Pnac Policy Paper

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BrassTacks Policy Paper Neo-cons‟ map for destroying, Russia, China & Pakistan; Still alive! By By: Farzana Shah

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BrassTacks is a private Security Think Tank and Research organization providing objective analysis and comprehensive solutions to the pressing issues facing the Pakistani people. © Copyright 2009 BrassTacks Permission is given to duplicate, and distribute this document for non-commercial purposes. Permission to host on third party websites is granted, on the condition that a link back to BrassTacks website is is provided. This document is protected by Pakistani and I nternational copyright law. Published 2009 by BrassTacks BrassTacks P.O. Box 255 GPO, Raw alpindi Islamic Republic of Pakistan URL: Email: [email protected]

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Table of Contents PNAC: Neo-cons‟ map for destroying, Russia, China and Pakistan still alive ...................... 5 Opportunity to change PNAC (Project for New American Century) into PNCA (Project for New Collaborative Asia) ..........................................................................................................................5 1- What is PNAC?.......................................................................................................................... 5 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................5 1.2 Objectives.................................................................................................................................7 1.3 Key Players & Actors ..................................................................................................................7 States: ........................................................................................................................................7 Organizations:.............................................................................................................................8 Institutes: ...................................................................................................................................8 1.4 PNAC Dream .............................................................................................................................8 2- Build Up & Tools....................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Terrorism & Fear .....................................................................................................................10 PNAC & 9/11 (2001) ..................................................................................................................10 PNAC & Iraqi WMD – 2nd Gulf War (2003) ...................................................................................10 Global War on Terror.................................................................................................................11 2.2 Puppet Regimes ......................................................................................................................11 2.3 Information Warfare & Psy-Ops ...............................................................................................12 Palestinian Terrorism.................................................................................................................13 Osama Bin Laden.......................................................................................................................13 Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was Murdered (02/11/07) ..................................................................14 Al-Qaeda Tapes.........................................................................................................................14 Mossad and US bombing in Libya ...............................................................................................15 3- Chinese Factor........................................................................................................................ 16 4-Russian Factor .......................................................................................................................... 17 5- I ndia.......................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 India-US, Natural Alliance in 21st century .................................................................................19 5.2 Current Indo/US collaboration .................................................................................................20 5.3 Everything not seems to be going according to plan: .................................................................20

Page | 4 6- Pakistan, The center Stage ................................................................................................... 22 6.1 To Balkanize Pakistan into smaller states. (Strategic Factor) .......................................................22 6.2 To grab Baluchistan resources after proposed plans (Economical Factor)....................................24 6.3 NWFP with Afghanistan will cut the Chinese route to Arabian Sea forever ..................................25 7- PNAC Over, Really? ............................................................................................................... 27 8- Solution; from here to where….?.......................................................................................... 28 8.1 Recommendation for local policies ...........................................................................................28 A) - Say goodbye to US/CIA from FATA........................................................................................28 B)-Honor the National Assembly ................................................................................................28 C) - Buy Peace at all cost ............................................................................................................29 D) - Launch Counter Psy-Ops......................................................................................................29 E)-Get Military Upgraded and attain Self Reliance .......................................................................29 8.2 Recommendation for foreign policy..........................................................................................30

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PNAC: Neo-cons‟ map for destroying, Russia, China and Pakistan still alive Opportunity to change PNAC (Project for New American Century) into PNCA (Project for New Collaborative Asia) By Farzana Shah

What are odds of success if people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Steve Forbes, Dan Quayle, Henry S. Rowen, Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Francis Fukuyama draw a plan to get control of all energy resources and its routes after triggering a carefully designed „another Pearl Harbor‟ and using it as an excuse to start wars to gain their stimulated objectives? It is real dilemma that after designing this plan they actually came into power in US and held key posts in Bush administration due to this it took just about a year w hen they actually got it done on 9/11/2001.

1- What is PNAC? Introduction PNAC is an enterprise to dev ise methodologies and strategies to have control over world‟s resources and to have all key economic locations under neoconservatives‟ control. What is more disturbing is the idea according to which no developing nation has any right to safeguard its interests like African countries and Pakistan is latest victim of this endeavor. For last 8 years members of this project enjoyed highest ranks in Bush administration and they gave some really horrible things not only to world but also to American people.

Page | 6 Most notably 9/11, Iraq‟s war, US Patriot act, Iraqi Liberation Act, current economical crisis are just to name few. If we look at the composition of this project‟s team it includes staunchest conservatives like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz. Not only during Bush administration they desired to wage a foreign policy w ith massive military use as prime instrument but they also made an attempt during Bill Clinton‟s era as w ell by writing him a letter asking to invade Iraq in late 90‟s soon after PNAC w as formed. A brief look at official introduction may not seem to be suspicious at first, but a more microscopic treatment can enlighten the readers about neo-con designs. A look at official introduction of PNAC would be helpful which says:

“The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership require military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle. The Project for the New American Century intends, through issue briefs, research papers, advocacy journalism, conferences, and seminars, to explain what American world leadership entails. It will also strive to rally support for a vigorous and principled policy of American international involvement and to stimulate useful public debate on foreign and defense policy and America's role in the world.” William Kristol, Chairman


Page | 7 1.2 Objectives But for many of our readers it still may be mystery what is wrong if someone in US w ants to see his/her country at top as a leader? Apparently nothing but unfortunately it is not as it seems to be. A minute look at objectives defined by PNAC documents can reveal many hidden aims in this project which can only be achieved at the cost of other nation‟s freedom, interests and even existence. So, let us have a look at these objectives. 1- To gain enough military funding so US can mobilize its forces in multiple war zones simultaneously and also can complete next generation weaponry. 2-Support puppet regimes and change any regime that is not “cooperating” or “not ready to cooperate” to fulfill American interests. 3- To promote the cause of political and economic freedom abroad; this will work only if objective 2 is not in conflict. 4- To take the role of unipolar power and implement a world order that can always protect US political and economic interests. All objectives are to protect Israel and US interests and to punish everyone who‟s interests are conflicting with those of Americans.‟

1.3 Key Players & Actors It is also very necessary to identify those states, institutes and organizations which are main perpetrators of this New American Century dream by using force and other sinister tools. Here are some major players and their role discussed.

