Php User Online Tutorial

  • December 2019
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PHP User online tutorial

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PHP User online tutorial This tutorial show you php script that count how many users are active on your site.

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Overview In this tutorial create 1 file 1. user_online.php Step 1. Create table "user_online" in mysql in database "test". 2. Create file user_online.php.

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Create table "user_online"

C RE A T E T A BL E `us er_online` ( `s es s ion` c har(1 0 0 ) N O T N U L L default '', `time` int(1 1 ) N O T N U L L default '0 ' ) T Y P E =M yI SA M ;

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Create file - user_online.php

############### Code
9/24/2008 2:27 PM

PHP User online tutorial

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$ tbl_name="us er_online"; // T able name // C onnec t to s erver and s elec t databs e mys ql_c onnec t("$ hos t", "$ us ername", "$ pas s word")or die("c annot c onnec t to s erver"); mys ql_s elec t_db("$ db_name")or die("c annot s elec t D B"); Professional Web 2.0 Programming Eric van der Vlist... Best Price $1.50 or Buy New $26.39

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$ s ql="SE L E C T * FRO M $ tbl_name WH E RE s es s ion='$ s es s ion'"; $ res ult=mys ql_query($ s ql); $ c ount=mys ql_num_rows ($ res ult); if($ c ount=="0 "){ $ s ql1 ="I N SE RT I N T O $ tbl_name(s es s ion, time)V A L U E S('$ s es s ion', '$ time')"; $ res ult1 =mys ql_query($ s ql1 ); } els e { "$ s ql2 =U P D A T E $ tbl_name SE T time='$ time' WH E RE s es s ion = '$ s es s ion'"; $ res ult2 =mys ql_query($ s ql2 ); } $ s ql3 ="SE L E C T * FRO M $ tbl_name"; $ res ult3 =mys ql_query($ s ql3 );

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$ c ount_us er_online=mys ql_num_rows ($ res ult3 ); ec ho "U s er online : $ c ount_us er_online "; // if over 1 0 minute, delete s es s ion $ s ql4 ="D E L E T E FRO M $ tbl_name WH E RE time<$ time_c hec k"; $ res ult4 =mys ql_query($ s ql4 ); mys ql_c los e(); // O pen multiple brows er page for res ult ?>

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9/24/2008 2:27 PM

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