Physical Science Unit 4 Study Guide Answers

  • November 2019
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Physical Science 4 Study Guide • Physical and Chemical Properties 1. What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change? For a physical change, there is no change in chemical composition. What you start out with is the same as what you end up with. For a chemical change there is a change is chemical composition. What you start out with is different than what you end up with. 2. Which type of property involves a change in the chemical structure? Chemical property 3. Which type of property is there no change in the chemical structure? Physical property 4. Which type of property do you end up with something different than what you started with? Chemical property 5. Which type of property do you end up with the same thing as what you started with? Physical property 6. What are some examples of physical properties? Solubility Boiling Point Freezing/Melting Point Viscosity Electrical Conductivity Density 7. What are some examples of chemical properties? Corrosion Oxidation Combustion 8. Does the term boiling point refer to a temperature or a phase change? Temperature 9. Does the composition of a substance change during a phase change? No. 10. 5.0g of substance X has a volume of 10.0 mL. What is the density of substance X? 5.0 g / 10.0 mL = .5 g/mL 11. Is the density of solid substance X the same as liquid substance X? No. 12. While making Koolaid you add some sugar to some water. In this solution, sugar is the (solute, solvent) and water is the (solute, solvent).

13. When you add sugar to water, does the sugar chemically bond to the water? No 14. Do the components of a solution retain their own individual properties? Yes. 15. What physical property is closest to ‘gooiness’ Viscosity 16. Metals tend to be (conductors, insulators) and nonmetals tend to be (conductors, insulators). 17. Can solutions conduct electricity? Yes • More About Physical and Chemical Changes (The PowerPoint Slides handout with 6 boxes) 18. Is there a change in chemical composition in a physical change? No. 19. What chemical property is a general term that refers to the breakdown of material by its environment? Corrosion 20. What chemical property occurs when one substance combines with oxygen to form another new substance? Oxidation 21. What chemical property is a rapid form of oxidation? Combustion •

How does temperature, particle size, and agitation affect how quickly something dissolves?

22. When something dissolves what is happening? The substance is being separated apart 23. Are bonds broken when something dissolves? No 24. What is the difference between solubility and the rate of solution? Solubility is the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a solvent Rate of solution is how quickly something dissolves 25. What does agitation mean (in science) When you stir something or movement 26. The more something is agitated the (faster, slower) a solute dissolves. 27. The smaller the particles the (faster, slower) a solute dissolves.

28. What is the relationship between particle size and surface area? The smaller particles have more surface area relative to their size 29. The higher the temperature the (faster, slower) something dissolves. 30. Solubility is a (physical property, chemical property) because what you end up with is (as the same, different than) what you started with. • Classification of Matter: Pure Substances or Mixtures? 31. What are the two types of pure substances? Element and compound 32. What is the difference between an element and a compound? An element is on the periodic table. It is composed of only one type of atom. A compound is made of two or more different types of elements. 33. How do the properties of compounds compare with the elements that make them up? The properties of compounds are different than properties of the elements that make them up 34. Can compounds be physically separated? No. 35. Which of the following has a definite chemical composition: mixture, compound, both mixture and compound. Compound 36. Do the component substances in a mixture retain their own properties? Yes 37. Can the components of mixtures be physically separated? Yes 38. What is the difference between a heterogeneous mixture and a homogeneous mixture? Homogeneous mixture has the components distributed evenly throughout Heterogeneous mixtures have the components distributed unevenly throughout 39. What type of mixture is a solution? Homogeneous solution Also be able to do the chart about solubility.

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