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Abnormal psychology deals with behaviour disorders and disturbed individuals.

Clinical psychology uses the understandings derived from developmental and abnormal psychology to diagnose and treat mental disorders and adjustment problems. Comparative psychology explores the differences and similarities in the behaviour of animals of different species. Developmental psychology studies the emotional, intellectual, and social changes that occur across the life span of human beings. Educational psychology attempts to improve teaching methods and materials, to solve learning problems, and to measure learning ability and educational progress. Industrial psychology is concerned with people at work. Industrial psychologists investigate such matters as how to make jobs more rewarding or how to improve workers' performance. Social psychology studies the social behaviour of individuals and groups, with special emphasis on how behaviour is affected by the presence or influence of other people. FIELDS OF PSYCHOLOGY

Educational Psychology An educational psychology career offers a variety of rewarding career paths. If you like working with kids and young adults and want to play a key role in improving the quality of education, getting a degree in educational psychology is a positive step in that direction. Family Psychology Family psychologists work to help families overcome their problems and improve their relationships. Learn more about the role of family psychologists and what you'll need to know to get started in this challenging but satisfying career. Industrial Psychology As an industrial psychologist, you'll help companies to boost employee satisfaction and increase their efficiency. Find out what it takes to succeed in as an industrial

psychologist. Learn more about job responsibilities, salaries, career outlook and more. Sports Psychology Sports psychology is a relatively new field in psychology that is gaining momentum due to rising interest in personal fitness and well-being. Understand athletic performance and help bring about a positive mental approach to sports by getting your training in sports psychology. Child Psychology Child psychology and developmental psychology involve studying the behavior and cognitive development of human beings as they age. As a developmental psychologist you will be trained to help people during the different stages of their lives. Learn more about careers and training in the field of child psychology. Forensic Psychology Forensic psychologists combine their knowledge of the judicial system with psychology expertise to aid law enforcement agencies, attorneys and the courts in apprehending criminals and determining fair outcomes in a variety of cases. Find out more about jobs in forensic psychology. Social Work Social work can be highly fulfilling career for those with an innate sense of compassion and justice. Find out more about social work careers, from which degree to pursue to what kinds of salaries and job growth you can expect. Clinical Psychology With opportunities in clinical psychology advancing rapidly, the need for qualified clinical psychologists is ever increasing. As a clinical psychologist you will play a pivotal role in shaping human well-being. Find out more about what it's like to be a clinical psychologist. Counseling Psychology If you're interested in helping people with a wide range of needs—from career counseling to drug rehabilitation, and anything in between—learn more about counseling psychology degrees and careers. Find information on salaries, job outlook and more.

2) WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT SCHOOLS & WHO IS THE FOUNDER OF EACH SCHOOL? Structuralism grew out of the work of James, Wundt, and their associates. Functionalism formed as a reaction to the structuralism and was heavily influenced by the work of William James and the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin. Psychoanalysis was founded during the late 1800's and early 1900's by the Austrian doctor Sigmund Freud.

Behaviorism was introduced in 1913 by John B. Watson, an American psychologist. Watson and his followers believed that observable behaviour, not inner experience, was the only reliable source of information. This concentration on observable events was a reaction against the structuralists' emphasis on introspection. Humanistic psychology was instead focused on each individual’s potential and stressed the importance of growth and self-actualization. Cognitive psychology is on how people acquire, process and store information. There are numerous practical applications for cognitive research, such as ways to improve memory, how to increase decision-making accuracy, and how to structure educational curricula to enhance learning.


1. Solicitation and Selection Methods Description: Solicitation and Selection methods: micro-purchase, small purchase, formal competitive procurement (sealed bids, RFP), non-competitive (sole source). Abstract: Solicitation and Selection Methods. Also known as: procurement methods, RFP handling, purchase methods, competitive proposals contracting, or competitive negotiated acquisition.Depending on the amount involved in the procurement of new goods, products, or services, you may choose the option best matching your needs amongst the following solicitation and selection methods: 2. Competitive Procurement Description: Discover what makes your procurement process provide for full and open competition. Learn what are the different competitive procurement methods Abstract: Competitive Procurement. Also known as: Full and Open Competition, FOC, competition-based procurement, competitive procurement process, competitive solicitation,competition-based purchase process, competitive contractual acquisition, Competition In Contracting Act, CICA, competitive acquisition, competitive procurement processes, competitive purchase process, competition-based acquis 3. Federal Procurement Essentials Sealed Bids Description: Discover sealed-bidding method and related procedures. Learn how to determine bid responsiveness and bidder responsibility. Best sealed-bidding book. Abstract: Sealed Bids Federal Procurement Essentials. Also known as: bid contracting, sealed bidding, sealed bid procurement, invitation to bid (ITB). bidbased procurement process, government bid process, federal government bid, government bid, government bidding, federal invitation to bid, federal government bids, government contract bid, government invitation to bid, government bidding process, 4. Decision Making Methods MCDM MCDA in The News