States: Israel This PNAC dream is v ery important to I sraelis due to certain reasons for w hich I sraelis hav e been more and more active outside Middle East recently than ever before. What Israel is going to get out of this? Well, to begin with this project can potentially cultivate greater Israel dream into a reality by redraw ing Middle East and South Asia as well. South Asia (Where Pakistan is also located) is more critical for those entities which are supporting Israel right from its creation mainly USA and UK.

Page | 8 This is well thought out strategy in Neo-cons‟ lobby that for a greater Israel there must be no Muslim country capable enough that can create any sort of trouble for proposed “Greater Israel “ while Neo-cons themselves will get massive advantage to further strengthen their grip over the world. Israeli desire to eliminate Pakistan from world map is as old as Israel itself. The first Prime Minister of Israel categorically said, ”We will have to eliminate Pakistan by using all hidden and sinister means as it is a threat to Zionism and Israel”. But I sraeli involvement in PNAC is not limited to Pakistan. I t goes w ay beyond that, like getting control of all major resources and deposits. To bring all major ports and roads under their control, I srael is an active partner in the project and its assets are well in placed to carry out different kinds of operations. (Described below).

Organizations: Exxon-Mobil Exxon is a petro giant in USA selling Exxon-mobil brand. Biggest push for Exxon Mobile to pursue PNAC agenda comes from the fact that there is a great deal of business opportunity and company‟s key positions are held by Israeli Americans. What w as needed an official US foreign policy that supports the interests of the NeoCons who hav e designed all this PNAC spin-off at American Enterprise Institute (AEI ). In 1998 Exxon overtly signs with the Israeli Americans.

Institutes: AEI (American Enterprise Institute) Doctrine of preemptive strikes was first introduced here at American Enterprise I nstitute and it w as highly appreciated. PNAC itself is a spinoff of AEI . The PNAC's office is now here else than on the 5th floor of the AEI building on 17th St, in downtown Washington. The primary I sraeli American think tank, the AEI had received $1,870,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.

1.4 PNAC Dream Below is map show ing what PNAC is all about. This is smaller v ersion of the map. A more complete version of the map can be obtained from internet on following address:

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A detailed analysis is below in context of Pakistan and other regional players. But before that it is necessary to have a look at means w hich will be used to achieve all this. Without going into details of these tools used by architects of PNAC, analyzing the situation in the region in context of this map w ill be worth, which is just continuation of New World Order (NWO) presented by almost the same team in Bush senior‟s era in 1990s.

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2- Build Up & Tools The most lethal instrument used by Neo-Cons in their plan is fear. Fear of getting destroyed, getting killed, getting perished, fear of terrorism and fear of diseases and hunger. But to put that kind of fear into the hearts of masses which can then be used as an excuse to mould foreign policy of US towards their own vested interests, is not an easy job until and unless someone has something spectacularly horrible in his hand to sell to the masses. This is exactly what these neoconservatives always do whenever they come into power. Their biggest ally in this orchestration remains International free media.

2.1 Terrorism & Fear Most of the team members in GW Bush and PNAC were not new to power structure of US but many of them were also part of the Bush senior‟s NWO (New World Order) agenda. This gang of self-claimed sav ior of US and w orld gave first gulf w ar to the world but did not eliminate the regime w hich according to them w as cause of this war i.e. Saddam Hussain. He remained in power until end of 2nd gulf war as an excuse for another invasion. Some of the examples of making excuses for pursing PNAC/NWO agenda are investigated as;

PNAC & 9/11 (2001) 9/11 w as just another Perl harbor WWII or 2nd Lusitania ship of WWI. What it gave to masses around the world? Nothing but fear; what neo-cons got? a license to kill. An impunity to carry out their sinister design to grab natural resources all over and to pav e way for greater Israel. Nothing else would have enabled them to go ahead with their plans. Americans were not beneficiary of post 9/11 steps took by US govt. but these Neo-Cons were certainly the ones who got everything they could have dreamed being in power. Eleven years back in 1990 they gave first Gulf war after drafting NWO and 11 years later, in 2001, they brought Afghan war and 2nd Gulf war again after preplanned PNAC which is just a methodology for implementing NWO.

PNAC & Iraqi W MD – 2nd Gulf War (2003) Iraqi WDM (Weapons of Mass Destruction) w as second biggest invention of words by Neo-Cons gang. All there think tanks and media outlets were busy building a case

P a g e | 11 through which US got a license to invade Iraq. A closer look at word “Weapon of Mass Destruction” reveals many hidden meaning and hypocrisy of PNAC war mongers. WMD are there since more than 60 years and used by only one country and that is US. But thanks to adv ancements in media, they were once again successful to sell fear of Iraqi WMD to US public. There are countless PNAC documents wrongly misguided the public about Iraqi w eapon program. These studies w ere basis for Bush administration‟s approval to attack Iraq to eliminate Saddam, w ho was once American‟s asset in Middle East against Iran.

