Phani Star

  • November 2019
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your star forecast - 15/7/2007 this day for you virgo your actions are guided by spiritual interests motives. friendship develops in hostels, colleges, restaurants, jails, temples or secluded places.

or secret hospitals,

16/7/2007 this day for you virgo you will try your best to complete before the dead-line. some sacrifices to fulfill your obligations.

the unfinished and secrecy are

tasks needed

this week for you from today virgo a friend in need is a friend indeed. be sympathetic towards one who is confined with private problems, sickness or restrictions and beware of false friends and secret enemies who try to spoil your image. your social life looks bright. there is scope for success, gains or some achievement or a happy celebration. not a favorable week for speculations, investment or financial risks. it is difficult to convince people. this month for you virgo professional and personal relations will improve during this month. you will get some profitable business offers. financial position looks better. you will attend meetings, weddings and other functions and participate in parties and group programmes with relatives and friends. this month is highly favourable for politics, corporate affairs, team work, fresh business undertakings and dealings with co-operative societies, unions, companies, corporations, clubs and other organisations. social spending may exceed the limits. control extravagance and avoid speculations. the requirements of children will be met. taxes, fees and subscription will be paid. this year for you: virgo

date:15/ 8/2007 ph:+91 40 23398957 late sri vrk murthy ** h o r o s c o p e ** t.k.sastry 27717250 ============================================================================ name :suggisetty kesava phani kishandate&time:4.9.1985 10:0 wednesday place :vijayawad lat: 10- 0 n long: 10- 0 e sun sign:virgo

tithi:panchami rasi:mesha star:asvini 3pada yoga:dhruva ayanamsa : 23d:39m sidereal time : 23h:32m:13s --------------------------------------------------------| | -11- 0 31 | -12- 2 15 | lag 3 59 | | | moo 9 33 | | | | | rah 18 27 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------| -90 31 | | -22 15 | | m.c 28 46 | | ven 14 30 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------nirayana rasi chart --------------| -82 15 | | -30 31 | | jupr 14 53 | | -4- 28 46 | | | | sun 17 45 | | | | mer 1 39 | | | | mar 2 30 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------| -73 59 | -62 15 | -50 31 | | | nepr 7 9 | urn 20 24 | sat 29 9 | | | | | plu 8 57 | | | | | ket 18 27 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------note:bhava chart not given separately. bhava positions marked within the nirayana rasi chart ------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | mer | | | | | mar | jup | | | | | | sat moo | | ket | | | | | | | | nep | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------navamsa ------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ura | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------| | lag | | sun | | | ven | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | rah | | | | | | | plu | | | | -------------------------------------------------

saptavargas table (in rasi) ---------------------------------------------------------------planet div.1 div.3 div.7 div.9 div.10 div.12 div.16 ---------------------------------------------------------------lagna 3 3 3 8 4 4 11 sun 5 9 9 6 10 12 2 mercury 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 venus 4 8 1 8 4 9 8 mars 5 5 5 1 5 6 6 jupiter 10 2 7 2 10 3 8 saturn 7 3 1 3 4 6 4 moon 1 1 3 3 4 4 6 rahu 1 5 5 6 7 8 10 ketu 7 11 11 12 1 2 10 uranus 8 4 6 10 10 4 3 neptune 9 9 10 3 11 11 12 pluto 7 7 9 9 9 10 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------

ashtakvarga table -----------------------------------------------------------rasi no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -----------------------------------------------------------sun 5 6 7 2 4 5 2 5 2 4 3 3 moon 5 4 4 1 4 3 6 4 4 5 4 5 mars 2 4 8 1 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 2 mercury 5 5 6 6 5 4 3 6 3 5 3 3 jupiter 5 5 4 2 6 5 4 6 5 2 6 6 venus 5 4 6 6 5 3 5 3 4 4 4 3 saturn 2 5 7 2 3 3 1 3 4 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------total 29 33 42 20 30 25 25 30 26 25 26 26


vimsottari dasa - dasa/bhukti --------------------------------note - the dates given are for dasa ending dates. ket sesha dasa :1 year(s) 11 month(s) 25 day(s) sat 2/ 9/1986 mer 29/ 8/1987 ven dasa starts ven 29/12/1990 mar 29/10/1994 sat 29/ 8/2003

