Philo 3h Notes

  • November 2019
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NOTES Pages 76- 87 of your Professional Nursing in the Philippines book. Nursing Association in the Phil. Alumni Associations – 1st association a new graduate be of a member. Phil. Nurses Ass. (PNA) DATES, PERSON, PLACE, ORGANS AND EVENTS TO REMEMBER: * October 22, 1922 – organized and initiated by Mrs. Anastacia Giron Tupas *Anastacia G. Tupas Award *Mrs. Rosario Delgado – 1st female President. * formerly called Filipino Nurses Ass. (FNA) * the Filipino Nurse – FNA official journal *Dean Marco Antonio S. Sto. Tomas. – 1st male President (1991) under PNA * The Phil. Journal of Nursing – PNA official journal * PNA yearly recognizes outstanding nurses in the fields of - Administration - Academe - CHN _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

The National League of Government Nurses (NLGN) – nurses government employee * Department of Health National League of Nurses (DHNLN) – former name NLGN * DHNLN was founded by Annie Sand. * Annie Sand - became the nursing consultant of the DOH on Jan 16, 1961 * Annie Sand Leadership Award – given to outstanding nurse or retiree who has contributed to the improvement of nurses and nursing in government agencies.. * Categories of Membership 1. Regular - govt. Nurses employed at least 5 yrs service. P3,000 death benefits 2. Life Members – regular for at least 3 consecutive years. P5,000 death benefits 3. Honorary Members – non govt. Nurses elected as members by the board because of their No voting power or privileges.

Books: 1. The administration of Hospital Nursing Service in the Phil.DOH

outstanding contribution.

2. CHN services in the Phil. DOH Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines, Inc. (ANSAP)•

Composed of Both gov’t. and private nursing service administrators.

Founded 1963 but reorganized 10 yrs later in 1973

To have standards of nursing service and practice.

B-Brawn Company – as partner in recognizing outstanding nurses yearly starting 2002

Association of Deans of Colleges of Nursing in the Phil.

April 1959 date established

Deans of CN as its members.

To promote, elevate and maintain the standards of clinical instruction program in schoolds, hospital and CHN

Military Nurses Association of the Phil. (MNAP)

Sept. 5, 1965 – organized at V. Luna Hospital AFP in Quezon City

Organized by group of dynamic nurses and corps officers.

To better serve the community

Phil. Military Nursing Journal- official Organ of MNAP

The Occupational Health Nurses Association of the Phil.(OHNAP) •

Nov. 21, 1950 – organized

Mrs. Magdalena Valenzuela of DOH – organized OHNAP

Formerly called Industrial Nursing Unit of the Phil. (INP)

Sept. 20, 1969 – was renamed OHNAP

To promote friendship and organized nurses both industrial and commercial enterprises

Philippine Association of Public Health Nursing Faculty (PAPHNF) •

September 1961 – date organized

To promote and maintain standards in Public Health Nursing

Private Duty Nurses Association of the Phil. (PDNAP) •

Existed in 1975 of PNA but not organized until a lot of concerned regarding private duty nurses.

To promote guidelines and policies for employment.

Uniformity in rate of pay and correct unprofessional practices.

Mrs. Grace Oppus Villanueva – founding president and a private duty nurse based in Makati Medical Center.

Operating Room Nurses Association of the Philippines (ORNAP) •

Composed of professional nurses working in the operating room all over the Phil.

To promote the professional development, personal growth and well being of it’s members by keeping them abreast with the new and sophisticated methods in the field of operating room management

Psychiatric Nursing Specialists Foundation of the Philippines (PNSI) •

The PNSI subscribes to the belief that the psychiatric nurse (a registered nurse possessing at least a Masters Degree in Psychiatric Nursing)

Services: 1.

Nursing Supportive Care a.

Child Day Care


Adult Care


Continuing Education


Psychological Testing and Evaluation


Nursing Research


Training and Extension Services





The Catholic Nurses Guild (CNG) •

1956 — Guild organized at the instance of the Apostolic Nuncio of the Philippines

988 General Solano Street, San Miguel Manila — Guild Headquarters

Catholic Nurses Guild Magazine — Official organ

Integrated Registered Nurses of the Philippines (IRNUP) •

December 28, 1995 — date created

Lung Center of the Philippines — place created

RA 7164 — PRC-BON officially given responsibility to oversee nursing development in the country

International Nursing Fundation of Japan (INFJ) •

Miss Maria Linda B. Buhat — initiated the third formal organization of INFJ in the Philippines 1999

Specialized nursing course offered: 1.

Medical Surgical Nursing


Neuro-Surgical Nursing


Plastic Surgical Nursing


Orthopedic Nursing and Rehabilitation Operating Room Nursing


ICU and/or CCU Nursing


Cancer Nursing


Maternal Child Health Nursing


Geriatric Nursing

The Relationship of the Philippine Nurses Association and Other Nursing Organizations •

Maintains a liaison relationship with other nursing organizations based on the based on intra-professional colleagueship.

Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) •

1905 — Philippine branch of the American Red Cross

Women are delegated members in ministering the wounded and the sick among the fighting forces during the Spanish and Fil-Am War

1899 — Filipino Red Cross Association was formed which maintained emergency hospitals and clinics for civilians and the military, and collected food, clothing and medical supplies for them

March 22, 1947 — PNRC was created by RA 97

Nursing Service

Primary Health Care

Nursing Affiliation

Helping Disaster Victims

Disaster Nursing

Emergency Response

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ International Council of Nurses (ICN) •

Is the organization through which nurses all over the world collaborate in strengthening nursing service, nursing education and professional ethics.

Composed of the national nursing association from each member-country

July 1899 — ICN was organized

1929 — PNA became a member of ICN held in Montreal, Canada

3 Place Jean Marteau CH 1201 Geneva, Switzerland — Headquarters

International Nursing Review — official organ published 4 times a year

International Committee of Catholic Nurses (ICCN) •

1928 — At an international meeting, the president of associations of Catholic nurses decided to create an international organization through which they could coordinate their studies and endeavors

1933 — ICCN was officially organized composing of 10 nations at a congress held in France

1954 — International Committee had 30 full members and 16 countries were represented by participating members

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