Lesson plan I
3º medio
September 30, 2009
2 hours
What did he say? Reported Speech
Worksheets 1and 2
Content objectives: Students will be able to: Recognize the differences between Say and Tell Identify the changes of speech. Language objectives: Students will be able to: Read the material for Say and Tell and complete the activities. Transform sentences from direct to reported speech.
Stage Pre
Welcoming the class.
1 min.
The teacher will write on the whiteboard the language and content objectives for the class.
1 min.
Establishing clear learning objectives for the class.
The teacher will review each objective and explain it to the class. She will also clarify any doubts.
1 min.
Clarify doubts.
The teacher will ask the students what they learned last class. She will check student per student understanding and clarify doubts.
2 min.
Recalling previous knowledge.
The students will be given a worksheet to practice SAY and TELL. With the teacher they must read the worksheet and complete the activities.
10 min.
Recalling previous knowledge.
After completing, the students will check the answers of the worksheet by writing the right answer on the whiteboard.
5 min.
Checking for understanding. Clarifying doubts.
The teacher will explain the students the new subject: Reported Speech.
5 min.
Presenting new material.
Each student is given a worksheet with the new content. In this worksheet they will also find exercises to develop. The teacher will explain each item out loud.
15 min.
The teacher will check the questions of the activity. Students must correct them along with the teacher.
5 min.
The students will be given another worksheet to complete. This is an extended activity worksheet with more exercises.
20 min.
Checking for understanding. Clarifying doubts.
Lesson plan II
3º medio
October 1, 2009
1 hour
“Extra point”
Worksheet 1
Content objectives: Students will be able to: Recognize the differences between Say and Tell Identify the changes of speech. Language objectives: Students will be able to: Choose between Say and Tell to complete the sentences. Transform sentences from direct to reported speech.
Stage Pre
Post Closing
Welcoming the class.
1 min.
The teacher will write on the whiteboard the language and content objectives for the class.
1 min.
Establishing clear learning objectives for the class.
The teacher will review each objective and explain it to the class. She will also clarify any doubts.
1 min.
Clarify doubts.
The teacher will ask the students what they learned last class.
2 min.
Recalling previous knowledge.
The students will be given a worksheet to complete about the last class subject.
1 min.
The students must complete this worksheet individually with the help of last class material. The students, who finish the worksheet correctly, will earn an extra point for the next test.
30 min.
Meanwhile, the students who missed yesterday’s class will have to read the material of worksheet 1, 2 and 3, and complete the activities.
30 min.
The teacher will remember the students that tomorrow they will have a test about these topics.
1 min.
Lesson plan III
3º medio
October 6, 2009
1 hour
Talking about ourselves
Worksheet 1
Content objectives: Students will be able to: Recognize the vocabulary when talking about oneself Language objectives: Students will be able to: Read, understand and apply the uses of verb To be; personal and possessive pronouns; likes and dislikes.
Stage Pre
Welcoming the class.
1 min.
The teacher will write on the whiteboard the language and content objectives for the class.
1 min.
Establishing clear learning objectives for the class.
The teacher will review each objective and explain it to the class. She will also clarify any doubts.
1 min.
Clarify doubts.
The teacher will ask the students what they learned last week. She will recall the previous test and will explain the students the general mistakes she found.
2 min.
Recalling previous knowledge.
The students will be given a worksheet to read and complete about talking about oneself. .
1 min.
The students must read the worksheet along with the teacher. She will explain each topic and clarify doubts about the subject.
30 min.
After checking the material, the students will complete three activities writing on the worksheet 30 min. given. The first activity the students have to form sentences using like and dislike. The second activity the students have to correct mistakes on the given sentences. Finally the third activity the students have to write about themselves using the worksheet given previously as help. Post Closing
The teacher will ask the students about the subject learned in today’s class.
1 min.
Lesson plan IV
3º medio
October 7, 2009
2 hours
Getting to know you
Laptop, speaker, worksheets 1, 2 and 3, video podcast, audio podcast
Content objectives: Students will be able to: Identify the questions and typical answers when introducing oneself Language objectives: Students will be able to: Listen and watch people from different cultures introducing themselves in English. Answer questions and create sentences about each character.
Stage Pre
Welcoming the class.
1 min.
The teacher will write on the whiteboard the language and content objectives for the class.
1 min.
Establishing clear learning objectives for the class.
The teacher will review each objective and explain it to the class. She will also clarify any doubts.
1 min.
Clarify doubts.
The teacher will ask the students what they learned last class. She will ask the students the purpose of learning the new subject relating it to their personal lives today and for the future.
8 min.
Recalling previous knowledge.
She will ask for doubts about the matter.
1 min.
Clarify doubts.
The teacher will explain the students they will watch a video about African students studying in USA. The characters will introduce themselves on the video and will ask basic questions about themselves.
2 min.
Presenting activity
The students will watch the video.
3 min.
The teacher will ask the students what the saw, and what they understood about the video.
2 min.
Clarify doubts
The students will be given the script of the video, they will watch it again but now reading the script for understanding.
3 min.
Better understanding. Reading, listening.
After watching the video, the teacher will ask for understanding. She later will tell the students the story of these two students.
2 min.
Cultural awareness
The students will be given a worksheet to complete about the video. The students must complete it.
3 min.
Putting into practice. Relating matter with personal experience.
The teacher will introduce some of the typical questions someone may ask when meeting someone new or in interviews.
Lesson plan V
3º medio
October 8, 2009
1 hour
Writing about myself
worksheet 1
Content objectives: Students will be able to: Identify vocabulary needed for talking about themselves. Language objectives: Students will be able to: Write an essay about themselves, their country, culture, likes and dislike, occupation.
Stage Pre
Welcoming the class.
1 min.
The teacher will write on the whiteboard the language and content objectives for the class.
1 min.
Establishing clear learning objectives for the class.
The teacher will review each objective and explain it to the class. She will also clarify any doubts.
1 min.
Clarify doubts.
The teacher will ask the students what they learned 8 min. last class. What they learned through technology, watching a video and listening to an audio podcast. She will recall the characters of the video and audio podcast.
Recalling previous knowledge.
She will ask for doubts about the matter.
Clarify doubts.
1 min.
The teacher will ask the students some of the typical questions some one may ask when meeting some one new. She will ask the students some of these questions and they will have to answer.
3 min.
The teacher will give the students an envelop which 1 min. they will use for keeping their English worksheets and activities. They must bring this envelop each class. They will write English I and their names on it. While
Post Closing
Now the students must take out their last worksheet. In it, the students have to write about themselves. This is draft number 1.
Rest of the class.
Putting into practice. Relating matter with personal experience.
The teacher will ask the students to give her the writing of today’s class. She will correct them, and return them tomorrow to continue writing.
1 min.