Description: Learn tips on how to write professional Request for Proposal (RFP) letters. FREE Templates and Samples of RFP cover letter, intent, rejection letter, disqualification, decline proposal, protest against unfair contract award Abstract: rfp cover, letter of intent, disqualification, to decline a proposal, rejection letter, rejected, disqualified, declined, rfp response letters, protest, request for proposal, evaluation, comparison, and selection process, request for information, rfi, requests for quote, rfq, invitation to bid, itb, invitation to tender, itt. Decision-making methods (MCDM, MCDA) in the news. 5. Multi Criteria Decision Making MCDM Description: Definition of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM): Methods incorporating multiple conflicting criteria into the management planning process Abstract: Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM). Definition of MCDM. MultiCriteria Decision Making (MCDM) is the study of methods and procedures by which concerns about multiple conflicting criteria can be formally incorporated into the management planning process" as defined by theInternational Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making. MCDM is also referred as:. Multi-Criteria Decision A 6. Dale Chall List of 3000 Simple Words Description: The Dale-Chall list contains 3,000 familiar words used by the DaleChall Readability Grade Score (RGS) to assess the readability of written materials Abstract: dale-chall list, 3000 simple words, familiar words, unfamiliar words, dale-chall readability grade score, rgs, readability formula, grade level score, grade level formula, readability level, dale, chall. The Dale-Chall list of 3,000 simple words. Also known as: Dale-Chall, Dale-Chall word list, Dale-Chall list of 3,000, Dale-Chall list of 3000 familiar words,Dale-Chall list of famili 7. Abstract vs Executive Summary Description: Abstract vs. Executive Summary: definitions, differences, templates, examples, books on writing executive summary, how to write an executive summary Abstract: Abstract vs Executive Summary. Also known as: abstract vs executive summary dilemma,. executive summary versus abstract, summary vs abstract, abstract summary vs executive summary, abstract vs. executive summary dilemma, abstract vs executive summary battle.Give me a place to stand and a long enough lever, and I will move the Earth" Archimedes In this page, you will find:the terms abstract vs exe 8. Decision Making Resources Description: FREE Professional RFP Letters Toolkit - Accept, disqualify, decline, reject responses to a Request for Proposal, protest against unfair contract award Abstract: decision making resources, rfp cover, letter of intent, disqualification, to decline a proposal, rejection letter, rejected, disqualified, declined, rfp response letters, protest, request for proposal, evaluation, comparison, and selection process, request for information, rfi, requests for quote, rfq, invitation to bid, itb, invitation to tender, itt. Decision Making Resources. 9. Latest Procurement News (Daily)

Description: Latest Procurement News (Daily): Federal Acquisitions and Contracts, Government Bids Purchasing and Tenders, Subcontracts from Prime Government Contractors, Procurement News from GovExec ( Abstract: news latest procurement news daily, rfp cover, letter of intent, disqualification, to decline a proposal, rejection letter, rejected, disqualified, declined, rfp response letters, protest, request for proposal, evaluation, comparison, and selection process, request for information, rfi, requests for quote, rfq, invitation to bid, itb, invitation to tender, itt. 10. Process and Discrete Enterprise Resource Planning (Process and Discrete Erp) RFP Template (FREE sample) Description: A typical Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system model (for both Process and Discrete production methods) embeds 8 modules: financials, human resources, process and discrete manufacturing management, inventory management, purchasing management, quality management, sales management, and product technology Abstract: Financials. This encompasses modules for bookkeeping and making sure the accounts are paid or received on time.. General Ledger. General ledger keeps centralized charts of accounts and corporate financial balances. It supports all aspects of the business accounting process. In this module, financial accounting transactions are posted, processed, summarized, and reported. It ma


1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

To gain a better understanding of the field of psychology both historic and current. To become familiar with the research methodology commonly used by psychologists. To become familiar with the scientific method, and examine the benefits and limitations of this method of inquiry as it relates to developmental psychology. To become familiar with the biological bases of behavior. To develop an understanding of processes involved in learning and cognition. To develop an understanding of the various types of development that an individual experiences across the life-course. To become familiar with the theories concerning psychological health and disorders. To become familiar with the theories concerning human behavior in a social context. To become familiar with the rapidly growing body of literature on psychology. To further develop writing skills in conjunction with the use of APA format.

5) GIVE THE IMPORTANCE OF PSYCHOLOGY TO YOU. Psychology is important as it is concerned with the study of behavior and mental processes and at the same time, it is also applied to many different things in human life. Everything we perform is very much related to or with psychology. Psychology, primarily studies who and what we are, why we are like that, why we act and think like that and what we could be as a person.

6) DIFFERENTIATE HEREDITY & ENVIRONMENT Heredity is of biological significance and hence internal. Enviornment relates to external factors. 7) 2 GREEK WORDS OF PSYCHOLOGY The word 'psychology' is derived from two Greek words, 'psyche', meaning the mind, soul or spirit and 'logos', meaning discourse or to study. These words combined produce the 'Study of the mind'.

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