the way and then jump up and grab the narrow ledge above the prince. 4. shimmy to the prince's right and climb up when you can. 5. go to the prince's right towards the wall. scene 6. wall run along the wall the shutter was closed on and at the end of the wall run jump to the pole to the prince's right. 7. hang from the pole and then drop down to the gap below the prince (unless you miss the pole then hopefully the prince falls into the gap to stop you from falling). 8. slide down the gap and face away from the wall. 9. speed kill the enemy below when the other enemy isn't looking and then sneak up on the other enemy to speed kill them. 10. go to the opening in the railing and wall run along the wall with the

dagger plate. 11. stab your dagger into the dagger plate near the end of the wall run and then wall run to the prince's left when you see the ledge near you coming out of the wall. 12. jump to the ledge that came out of the wall and jump or wall run to the pole you see in front of you. 13. climb up onto the pole and jump up to grab the pole above the prince. 14. climb up onto the pole and jump up to grab the pole above the prince. 15. climb up onto the pole and then jump up to grab the wooden beam above the prince. 16. walk out to the edge of the beam and jump to the tree trunk you see in front of the prince. 17. swing/jump from the tree trunk to grab the ledge up ahead and then climb up onto it. scene 18. wall run along the wall that the shutter closed on and you should run into a narrow ledge. 19. drop down from the narrow ledge and then drop down into the gap below the prince. 20. slide down the gap and then use your landscape view (l2). 21. speed kill the enemy that walks under you when the other two aren't looking and then sneak up on the other enemies to speed kill them (if one spots you just toss them over the edge of the railing). 22. deactivate the 9th and final sand gate to gain the sand storm attack. 23. go over to the railing in front of the prince (just past the sand gate and line the prince's back up with the dagger plate you see on the wall here. 24. jump to the dagger plate behind the prince and then jump to stab the dagger plate above the prince. 25. when you see the wall above the prince to the right starts to come out of the wall quickly wall run to the prince's left. 26. when the prince runs into the wall quickly jump and the prince should jump towards the wall that is coming out of the wall. 27. quickly jump back and forth between these walls until you reach the first gap in the wall. you can either wait for the wall to come back out or continue to jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the next gap in the wall on the left wall.

28. shimmy to the prince's left around the corner and then climb up onto the narrow ledge. 29. jump up to grab the gap above the prince and then shimmy to the prince's left all the way. 30. drop down into the gap below the prince and then slide down the gap. 31. speed kill the enemy below when the other enemy isn't looking and then sneak up to speed kill the other enemy. 32. go to the opening in the railing and wall run along the wall here to the narrow ledge you can see from here. 33. sidestep to the prince's left all the way and then jump to the pole behind the prince. 34. swing/jump to the narrow ledge you see at the upper left of your screen and then shimmy to the prince's right all the way. 35. jump to the balcony behind the prince and go into the doorway to the prince's left. 36. go over to the fountain in front of the prince to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the structure's mind" (76%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's left and walk out onto the narrow beam here. 2. jump to the gap in front of the prince and then use your eye of the storm power (tap l1) to slow down the blades below you. 3. slide down past the blades at the correct time until you reach the bottom of the gap and then drop down to the area below. 4. roll past the spinning pillars here at the correct times (to avoid the darts/arrows shooting from the wall on the right) and then go around the corner into the doorway to the prince's left (after destroying the objects here if you need more sand for your tanks). 5. use your eye of the storm power if you need to and roll past the spinning blades in front of the prince. scene 6. you are now in a large room with 3 platforms with handles as shown in the diagram below. ############################################################################# +----------------+

| | | | | | | handle b | | | | | | | +----------------+----------------+----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | handle a | | | | | | handle c | | | | | | | | | +----------------+ +----------------+ entrance | exit door | | ---> v | ---------############################################################################# 7. you will now need to turn the handles here to raise all three ledges up to their top position before the walkway to the exit door will rise out of the pit. 8. use the diagram above to help you solve this puzzle with the following directions. 9. go over to handle b and turn it counter-clockwise. 10. drop down from this ledge and go over to handle c to turn it counter-clockwise. 11. drop down from this ledge and go over to handle a to turn it counter-clockwise. 12. drop down from this ledge and wall run up the wall at the corner between handle b and handle c to grab a narrow ledge. 13. climb up the narrow ledges here until you can jump to the ledge next to handle c. 14. jump or do a short wall run from this ledge to the platform with handle c and turn it counter-clockwise. 15. face the wall and wall run to the prince's left towards the narrow ledges you climb up on. 16. drop down until you can jump to the ledge next to handle b. 17. jump or do a short wall run from this ledge to the platform with handle b and turn it counter-clockwise. 15. face the wall and wall run to the prince's left towards the narrow ledges here. 16. drop down until you can jump to the ledge next to handle a.

17. jump or do a short wall run from this ledge to the platform with handle a and turn it counter-clockwise. scene 18. face the wall and wall run to the prince's right towards the narrow ledges here. 19. drop down from them until you reach the ground and head for the exit door of this area. scene 20. you have now transformed into the dark prince for the tenth time. 21. save your game and then continue on. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the well of ancestors" (78%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ (note: you will need to do most of the following directions quickly as there is limited areas to gain back health. use your winds of sand attack on the large amounts of enemies that attack you to kill them off quickly.) 1. go out of the doorway to the dark prince's left and wall run along the wall to the dark prince's right. 2. use your whip (triangle) on the torch to extend the wall run to reach the next ledge. 3. wall run again on the next wall and use your whip again on the torch to extend the wall run to reach the narrow beam up ahead. 4. walk out to the end of this narrow beam and then jump towards the pole at the center of this well. 5. use your whip (triangle) to swing on the pole to reach the chain up ahead. 6. slide down the chain and drop down to grab the narrow beam below you. 7. quickly climb up and walk along it before it breaks. 8. walk out onto the smaller narrow beam to the dark prince's right and jump to the ledge in front of the dark prince. 9. wall run along the wall in front of the prince and use your whip on the torch to extend the wall run. 10. quickly go into the door on the ledge you land on and destroy all the objects in here until you gain back your health or fill up your sand tanks. 11. leave this room and narrow beam you see to the dark prince's left.