Global War on Terror PNAC gang w as aw are since beginning that there is a limit till w hich one can be kept frightened of terrorism. There was a need to have continuous incidents, conflict and wars to fulfill this requirement of the project. But keeping masses terrified is not the only purpose of waging a global war on terror it also prov ides other countless benefits like weakening the country‟s internal security where this sort of conflicts are going on, shattering social fabric, promote sectarian and ethical differences, to giv e rise to rebellion movements and finally breaking apart that country. Pakistan is a classic example of all this as it has become “front line ally” in GWoT but now it is quite clear that this ally of US has thrown into fire by none other than US. As it was mentioned before that a strong Pakistan is not in interest of US, Israel or India. Pakistani forces are facing some seriously trained and armed rebellion in NWFP and FATA areas. Weapons and equipment seized during ongoing operations reveal that Pakistani security forces are not the only one receiving help but the other side is also getting hardware and financial help and much more and much better than what Pakistani forces are getting. This is one of prime reasons why this w ar in FATA is getting prolonged and there is no sign of an end anywhere near.

2.2 Puppet Regimes Be it Neo-Cons or not, regime change remained a classic and most exercised instrument of US foreign policy. This tool is also used extensively in current times perusing PNAC/NWO agenda. In 2nd Iraq w ar (2003) hidden means like sectarian violence, target killings etc. were used to break Iraq into three pieces for securing oil rich areas and eliminating a potential threat to Israel forever. A united Iraq will never be a choice for Israel as no matter how much destruction US brought there due to its oil w ealth Iraq can alw ays comeback. So the only permanent solution is to break it apart.

P a g e | 12 Only proposed breakup of Iraq can let these Neo-Cons to have full control over oil fields and refineries. Fortunately for Iraqis and unfortunately for PNAC, this failed miserably as Iraqi people are not ready to be apart so plan B w as implemented through famous US engineered democracy to legalized stay of US troops on Iraqi soil till 2011. This stay in I raq will keep pushing original plan to divide Iraq into Shia, Sunni and Kurd states. Pakistan is also a victim of this tool, Musharraf era w as brought to end by using same tool. A carefully orchestrated plan was executed to bring enough chaos in country by using law yer movement, media outlets. Only because now Musharraf w as not cooperating hence v iolating objectives of PNAC, mentioned in introduction part. Biggest benefit US/Neo-Cons got was an end to ever-increasing relation of Pakistan with China and prov iding access to Chinese to Arabian Sea hence to Gulf to fulfill its energy needs. This arrangement could have brought an end to Pakistani dependence on US for security and economic affairs. Current government in Islamabad brought by USA is doing exactly w hat was the plan to distance Pakistan from China. Orange Revolution and regime change in Ukraine and Georgia to block Russian access to the Europe. Recently Russian responded to US moves in region. Russian invasion of Georgia last year was a clear signal to U S and Europe that enough is enough. After bringing a pro-US government in Pakistan now US want to focus on Russian front. Recently a strange string of attacks began on US/NATO terminals inside Pakistan and soon US official were talking about the change of supply routes. This change can have multiple purposes like avoiding Taliban attacks on terminals (Which strangely start to happen only after Russia invaded Georgia threading a pro-US gov t. whereas these terminals are providing logistics support to NATO/U S forces in Afghanistan since start of GWOT) and secondly keep an eye on further Russian aggression against PNAC puppet regimes in Georgia or in Ukraine.

2.3 Information Warfare & Psy-Ops "By way of deception, thou shalt do war", Mossad‟s motto In this age of information and technology it is very necessary to conceal the truth very technically and manufacture a story even more carefully and technically. This is w here role of international media is v ery critical and same media is used to convince masses about a particular incident, individual or nation in a particular manner so that masses can be brainw ashed in accordance with what strategy w ill be used to tackle such entities. But most of the time it takes much more than just perception building like what if no such thing exists about w hich a particular image (positive / negative) is to be

P a g e | 13 created? Well, for NeoCon Zionists easiest way is to create that “thing” out of nowhere. Here are few such examples;

Palestinian Terrorism Most of the Western and US public believe that it is Palestinian terrorism (Hamas in particular) w hich caused current invasion of Gaza by Israel. Soon after invasion Israeli/I nternational media released countless pictures of Hamas activists in action carrying guns and marching streets. These pictures w ere released to show masses that real terrorists are Hamas but not Israel army. Above is one such picture exposing how these kinds of media footages and pictures are used to fool people around the world. This picture speaks volumes about origin of these so-called Palestinian terrorists. “The picture was a press release from Israeli sources purported to show Palestinians as terrorists. However one of the suspected terrorists forgot to hide his Star of David before being photographed. The sunglasses are most likely to hide his blue eyes also.” These very “Palestinian terrorists” are ones who are not letting Hamas and Al-Fateh to resolve their problems as well. In 2002, Palestinian authorities arrested a bunch of Palestinian working for Mossad to stage some preplanned attacks on Israel providing yet another excuse to Israel to inv ade Gaza Strip.

Osama Bin Laden Osama Bin Laden is central charter in this Neo-Cons‟ media terrorism comic. This man is most w anted person on Earth but will never be caught as to be caught one has to be alive. Whole media accuses him to master mind 9/11 but ironically FBI ‟s website states bombing at US embassy in Kenya as his biggest crime. According to media again he is alw ays mobile no matter that he was on dialysis in 90s. But he is

P a g e | 14 supernatural just like all the heroes of this same media. According to Benazir Bhutto, slain PM of Pakistan this man w as killed back in 2002, but no channel is airing that interview ever again. This interview is av ailable on youtube at follow ing address; atch?v=UnychOXj9Tg

Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was Murdered (02/11/07) What is more disturbing BB was also got killed at the hands of these same “terrorists” but again this particular interview w as not mentioned or discussed ever. Another proof that OBL is a myth is the very media that aired the tapes of his allegedly accepting responsibility for 9/11. Below are different images taken at different time one can see at least one of these Osama‟s is not actually Osama (Look at picture E) but that is where he accepted responsibility to ordering 9/11 while claiming that he is in Pakistan, no wonder if Zionists used all their resource to create an Osama out of now here.