sun 29/12/1991 rah 29/10/1997 mer 29/ 6/2006

moo 29/ 8/1993 jup 29/ 6/2000 ket 29/ 8/2007

moo 17/ 6/2008 jup 5/ 7/2010 ket 29/ 8/2012

mar 23/10/2008 sat 17/ 6/2011 ven 29/ 8/2013

mar 29/ 1/2015 sat 29/ 6/2019 ven 1/ 3/2023

rah 29/ 7/2016 mer 29/11/2020 sun 29/ 8/2023

rah 14/ 2/2025 mer 26/ 2/2028 sun 29/ 1/2030

jup 20/ 1/2026 ket 23/ 7/2028 moo 29/ 8/2030

jup 5/10/2035 ket 17/ 3/2042 moo 11/ 8/2047

sat 11/ 8/2038 ven 17/ 3/2045 mar 29/ 8/2048

sat 29/ 4/2053 ven 11/ 3/2059 mar 5/ 4/2062

mer 5/ 8/2055 sun 29/12/2059 rah 29/ 8/2064

mer 11/ 5/2070 sun 2/ 8/2075 rah 17/ 2/2081

ket 20/ 6/2071 moo 2/ 3/2077 jup 29/ 8/2083

ket 23/ 1/2087 moo 1/ 3/2092

ven 23/11/2089 mar 26/ 2/2093

sun dasa starts sun 17/12/2007 rah 17/ 9/2009 mer 23/ 4/2012 moo dasa starts moo 29/ 6/2014 jup 29/11/2017 ket 29/ 6/2021 mar dasa starts mar 26/ 1/2024 sat 1/ 3/2027 ven 23/ 9/2029 rah dasa starts rah 11/ 5/2033 mer 1/ 3/2041 sun 11/ 2/2046 jup dasa starts jup 17/10/2050 ket 11/ 7/2056 moo 29/ 4/2061 sat dasa starts sat 2/ 9/2067 ven 20/ 8/2074 mar 11/ 4/2078 mer dasa starts mer 26/ 1/2086 sun 29/ 9/2090

rah 14/ 9/2095 jup 20/12/2097 sat 29/ 8/2100 -----------------------------------------------------------------


chart of the native for birth date m.c

15 59

--------------------------------------------|m.c 22 26| -11-24 10| -12-25 54|lag 27 38| | | |moo 3 12| | | | |rah 12 7| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------moo 28 28| -9- 24 10| | -2- 25 54|lag jupr 7 16|jupr 8 33| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------ sayana rasi chart -----------nep 0 51| -8- 25 54| | -3- 24 10| |nepr 0 49| |mer 25 18| | | |mar 26 9| | | |ven 8 9| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------| -7- 27 38| -6- 25 54| -5- 24 10| -4- 22 26| |urn 14 3|sat 22 48| |sun 11 25| | |plu 2 36| | | | |ket 12 7| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------urn 14 29 sat 24 28 sun 2 51 mar 10 6 plu 3 19 mer 5 27 ven 4 44

17 25

note:interpretations are based on sayana system. abbreviations used are: minor aspects:ssx-semi sextile,inc-inconjuction,ssq-semi square, qtl-qintile, major aspects: pll-parallel, sxt-sextile,sqr-square, oppopposition, tri-trine, ses-sesiquiquadrate, cpl-contra parallel, minor

aspects influence less.fav-favourable,adv-adverse,if in small letter minor effects. ap-aproaching, sp-separating aspect.'r'-retrograde planet.moon's apsect lasts for a month.other planet's aspects last for 1 year or more. when adverse and favourable aspects come simultaneously a native may experience both. if a good aspect in progression comes and at birth if the same planets are adverse the result may not be at expected level and vice versa.inadvertant mistakes might have crept in. birth chart interpretations: charubel's ascendant degree symbol interpretation: a large room, on the ceiling of which is a gilded star. denotes a superficial person, one who sees more to admire in decorative art than in nature. lagna(ascendant) in gemini at your birth. a sign belonging to the element air and to the common or mutable quality. this one of the intellectual signs, and those who are born under it usually have abilities for writing, studying, speaking or thinking. you are fond of books and reading, you can learn easily from books or lectures, you can apply your mind to a variety of subjects and are ingenious and inventive. you are suitable for receiving a good education and are adapted for almost any literary pursuit or clerical work. you have good reasoning powers, a thoughtful mind, and are fluent either of speech or pen. you have ability for languages and science and are also fond of travel. you have comprehensiveness of mind and a quick adaptability to various pursuits and studies, but you are somewhat lacking in concentration and perseverance. you are rather irresolute, uncertain, and changeable at times, do not feel sure of yourself and may even hold or express contradictory opinions. you are liable to worry and irritation and are easily upset by little annoyances. you are kind, humane and sympathetic, but you know what it is to have fits of shyness, nervousness, and reserve, when you withdraw into yourself. reason and understanding are your strong faculties, but you are liable to lack continuity and strength of will. mercury is the ruling planet of the sign gemini. sun in virgo : you are born between august 23-september 22 sun in earthy sign, virgo with mercury as ruler.the thirst for knowledge is endless. your wisdom comes from will put in great care and attention in the work,meticulously and have great respect for are practical and intelligent and if needed you say no with times your particularity for details may engrosses the leaving behind the issue as may become scholar,critic and should not exhaust by over working. you will have good physical resistance to diseases. you are fond of good food and comforts and of quality you do inspect label of the firm whether reputed or not. your excessive expenditure will not allow accumulation. you like eloquent will be indifferent to love adventures.if you do not find partner upto the standards of perfection,you may remain unmarried.if you are marr ied,your executive capacity is more than of your will arrogate yourself the family head position. birth aspects: sun tri moo 128 12 ap fav # sun ssx sun inc jup 147 7 sp adv # sun qtl sun sqr urn 92 38 ap adv # sun ssq