12. quickly shimmy or walk along it towards the wall before it breaks and then drop down to the narrow beam below the prince. 13. drop down to the ledge below this narrow beam and then face wall.

towards the

14. wall run along the wall to the dark prince's left and use your whip on the 2 torches to extend your wall run twice to reach the ledge up ahead. 15. wall run along the next wall and use your whip again on the torch to extend the wall run and reach the next ledge. 16. wall run along the next wall and land on a narrow ledge. 17. drop down onto the ledge you see below this narrow ledge and go into the doorway to the dark prince's right. 18. fight the enemies here to gain back your health (attack the illusion enemy first the one moving around on a sand cloud as they are the fastest ones to kill in the room). 19. quickly leave this room once you have your health back and go to the dark prince's right. 20. wall run along the wall here to land on the ledge you see in the distance. 21. go around the corner to the dark prince's right and hang off the edge of this ledge next to the wall to the dark prince's left. 22. drop down to the gap below the dark prince and then slide down the gap until you reach the bottom. 23. drop down to the ledge below and fight off the enemies that appear to gain back health. 24. go to the edge of the ledge and jump to the pole you see at the center of the well. 25. use your whip (triangle) to swing from it and then use your whip again to swing from the next pole. 26. go straight before the ledge you land on breaks and then wall run along the wall to the dark prince's left. 27. use your whip twice on the torches along this wall to extend the wall run and you should grab a narrow beam at the end of the last wall run. 28. drop down to the narrow beam below the dark prince and then drop down to the ledge below. 29. face the wall and wall run along the wall to the dark prince's right. 30. use your whip four times on the torches along the wall to extend the wall runs until you reach a ledge. 31. go to the dark prince's left and destroy the objects here to gain back

health or fill up sand tanks. 32. jump to the pole you can see down the dark tunnel from here to the dark prince's right and use your whip to swing from the pole. 33. climb up onto the ledge you grab and go around the corner to the dark prince's right. 34. go down the stairs and fight off enemies that appear here. 35. follow the corridor to the dark prince's right at the bottom of the stairs and when you reach the opening to the dark prince's right walk out onto the narrow ledge to the right. 36. sidestep to the dark prince's left all the way and then drop down to the ledge you can see below. 37. wall run to the dark prince's right to reach a ledge and then go down the stairs here. 38. wall run along the wall at the bottom of the stairs to reach another ledge and then wall run one more time to land on a walkway. 39. fight off the enemies here to the dark prince's left to gain back health and then walk out onto the narrow beam to the dark prince's right. 40. jump to the gap you see in front of you and slide all the way down it. 41. drop down to the ledge below and go into the open doorway you find down here. (note: this is a checkpoint area if you die after you go through this hallway you will start from here.) 42. go down the hallway and around the corner to the dark prince's left after destroying the objects up ahead to gain back health or sand tanks). 43. use eye of the storm power to slow down the blades on the wall and wall run along the wall at the correct time to avoid the blades. 44. drop down to hang from the narrow ledge you land on and quickly shimmy all the way to the dark prince's right. 45. drop down to the narrow ledge you see below you and then quickly climb up to sidestep all the way to the dark prince's left. 46. quickly jump to the gap behind the dark prince before the narrow ledge breaks and then shimmy all the way to the dark prince's right. 47. drop down at the correct time to avoid the blade and grab the gap below you. 48. shimmy to the dark prince's right all the way and climb up onto the ledge when you can. 49. quickly go around the corridor to the dark prince's left and make your way past the spinning blades (use eye of the storm if you need to).

50. destroy the objects just past the spinning blades to gain back health and fill up your sand tanks. 51. go to the dark prince's right and jump towards the pole you see in the distance. 52. use your whip (triangle) to swing from it and then quickly wall run up the wall to your right when you land on a ledge. 53. shimmy to the dark prince's right all the way and then jump to the gap in the wall behind the dark prince. 54. drop down to the narrow ledge below the dark prince and then drop down to the next narrow ledge. 55. drop down to the narrow ledge below the dark prince and then sidestep to the dark prince's right. 56. go up the stairs to the dark prince's left and use your eye of the storm power to get past the spinning blades here. 57. destroy the objects just past the blades to gain back health and fill up sand tanks. 58. go to the dark prince's left and run across the floor panels when they go flat (watch out for the darts and arrows also). 59. quickly wall run along the wall to the dark prince's left and jump when the dark prince steps on the shutter to land on the narrow ledge up ahead. 60. sidestep to the dark prince's right and climb up onto the narrow ledge above the dark prince. 61. jump to the gap behind the dark prince and then shimmy to the dark prince's right all the way. 62. use eye of the storm power and quickly drop down at the correct time to avoid the spinning blade. 63. quickly go to the dark prince's right and wall run up the wall when the spinning blade near the pit is not in the way on the dark prince's left to grab a gap in the wall above the blade. 64. shimmy to the dark prince's right all the way until you line up the dark prince's back with the white block and then use your whip (triangle) to pull the white block out of the wall behind the dark prince. 65. jump to the white block and then jump to the gap in the wall to the dark prince's left. 66. shimmy to the dark prince's right all the way and then drop down to the ledge below. 67. use your eye of the storm power and make your way past the spinning blades here. 68. step on the floor button on the floor and go through the door it opens up.

scene 69. use your new sword to defeat the enemies that appear and then go look for the cracked gray door (it is on the opposite side of the room that you entered from). 70. use your sword (push and then hold triangle) to destroy the gray door. 71. go straight and go over to the fountain to the prince's right to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the well of ancestors (continued)" (81%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ (note: it is hard to see ledges in here and some of them that you need to go to you won't even be able to see until you are wall running towards them just to warn you in advance.) 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's left and then go along the wall to the prince's left until you reach a pit. 2. wall run along the wall here to reach the ledge you can see on the other side of the pit. (note: kill the enemies along the way during the following directions. i won't mention about them because that would spoil their surprise attacks.) 3. go between the pillars to the prince's right and follow the ledge to the prince's left and jump to the ledge you can see on the other side of the pit here. 4. go to the prince's right along this ledge and around the corner of the ledge to the prince's right. 5. once you reach the pit wall run along the wall here to reach a ledge up ahead. 6. go straight and wall run or jump to the next ledge up ahead. 7. go around the corner of the ledge to the prince's right and go to the dead end you find here. 8. wall run up the left or right wall here and jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the ledge at the top of the right wall. 9. climb up and follow the wall on the prince's left around the corner. 10. wall run or jump across the gap to the ledge in front of you and then go to the prince's right. 11. when you reach the edge wall run along the wall here to a ledge up ahead.

