
  • April 2020
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AIIMS November 2006 Physiology 1. The agranular Endoplasmic reticulum produces ? A. Proteins B. Lipids C. Vitamins D. Carbohydrates Ans. Lipids Explanation: Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum produces lipids which are passed to Golgi bodies, where as the Rough Endoplasmic reticulum produces proteins due to presence of Ribosomes. 2. The difference between pulmonary and systemic circulation ? A. Hypoxia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction Ans. A. Hypoxia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction 3. Turbulence increases in which of the following conditions ? A. Reynolds no.< 2000 B. Velocity of fluid decreases C. Increase in diameter D. Density of fluid decreases Ans. Increase in diameter Reference: Ganong's, 22nd, Pg-583 4. In high attitude, pulmonary oedema ? A. Not exacerbated by exercise B. Related to pulmonary oedema C. Occurs only in unacclimatized person D. Occurs due to pulmonary hypertension Ans. Occurs due to pulmonary hypertension 5. Chymotrypsinogen is ?A. carboxypeptide B. Zymogen Ans. Zymogen 6. Mean arterial pressure forumla ?

7. True about golgi tendon reflex ? A. Occurs when muscle is in contracted state B. Occurs when muslce is in relaxed state C. Innervated leg alpha motor neurons Ans. ? 8. Slow increase in stimuli leading to decreased response, is known as ? A. Adaptation B. Accomodation C. Electrotonus D. Refractoriness Ans. Accomodation Reference: Ganong, 22nd, Pg-56

9. At arterial end of capillary, filtration is due to ? A. Low oncotic pressure of capillary B. High hydrostatic pressure of capillary C. High hydrostatic pressure of interstitium D. Low oncotic pressure of interstitium Ans. High hydrostatic pressure of capillary 10. In high attitude, pulmonary oedema ?A. Is not exacerbated by exercise B. Related to pulmonary hypertension C. Occurs only in Unacclimatized person Ans. ?

AIIMS NOV 2007 20. About myocardial O2 demand, true is: a. Inverse relation with heart rate b. Inverse relation to systemic hypertension c. Constant relation to external work done d. Negligible in quiescent heart 21. Corneal endothelium ion exchange pumps are inhibited by: a. Increase in anaerobic glycolysis b. Activation of anaerobic glycolysis c. Activation of cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors d. Interference with electron chain transport

22. Regarding nitric oxide, false is: a. Seen in the lung of smokers b. Increases cAMP levels c. Used to treat hypertension d. .. Ans—B 23. Sertoli cells in the testis have receptors for: a. FSH b. LH c. Inhibin d. .. Ans—A 24. Bicarbonate is maximally absorbed from: a. PCT b. DCT c. Collecting duct d. Thick ascending loop of Henle Ans—A 25. A 12 year old girl presents with Acute rheumatic carditis with mitral insufficiency. She is likely to have: a. Increased peak expiratory flow b. Increased total lung capacity c. Increased residual volume d. Decreased functional residual capacity Ans—C 26. The mechanism of action of surfactant is: a. Breaks the structure of water in the alveoli b. Lubricates the flow of CO2 diffusion c. Makes the capillary surface hydrophilic d. .. Ans—A 27. The ‘c’-waves in JVP are due to: a. Atrial contraction b. Bulging of the tricuspid valve into the right atrium c. Ventricular systole when the tricuspid valve is closed Ans--B 28. Fast axonal transport is by all except: a. Dynenin b. Kinesin c. Microfilaments d. Neurofilaments Ans—D 29. Ureteric peristalsis is due to: a. Sympathetic innervation b. Parasympathetic innervation c. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation d. Pacemaker activity of the smooth muscle cells in the renal pelvis Ans—D 30. Metabolic alkalosis is seen in: a. Mineralocortoid excess

b. Increased excretion of base c. Decreased secretion of H+ ion d. Deficiency of mineralocorticoids Ans—A 31. When a person changes position from standing to lying down position, following occurs: a. Heart rate increases and settles at a higher level b. Venous return to the heart rises immediately c. Cerebral blood flow becomes more than that in standing position and settles at a higher level d. Decrease in blood flow to the lung apex Ans—B 32. All of the following occur when the blood flows through systemic capillaries except: a. Increase in hematocrit b. Hb curve shifts to the left c. Increased protein content d. Decrease in Ph Ans—B 33. Exercise causes: a. Increased blood flow to the muscles after half minute of minute b. Increase in cerebral blood flow due to increase in systolic blood pressure c. Body temperature rise d. decreased muscle lymph flow Ans---C 34. Which of the following is correctly matched: a. B cells – Somatostain b. D cells – Insulin c. G cells – Gastrin d. ….. Ans—C 35. 18 year old male presents with pectus excavatum. He denies history of any dyspnoea or chest pain. On examination there is mild pectus excavatum and intermittent wheezing on exertion. Surgery in this patient is indicated if he has: a. FEV1 / FVC less than 0.60 b. Limitation of maximum inspiration during exercise c. Peak work capacity 60% of expected d. Functional work capacity 80% of expected

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