ven sat plu

33 15 ap fav 71 23 sp fav 51 11 ap adv

sun moo moo moo moo mer mer mer mar mar ven jup jup sat nep

qtl tri sqr tri ssq cjn qtl inc tri inc ssq qtl ssq tri sxt

lag mar jup nep lag mar plu m.c nep m.c lag sat m.c m.c plu

73 112 84 122 54 0 67 152 124 153 40 75 43 119 58

46 57 39 23 26 50 17 52 39 43 30 44 53 37 12

sp sp ap sp ap ap sp sp ap ap ap ap ap ap sp

fav fav adv fav adv adv fav adv fav adv adv fav adv fav fav

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

moo moo moo moo moo mer mer mar mar ven ven jup sat urn nep

tri sqr ses opp ssq sqr sxt sqr sxt opp ses ses inc ssq opp

mer ven urn plu m.c sat lag sat lag jup m.c lag lag plu lag

112 94 139 179 40 87 57 86 58 180 135 139 145 41 183

6 56 9 24 46 29 40 38 31 23 43 5 9 26 10

sp ap sp sp ap sp ap sp sp ap sp sp sp sp ap

fav adv adv adv adv adv fav adv fav adv adv adv adv adv adv

current year :2007 : progressed date:26-9-1985 --------------------------------------------------moon progressing in natal house: moon's passage through the ninth house in the current period will influence relations with distant relatives, literary,educational interests, foreign affairs and matters related to law, religion, politics,publicity and publications. well aspected moon creates an opportunity for success in education,politics,academic profession, legal affairs,religions and spiritual pursuits, research, foreign assignments. afflicted moon causes hurdles and problems, failures, disappointment, losses, troubles in journeys and litigations and disturbs your relations with relatives.please see progress and progress to natal aspects given below to know whether the time is favourable or adverse. moon progressing in progressed house: moon's passage in eighth house in the current period influences your health,longevity, financial involvements, private affairs, dealings in joint and public funds.well aspected moon brings financial benefits,credit facilities,success in joint ventures, speculations,gains by inheritance, insurance, legacy or occult professions. afflicted moon creates mental tension, pressures from creditors,losses in business and joint ventures. financial difficulties and sorrowful event.please see progress and progress to natal aspects given below to know whether the time is favourable or adverse. pmoo pmoo psun pmoo pmoo pmoo pmoo

tri sxt inc ses opp ssx inc

lag pnep pmoo plag pven pjup ven

119 57 145 138 173 21 159

10 37 36 56 44 12 41

sp ap ap ap ap ap ap

fav fav adv adv adv fav adv

aug dec feb feb apr jun jul

2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

pmoo pmoo psun pmoo pmoo pmoo pmoo

sxt nep 57 39 ap fav dec ssq pm.c 47 31 ap adv dec inc moo 149 38 ap adv feb sxt moo 64 44 ap fav feb inc pmer 143 1 ap adv may ssx jup 19 55 ap fav jul opp pmar 168 22 ap adv sep