12. go to the prince's right and jump across the gap to the ledge you see. 13. go straight and jump to the ledge you see up ahead. 14. go to the wall and wall run to the prince's left to reach the next ledge. 15. go to the prince's left and jump to the ledge you see here. 16. go straight and jump to the ledge you see up ahead. 17. jump to the ledge to the prince's right and go towards the wall to the prince's left. 18. go to the wall to the prince's right and wall run along the wall to the prince's right. 19. wall run or jump to the final ledge of this dark area. 20. go over to the fountain you see lit up ahead to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the labyrinth" (83%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. step on the floor button near the fountain and go into the door that opens. 2. follow this hallway until you reach a pit and then wall run up the wall to the prince's right to grab a narrow ledge. 3. shimmy or sidestep along this narrow ledge to the prince's left all the way and then drop down to the narrow ledge below the prince. 4. sidestep to the prince's left and then jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 5. sidestep to the prince's right and then drop down to the narrow ledge below the prince. 6. drop down to the next narrow ledge and then sidestep to the prince's right. 7. drop down to the narrow ledge below the prince and then sidestep all the way to the prince's right. 8. climb up onto the narrow ledge above the prince and then climb up to the ledge above the prince. 9. step on the floor button you see in front of you and quickly go through the door before it closes. 10. go to the edge of the pit in front of the prince and jump to that pole you see to the prince's right.

11. swing/jump to the next pole and then shimmy to the prince's left. 12. swing/jump to the next pole up ahead and then drop down to the pole below the one you are on. 13. drop down to the next pole and then shimmy to the prince's right. 14. swing/jump to the pole up ahead and then swing/jump to the ledge you can see in front of you. 15. climb up onto the ledge in front of you and then wall run up the wall in front of you to grab a narrow ledge. 16. make your way up these narrow ledges until you reach the top one and then jump to the pole behind the prince. 17. face the camera and prince towards the wall with the dagger plates on it. 18. line the prince up with the single dagger plate on the wall and swing/jump towards it. 19. stab (square) your dagger into it and then jump to the pole behind the prince. 20. face the camera towards the wall with the higher dagger plates if it is not already and swing/jump to the dagger plate near you. 21. wall run to the prince's left and stab the dagger plate. 22. jump to the pole behind the prince and then swing/jump to the ledge in front of the prince. 23. climb up and go over to the rock covered doorway to use your sword (push and then hold triangle) to clear it. 24. fight off the enemies here and then go to the edge of the ledge up ahead. 25. jump to the ledge with the fountain on it and use it to heal yourself plus save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the underground cave" (85%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. facing the fountain go to the prince's right and jump across the gap to the ledge with the doorway blocked by rocks. 2. use your sword to clear the doorway and go in. 3. go to the prince's right and hang off the edge of the ledge here. 4. jump to the middle of the next ledge (when the spinning pillar is not in the center of course) and you should end up hanging from it.

5. when the moving spinning pillar moves away from the center quickly climb up. and jump to the next ledge up ahead. 6. wall run up the wall to the prince's right and climb up onto the ledge you grab. 7. jump up and grab the gap above the prince and then shimmy to the prince's right until he can climb up. 9. go down this tunnel and use your sword on the door blocked by rocks to the prince's left. 10. fight off the enemies here and then wall run along the wall to the prince's left until you reach a gap in the wall. 11. climb up the gap and then climb up onto the ledge at the top. 12. jump to the dagger plate in front of the prince to use it and then drop down to the pole below the prince. 13. swing/jump to the narrow ledge in front of the prince and then climb up onto the narrow ledge above the prince. 14. jump to the wall behind the prince before jumping back and forth between the wall here until you grab the ledge at the top of the left wall. 15. wall run up the wall with the slim dagger plate and then use it (square). 16. you should now see parts of the wall moving. 17. use your eye of the storm power and wall run towards them when you see the nearest part of the moving wall begin to come out of the wall. 18. quickly jump to the first part of the wall moving before you hit the wall and then quickly jump to the next part of the wall moving. 19. quickly jump to the ledge in front of the prince and kill all the enemies that appear here. 20. wall run up the wall with the slim dagger plate and use it. 21. walk out onto the narrow beam to the prince's left and jump to the narrow ledge in front of the prince. 22. sidestep around the corner to the prince's left and then drop down to the narrow ledge below the prince. 23. drop down to the lowest narrow ledge that is just above the fountain you used earlier and then sidestep around the corner to the prince's left. 24. jump to the ledge you see behind the prince and use your sword to unblock the doorway in front of the prince. 25. kill the enemies here and then wall run up the wall with the dagger plates in front of you. 26. stab (square) the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run and then stab

the dagger plate above the prince. 27. wall run to the prince's left and stab the dagger plate you see here. 28. jump to the dagger plate behind the prince to use it and then wall run to the prince's right to use another dagger plate you see here. 29. drop down and stab the dagger plate below the one you are hanging from and then jump to the dagger plate behind the prince. 30. wall run to the prince's left to land on the ledge below. 31. defeat the enemies that appear and then use your sword to unblock the doorway here. 32. go out of the doorway and to the prince's right. 33. wall run up the wall in front of you and then jump to the wall behind the prince at the peak of the wall run. 34. jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the ledge at the top of the right wall. 35. climb up onto the ledge in front of the prince and the wall run along the wall here to the pole you see in the far distance. 36. swing/jump to the pole in front of the prince and then swing/jump in between the gap in front of the prince. 37. slide all the way down the gap and then drop down to the ledge below. 38. fight off all the enemies here and then look in the direction of the pit to see a dagger plate on a small wall. 39. jump to the dagger plate to use it and then jump up to grab the narrow ledge above it (if you do a good enough jump you might just grab the narrow ledge without using the dagger plate). 40. sidestep to the prince's right and jump up to use the dagger plate above the prince. 41. jump up to use the dagger plate above the prince and then jump up to grab the gap in the wall above the prince. 42. shimmy to the prince's right until you can climb up and then walk out onto the narrow beam to the prince's right. 43. jump to the column in front of the prince and after you slide down it some jump to the column to the prince's left. 44. jump to the ledge with all the enemies you see down below and fight off all the enemies. 45. go into the doorway here and follow the tunnel around the corner to the prince's right. 46. unblock the doorway with your sword and then go inside.

