Pharma Market Ting

  • May 2020
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The General body constitute the heads of VDC S (Village Development Councils), members of several commercial units like Tea, Spice, Sahyadri, B& C etc.During the annual General body meeting the General body Members will select 9 members who constitutes the Governing body. The Governing body members will select the Secretary/Executive Director,Program Director ,Joint directors, Unit directors. Program Director ,Joint directors & unit directors are under the strict supervision of the Executive Director.Each unit director is in charge of the commercial unit.For PDS there are mainly four commercial units each of them are autonomous units. In this Organisation Study more significance is given to these four commercial units.Program director controls the 18 departments of PDS OF which most of them are concentrated on rural development. Joint directors are in charge of the 3 reginal centres of PDS.All these are mainly based on SHS, VDC’S and Families.

Ayurveda Franchise Scheme Sahyadri Ayurveda Franchise Scheme is a unique service providing system to support the entrepreneur to start an Ayurvedic Treatment facility centre. The scheme provides the services of qualified and experienced Doctors, Ayurveda Nurses and Therapists. Supply of quality Ayurvedic Medicines, Ayurvedic Treatment Equipments, Technical Advice and Periodical Supervision also falls under the ambit of the scheme. The entrepreneur has the facility to avail him self of a full package services from a single point and it will helps maintain the quality of services. We offer our services to the following establishments

1. Hospitals 2. Hospitality Industry 3. Health Spas 4. Health clubs 5. House Boats / Passenger Ships

Sahyadri Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals Sahyadri Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals is a G.M.P. (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Unit having a product range of 230 Ayurvedic Herbal formulations. The unit is provided with high quality technical expertise in Production and Quality Control. The quality of medicine is maintained through out the process, right from the collection of raw materials up to consumption . The Sahyadri Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals procures its raw materials from the forests and from the rural small scale farmers and this helps maintain the quality of products. The Ayurvedic medicines manufactured in the factory alone are used for treatments in Sahyadri Ayurveda Hospital & Resort. The Ayurvedic products prioritized under OTC ( Over the Counter) category. RELAX Soft –ϖ Children Massage Oil RELAX Smooth –ϖ Ladies Massage Oil RELAX Strong –ϖ Gents Massage Oil Facial Powder –ϖ Herbal Powder for Face Pack Sahyadri Sougandika Snanachoornam – ϖ Herbal Powder for Bathing Due Care Ointment –ϖ Herbal Preparation for Joint pain & Swelling Dahasamani (Herbal Tea) –ϖ An Ideal all time drink for Detoxification and Blood purification. Chyavanaprasam –ϖ Anti Oxidant and Vitaliser Dathryarishtam( Herbal Wine)--ϖ Vitamin C and Iron Supplement. Triphala Choornam –ϖ An Ideal Herbal preparation for Rejuvenation Mahanarayana Thailam –ϖ An Ideal Rub for Joint Pain and Muscles stiffness Neelibringadi Keram –ϖ Promotes hair growth and prevents hair falling and greying Awsagandhadi Choornam–ϖ A Herbal Supplement for Sexual Vigour and Vitality Nalpamara Choornam –ϖ Herbal bath for Skin diseases and postpartum care. Dasamoolakasari Lehyam –ϖ An Ideal remedy for allergic Asthma

Sathavarigulam –ϖ A Health supplement for Gynecological disorders Sirasudha Thailam –ϖ An Ideal remedy for Sinusitis Dasapathra Thailam –ϖ For Numbness, Rheumatic Pain and Swelling An Ideal Health supplement for Diabetics ϖ Karkidaka kanji (Medicinal Gruel)–ϖ An Ideal health mix for Immunity.

Sahyadri Medicinal Plants Conservation Programme Sahyadri Medicinal Plants Conservation programmes mainly concentrate on preserving the diversity of the medicinal plants of Kerala and provide valuable information and awareness on medicinal plants conservation and cultivation to the people. More over, Sahyadri has developed a medicinal Park and an Ayurveda Museum which are open to the tourists. Under this programme 110 different species of Medicinal Plants which are red listed, rare or endangered, are conserved.

Our Medicinal Park is an attraction to the tourists on their way to Thekkady, the famous wild life sanctuary and tourist centre.