2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

date:15/ 8/2007 ph:+91 40 23398957 late sri vrk murthy ** h o r o s c o p e ** t.k.sastry 27717250 ============================================================================ name :suggisetty kesava phani kishandate&time:4.9.1985 10:0 wednesday place :vijayawada lat: 16-31 n long: 80-39 e sun sign:virgo tithi:panchami rasi:mesha star:asvini 4pada yoga:dhruva ayanamsa : 23d:39m sidereal time : 8h:45m:33s --------------------------------------------------------| -6- 15 33 | -7- 15 41 | -8- 15 33 | -9- 15 25 | | | moo 11 46 | | | | | rah 18 27 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------| -5- 15 25 | | ven 14 43 | | | | m.c 15 18 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------nirayana rasi chart --------------| -4- 15 18 | | -11- 15 25 | | jupr 14 52 | | sun 17 56 | | | | mer 1 57 | | | | mar 2 37 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------| -3- 15 25 | -2- 15 33 | sat 29 10 | -12- 15 33 | | nepr 7 9 | urn 20 24 | plu 8 57 | | | | | lag 15 41 | | | | | ket 18 27 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------note:bhava chart not given separately. bhava positions marked within the nirayana rasi chart ------------------------------------------------| | | | |

| | mer | | | | | mar | jup | | | | | | sat | | ket | | | | | | | | nep | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------| lag | | | | | | | | | | | | | | moo | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------navamsa ------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ura | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------| | | | sun | | | ven | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | rah | | | | | | | plu | | | | -------------------------------------------------

saptavargas table (in rasi) ---------------------------------------------------------------planet div.1 div.3 div.7 div.9 div.10 div.12 div.16 ---------------------------------------------------------------lagna 7 11 10 11 12 1 9 sun 5 9 9 6 10 12 2 mercury 5 5 5 1 5 5 6 venus 4 8 1 8 4 9 8 mars 5 5 5 1 5 6 6 jupiter 10 2 7 2 10 3 8 saturn 7 3 1 3 4 6 4 moon 1 5 3 4 4 5 7 rahu 1 5 5 6 7 8 10 ketu 7 11 11 12 1 2 10 uranus 8 4 6 10 10 4 3 neptune 9 9 10 3 11 11 12 pluto 7 7 9 9 9 10 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------

ashtakvarga table -----------------------------------------------------------rasi no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

-----------------------------------------------------------sun 4 5 7 3 4 5 2 4 3 5 3 3 moon 4 4 4 2 4 3 6 3 5 5 4 5 mars 1 4 7 2 3 2 5 2 5 3 3 2 mercury 4 6 5 6 6 3 4 6 3 5 3 3 jupiter 5 5 4 2 7 4 4 6 4 3 6 6 venus 4 5 6 5 5 2 5 4 5 4 4 3 saturn 1 5 6 3 3 2 2 2 5 3 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------total 23 34 39 23 32 21 28 27 30 28 26 26 -------------------------------------------------------------

vimsottari dasa - dasa/bhukti --------------------------------note - the dates given are for dasa ending dates. ket sesha dasa :0 year(s) 9 month(s) 26 day(s) mer 30/ 6/1986 ven dasa starts ven 30/10/1989 sun 30/10/1990 rah 30/ 8/1996 mer 30/ 4/2005

