Phc Report.docx

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  • December 2019
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We are very grateful to write about the primary health center we want primary health center asana on 15/01/2018 at 10:15 AM with the help of our respected teacher ms. Shradha Ashawan and Mrs. S. daharia. We completed our survey of primary health center asana with the help of Dr. Dharmendra and Dr. A.K.John and staff nurse of primary health center asana. We asana survey I primary health center about the maternal and medical care, child health care health care programmes. Basic laboratory services. Staffing pattern and immunization. Primary health center is the first contact point between village community and the medical officer. The primary health center were envisaged to provide on integrated curative and preventive health care to the population. DISCRIPTIONA primary health center covers a population of in plain area the primary health center is the 1st contact point between the village community and the medical officer. These are maintained by the state govt. under the minimum need programme. It acts as a referral unit for 6 sub centers and has 2 beds. Maternal child health and family planning services to sub center through health assistant band medical officers.  

Mobilizing community leader and organizing community at village level for support of mch activities. Training and continuing education programme maternal and child health team.

FUNCTION OF PRIMARY HEALTH CENTERThe function of the primary health center in India covers all and elements of primary health care. 1. Medical care 2. Mch including family planning 3. Safe water supply and basic sanitation 4. Prevention and control of locally endemics disease 5. Collection and reporting of vital statistics 6. Education about health 7. National health programmes as relevant 8. Referral services 9. Training of health guides health workers local dais and health assistants 10. Basic laboratory services

MINIMUM REQUIRMENT AT PRIMARY HEALTH CENTER FOR MEETING THE INDIAN PUBLIC HEALTH STANDARDS FOR PRIMARY HEALTH CENTER 1. MEDICAL CARE:A) OUT PATIENT DEPARTMENT SERVICES:Outpatient department available in primary health center asana form 8:00am to 1:00pm than in evening from 5:00pm to 6:00pm scheduling will vary from state to state. B) 24 hours emergency services:Appropriate management of injuries and accident first aid dog bite snake bite and delivery facilities are available.  Referrals services  Inpatient services (2 beds) 2. MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH CARE:-

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A) ANTENATAL CARE:Early registration of pregnancy Promotion of institutional delivery Minimum three antenatal checkup Associated services like general examination such as height, weight, Bp, anemia, abdominal examination on breast examination Minimum laboratory investigation like Hb, urine, for albumin and sugar and referral to primary health center for blood grouping Identification of high risk pregnancies and appropriate and promote referral

Counseling on diet and rest

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B) INTRANATAL CARE:24 hours services for normal delivery Promotion of institutional delivery Manual removal of placenta Appropriate and promote referral for cases needing specialists care

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C) POST NATAL CARE:A minimum of 2 post partum home visits 1st within 48 hours of delivery and 2nd within 7 days through sub center staff D) NEW BORN CARE:Essential newborn care Facilities and care for neonatal resuscitation. Management of neonatal hypothermia and jaundices

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E) CARE OF CHILDEREN:Emergency Care of sick child including integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI) Care of routine childhood illness Promotion of breast feeding for 6 months Vitamin A prophylaxes Medical Termination of pregnancy using manual vacuum occupation technique School health service National health programmer Revised national tuberculosis control programme Nutritional programme for center of blindness National rector borne disease control programme National aids control programme

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F) TRAINING:Health worker & tradition birth attendance, Training of pharmacist on Ayush component with standard models

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G) BASIC LABORATORY SERVICE:Routine urine, stool & blood test Blood Sugar examination. MP test


Staffing Pattern: - The manpower that should be available in the PHC is a follows S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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Staff Medical officer Pharmacist Nurse mid wife (staff nurse) Health worker (F)/ANM Health education Health Assistant (N) Health Assistant (F)/LHV Upper division clerk Lower division clerk Laboratory technician Dresser Class IV Total

Recommended staff nurse 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 15

Allowed staff nurse 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 14

G) FAMILY PLANNING:For the permanent family planning also are used to the people goes asana primary centre. For temporary family planning health worker distributer equal pills & condoms I) SUMMARY:We are student of M.Sc. nursing previous year we went to asana community field trip in PHC asana .The Visit to asana village for community health nursing practice was good people mostly of asana are educated so they are conscious toward their health.

Students Signature

Signature Supervisor


RETROSPECTIVE GENETIC COUNSELLING:Counselling delivered after the birth of an affected child is known as retrospective genetic counselling. It helps to determine why a particular disorder has occurred in a family and to assist families in coping with a crisis situation. In the past, most counselling was retrospective & attempted to determine the reason behind the particular disorder that has occurred in the family and to assist them to cope with the crisis situation. For eg. an infant’s failure may thrive may raise question about the presence of a metabolic condition. A laboratory result may determine the cause, revealing an inherited autosomal recessive condition. In such cases, laboratory test are often requested on emergency basis & counselling occurs with the family when the child is very ill. The family with recessive condition. In such cases, laboratory test are often requested on emergency basis & counselling occurs with the family history genetic disorder must cope with the rare diagnosis that was caused by genes that they transmitted to their children






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