Al-Qaeda Tapes Recently a more mysterious v oice is appearing in ALQaeda‟s propaganda phony videos and name of this image according to media Adam Yehiye Gadahn. Seems to be a very hardcore element in high ranks of AlQaeda but his past is v ery doubtful and it is more interesting how he finished at top brass to Al-Qaeda so quickly where in reality he is Israel born Jew . There are thousands of Muslim youth ready to join Al-Qaeda but astonishingly a person who till sometime ago was only

P a g e | 15 known for his anti-Islam articles and beating Muslims in mosques was able to become spokesperson of Al-Qaeda that too after just couple of videos where he tells the world that now he is a Muslim. Birth name of this person is Adam Pearlman and job assigned to him by Neo-Cons-backed media was to release a tape or two chanting anti-American slogans whenever Bush‟s rating was down in public be it Katrina or financial crisis in US. Rest w as done w ith the help of very media that authenticate and aired these videos as ev idence of existence of terrorism.

Mossad and US bombing in Libya According to Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky in his two excellent books By Way of Deception and The Other Side of Deception has confessed how Mossad used some of its agents to get smuggled into Libya through container vessel, land there and setup a transmitter sending plans to attack US interests and then same Mossad made sure that CI A is listening to this transmission and as a reaction US bombed Libya and put harsh sanctions on it in 1986. Targets were Tripoli international airport, Bab al Azizia barracks, Sidi Bilal nav al base, the city of Benghazi, and the Benine airfield outside Benghazi. In short, Terrorism and deception are two key elements used by the Neo-Cons to pursue NWO in which PNAC is just an assignment. Neo-Cons were more than confident to have some result from their above given ultimate target but thanks to classic failure of Bush administration to tackle any crisis back at home w hich saved the world from complete destruction. But anybody thinking that PNAC is over then he/she is wrong; it is simply not and it will never as long as men like Dick Cheny and Ramsfield are there who can draw some fantasy map and then try to achieve that when come to power. This w as just a slightest look at different tools and methods used by these power-monger Neo Conserv atives. According to them there is only profit in something but no cooperation whatsoever as in their paper Rebuilding American defense PNAC asserted; “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.” P.51 Just after one year of publishing this document they were able to make 9/11 happen to kick start their hidden agenda.

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3- Chinese Factor Right now it is nothing else but Chinese ever-growing economic and military might that has frightened these Neo-Cons at PNAC. During Bush administration they tried their level best to bash Chinese policies in their recommendations. Recently China reacted very forcefully against the moves of ExxonMobil to set a project in South China Sea with Vietnam. Israel and other players want to curtain Chinese influence inside Asia as China is becoming more and more active in Indian Ocean. To keep its double digit economic growth rate in momentum the only thing China needs more than anything is Energy. China has taken all necessary steps to have sufficient energy resources currently but in future China w ill need more oil and gas. Now it is approaching stage where China w ill have to consolidate its regional influence globally. Recent indications are Chinese interests in I ndian Ocean became visible in 2002 w hen Chinese work commenced on Gw adar port in Baluchistan province in Pakistan. On the other hand China reached Russia and Venezuela for her energy needs. Growing interests of Chinese in Arabian Gulf is not liked by PNAC actors, so overt and covert operations were launched to limit Chinese access to the Arabian Sea. This access is very critical for China as it w ill not only enable China to fulfill energy needs but also will provide a strategic military footprint in Arabian Sea and Gulf and this has caused complete detestation on US part towards China. China has intensified its efforts to make energy resource available even more recently. Move like sending nav al ships to African waters to tackle pirates in Somalia is one example of these efforts. China recently invited Saudi entrepreneurs in energy sector to build refinery in China. So According to PNAC plan China w ill be curtained by: 1. Blocking its access to Arabian Sea through Gwadar. To start oil and gas exploration projects in Chinese waters like South China Sea project signed between ExxonMobil and Vietnam. But interestingly, in current scenario it is US who needs China more than other way round as US is in deep crisis economically and KSA and China are only bail out options. But only if US stops this military invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan which is nowhere near and China is more than happy to lend its money to US to get more and more interest in return which will come right from US taxpayers further deepening the crisis.

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4-Russian Factor By installing a puppet regime in Georgia through color revolution PNAC achieved a mammoth target of blocking Russian oil export to Europe by pipelines running through Georgia. Scheune mann, a former PNAC director and friend of Georgian president Saakashvili, then went on drafting a resolution to expand NATO by giv ing membership to Georgia paving way for bringing US troops at gates of Russia. Recent Russian aggression against Georgia on South Ossetia was a clear indication that Russian restrain is becoming thinner. Scheune mann is on payroll of Georgian government and also at the center of the neoconservative cabal that has had influence on Republican candidate (McCain‟s) foreign policy stance in a repeat of the run-up to the w ar against Iraq. It is not about the people of Georgia or Ossetia it is all about blocking Russian pipelines and encouraging Russian neighbors Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan to go through Georgia and Turkey to European market containing oil and gas respectively. How Russia builds a response to the situation is something to be seen. Meanwhile there is fascinating arrangement going to have between Israel, Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan and Azarbaijan for pipelines to reach Turkey and then to the Israeli oil terminals at Ashkelon and Eilat from where supertankers will transport the gas and oil through the Indian Ocean to the Far East. This also reveals why Russians are interested in helping Abkhazia. Israeli interests in Russia also became very visible recently when Israel signed arms deal with Georgia and send some more than 1000 military instructors and intelligence trainers to Georgia to train its intelligence agency on the lines of Mossad. People w ho really got affected by Russian invasion against Georgia were poor civilians who had no idea how deep this duel for pipelines among Russia and PNAC planers can go and w hat kind of more troubles are waiting for these poor people. Russians are almost cornered as Afghanistan was one of the most effective routes for them to trade oil to Far East and Africa through Gwadar port in Baluchistan but this route cannot be operational until US forces leave Afghanistan and a pro-Russian government comes there to allow Russia to built pipelines but anyone who has little bit historical background of US invasion on Afghanistan can have idea what PNAC is pushing; Another pipeline but not from Russia, it will come from Uzbekistan going through Afghanistan and Pakistan and will end in India. So, all in all PNAC is nothing more than a plan to encircle Russia and China to limit their business. Next step in this game of greed will be to take Russian and Chinese oil and

