Philippine Flag.docx

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Act No. 2928, March 26, 1920 March 26, 1920 No. 2928.—An Act to adopt an official flag for the Government of the Philippine Islands, prescribe rules for its use, and provide penalties for the violation of said rules. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same: Philippine flag SECTION 1. The flag commonly known as the Philippine flag is hereby adopted as the official flag of the Government of the Philippine Islands and shall be used publicly, in the place next to that belonging to the flag of the United States, to represent the Government of the Philippine Islands both on sea and on land. Adoption Honors and respect. SEC. 2. Whenever the Philippine flag is hoisted in public jointly with the American flag, both shall be hoisted and lowered at the same time. The American flag shall be placed above the Filipino flag when both are in a vertical line, and to the right of the latter and at the same height when hoisted in a horizontal line. The Philippine flag shall be accorded the same honors and respect which the existing laws and regulations prescribe or may hereafter prescribe for the American flag. Description SEC. 3. For the purposes of this Act, a Filipino flag is any tricolored quadrangular piece of bunting answering the following description: When the bunting is spread vertically, so that its two parallel shorter sides are to the left and right, respectively, of the observer, and its two parallel longer sides are above and below, respectively, the end of the bunting to the left of the observer shall be occupied by an equilateral triangle. One of the angles of the triangle shall be in the upper left corner of the bunting; another of the angles of said triangle shall be in the lower left corner of the bunting, and the third angle of the triangle shall be pointed in a straight horizontal line, from the left to the right of the observer, towards the center of the quadrangle. The triangle so described shall be white and shall have in its center a sun surrounded by eight rays, and in each of its three angles a five-pointed star. Both the sun and the three stars shall be yellow and said stars shall not extend beyond the sides of the triangle. The rest of the quadrangular bunting shall be divided into two parts by an imaginary horizontal line which, starting from the third angle of the triangle above mentioned, shall run straight from the left to the right of the observer to the right border or side of the bunting. The part of the bunting above said

imaginary line shall be blue and the part below said imaginary line shall be red. This description parts from the supposition that the staff or pole of the flag, if any, is on the border or side of the flag to the left of the observer. Dishonor, ridicule, or contempt.─fine.─non-payment of the fine. SEC. 4. Any utterance in speech, writing or drawing, and any act or omission casting dishonor, ridicule, or contempt upon the Philippine flag, as well as its use in places of ill-repute or for purposes involving disrespect, including use as trade-marks and for industrial, commercial or agricultural labels or designs, and any drawings or inscriptions upon the Philippine flag are hereby prohibited and their execution shall constitute an offence; and any person who, either himself or through another, violates any of the provisions of this Act and particularly those contained in this section, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than one thousand pesos, or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court: Provided, That in case of non-payment of the fine or any part thereof, the offender shall serve one day of subsidiary imprisonment for each peso of the fine unpaid: And, provided further, That for any second and additional offence, both fine and imprisonment shall always be imposed. −additional offence. SEC. 5. All accomplices and accessories after the fact, and all attempts and frustrated offences, such as said accomplices, accessories after the fact, attempts, and frustrated offences are or may hereafter be defined in the existing Penal Code or in any other penal or correctional code or any law that may hereafter replace the same, shall likewise be liable to trial and punishment under the provisions of this Act. Accomplices and accessories. SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect on its approval. Approved, March 26, 1920. Source: Supreme Court Library

Commonwealth Act No. 382

September 5, 1938 Commonwealth Act No. 382.—An Act to adopt the original authentic form of the Philippine National Anthem and to appropriate funds for its printing and free distribution. To preserve the musical adaptation and motive in the original authentic composition of the Philippine National Anthem as set by its author, Julian Felipe, and to attain uniform performance therefor in the Philippines: Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines: SECTION 1. The musical arrangement and composition of the Philippine National Anthem as set by its author, Julian Felipe, is adopted. SEC. 2. There is appropriated, out of the unappropriated funds in the National Treasury, the sum of five thousand pesos for the preparation, printing and free distribution of copies of the Philippine National Anthem as adjusted to its original authentic outline. SEC. 3. The National Library of the Philippines is entrusted with the accomplishment hereof. SEC. 4. This Act shall take effect on its approval. Approved, September 5, 1938. Source: Supreme Court Library


INSTITUTING THE "ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987" July 25, 1987 BOOK I SOVEREIGNTY AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Chapter 4 NATIONAL SYMBOLS AND OFFICIAL LANGUAGES Sec. 12. National Flag. - (1) The flag of the Philippines shall be red, white and blue, with a sun and three stars, as consecrated and honored by the people and recognized by law.chanrobles virtual law library (2) The custody, ceremonial use, occasion and manner of display, and the proper care and disposition of the flag shall be governed by appropriate rules and regulations.chanrobles virtual law library Sec. 13. National Anthem. - Until otherwise provided by law, the musical arrangement and composition of Julian Felipe is adopted as the national anthem. It shall be sung or played upon the opening or start of all state celebrations or gatherings and on such other occasions as may be prescribed by appropriate rules and regulations

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