Pickle Report

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,997
  • Pages: 26
ICFAI Business School, Pune

Business Research Method Project Consumption Pattern of Pickles


Submitted To: Prof .Ashwini Sovani

Submitted By:

Prof.Abhilash Pradhan

Saurabh Jain Sneha Khemka Samarth Chopra Shahid Hassan


“Consumption Pattern of Pickles in India” is one of the specific project to be worked on, as such it covers not only the marketing & promotional aspects of pickle industry in India but its outstanding effect on consumer perception & buying behavior. I am very thankful 2|Page

to our respectful faculty Prof. ASHWINI SOVANI

for assigning a project, which is not

only distinct but also covering diverse aspects which are affecting the promotional policy of any store or company. Going through this project was one of the wonderful experiences as such it has overall enhanced my knowledge about the relevant area & its diverse aspects. Also throughout this project several outstanding individuals were integrally involved and had given there substantial contribution, for which I am very thankful to them for giving their precious time in completing this major project.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


Particulars Executive Summary Introduction Problem Statement Research Objective Limitations of the Study Sampling Design Research Design Methodology Data Collection Data Coding Sheet Data Analysis Plan Findings and Data Analysis Recommendations Field Findings Conclusion Questionnaire Bibilography

PageNo 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 10 10 12 13 20 21 21 22 24



This project is done to know the consumption pattern of pickles in India. So also, what are the preferences in buying the pickles? Both coupled yielded reasons for current level of satisfaction. There was insufficient secondary data due to which primary data was collected. This project was conducted within the geographical region of Aundh, Baner, Deccan, F.C. Road with a sample of 150 respondents.

The data collected was analyzed through MS Excel. Different tools in MS Excel were used like graphs, pie charts and formulae.


INTRODUCTION Call it Pickles, Achar or Chutney, it is one of the crucial groups of food in Indian cuisine. Pickle is a big group of food which differ with respect to its flavor, usage, textures, and/or ingredients. Pickles are really different than anything western cuisine has to offer. They may act as relish, sauce, dressing, appetizer or condiments. Pickle is considered an essential part of not only Indian meal but also any other South Asian meal. Pickles are one of the traditional recipes so there are thousands of varieties of pickle. Usually an ethnic group or family has its own traditional variety of pickles. Nowadays many variety pickles are available commercially in both inside and outside of India. Usually pickle is marinated and eaten in small amounts to add flavor to meal. It can both be fresh or aged. Pickles can be eaten with everything from rice to burger. Range of ingredient needed to make Pickles differ widely. One variety of classic pickles can be made with two or three ingredients while another might take twenty. Similarly, effort and time to make pickles also varies. Some can be made within few minutes while some might take hours and even months to age. A report by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) stated that during the year 2000-01, total production of pickles was 13645.16 metric tonnes and in 2002-03 the country earned Rs 154.16 lakh through exports. The exports could be doubled if provided efforts were made to organise the pickle industry.


PROBLEM STATEMENT ➢ Are consumers satisfied with the quality and the variety of the pickles available in the market? ➢ Do consumers check for various quality checks before buying the pickles. ➢ To check the consumption pattern of the customers. 8|Page

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ➢ To find out consumption and buying behavior of pickles amongst consumers.

➢ To find out the preferences of consumers for pickles among the various available alternatives.

➢ To measure satisfaction level of consumers for various kinds of pickle.

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ➢ The research is confined to the sample of 150 respondents, which certainly

does not represent the whole population of Pune.

➢ The respondents were approached by researcher in their convenience of.

➢ The respondents included those who have consumed pickles irrespective of

frequency of usage.

➢ Respondents might be biased at times.

➢ Time limitations were there.


➢ The sample was selected from the restricted area Aundh, Baner, Deccan and F.C. Road. It was a non-probability based sampling based on convenience. The sample size was limited to 150 respondents because of limited available time.

Research design: Research design is purely and simply the framework plans for study that guides the collection and analysis of data. There are three major types of research design, i.e., exploratory research design, descriptive research design and experimental research design.