47. wall run along the wall to the prince's left and then jump to stab the dagger plate to the prince's right at the end of the wall run. 48. wall run to the prince's left and jump to the prince's left before the end of the wall run to grab a gap in the wall. 49. shimmy to the prince's right around the corner and then climb up onto the narrow ledge. 50. climb up onto the ledges above the prince and then jump to the narrow beam behind the prince. 51. walk out to the edge of the narrow beam and jump to the gap in front of the prince. 52. climb all the way up the gap and then climb up onto the ledge you come to. 53. go over to the gap in the wall and wall run either wall. 54. jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the ledge at the top. 55. use your eye of the storm power and then roll up the hill at the correct times past the spinning pillars here. 56. go around the corner to the prince's left and use the eye of the storm power again (if you need to) to get past the traps here. 57. go up the stairs to the prince's left and wall run up the wall below the dagger plate on the wall at the top of the stairs. 58. stab the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run and then jump up to use the dagger plate above the prince. 59. wall run to the prince's right and then go up the stairs to the prince's right. 60. go over to the fountain in front of the prince to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the royal kitchen" (88%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. go to the prince's right and wall run up the wall that the slim dagger plate is on to use it. 2. drop down and go into the doorway that opens up before it closes. 3. fight off all the enemies that show up fireplace.

and then head over to the

4. go up the first part of the staircase to the right of the fireplace and

you should see some dagger plates up on the wall to the left as you go up the stairs. 5. wall run up and stab your dagger into the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 6. jump up and stab the dagger plate above you and then wall run to the prince's left. 7. jump before you reach the pillar and the prince should grab a narrow beam to his left. 8. walk along this beam straight ahead to the edge and then jump to the dagger plate on the wall to the prince's right to use it. 9. wall run to the prince's left to grab the pole here and shimmy to the prince's left. 10. swing/jump to the balcony up ahead and then go to the other side of the balcony to the prince's left. 11. walk out onto the narrow beam you see to the prince's left and then jump to the dagger plate to the prince's right to use it. 12. jump before you reach the pillar and the prince should grab a narrow beam to his left. 13. walk along this beam straight ahead to the edge and then jump to the dagger plate on the wall in front of the prince to use it. 14. wall run to the prince's left to step on the wall button and then drop down to the staircase below. 15. go up the stairs and into the door that opened before it closes. 16. go up the stairs in front of the prince and up the stairs around the corner to the prince's right. 17. go over to the fountain in front of the prince to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the secret passage" (89%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. go up the stairs to the prince's left and go out of the doorway around the corner to the prince's left. 2. jump to the left side of the pole that is above the pit and swing/jump to the next pole. 3. swing/jump to the narrow ledge up ahead and then climb up the ledges above the prince until your hanging from a railing.

4. hop over the railing and wall run up the wall to the prince's left to grab another railing. 5. hop over this railing and follow this hallway in front of you. 6. go over to the fountain at the end of the hallway before you reach the doorway to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the lower tower" (90%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. go out of the doorway to the prince's left and then climb up onto the platform to the prince's left. 2. wall run along the wall on the other side of this platform to the pole you can see in the distance (before the ledge). 3. swing/jump to the ledge up ahead and then wall run up the wall near the grate to grab a narrow ledge. 4. climb up the narrow ledges above the prince and then sidestep to the prince's left on the top narrow ledge. 5. wall run along the wall here and the prince should grab a pole at the end of the wall run. 6. shimmy to the prince's left until the prince is facing the gap in the wall. 7. swing/jump to the gap and slide down to the bottom of it. 8. drop down to the ledge below and walk out onto the end of the narrow beam here. 9. jump to the pole to the prince's right and then swing/jump to the ledge up ahead. 10. hang from this ledge and shimmy to the prince's left until you can see around the corner of the wall with the camera.. 11. wait until the enemy here faces it's back to you and then climb up to speed kill them. 12. go to the handle the enemy was guarding here and turn it counter-clockwise. 13. go back around the corner that you came from and wall run up the wall to the prince's left to grab a narrow ledge here. 14. climb up onto it and sidestep to the prince's right. 15. jump to the narrow beam behind the prince and then climb up onto it to jump to the other l shaped beam near you.

16. walk along the narrow beam to the ledge and then walk out onto the small narrow beam to the prince's left. 17. jump to the narrow beam to the prince's left and then climb up to jump to the narrow beam behind the prince. 18. walk onto the ledge and turn the handle you find here counter-clockwise. 19. jump to the narrow beam with the birds on it and then climb up to jump to the narrow beam behind the prince. 20. climb up to walk along this beam and then walk out to the edge of then walk out onto the smaller narrow beam. 21. jump to the narrow beam on the other side of the elevator shaft to the prince's right and then drop down to the ledge below. 22. push/pull the box on the elevator/lift over to the wall below the dagger plate high up on the wall. 23. climb up onto the box and wall run up the wall to stab the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 24. wall run to the prince's right and then stab the dagger plate near the end of the wall run. 25. wall run to the prince's right again and then jump to the column hanging from a hook to the prince's right (you will want to jump near the end of the wall run or just above the dagger plate you can see on the lower part of the wall). 26. slide down the column to the bottom and then jump to the dagger plate on the wall. 27. wall run to the prince's right and use the next dagger plate. 28. wall run to the prince's right again and the prince will grab a pole near the end of the wall run. 29. swing/jump to the higher pole up ahead and then face the prince back the way you came to swing/jump to the higher pole in front of the prince. 30. swing/jump to the ledge and climb up onto it. 31. follow this ledge around the side of the tower until you reach the edge on the other side of it and then jump or wall run to the pole you see in front of you. 32. face the prince back the way you came and swing/jump to the ledge above the one you came from. 33. climb up onto it and follow it around the side of the tower. (note: this is another checkpoint once you enter the doorway in the directions below you will start from there if you die just to let you know). 34. go into the doorway you find to the prince's left and wall run along the

wall to the prince's left when both the blade isn't in the way or the wall panel has gone flat (use eye of the storm if you need to). 35. jump when the prince's steps on the shutter at the very end of his wall run and then jump when you land on the next shutter to reach the ledge to the left. 36. go to the prince's left and use your eye of the storm power to get past these traps here easier. 37. go around the corner to the prince's right and do the same as before to get past these traps. 38. go around the corner to the prince's right and jump to the dagger plate on the wall. 39. wall run to the prince's left and jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 40. jump when the prince lands on the next shutter and then use the dagger plate you are launched to. 41. climb up the dagger plates here and then wall run to the prince's left. 42. go over to the fountain you see here to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the middle tower" (92%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. wall run up the wall with the slim dagger plate on it and use it to open the door behind the prince. 2. quickly go through the door before it closes and go to the prince's right. 3. wall run up the wall below the dagger plate on the wall to the prince's right and stab it at the peak of the wall run. 4. jump up to stab the dagger plate above you and then wall run to the prince's right to grab a ledge here. 5. climb up and then wall run up the wall below the dagger plate on the wall to the prince's left. 6. stab it at the peak of the wall run and then jump up to use the dagger plate above you. 7. wall run to the prince's left and stab the dagger plate you come to. 8. wall run to the prince's left and jump when the prince steps on the shutter.

