Pidato Bahasa Inggris.docx

  • May 2020
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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Alhamdulillahirabbil alamin wabihi nasta’inu ‘ala umuriddunya waddiin Wassholatu wassalamu ‘ala ashrafil anbiya i wal mursalin Sayyidina wamaulana Muhammadin wa’ala alihi washahbihi ajma’in, amma ba’du.

The Honorable juries, all participants of the English speech Contest and audiences. In the name of Allah the most beneficient and the most merciful. Glory be to Allah, the God who teaches us and teaches human beings of what they don’t know. May peace be always on our leader, the noblest human being, prophet Muhammad SAW, Allahumma Sholli ‘ala Muhammad Wa’ala ali Muhammad, along with his family and companions. Dear Ladies and gentlemen, The youth period is the crucial time for human beings. If the young people can’t control theirselves they will go to the wrong way. On the other hand, at this stage of life, They also have great potency and energy that can be prided. On this very special ocassion, as one of the Islamic young people, the Nahdliyah generation, I would like to motivate myself and all of my friends who have the same vision of life to prepare ourselves to face the future’s life. The Youth, especially the islamic young people has a great role in developing and supporting the development of nation.We are the hope who will carry out the struggle for the sake of our country. At the same time, the hope of Islamic religion that will strive for the sake of Islamic teaching in the future, maintain the Islamic law who will safeguard the Moslem young generation at large from the influence of destructive western style of life. Dear audiences honoured by Allah, We live in the world of sophisticated technology, where there is no border between countries. The era of information, transportation and telecomunication that makes our life better than the previous time. This modern era, however, gives both of positive and negative impact to our lives. As the Nahdliyah cadres, of course we must take the positive things not the negative one. Our task is to conquer science ,knowledge. Seeking science is compulsary for us. Allah will exalt our degrees if we have an intention to learn. Allah said in the holy Quran; ١١ِِ‫ٱّللهِب َماِت َعۡ َملهونَِِخَبير‬ َِ ‫ٱّللهِٱلَذينَِِ َءا َمنهواِِمن هك ِۡمِ َوٱلَذينَِِأهوتهواِِ ۡٱلع ۡل َِمِدَ َر َٰ َجتِِ َو‬ َِ ِِ‫يَ ۡرفَع‬ Allah will exalt those of you who believe, and those who are given knowledge, in high degrees; and Allah is Aware of what you do. (QS Al Mujadilah: 11)

Our Prohet Muhammad said in Hadith; َ ِ‫ضةِِ َعلَىِ هكلِِ همسلمِِ َو همسل َمة‬ َ ‫طلَبهِِالعلمِِفَري‬ Looking for science is compulsary for every moslem both of man and woman. Based on the Quran and Hadith above we must prepare our future by having good knowledge so we can lead this country wisely and Allah will guide us.

As the Nadliyah generation in this uncertain era, we have responsibility to remind one another, not to do the bad deeds forbiden by Allah. We witness ourselves that some moslem generation have misled their ways.

They have turned away from Islamic values. Consuming drugs, alcoholic drink, free-sex and other bad things against Islam teachings. The question is, What would happen if the generation has bad moral? Aren’t we the leaders in the future?

Dear audiences, In conclusion, to face the globalization era, as the Nahdliyah cadres, we must keep our beliefs, ahlusunah waljama’ah from generation to generation, we must fulfil ourselves with good morals ,useful knowledge and skills. We must avoid what Allah forbids, we hope that we could be one of the best islamic generation who follow our prophet’s Akhlaq. Last but not least, Let the world know, don’t hide behind, we deserve to be the agent of change that will reborn the smart moslem generation who will lead the beloved country, Indonesia. Before I end this speech, let me sing a song “I love Nahdlatul Ulama”

If you choose NU please clap your hand (prox 3) If you love NU please say okay (okay) If you really care NU then you have to be the best If you really care NU let's do all two (prox 3, okay) That’s all I can deliver in my speech, Thank you very much for giving me valuable time Wallahul muafiq ilaa aqwamittariq,

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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