P a g e | 18 gas reserves through business deals as with their products not going to anywhere both countries will be more than happy to sell their reserves to these very PNAC partners like Israelis and Americans running ExxonMobil etc.

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5- India India will have to play very critical role in PNAC completion. Post Mumbai attacks scenario shows that India is more than keen to play this role; But what is more interesting is that India is not part of this due to interests of PNAC but India is on her own game plan to become a super power like US. Hindu Zionism and Jew Zionism came close due to one common agenda and that is to take care of Pakistan and China. India sees itself as emerging player globally while a close look at PNAC map clearly indicates a different recipe by Jewish Zionists which will be put on table but only after India “delivers”. Mumbai incident has hundred percent resemblances with Libyan episode. Increasing cooperation of Mossad and I ndian RAW is not a secret anymore but this collaboration is there since the day RAW w as formed in 1968. RAW w as formed to imitate Mossad‟s role in Israeli security into I ndian defense. India made such desperate mov es against Pakistan earlier as well. In 1984 just before her assassination I ndian PM Indira Gandhi in an address to commanders‟ conference complained,” Pakistan‟s nuclear program has brought about a qualitative change in our security environment.”

5.1 India-US, Natural Alliance in 21st century Idea to take out Pakistani nuclear program w as first proposed by BDM Corporation (Subsidiary of FORD), I ntelligence Analysts), under the New World Order w ay back in 1985. At beginning it was I ndia and Russia to strike simultaneously on Pakistan‟s nuclear facilities but after confronting with a very agile and vigilant PAF (Pakistan Air Force) Russian backed off and during same time I srael jumped in this drive against Pakistan nuclear program. I srael and India did try but again it was PAF to take care of that US imposed sanctions, titled as Pressler amendments in pretext of Pakistan‟s “illegal” nuclear program. PNAC is nothing more than a next step in this old design for Pakistan‟s breakup. This is how I ndia and US hav e become natural partner in 21st century. It is only India who can “deliver” now. US is in urgency to take care of China before it is too late for them, so it is natural to first neutralize China‟s nuclear and time tested ally in region, Pakistan.

P a g e | 20 5.2 Current Indo/US collaboration There is a great deal of collaboration going on between India and US due a multi-point agenda of mutual interests. India is actively participating in PNAC through 11 consulates in Afghanistan. The only purpose of these offices along with Pakistani border is to bring violence and terrorism into Pakistan‟s western provinces. Different consulates are responsible for their target areas inside Pakistan. There are reports of seizing off Indian military hardware in NWFP and FATA during operations by Pakistani security forces. All this equipment came into Pakistan through these very offices of Indian foreign office w hich are actually run by RAW to coordinate attacks and terrorists activities inside Pakistan by supporting organizations like BLA, BRA, TTP etc.

5.3 Everything not seems to be going according to plan: On perusing all Indo/US and Israeli moves it is evident that this coordination is there due to certain reasons and w ill remain only there until these very reasons or more accurately mutual interests are there. But it is well known fact that nothing comes free from Washington and huge Indo-US civil nuclear deal is not an exception there is an assignment according to which India w ill have to deliver on certain fronts like Pakistan‟s dismemberment, cleaning US mess in Afghanistan by sending I ndian soldiers there. India is willing but there will be a time when India will go for its own strategic interests over what it is tasked by its masters. That‟s why India always remained very watchful while making its strategic moves. India is pursuing a cleaver policy through which it has widened its relations both with US and China in recent times. Russia is already an ally of India. Despite all this it is still not in SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) as it doesn‟t want to disturb its new natural partner i.e. US, neither it is part of MNNA (Major Non Nato Ally) as this can raise eye brows in Moscow and Beijing. Incurring this dual ride with both imperialism and communism will become more and more cumbersome for India in future. PNAC never advised to unite Punjab and Sindh

P a g e | 21 provinces with India but India has this centuries-old dream of Akhand Baharat i.e United India which would be stretched from Asaam in East to banks of Indus in West. But Jew Zionists require a buffer between India and energy rich central Asia to keep a check on India in future. This is feared by some sane analysts in India as well and hasty moves by current Indian govt. were not very welcomed by these circles of India intelligentsia. First indication of such conflict of long term objective was clear by the efforts of US to hold back India not to launch an attack on Pakistan after Mumbai attacks. What US guaranteed Indians in return was some surgical strikes inside Pakistan with consent of Pakistani „democratically‟ elected government and Army but a very vocal response was given by Pakistani top military brass regarding severe consequences of such folly by Indians. Now Hindu fanatics are really angry at US for not backing any Indian misadventure against Pakistan and not convincing Pakistani leadership to keep mum over any Indian surgical strikes. In reality, Indian design to take over whole Pakistan is not inline with what PNAC team has perpetrated since so long. PNAC needs a “New Pakistan” as indicated in Operation Enduring Turmoil on following pages.