Primary Research:

This research is conducted in two phases. In the first phase the report is based on the results of a wide survey, that is, personal interview with the aid of printed questionnaires.

Secondary Research:

The second phase of Research is conducted by Secondary Research using Google and other Databases.

• Descriptive research: Analyze the data, which was collected.

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METHODOLOGY There are different methodologies in a research study. These are the following steps we will follow-

1)Target population: The target population for the study of “Consumption pattern of Pickles” is Consumers, from different economical & demographical background, who are using pickles.

2) Geographical coverage:


a) b) c) d)

Aundh Baner Deccan F.C Road

3) Sampling:

Sample unit:

11 | P a g e

Consumers using pickles

Sample plan:

The selection of the samples is done following the two sampling techniques, which are: - Simple random sampling - Convenience sampling

Sample size: -

Information is collected from a sample size of 150 customers (From Pune) respondents which included only females.

4) Demographics of Sample

• Gender In the total sample size of 150 we will consider 150 females because pickles are purchased by housewives only.

5) Age Copy the charts of age, educational background and annual income and also the place to shop pickles,

6) Contact method: a) Structured questionnaire separate for each respondent. 12 | P a g e

b) Personal interviews c) Telephonic interviews.

DATA COLLECTION Data was collected through secondary as well as primary sources. Secondary sources included articles on jeans from internet, books, and journals. Primary data was obtained through self-administered questionnaires. 150 respondents who consumed pickles were interviewed based on non-probabilistic convenience based sampling.

DATA CODING SHEET Ques Description 2 To know the type of pickles preferred

Var. Scale Nominal



To know the kind of pickles liked

Value Labels 1) Ready-made 2) Home-made 1) Mango 2) Mix 3) Lemon

13 | P a g e

4) Chilly 4

Company preferred.

5) Others a) Mothers Receipe


b) Pravin c) Priya 5

To know about the quantity being bought

d) K-Pra 1) 100gms


2) 200gms 3) 250gms


To know about the number of bottles consumed.

4) 500gms 1) 1


2) 2 3) 3 4) More than 3


To know about the food items pickles is consumed with


1) Chapati 2) Nan 3) Rice 4) Bread


Consistency with which pickles is consumed


1) 2) 3) 4)


Preference with regard to nutrition and taste

Graphic rating scale

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


To find whether the consumers check for various certifications


5) Others Habituated Frequent Rarely Never Extremely important 5 Really important 4 Really unimportant 3 Somewhat important 2 Somewhat unimportant 1 1) Always 2) Sometimes 3) Never

14 | P a g e


To check the satisfaction level with the pickles consumed


1) Highly satisfied-5 2) Fairly satisfied- 4 3) Satisfied- 3 4) Somewhat satisfied2



To find out if the consumers look for expiry date


General comments on perception about pickles

5) Highly unsatisfied- 1 1)Always 2)Sometimes 3)Never Open ended

DATA ANALYSIS PLAN ➢ To know the frequency of consuming pickles ➢ To know how many types of pickle a consumer eat ➢ To know rank of Mother’s recipie 15 | P a g e

➢ To know rank of K-pra ➢ To know rank of Priya ➢ To know rank of Pravin ➢ To know the post purchase satisfaction ➢ To know the quantity consumed of pickles ➢ To know if consumer looks for Quality checks certifications ➢ To know food items with which pickles are consumed ➢ To know the order of preference of various factors while buying pickles like packaging, price, brand, certification, oil content. ➢ To know how many consumers check manufacturing and expiry date ➢ Satisfaction from the taste of pickle ➢ Satisfaction from nutritional value ➢ Satisfaction of price with quality ➢ Satisfaction from flavors of pickle ➢ Respondent’s perception about pickles ➢ Income group of respondents ➢ Gender of respondent ➢ Age of respondent


Consumption of Pickles Yes 16 | P a g e

Number 149

Percentage 99.3




OUR ANALYSIS- Almost all of the housewives use and buy pickles for their home except 1 of them out of 150 respondents. That means pickles are universally eaten in Pune region. Q 2.