Bio Control Agents

Sahyadri Farmer's Consortium

Organic Agro-products and Export Division

PDS Organic Tea

Technology Resource centre (TRC)

Innovators' technology development centre

Research and Documentation

Consultancy services

A total of 352 staff distributed in different departments takes care of the various programmes and projects of the above mentioned departments.Fifty of them are purely technical/professional staff in various disciplines of medical science, engineering, agricultural sciences, anthropology, geology bacteriology etc.with excellent academic records. PDS owes a great deal to the committed and dedicated staff who contributes a lot to its growth. Tribal development

. Women Development Programme The community development thrust of PDS received streamlining and better direction with the launching of a specially designed Women’s Development Department. The positive indication from the part of the government offering special provisions for women in Panchayat Raj Institutions also acted much in favour of launching the department placing due emphasis on empowerment through capacity building in the first place. About 32000 women have been organized into 1800 Self Help Groups. Skill training programmes like umbrella making, quail farming, book binding, rabbit rearing, soap making, plant nurseries, wool knitting, electronic goods repairing,electric embroidery and screen printing are frequently conducted. A large number of women participate in these programmes with great confidence. Having obtained legal status and other linkages, the women groups have now started small enterprises and income generation activities. Micro Enterprise Development The emergence of micro finance has been crucial in the evolution of micro enterprises. Availability of credit for the poor resulted in the emergence of a large number of micro enterprises especially in rural areas. But mere provision of credit does not foster self-employment amongst women in the absence of facilitation and comprehensive micro enterprise development support. Realising this PDS has been rendering need based support to the prospective entrepreneurs for the past many years. Our efforts in this sector can be broadly classified into four areas.

1. Promotion of SHGs

PDS recognizes the importance of SHG promotion as the first step towards micro enterprise promotion. It will facilitate the linkages with different agencies on a permanent basis and will ensure the sustainability of enterprises. As on March 31, 2006 there are 1840 SHGs affiliated with the society. 2. Capacity development In order to cater to their training needs Entrepreneurship Development Programmes are conducted. The association with Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahemadabad, NABARD, Khadi and Village Industries Commission and Department of Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Kerala, have eabled us to cover a large number of prospective entrepreneurs. 3. Facilitating linkages and collaborations After the training the facilitation support is given to the trainees towards linking with various Govt. sponsored schemes like PMRY, REGP, Kerala State backward classes Development Corporation, various banks and others for setting up enterprises. 4. Networking

PDS is publishing a quarterly newsletter GRAMODAYAM for circulating among the SHGs. Major objective of this newsletter is to bring out success stories and case studies of successful SHGs and to promote their unique activities. The subscribers of the newsletter include SHGs promoted by other agencies along with those promoted by PDS. Family Sponsorship Programme The programme is supported with finance and guidance by Save a Family Plan -Canada, Family Care Programme - Austria, Akiton Erzengel Rafael-Austria, and German Sponsorship Programme Germany. A total of one thousand three hundred and thirty needy and deserving families are being helped through this project to meet the basic minimum amenities. Family Counselling Centre The Family Counselling Centre at Kattappana renders great service to many. Everyday many visit this centre and receive support and guidance. Professional help is rendered here by doctors, counsellors and social workers. Insurance Programme it is a joint venture of PDS and New India Assurance Co. Ltd. to provide medical assistance, personal accident coverage and fire insurance to the families of our operational area. This programme covers the entire family and proved to be very helpful to the people. Watershed Development Programmes Watershed Development Management (WDM) Programme has given PDS new enlightenment. The Society holds the distinction of introducing the concept in this part of the country in early 90’s with the help of EEC. The years that followed saw PDS becoming an authentic body in watershed management and related activities. As far as WDM is concerned, the Society assumes the roles of promoter, programme implementing agency, support voluntary organization and resource centre. It is one of the Support Voluntary Organizations (SVO) of Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) for the promotion of its watershed development programme in the South Indian States of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and the Union Territory of Pondichery. These programmes have produced great impacts in the conservation of land, water and biomass. Consultancy Services For many years, PDS had been rendering consultancy services to many voluntary organizations and departments in the areas of watershed development, housing and sanitation, microfinance, research and documentation, Ayurveda, animal husbandry and organic farming. Sahyadri Ayurveda Division This is a unit of PDS that propagates Ayurveda and other traditional branches of medicine in its true spirits. PDS’ concern in indigenous health has found great support and encouragement from people. Today we have an ethno-medicinal

forest, herbal nursery, seed and raw drug museum and a community programme participated by 4000 families. The Sahyadri Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals, which is a GMP certified one, produces 236 varieties of Ayurvedic medicines. Through our self help groups and various other organizations, we promote low cost and harmless practice of Ayurveda, holding tightly on the motto ‘people’s health in their own hands’. Sahyadri Institute of Ayurveda is a state of the art centre for training Ayurveda nurses and therapists. Sahyadri Ayurveda Franchise provides technical expertise and support to set up treatment centres across the globe.

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