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6- Pakistan, The center Stage "A large number of I SI agents w ho are responsible for helping the Taliban and al Qaeda should be thrown in jail or killed. What I think we should do in Pakistan is a parallel version of w hat Iran has run against us in Iraq: giv ing money [and] empowering actors. Some of this will involve working with some shady characters, but the alternative— sending U.S. forces into Pakistan for a sustained bombing campaign—is w orse.” Steve Schippert, Weekly Standard, Nov. 2007. Above statement by a US security expert is more than enough to showcase the thought process of US policy research analysts, sitting in different think tanks thousands of miles aw ay from Pakistan, Know ing nothing about the problems and issues Pakistan is facing today but as with PNAC/AEI all these think tanks are on payroll of Israeli Americans who not only hate Pakistan but w ant to eliminate it like it was advised by the first premier of Israel David Ben Gurion,” I t is essential that we…strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans”. This policy is alw ays followed whenever these Israeli Zionists are in American power structure. But most unpleasant truth is that these steps are being taken and it will not take very long w hen results w ill start to emerge as current govt. in I slamabad is not capable enough to defend Pakistani case forcefully, be it against US drone attacks or Mumbai incident. While on the other hand a plan to dismember Pakistan is under way. Pakistan‟s biggest fault, in context of PNAC is its location which can also be used as Pakistani‟s biggest strength as well. So, if one end of PNAC dream is Hafia Israel, second end lies in South East Asia in area which forms Pakistan today. So to get control of this region it is considered necessary to break Pakistan. So Pakistan will be dealt with a strategy with following points as vertexes.

6.1 To Balkanize Pakistan into smaller states. (Strategic Factor) Below is “game plan” drawn by a US military official Lt. Col Ralph Peters, in 2006 article of Armed Forces Journal. According to him it w ill help US to control all strategic locations in region and will safeguard Israel from any potential threat. According to Peters: “Saudi Arabia would suffer as great a dismantling as Pakistan … Iran, a state with madcap boundaries, would lose a great deal of territory to Unified Azerbaijan, Free Kurdistan, the Arab Shia State and Free Baluchistan, but would gain the provinces around Herat in today‟s Afghanistan … Pakistan‟s Northwest Frontier tribes would be reunited w ith their Afghan brethren [and] “would also lose its Baluch territory to Free

P a g e | 23 Baluchistan. The remaining „natural‟ Pakistan w ould lie entirely east of the Indus, except for a westward spur near Karachi.”

What is more dangerous is the fact that PNAC also have same plans for Pakistan under the title of “Operation Enduring Turmoil” … means the map w hich w as an idea once is now thought to be a doable job by think tanks and there are visible signs that these think tanks have injected this idea as a policy in foreign affair office in Washington to secure “US interests”. Peters prescribed w ar, v iolence and chaos as remedy to achieve this goal and soften international borders, “one other dirty little secret from 5,000 years of history: Ethnic cleansing works.”

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6.2 To grab Baluchistan resources after proposed plans (Economical Factor) It is also very visible in above map that Baluchistan can serve as a proxy for US in region as it can get a longish sea line than remaining natural Pakistan. This Pakistan is another need for these NeoCon Zionists as they will have to curtain I ndia w ithin her border tomorrow . I ndian access to central Asia and Middle East will be still through same route used currently. Baluchistan is full of natural resources and minerals. It has Sui gas, Sandik gold-copper and possibly huge reserve of oil and gas so Baluchistan will be freed but Zionists will make sure no one come to Baluchistan as investor so that they can take over new Baluchistan corporately. Plan is in implementation stage as Zionist assets like BLA, BRA and shadowy Baluchistan govt. in exile are there to build a case that remaining with Pakistan is not a choice for an ordinary Bluchs. Hate material is spread among youth in Baluchistan against

P a g e | 25 Pakistan and other ethnicities in the country so that finally Col. Peters‟ proposed Ethinic cleansing can work. To gain more control over economic affairs last deal with IMF has phased out State Bank of Pakistan‟s provision of foreign exchange for oil imports. GoP also agreed to cut all subsidies and other budgetary support making life more and more difficult for common person hence helping the agenda of creating chaos in society.

6.3 NWFP with Afghanistan will cut the Chinese route to Arabian Sea forever NWFP and FATA are equally important regions as Baluchistan. Chinese access to Arabian Sea w ill only be possible if NWFP and Baluchistan are under control of same administration and are peaceful. Pakistan is trying to end trouble in these regions through different means like political, military and financial as well. But problem is more complicated as other players like India/Israel are also involved in the region to settle some score w ith Pakistan. FATA nev er remained under GoP so there is more work for Pakistan to do but fortunately this front is quiet since last six months or so after negotiations w ith local militants and tribesmen. Sw at area w as in more trouble recently and v iolence spread at rapid pace and militants also enjoy some local support as well due to propaganda tactics used by militants. Another challenge in the region is presence of large number of foreign intelligence personnel and US army special force‟s secret agents. They are working on their ow n without letting anyone know about there presence there. Locals can‟t differentiate them as skin color is same, Language is same, and Culture (read culture training) is same. These are the elements responsible CI A air attacks in area through drones. The man in the picture above may looks like Arab Jihadi but in reality he is “Bones,” a US Army Special Forces Green Beret, trained in culture, language and reasoning, rides his horse on patrol in Northern Afghanistan in 2002. It is slightest indication about sort of preparation made to make this PNAC dream happen in reality. Job assigned to these special ops is to constitute low intensity conflicts and wars inside Pakistani NWFP/Pukhtun Khaw a providence under the disguise of Mujahideens for locals and capturing Al-Qaeda operatives for govt. of Pakistan.