Type of Pickle Home made Ready made

Number 62 88

Percentage 41.33 58.67

OUR ANALYSIS- Almost 59% of the people prefer homemade pickle rather than buying from outside because they can vary various parameters according to their taste and preferances. Whereas apprx. 41% people prefer readymade pickles due to their busy life. Q 3.

Kind of Pickle Mango Mix Lemon Chilly Others

Number 49.5 31.2 40 17.6 11.5

Percentage 33 20.8 26.67 11.73 7.67

OUR ANALYSIS- One- third of population like mango pickles whereas next popular variety among pickles is Lemon followed by Mix pickles and chilly pickles. A meager 7 % share is of other kinds of pickle like chunda, carrot, imli, fish, chiken etc. Q 4.

Company Mother’s Recipie Pravin Priya K-Pra

17 | P a g e

Number 33 14 10 5

Percentage 53.22 22.58 16.23 8.06

OUR ANALYSIS- Among the various players in the pickle market, national leader Mother’s Recipie covers more than half portion of the entire market whereas local players like Praveen is in second position with 22% share followed by Priya and K- Pra.

Q 5

Packaging 100 gms 200 gms 250 gms 500 gms

Number 10 17 24 12

Percentage 16.13 27.4 9.67 9.67

OUR ANALYSIS- People prefer buying 250 gms pack the most because they are economical and quantity is also optimum. Next preferred packing is 200 gms, then 500 gms and in the end 100 gms. The reason for 100gms being least preferred is that because normally a family contains 3-4 members and hence 100 gms isn’t sufficient for them. Q 6.

No. of Bottles 1 2 3 More than 3

Number 32 17 6 6

Percentage 51.67 27.41 9.67 9.67

OUR ANALYSIS- More than half of the sample buy one bottle of pickle at time because of economy factor and also 1 bottle is handy and easy to store. People prefer 2 bottles next, then very less number of percentage is shared equally by 3 or more than 3 bottles.

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Q 7.

Complimentary food Items with Pickles Number 56.15 23.84 48.46 16.92 4.61

Chapati Nan Rice Bread Others

Percentage 37.43 15.89 32.1 11.28 3.07

OUR ANALYSIS- The graph clearly indicates that pickles are most commonly eaten along with chapattis because chapattis constitute an important part of meal in India followed closely by Rice, Nan, and bread. Rest of the food items with which pickles are consumed are khichdi etc.

Q 8.

Frequency of taking Pickles Mango Mixed Lemon Chilly Others 1234-

Habituated 52 12 10 12 10

Frequent 49 55 26 23 6

Habituated Frequent Rarely Never

Q 10.

Quality Certification 19 | P a g e

Rarely 21 49 65 47 28

Never 8 15 21 45 78

Always Sometime Never

Number 33 23 6

Percentage 53.22 37.09 9.67

OUR ANALYSIS- Since awareness and education among people is increasing day by day, more than people half of the people really check for certification from the various food quality organizations like FPO, FPA, ISO etc.

Q 12.

Check for Manufacturing and Expiry Date Always Sometime Never

Number 39 15 8

Percentage 62.9 24.19 12.9

OUR ANALYSIS- Since now a days people have become health conscious, they check the manufacturing date and expiry date of pickles to avoid food poisoning, diarrhea etc. Less than one- fourth of the sample look for these dates sometimes only whereas very few people are there who doesn’t bother to check these dates due to lack of any bad experience in past times.