9. slide the column you grab and slide about half way down it. 10. face the prince's back to the ledge you are near and jump to it. 11. climb up onto the ledge and go around to the other side of the ledge. 12. turn the handle you find here counter-clockwise. 13. go to the corner of this ledge and jump to the narrow beam here. 14. climb up onto it and walk along it to go under the narrow beam above you. 15. jump up to grab the narrow beam and then climb up onto it. 16. walk to the edge of this beam around the corner and then jump over the railing you are near. 17. go to the other side of this ledge to find a block on an elevator/lift. 18. push/pull this block out of this elevator and onto the elevator/lift near the handle you saw on this ledge. 19. once you have done that turn the handle you see here counter-clockwise. 20. go over to the railing you jumped over a moment ago and hop over near the wall to hang from it. 21. jump to the pole behind the prince and then climb up onto the pole (push x when the prince is not moving). 22. jump up to grab the pole above the prince and then climb up onto that pole. 23. jump up to grab the pole above the prince and then swing/jump to the railing you are near. 24. hop over the railing and fight the enemies here. 25. pull the block out of the elevator/lift and push/pull the block onto the elevator on the other side of this ledge (it might not look like the block will fit but it does and be sure to push it all the way onto the elevator/lift). 26. if you did it correctly the elevator should go down from the weight and the elevator/lift in the distance will rise. 27. destroy the objects to the prince's left and wall run up the wall to grab the narrow ledge above the prince. 28. sidestep to the prince's right onto the ledge here. 29. wall run along the wall towards that elevator/lift that went up and jump to that elevator/lift to the prince's right near the end of the wall run. 30. hop over the railing of the lift and then hop over the railing to the prince's left.

31. jump to the narrow beam behind the prince and then walk onto the ledge here. 32. go to the gap in the wall and wall run up either side and then jump to the wall behind the prince at the peak of the wall run. 33. jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the ledge at the top of either wall. 34. sidestep to the center of this gap and then jump to the narrow beam you at the front of the gap. 35. climb up onto the beam and walk out to the edge of it. 36. jump to the ledge with the birds on it and then wall run up the wall to the prince's right to use the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 37. wall run to the prince's left to grab a pole and then swing/jump to the pole up ahead. 38. swing/jump to the ledge up ahead and then jump to the stone ledge in front of the prince to hang from the edge of it. 39. you now have a choice: a. climb up onto the stone ledge and skip down to step 40. or b. go for life upgrade #6 and drop down to the narrow beam below the prince. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ optional objective #6: life upgrade #6 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (note: be sure to enter this area with all your sand tanks full or you will have to backtrack out to get more sand.) 1. drop down to the next narrow beam below the one you are now on and then jump to the beam in front of a hole in the wall. 2. walk into the hole and drop down the hole up ahead to end up in a hallway. 3. climb up onto the block at the end of this hallway and then wall run up the wall in front of the prince to grab a narrow ledge. 4. climb up onto the narrow ledge and jump to the narrow ledge behind the prince. 5. sidestep to the prince's left and then climb up onto the narrow ledge above the prince. 6. climb up to the next narrow ledge and then jump to the ledge behind the prince. 7. go over to the glowing fountain and drink from it. 8. do a small wall run to get past the blades and spinning floor panel

landing just past the floor panel. 9. use your eye of the storm power and wall run along the wall to the prince's left when the blade isn't in the way or when the wall panels in the distance are going flat. 10. when you quickly jump quickly wall ledge at the

reach the spinning wall panels at the end of the wall run to the ledge to the prince's right or if you are not high enough jump back and forth between the panels until you get onto the top of the right spinning panel.

11. wall run along the next wall at the correct time to avoid the spinning blades here and then at the very end of the wall run (when you are just about to fall into the pit) jump to grab the narrow beam to the prince's right. 12. walk along this narrow beam and jump across the pit to the narrow beam you see in front of you. 13. drop down to the narrow beam below you and then jump to the ledge with the spinning floor panels. 14. stand near one of the walls and when the spinning floor panel in front of you goes flat wall run towards the light at the end of the hallway to hopefully avoid the blade or other floor panel. 15. backtrack out the way you came and walk out onto the narrow beam at the entrance. 16. jump to the narrow beam to the prince's right and then climb up onto the beams above the prince. 17. jump to the wooden ledge above the life upgrade entrance and then jump to the stone ledge that you hung from before going after life upgrade #6. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ end of optional objective #6: life upgrade #6 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 40. climb up and go into the doorway to the prince's right. 41. wall run along the wall to the prince's left (after you use eye of the storm) when the wall panels are flat and then jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 42. stab the dagger plate you are launched to and then jump up to stab the dagger plate above you. 43. wall run to the prince's left when the blade isn't in the way and then jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 44. jump when the prince lands on the next shutter and then stab the dagger plates you are launched to. 45. jump up to stab the dagger plate above you and then wall run to the prince's left (after using eye of the storm) when the blades are not in the way. 46. destroy the objects here and then wall run along the wall with the

blades when they are not in the way. 47. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and then jump on the next few shutters when you land on them. 48. after the last shutter you can either stab the dagger plate here and jump to the ledge behind the prince or jump off the wall the dagger plate is on to land on the ledge behind the prince. 49. destroy the objects near the wall to get back sand in your tanks and then look around the corner to the prince's left. 50. use eye of the storm and then quickly roll past the blade trap when the floor panel goes flat. 51. jump across the gap towards the dagger plate on the wall and stab (square) the dagger plate. 52. climb up the dagger plates and then climb up onto the ledge above them. 53. go out of the doorway and fight the enemies here. 54. go to the prince's left if you want to gain back more sand by destroying the objects here or go to the opening in the railing to the prince's right. 55. wall run along the wall here to the pole you see up ahead. 56. swing/jump to the next pole and then swing/jump to the narrow ledge up ahead. 57. climb up onto it and sidestep to the prince's left. 58. go out of the doorway here and wall run along the wall to the prince's left. 59. you should land on a grassy ledge and then wall run up the wall to the prince's left on the far side of this ledge. 60. climb up and drop down to the wooden walkway below. 61. walk to the end of this walkway and then jump to the railing of the platform at the center of this room. 62. hop over the railing and push/pull the block you find here onto the elevator/lift. 63. hop over the railing to the prince's left and line up the back of the prince with the grassy ledge behind him before jumping to it. 64. jump and grab the ledge to the prince's left (it may look like you can't reach it but you can). 65. climb up and fight off all the enemies here. 66. go around the corner of this walkway to the left and jump to the pole you can see here to the prince's left. 67. swing/jump to the ledge with the handle and then turn the handle