P a g e | 26 This is a turbulent time for Pakistan and w hole nation is on a very bumpy drive w hen it comes to security and finance. Govt. in Islamabad is busy in hav ing mum over issues like US drone attacks and CIA funding to Jundullah to attack Iran from Pakistan. Pakistani actions are very flabby after Mumbai attacks. Govt. also failed to ask FBI how it concluded that terrorists were from Pakistan? As it has admitted by Narendra Modi in press conference that evidence India provided to Pakistan is just information not ev idence but ironically Pakistani govt, unlike media w as well behind in taking a strong position after Pakistan was accused of orchestration the attack.

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7- PNAC Over, Really? With elections in US and change in administration many may feel that agenda of world domination by mean of controlling energy resources and massive balkanization of nation states and bringing puppet regimes there in Muslim world has ended. Bad news is it is not but it will be reshaped as per requirements just like excuses in first and second Gulf war was modified as per needs. Gray Schmitt, former director of the PNAC, a resident scholar at AEI stated that no project can run for unlimited period of time hence PNAC is also going to be shut in 2006 as PNAC has achieved its desired results. PNAC had his influence on US administration even under Clinton‟s era in form of sectary of states for foreign affairs Medlin Alberite. So, I f PNAC is over then what is coming to our way in few-year time. Situation in FATA/NWFP is deteriorating fast and can be out of control if US did not stop attacks. People in Pakistan and Afghanistan were expecting some change in US policy as PNAC gang is not in power any more but bad news is their loonies are there in corporate America and New US administration under Obama has already announced that GWOT will continue means that there w ill be no change in agenda and objectives. More disturbing thing is that Obama has issued orders to shut down Guantonama Bay prisoner camp. Question is w here all those alleged terrorists will go? I ndeed to their nativ e countries. What they will do there? Take revenge from US and local government by attacking US/local interests despite the fact under which circumstance a particular policy tow ards US is being perused in these countries. Another problem is when these will be released purposely after intelligence agencies around the world want to use these against there own countries. Pakistan saw such example w hen Abdullah Mehsud w as released from Guanto and what he did after coming back to Pakistan w as to kill Chinese working here that could lead to a serious problem if he could not have been killed later.

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8- Solution; from here to where….? A v ery strong foreign and internal policy can bail out Pakistan from these bellicose designs by Jews and Hindu Zionists. On one hand Pakistan is fighting with sectarian and ethnic fight on other there is a rise in purposely orchestrated terrorism in Pakistani cities to give impression of a weak or fail state. In this blurry situation, Pakistani policy makers will have to come out very clearly. Below is list what Pakistan must do, internally and on foreign front in order to foil this PNAC dream to protect its territorial integrity which is central theme behind all this pugnacious dream of Zionists.

8.1 Recommendation for local policies Below are some steps government in Islamabad must follow to come out of crisis and ever increasing pressure of US.

A) - Say goodbye to US/CIA from FATA Terrorism and violence in FATA and NWFP can not be entirely termed as reaction to Pakistani military intervention in these areas in pursuit of Al-Qaeda members which began in 2003. It only got momentum w hen CI A was able to create hideouts for its operatives on ground. These agents were not here to track any Al-Qaeda member but to launch psy-ops against state of Pakistan and its military using Pakistan Army‟s presence in the area as an excuse. As shown above, countless specially trained agents were mixed up w ith locals as Arab fighters to cultivate an endless force to fight with Pakistani state. TTP is classic example of this CIA operation. Money and weapons much more lethal than what security forces have are coming to TTP operatives along with tactical trainings. So an ouster of CIA from Pakistani soil must be first priority of this govt.

B)-Honor the National Assembly National assembly in Islamabad has passed countless resolutions against the CIA drone attacks inside Pakistan killing hundreds of civilians in these attacks but CIA never listened to any of these resolutions, Why? Well reason is very simple this democratic gov t. is not honoring its own resolutions about national security just months ago. Not a single step out of 14 has been taken yet in order to end US meddling inside Pakistan asking “do more”. Govt. will have to obey its own institutions itself before expecting someone else to do but as this govt. is brought to “deliver” more than Musharraf regime like distancing Pakistan from China.

P a g e | 29 C) - Buy Peace at all cost For short term it is more than necessary for Pakistan to bring temperature down in its troubled areas; FATA and SWAT. I n past Pakistan followed US leads to have military use as first option to fight terrorism w hich has brought some very disturbing results. It provided opportunities to RAW/CI A/Mossad operatives ensconced in these areas in disguise and start a low intensity conflict with state w hile these foreign agents supervising all this war of terror. To thw art this sinister game there is no way out but to talk to every stakeholder. Many analysts believe that this w ill strengthen these militants more but this is not true at all specially if culture of area is studied where revenge is sacred thing use of power w ill always bring complexities. Basic theme for these negotiations must be to disarm the militant and in return security forces will be pulled out and more active role will be given to locals and law enforcement agencies like FC and police. Giving a sense of participation to tribes is also very necessary in this w ar and this can be achieved through forming tribal police or w atch force backed by govt. to keep a check on foreign militants. Already many tribes are fighting these shadowy foreign “mujahideen‟. Military must back these tribes.

D) - Launch Counter Psy-Ops Real problem in these areas is lack of development and lack of education since last so many decades. A well coordinated media campaign to advocate value of education and all Islamic references must be used there to make this campaign easier. A strong counter psy-ops is a must to reveal the true face of these so called foreign Islamic militants w ho are nothing more than operatives of foreign secret services mentioned above. This has been the weakest part in this war by Pakistan. A more active media management is required to tell tribesmen what they must exactly know specially the youth. Main stream media is busy in making profits by highlighting non-issues while there is a dire need to launch a counter offensive against fake and exaggerated media reports about Pakistan by Western media.