From the above findings and analysis, following recommendations could be drawn: ➢ Pickle companies should more aggressively tap the Mango pickle and Lemon pickle segment. The reason for the same is that mango pickle is preferred the most by 33% of the people and people have become habituated and the second most preferred pickle is Lemon by 26% respondents which is consumed frequently by people. ➢ Packaging of 250 gms should be produced by the companies as it contains optimum quantity which is sufficient for a nuclear family of 3-4 people. ➢ As consumers are educated and well aware now a days, they are very health conscious and hence nutritional value, manufacturing and expiry date should be mentioned on the packaging very clearly. ➢ Companies








promotions for improving customer recall and brand image. ➢ Since Pickles are majorly available in local retail shops, departmental stores and factory outlets, reaching the customer is easy. Hence differentiation in product is necessary by providing say more varieties like Chunda, Carrot, Imli, Non-veg pickles etc so that more and more customers can be attracted. ➢ Good packaging, proper oil content, certification from food agencies etc. should be maintained to give customers a home -made taste and push him to buy from market rather than making at home.

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FIELD FINDINGS 1) Most of the people aren’t interested in filling the questionnaire. 2) Especially housewives showed little interest because they misunderstood us as salesperson. 3) Response from working women was comparatively good. 4) Since most of the women aged 40 and above are less educated hence sometimes we had to translate the questionnaire for them. 5) Ladies usually don’t prefer giving their contact no. 6) Some housewives don’t give their surnames also.


In our survey we found that pickle consumption is very popular in Pune and with the exception of one respondent rest all the respondents consume some or the other type of pickle. We also found that in spite of availability of readymade pickles the popularity of homemade pickles has not decreased. Thus there is large market for pickle producing companies which goes untapped because people go for homemade pickles. We also found that that popularity of mango pickles is fairly consistent among the respondents with almost one-third preferring mango pickles. Mothers Recipe pickles is consumed by almost half the respondents and the remaining competitors like Pravin, Priya,K-pra are way behind. Companies produce more of 250gms packet looking at its popularity among the consumers. We also found that pickles is mainly consumed with rice and chapatti. A large number of respondents are habituated of mango pickles and also many take mango pickles frequently. This shows the popularity of mango pickles among the consumers. We also found that people are increasingly checking for various certifications like FPO, ISO, ISI, PFA etc. Similarly a large chunk of population also look for the manufacturing and expiry date. This shows there is a general awareness among the consumers and they are not ready to take whatever is offered to them. 22 | P a g e



AGE: Below 18




55 and



Post graduate


10,000- 20,000


35,000 and above

Contact No.- (optional) QUESTIONNAIREQ1) Do you consume pickles? Yes


Q2) Which type of pickle you prefer? Ready-made (fill in Part A & B)

Home-made (fill in Part B only)

Q3) What kind of pickles you like? Mango




Others (specify)-

Q4) Which company’s pickle you prefer? Mother’s Recipe Q5) Which packaging you buy? 23 | P a g e



K- Pra

100 gms




Q6) How many bottles of pickle you consume in a month? 1



more than 3

Q7) With which of the food items you like to have pickle? Chapati





Q8) How often you need pickle? (tick the appropriate choice)

Type of pickle Mango Mixed Lemon Chilly Others





• Part A Pickle Mango Mixed Lemon Chilly Others





Oil content

Q9) Rank your preferences according to the following attributesExtremely Important Unimportant 5 • Part B 24 | P a g e



Important Important 4


Important 2



Nutritional Value


Mango Mixed Lemon Chilly Others Q10) Do you check various quality checks (like FPO, PFA, ISO, ISI etc.) before buying pickles from market? Always



Q11) Indicate your level of satisfaction to the following types of pickle (tick the appropriate choice) Pickles

Highly satisfied

Fairly satisfied


Somewhat satisfied

Highly unsatisfied

Mango Mixed Lemon Chilly Others(specify) Q12) Do you look for manufacturing and expiry date before buying the product? Always


Q13) Give a general comment on the pickles. BIBLIOGRAPHY

➢ Marketing Research- TATA McGraw Hill ➢ www.k-pra.com ➢ www.mothersrecipie.com ➢ www.chordia.com/pickles ➢ www.priyafoods.com 25 | P a g e


➢ www.google.com

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