counter-clockwise. 68. walk out to the edge of the narrow beam near the handle and jump to the ledge in front of the prince. 69. wall run up the wall in front of the prince to grab a railing and hop over it. 70. go around the corner to the prince's left and walk along the wooden walkway here. 71. jump up and grab the gray narrow beam to the prince's left. 72. walk out to the edge of the narrow beam and jump to the railing in front of the prince. 73. hop over the railing and fight the enemies here. 74. push/pull the block off the large elevator/lift and push/pull it onto the smaller elevator/lift on this platform (it's a very tight fit). 75. go to the larger elevator/lift and hop over the railing of it. 76. jump to the elevator/lift that went up behind the prince and then hop over the railing. 77. hop over the railing to the prince's right and then jump to the grassy ledge behind the prince. 78. go to the opening in the railing to the prince's right and jump to the narrow beam you see in front of you. 79. climb up onto it and walk towards the wall. 80. jump to grab the narrow ledge above the prince and then climb up onto it. 81. jump up to grab the gap in the wall above the prince and then shimmy to the prince's left all the way. 82. jump to the column behind the prince and then climb more then halfway up it. 83. face the back of the prince towards the wooden ledge that has a dagger plate above it. 84. jump to the wooden ledge and then wall run up the wall to use the dagger plate. 85. wall run to the prince's left and then jump when the prince steps on the shutter. 86. stab the dagger plate it launches you to and then wall run to the prince's left to stab another dagger plate here. 87. drop down to stab the dagger plate below you and then drop down until you reach a doorway onto a grassy ledge. 88. fight off the enemies here and then go out of the doorway to the prince's

left. 89. wall run up the wall to the prince's right and stab the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 90. jump up and stab the next dagger plate and then wall run to the prince's left to stab another dagger plate. 91. wall run to the prince's left to stab another dagger plate and then drop down to the narrow beam below the prince. 92. walk out to the edge of the narrow beam and jump to the narrow beam in front of the prince. 93. walk along the narrow beam around the corner and drop down to the wooden ledge below. 94. walk out onto to the edge of the narrow beam on this wooden ledge and then drop down to the narrow beam below this narrow beam. 95. walk out to the end of the narrow beam and jump to the narrow beam in front of the prince. 96. walk towards the wooden ledge below this beam and drop down to it. 97. go to the prince's right and jump to the wooden ledge to the prince's right. 98. wall run up the wall and use the dagger plate at the peak of the wall run. 99. climb up the other dagger plates above the prince and then wall run to the prince's left. 100. jump when the prince steps on the shutter and climb up the column you grab onto. 101. face the prince's back to the wall with the narrow ledge and then jump to it. 102. sidestep to the prince's right and go into the doorway to the prince's left. 103. go over to the fountain you see here to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the upper tower" (96%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\ 1. go to the prince's left and either wall run along the wall to the left and jump to the dagger plate to the prince's right to use it or wall run along the wall to the right and use the dagger plate at the very end of your wall run (your choice both are possible.

2. wall run to the prince's left and sidestep to the prince's left on the narrow ledge you land on. 3. jump to the wall behind the prince and then jump back and forth between the walls until you reach the narrow ledge at the top of the right wall. 4. climb up onto the narrow ledge and sidestep to the prince's left and jump to the dagger plate behind the prince. 5. jump up to use the dagger plate above you and then jump up to climb up onto the ledge above you. 6. go through the doorway to the prince's left and walk out onto the narrow beam to the prince's right. 7. jump to the pole in front of the prince and then shimmy to the prince's right. 8. swing/jump to the next pole and then shimmy to the prince's right 9. swing/jump to the narrow ledge up ahead and then climb up onto it. 10. sidestep to the prince's left quickly when the ledges comes out of the wall and once you go around the corner quickly climb up onto the narrow ledges above the prince. 11. sidestep to the prince's right around the corner and then jump up to grab a railing here. 12. hop over the railing and go into the doorway here. 13. wall run up the wall directly in front of the prince to grab a narrow ledge on the wall and then jump to the pole behind the prince. 14. swing/jump to the next pole and then swing/jump to the railing up ahead. 15. hop over the railing and go around the corner to go up some stairs. 16. go out of the doorway to the prince's left. 17. go over to either fountain you see here to heal yourself and save your game. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the terrace" (97%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ (note: this is an early reminder if you turned off tutorials in the options menu we recommend turning them back on as it seems to cause a glitch with the credits at the end of the game.) 1. go up the stairs between the fountains and take notice of the doorway to the left of the circular structure at the top of the stairs (you will be

using that doorway shortly). 2. go up the stairs to the prince's right and go around the corner of the walkway to the prince's left. 3. you should see a wall button on the wall at the end of this walkway. 4. wall run up the wall to push the wall button. 5. quickly use eye of the storm power and run down the stairs you came up (you could also just hop over the railing near the wall button and drop down but going down the stairs is easier to explain). 6. quickly go through the door i mentioned on step 1 before it closes. 7. follow the hallway here around the corner to the right and then hop over the railing to the prince's left. 8. jump to the railing behind the prince and then hop over the railing. 9. follow the hallway around the corner to the prince's left and then use your sword (push triangle and then hold it) to break the wall here. 10. go down the stairs here and through the doorway at the bottom of the stairs. 11. stand at the center of this room and the elevator/lift will start to rise. scene boss battle "vizier (attack plan #1)" the main thing i recommend here is try to dodge every attack he does here by rolling or running and keep your distance from him. once he comes up for a close up hit (usually tries to swipe at you close up) dodge or block it and then attack him or you can also try using eye of the storm (slow down time) before attacking him (but i recommend saving your sands). once he flies up or blocks with his head armor back away from him and continue to dodge more attacks including the throwing of debris. when he comes close again do the same as before (dodge or block the attack and then attack him. keep doing this until you have taken almost half his life bar. alternate strategy for "vizier (attack plan #1)" to get the least damage in this phase, simply get in the first hit (i usually press square) on the vizier and follow up with 3 more hits (press square x 3). there's no need for fancy combos here, a simple 3-hit combo is effective enough. at this time, he will block the prince's last hit and then attack the prince. to avoid his attack simply jump to avoid his one wing attack on the prince, if done correctly you should avoid his attack. if the vizier flies back a little then swoop forward, most likely he will use both wings to cut the prince from under. this move is unblockable so you can only try to intercept his hit first with one of prince's or roll away. the one-winged attack is blockable though.