E)-Get Military Upgraded and attain Self Reliance Pakistan will have to accelerate its military modernization program as much as possible. One of the reasons the country suffered hand made financial crisis is to cut dow n its spending on defense R & D. During last 10 year the country has taken some serious strides in this direction, latest modernization program is to be completed in 2019. This is some ten years from now but Pakistan is already in a race against the time. PNAC/NWO architects w ill use every possible way to take down Pakistan. Main focus of any up-gradation must have following on list to do

P a g e | 30 a) Accelerate JF-17 and J-10 Induction into PAF b) Acquiring a modern long range SAM system to be deployed along with Afghan border c) Raise at least one more corps of regular strike force to be positioned on Western border d) Accelerate Naval fleet upgrade; decision about new submarines and ships must be made sooner than later

8.2 Recommendation for foreign policy Pakistani policy makers will have to on their toes to change foreign policy as Pakistan is in a region w hich is most dynamic and delicate on geopolitics and defense. A) - Become More Vocal about Kashmir Kashmir is a lifeline for Pakistan as described as Jugular vein by father of nation half century ago. Why it was said by that visionary leader is apparent now. I ndia wants to hav e Kashmir just to make Pakistan more dependants on it as all major rivers flow from Kashmir into Pakistan. Building dams on these rivers to dry out Pakistan is most evil design of I ndia which has already done it by building Baglihar Dam on riv er Chenab in Kashmir violating 1960‟s accord between two countries. Pakistan will have to prepare a strongest possible legal team to defiant these I ndian attempts to bring Pakistan to its knees as most of Pakistani population lives in rural areas where agriculture is first and foremost choice of income and it also contributes towards nation‟s GDP as well. Kashmir is also important as it is unfinished agenda of 1947 partition. Since last 62 years Kashmiri suffered all kinds of I ndian oppressions. Indian army has murdered more than 90,000 Kashmiris since 1989 in the occupied valley. Kashmir is no longer a dispute of territory between to nuclear arch rivals but it is more of human tragedy. Very little is known about I ndian atrocities in this part of world. There must be no paucity of ev idences for Pakistan w hen highlighting this mayhem created by I ndian forces in Kashmir. Then there is a resolution in UN Security Council some 60 years old that must be Pakistan‟s most irrefutable argument while backing case of Kashmiris world over. Pakistan must hav e a very consistent policy towards Kashmir. Recently Pakistan did try every thing that could have brought to table but all in vain as I ndia is in no mode to solve this issue and simply try to make world believe that I ndia wants stability and peace in region reality is I ndia will alw ays keep on pushing with its Akhand Baharat philosophy.

P a g e | 31 Pakistan must pressurize Obama administration to solve this problem as he has made some positive comments in this regard but at same time Pakistan will have to take care of its historical stance and Kashmiris while asking for mediation by Americans as they will try to favor Indians due to it is India who is in honeymoon period with US. B)- Revive relations with Iran and Russia Another short coming of Pakistan‟s foreign policy since 1989 is its reluctance to expand its relations w ith Russia. Russia has a long term partnership w ith I ndia but cannot relay on I ndian soil when it comes to trade. Pakistan must take Russian into confidence that Russia can use Gwadar port for its trade and w hich w ill also help Russian strategic interest to lessen the US influence in Afghanistan. No need to go back door as by now Russians are well aware of what happened in 80‟s. Iran is very critical neighbor of Pakistan and at same time also a competitor w hen it comes to trade route for Afghanistan. This new status Iran earned very recently. Pakistan‟s relations with Iran disturbed during Taliban era in Afghanistan. Now there is another plot is devised to build mistrust between two brotherly countries. Pakistan will hav e to take care of organization like Jundullah and its financiers as well, which is no other than CI A. C)-Rearrange P.N.A.C as P.N.C.A with help of China and Russia Map shown below describes the v alue of Baluchistan and its importance for w hole Asia. Russia, China, I ndia, Afghanistan, KSA, US and I ndia every one is interested in this part of Pakistan. Gwadar can become Pakistan‟s Hong Kong or even more valuable but the only thing missing is a strong independent foreign policy. Russia, China, KSA, Iran all can benefit from Gw adar and will make Pakistan more sovereign economically. This is something which is in direct conflict with PNAC plans so to put this opportunity Zionists have put their assets in place in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan as well. China‟s progress is in Pakistan‟s interests so Pakistan must do whatever possible to build a trade corridor to North which can then be linked to KKH to give China direct access to gateway of energy rich Persian Gulf. Pakistan must not worry for a bankrupt US; this trade plan with

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China must be at top priority. Russia will join only if US leaves Afghanistan and that w ill only possible if Pakistan distance itself from US WoT. If this can be achieved Pakistan alone can change PNAC (Project for New American Century) into PNCA (Project for New Collaborative Asia). C) - Join SCO, Say Goodbye to MNNA (Major Non-Nato Ally) It is time when Pakistani military and political leadership sit together and think about what really Pakistan has earned through this Major Non Nato Ally status endorsed by US in GWOT to Pakistan; One squadron of F-16s, some 2nd hand gunship, a 30-year-old nav al ship w hich is not able to serve? Pakistan must realize that future of region‟s stability and its own lies with regional arrangements, SCO is becoming more prominent in Asia as China is expanding its influence in business outside its own border. Pakistan will hav e more gains in term of economics than MNNA which alw ays remains a more critical challenge to any government in Islamabad. American investment all over the world is bound to idea of taking over countries through corporate culture but Chinese inv estment can give Pakistan more benefits like it happened in case of Gwadar port. China can help for the membership of SCO for Pakistan only if Pakistan itself shows such interest and which is not a choice but a compulsion for Pakistan if she really avoid IMF and other monitory institutes to safeguard its financial sovereignty. End

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