Pis Drug Interaction

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 1
Protease Inhibitors (PIs)-Drug Interactions Drugs Affected

Indinavir* (Crixivan®, IDV)

Ritonavir* (Norvir®, RTV)

Saquinavir* (Fortovase®, SQV)

Nelfinavir* (Viracept®, NFV)

Amprenavir* (Agenerase®, APV)

Lopinavir/Ritonavir* (Kaletra®, LPV/RTV)

IDV ↑ 68% Dose: IDV 600mg tid

Keto. ↑ 3X Dose: NTE keto dose 200mg/day

SQV ↑ 3X No dose adjustment

No dose adjustment

APV ↑ 31%, Keto ↑ 44% Dose: Combo. Use under investigation

LPV AUC ↓ 13% Keto ↑ 3-fold


IDV ↓ 89% Contraindicated

RTV ↓ 35% Dose: no data, possible ↑ liver toxicity

NFV ↓ 82% Contraindicated

APV AUC ↓ 82% No change in rifampin AUC Avoid concomitant use

LPV ↓ 75% Avoid concomitant use


IDV ↓ 32% rifabutin ↑ 2X Dose: ↓ rifabutin 150mg qd or 300mg 2-3x/wk IDV 1000mg tid

Rifabutin ↑ 4X Dose: ↓ rifabutin dose to 150mg qod or 3x/wk RTV std dose

SQV ↓ 84% Contraindicated unless using with RTV+SQV→use rifampin dose 600mg qd or 23X/wk SQV ↓ 40% No dose adjustment unless use with SQV+RTV→ rifabutin 150mg 2-3x/wk

NFV ↓ 32% Rifabutin ↑ 2X Dose: rifabutin ↓ 150mg qd or 300mg 2-3x/wk NFV ↑ 1000mg tid

APV AUC ↓ 15% Rifabutin ↑ 193% Dose: Rifabutin ↓ 150mg qd or 300mg 2-3x/wk APV std dose

Rifabutin AUC ↑ 3-fold Dose: Rifabutin ↓ 150mg qod & LPV/RTV std dose


Clarithro ↑ 53% No dose adjustment

Clarithro ↑ 77% Dose adjust for renal impairment

No data

APV AUC ↑ 18% No dose adjustment

No data

Oral Contraceptives

Norethindrone ↑ 26% Ethinyl estradiol ↑ 24% No dsoe adjustment

Ethinyl estradiol ↓ 40% Use alternative/additional methods

Clarithro ↑ 45% SQV ↑ 177% No dose adjustment No data

Norethindrone ↓ 18% Ethinyl estradiol ↓ 47% Use alternative/additional methods

Potential for interaction Use alternative/additional methods

Ethinyl estradiol ↓ 42% Use alternative/additional methods

Potential for large increase in statin level Avoid concomitant use

Potential for large increase in statin level Avoid concomitant use

Potential for large increase in statin level Avoid concomitant use

Potential for large increase in statin level Avoid concomitant use

Potential for large increase in statin level Avoid concomitant use

Potential for large increase in statin level Avoid concomitant use




Antifungal Ketoconazole


Lipid Lowering Agents Simvastatin Lovastatin Atorvastatin Pravastatin



Atorvastatin AUC ↑ 5.88fold→ use w/caution Pravastatin AUC ↑ 33%→ no dose adjustment

Anticonvulsants Phenobarbitol Phenytoin Carbamazepine

Carbamazepine ↓ IDV AUC Consider alternative agent

Unknown Use w/caution, monitor anticonvulsant levels

Unknown, may ↓ SQV levels Monitor anticonvulsant level

Unknown, may ↓ NFV levels Monitor anticonvulsant levels


No change in methadone levels

Methadone ↓ 37% May need to ↑ methadone dose

No data

NFV may ↓ methadone levels May need to ↑ methadone dose


GJ§ ↓ IDV by 26% Sildenafil AUC ↑ 2-11 fold. NTE 25mg in 48 hr

Sildenafil AUC ↑ 2-11 fold. NTE 25mg in 48 hr Desipramine ↑ 145%, ↓ dose Theophylline ↓ 47%, monitor level

GJ§ ↑ SQV levels Sildenafil AUC ↑ 2-11 fold. Use 25mg starting dose of sildenafil

Sildenafil AUC ↑ 2-11 fold NTE 25mg in 48 hr

*Inhibitor of CYP3A4 isoenzyme § Grapefruit Juice

Unknown, may ↓ APV levels substantially Monitor anticonvulsant level No data

Unknown, may ↓ LPV levels substantially Monitor anticonvulsant levels

Sildenafil AUC ↑ 2-11 fold NTE 25mg in 48 hr

Possible substantial ↑ in sildenafil AUC. NTE 25mg in 48 hr

Methadone AUC ↓ 53% May need to ↑ methadone dose


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