keep repeating this (hit 4 times, jump, hit 4 times, jump) until the vizier flys away to hurl the first pillar at the prince. then run towards the vizier and try to get your hit in first. when that happens, you can repeat the 4-hit 1-jump combo again until the second time he flies back and hurls 2 more pillars and later, 3 pillars. once the vizier is at half life, you can safely roll away and allow him to transfer to the second phase (attack plan #2). scene boss battle "vizier (attack plan #2)" dodge the debris that is now flying around and avoid his energy ball attack. make your way past the debris towards the pillars that the vizier is flying near. wall run up the pillar(s) quickly and use a speed kill attack when you prompted. hit the vizier everytime the sword flashes and then once you are back on the ground with one of his wings you will need to do the same thing a two more times until you have taken two more body parts off him (his life bar should be more then halfway gone by this time). scene boss battle "vizier (attack plan #3)" go towards the pillars near the debris that is closest to the ground and wall run up the pillars before jumping to the debris. jump to the next piece of debris in front of you and once you climb up onto it jump to the pole to the prince's left. swing/jump to the ledge you see in front of you and then wall run to the prince's right. at the end of your wall run jump to the narrow piece of debris to the prince's right. quickly climb up onto it (if you are hit with an energy ball you will fall to your death) and jump to the ledge in front of you. be sure to always be standing on something before any energy balls hit you or you will pay with death or sand tanks bringing you back from death. quickly jump to the ledge you can see to the prince's left and then jump to the lower ledge to the prince's right. jump to the floating debris below you to the prince's right that is right near the wall. wall run along the wall to the prince's right and at the end of the wall run jump to the pole to the prince's right. climb up onto the pole if an energy ball if you think one is coming and then jump to the ledge you see in front of you. climb up onto the narrow debris and walk to prince's left. jump to the debris near the wall and then wall run to the prince's right. jump to the platform you see at the end of the wall run to the prince's right and then jump to the narrow debris in front of you. climb up onto it and jump to the pole you can see up ahead. swing/jump to the ledge in front of you quickly and climb up onto it. jump to the higher debris you see floating to the prince's right and climb up onto it. jump to the narrow debris to the prince's right and once you climb onto it jump to the next ledge up ahead. jump to the pole to the prince's right and quickly swing/jump to the ledge up ahead. climb up onto it quickly and then wall run up the wall in front of you. jump at the peak of your wall run to grab the narrow debris behind the prince and climb up onto it. jump to the narrow debris you see nearby and then jump towards the vizier. push the speed kill attack button (square) when your dagger flashes to finish off the vizier (after the camera spins around you almost one full circle). (note: the next scene and ending area happens regardless of how many life upgrades you have. you do not (i repeat you do not) get anything special for beating the game with all six life upgrades. we are quite aware of what

vampirehorde's walkthrough wants you to believe but we only deal in facts and not fiction or rumors like they do.) scene ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_ _)\ _)\ /(_ location: "the mental realm" (99%) /(_ _)\ _)\ /(_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /(_ _)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_)\_ 1. attack the dark prince at the center of this area until the floor disappears. (note: don't worry about falling in this area here as it won't kill you. i recommend trying to do this part on your own but if you can't we have put directions below.) 2. once you have landed jump to the ledge that is near the ledge you are on and then jump to the next ledge. 3. wall run along the wall to the prince's left and then attack the dark prince on the next ledge. 4. jump to the ledge that appears after he disappears and then jump to the next ledge. 5. jump to the ledge with the dark prince and attack him again. 6. walk out onto the small beam you see to the prince's right after the dark prince disappears and then jump to the narrow ledge that you see from here. 7. drop down off this narrow ledge to the one below it and then climb up onto it before walking towards the larger part of the ledge. 8. jump to the next ledge that appears. 9. jump towards the bridge you see in the distance. 10. attack the dark prince again and then jump to the ledge that you see once the platform stops moving to the right. 11. walk along the beam to the next ledge and then jump to the ledge that the dark prince is on to attack him again. 12. walk out onto the small beam that appears to the prince's right and then jump to the small beam up ahead. 13. jump towards the small beam you see in the far distance. 14. jump to the ledge in front of you and then jump to the next ledge before jumping to the ledge with the dark prince. 15. attack the dark prince again and then jump to the lower ledge that you can see from here.

16. jump towards the sand portal platform you see in front of you (if you played warrior within you know what it looks like). 17. go up the stairs and then jump to the ledge the dark prince is on before attacking him again. 18. jump to the ledge to the prince's right and once you are on the box shaped ledge if it isn't extended to the ledge the dark prince is on jump back to the circular ledge you were on before. 19. jump back onto the box ledge again when it is changes to the extended side that you can reach the dark prince with. 20. jump to the dark prince's ledge and attack him again. 21. jump to the circular ledge that appears and when it stops moving jump to the next ledge. 22. wall run along the wall to the prince's right and attack the dark prince again on the ledge you land on. 23. walk out onto the small beam to the prince's left and then jump onto the spinning small beam at the correct time. 24. walk across this moving beam and jump to the next small beam at the correct time. 25. jump towards the ledge with the dark prince. 26. walk towards the doorway you see farah standing at. scene 27. do as farah said and instead of attacking the dark prince run up the stairs behind the dark prince (if you attack the dark prince he will duplicate repeatedly). scene 28. continue up the stairs into the light. scene congratulations you have now completed prince of persia: the two thrones. you will now get a code for a a special weapon and the video gallery will unlock. you will also more then likely have all of the art in the art gallery unlocked if you collected enough sand credits through the whole game. iv. video gallery ===================== this is just for those that might want to know what is in the video gallery before you have beaten the game. if there is any errors with the version listing for this section let us know and we will change it accordingly. (ntsc/ps2/xbox version) _____________________________

| | | | | | | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | | | | | | | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | | | | | 11 | 12 | 13 | |_____|_____|_____| 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

two thrones demo/intro movie two thrones scenes/gameplay footage warrior within alternate ending movie warrior within theatrical intro movie sands of time theatrical intro movie two thrones outtakes two thrones beginning movie two thrones death of the empress of time two thrones arena rescue two thrones burning building rescue two thrones ambushed by the enemy and the rescue of the prince and farah two thrones the end of the dagger of time two thrones ending movie

(pal/gamecube version) _____________________________ | | | | | | | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | |-----|-----|-----|_____|_____| | | | | | 06 | 07 | 08 | |_____|_____|_____| 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

= = = = = = = =

two two two two two two two two

thrones thrones thrones thrones thrones thrones thrones thrones

outtakes beginning movie death of the empress of time arena rescue burning building rescue ambushed by the enemy and the rescue of the prince and farah the end of the dagger of time ending movie

----------------------------------------------------------------------------+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + v. life upgrade locations + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ this section is just a condensed version of how to get to the life upgrades for those that just need rough details on where each one is located or how to get to them. life upgrade 1 ************** location: sewers

once you have changed back to the normal prince after being the dark prince for the first time make your way out of the pit you are in. once you reach the tunnel above you will be going down a corridor with sun light glowing on the ground. go to the third sunlight glow and use the slim dagger plate to the prince's left on the wall here to open the door. go through the door before it closes and you should see to your left a doorway covered by a curtain. go into this doorway and follow this path to find life upgrade #1. if you just used "the tunnels" fountain you need to go back through the traps near this fountain and go into the doorway the curtain is hiding in front of you. follow the path behind it to find life upgrade #1 life upgrade 2 ************** location: lower city rooftops after you make it to the lower city rooftops save point continue along until you reach a slim dagger plate that opens two doors. go into the door farthest away from the slim dagger plate and follow the path behind that door to find life upgrade #2. life upgrade 3 ************** location: the temple after you have used the save point "the temple" you will eventually come to a room that you need to drain the water in (right before you reach the next save point). wall run up the wall near the lowest broken column and jump to the column at the peak of the wall run. climb all the way up the column and then face the back of the prince towards the only column you can jump to. climb all the way up this short broken pillar and jump towards the ledge you see nearby. climb up onto the ledge and wall run along the wall to the prince's left. after you go around the curve in the wall jump to the pole to the prince's left. climb up onto the pole and then climb up onto the pole above the prince. jump to the pole you see on the other side of this room. shimmy to the prince's right until you line up with the flag you see in front of you and then swing/jump into the hole hole hidden behind the flag. go to the prince's left and wall run along the wall towards the red curtain. before you reach the bottom of the red curtain jump to the red curtain behind the prince and slide down to the ground below. go through the doorway here and follow the hallway to life upgrade #3. life upgrade 4 ************** location: the canal facing the fountain for "the canal" save point go to the prince's right and roll through the small gap in the wall at the bottom of it to go after life upgrade #4. life upgrade 5 ************** location: the palace entrance

after you have used the save point "the palace entrance" go up the stairs to the prince's right. make your way up the elevator shaft until you reach the second handle you can use. you should see some dagger plates on the wall of the elevator shaft near the handle. hop over the railing and use the dagger plates to climb up. jump to the wall behind the prince and then jump back and forth between the two walls until you reach the wall button on the elevator shaft wall. once the prince steps on the wall button quickly activate the eye of the storm power (tap l1) and stab the dagger plate below the prince as he falls from the wall button. quickly drop down and stab the dagger plate below and then jump to the balcony with the handle. quickly run through the door that is farthest away from the handle switch before it closes. follow this hallway to find life upgrade #5. life upgrade 6 ************** location: the middle tower after you have used the save point "the middle tower" you will start to make your way up the side of the tower. you will eventually be hanging off the edge of a stone ledge with a doorway on it. instead of climbing up onto the stone ledge drop down to the narrow beam below the prince. drop down to the next narrow beam below the one you are now on and then jump to the beam in front of a hole in the wall. follow this path to find life upgrade #6 ??????????????????????????????????? ? vii. frequently asked questions ? ??????????????????????????????????? 1. q. i am having trouble wall jumping (jumping back and forth between walls) have any tips on how to do a wall to wall jump better? a. the main tip is practice makes perfect and the second tip is you need to push jump (x) when you feel the prince touch the wall. when the prince touches the wall the controller will very slightly vibrate from it or you can listen for the prince to touch the wall. when you feel that or hear that you need to push the jump (x) button again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------2. q. i just beat the game but after the credits my screen goes black why is that? a. did you turn off the tutorials? if you did that is why the code after the credits doesn't appear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------3. q. do i have to play the previous 2 games in the series to play this one? a. the story for each game is connected and if you don't mind not knowing what happened in the previous games then get this. we would recommend though

that you play the other two games to get the full series experience. if you do play the other two games you may want to use our walkthroughs for those games to help you avoid any potential major glitches you may run into. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4. q. is there only one ending? a. yes, there is only one ending for this game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------5. q. can i get an extra scene, alternate ending battle or alternate ending by collecting all life upgrades because another guide says i do? a. if you see a guide that says this it is only spreading rumors that are not true. we can tell you for a fact that the rumor about getting an alternate ending or scene with life upgrades is false. we know this because we have beaten the game a few times with and without getting life upgrades and we still got the exact same ending scenes, exact same ending battles, exact same areas and ending movie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------6. q. if i liked god of war would i like this game? a. god of war and reason you should two games in this enjoyed either of i would recommend

this game only have a similar looking weapon in common. the get this game is if you liked or played either of the other trilogy series (sands of time or warrior within) and them. if you have not played either of the previous games getting one or both of them first before getting this one.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------7. q. is this the end of prince of persia? a. this is only the end of the sands of time story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------8. q. will there be another prince of persia game? a. probably, we will just have to wait and see. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------9.

q. does final version mean you won't be updating the guide anymore? a. final version for us only means we have no plans in updating the guide any further. if you find an error or some new information that you think should be added you are welcome to send it and if we feel it is worth adding we will update it. ========================================================================= only sites allowed to use this at this time (in no particular order): ign.com neoseeker.com gamefaqs.com cheathappens.com cheatplanet.com spiderx.servegame.com supercheats.com 1up.com gamerhelp.com stuckgamer.com sorry if we missed listing you, but as long as you are not listed below and you got our go ahead to post you are fine. if we find a site that wasn't given our permission they will be added below. site(s) that can not use any version, updates, parts of this walkthrough or any of our other walkthroughs since their creation are listed below: cheatcc.com cheatindex.com tramposos.com if you see this walkthrough by yugiohfm2002 & yugiohangel or any of our other walkthroughs on cheatcc.com or on the site(s) listed above edited in any amount to try to show they have permission, it's an admission of guilt of having an illegal copy of this walkthrough without our permission. ========================================================================= thanks to bibibabubi for the alternate strategy for "vizier (attack plan #1)" and input. _________________________________________________________________________ copyright 2005 - 2006 yugiohfm2002 & yugiohangel ([email protected])([email protected])

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