moo 30/ 6/1992 jup 30/ 4/1999 ket 30/ 6/2006

mar 30/ 8/1993 sat 30/ 6/2002

sun dasa starts sun 18/10/2006 moo 18/ 4/2007 jup 6/ 5/2009 ket 30/ 6/2011

mar 24/ 8/2007 sat 18/ 4/2010 ven 30/ 6/2012

rah 18/ 7/2008 mer 24/ 2/2011

moo dasa starts moo 30/ 4/2013 mar 30/11/2013 sat 30/ 4/2018 ven 30/12/2021

rah 30/ 5/2015 mer 30/ 9/2019 sun 30/ 6/2022

jup 30/ 9/2016 ket 30/ 4/2020

mar dasa starts mar 27/11/2022 rah 15/12/2023 mer 27/12/2026 sun 30/11/2028

jup 21/11/2024 ket 24/ 5/2027 moo 30/ 6/2029

sat 30/12/2025 ven 24/ 7/2028

rah dasa starts rah 12/ 3/2032 jup 6/ 8/2034 ket 18/ 1/2041 moo 12/ 6/2046

sat 12/ 6/2037 ven 18/ 1/2044 mar 30/ 6/2047

mer 30/12/2039 sun 12/12/2044

jup dasa starts jup 18/ 8/2049 sat 2/ 3/2052 ven 12/ 1/2058 mar 6/ 2/2061

mer 6/ 6/2054 sun 30/10/2058 rah 30/ 6/2063

ket 12/ 5/2055 moo 2/ 3/2060

sat dasa starts sat 3/ 7/2066 mer 12/ 3/2069 sun 3/ 6/2074 rah 18/12/2079

ket 21/ 4/2070 moo 3/ 1/2076 jup 30/ 6/2082

ven 21/ 6/2073 mar 12/ 2/2077

mer dasa starts mer 27/11/2084 ket 24/11/2085 ven 24/ 9/2088 sun 30/ 7/2089 moo 30/12/2090 mar 27/12/2091 rah 15/ 7/2094 jup 21/10/2096 sat 30/ 6/2099 -----------------------------------------------------------------

sayana/tropical moo



chart of the native for birth date

0 51

--------------------------------------------| -5- 9 5| -6- 9 13| -7- 9 21| -8- 9 13| | | |moo 5 25| | | | |rah 12 6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------7 16| -4- 8 57| | -9- 9 5| |jupr 8 32| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------ sayana rasi chart -----------0 51| -3- 9 5| |mer 25 36| |nepr 0 49| |mar 26 16| | | |ven 8 23| | | |m.c 8 57| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------| -2- 9 13|sat 22 49| -12- 9 13| -11- 9 5| |urn 14 3|plu 2 37| |sun 11 36| | |lag 9 21| | | | |ket 12 6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------urn 14 29 sat 24 29 sun 3 2 mar 10 13 plu 3 20 mer 5 46 ven 4 58 lag 29 6 m.c 1 1 note:interpretations are based on sayana system. abbreviations used are: minor aspects:ssx-semi sextile,inc-inconjuction,ssq-semi square, qtl-qintile, major aspects: pll-parallel, sxt-sextile,sqr-square, oppopposition, tri-trine, ses-sesiquiquadrate, cpl-contra parallel, minor aspects influence less.fav-favourable,adv-adverse,if in small letter minor effects. ap-aproaching, sp-separating aspect.'r'-retrograde planet.moon's apsect lasts for a month.other planet's aspects last for 1 year or more. when adverse and favourable aspects come simultaneously a native may experience both. if a good aspect in progression comes and at birth if the same planets are adverse the result may not be at expected level and vice versa.inadvertant mistakes might have crept in. birth chart interpretations: charubel's ascendant degree symbol interpretation: a sheaf of corn. denotes a practical benefactor of the race; a good member of society lagna(ascendant) in scorpio at your birth. a sign belonging to the element water and to the fixed quality. this gives you a strong and forceful character, positive and decided. you generally know your own mind and are clear and empathetic in your ideas and opinions. irresolution is not usually one of the weaknesses of this sign. you are brave and courageous and do not shrink from controversy or dispute if it is thrust upon you. you are selfreliant and do not shirk responsibility. you have strong likes and dislikes towards both persons and ideas, and you do not easily change either your opinions or your habits of life. you much strength of will; and although feelings, emotions, and passions sometimes away you intensely, you have much endurance and persistence and you can work hard and long to achieve your ends. you have a good deal of pride and dignity, and are capable of much anger if either of these is wounded. you should have considerable executive ability and are capable of becoming a good practical worker if you turn your attention in this direction. you are a good fighter, and the critical, sarcastic, and analytical sides of your nature are active. you are ingenious and resourceful; at times too brusque and empathetic in manner and not sufficiently conciliatory towards those who differ from you; and you are ambitious and masterful. you have some taste for things mystical, occult, curious and secret. mars is the planet that rules the sign scorpio. sun in virgo : you are born between august 23-september 22 sun in earthy sign, virgo with mercury as ruler.the thirst for knowledge is endless. your wisdom comes from will put in great care and attention in the work,meticulously and have great respect for are practical and intelligent and if needed you say no with times your particularity for details may engrosses the leaving behind the issue as may become scholar,critic and should not exhaust by over working. you will have good physical resistance to diseases. you are fond

of good food and comforts and of quality you do inspect label of the firm whether reputed or not. your excessive expenditure will not allow accumulation. you like eloquent will be indifferent to love adventures.if you do not find partner upto the standards of perfection,you may remain unmarried.if you are marr ied,your executive capacity is more than of your will arrogate yourself the family head position. birth aspects: tri moo 126 10 ap fav # sun ssx ven 33 13 ap fav inc jup 146 56 sp adv # sun qtl sat 71 13 sp fav sqr urn 92 27 ap adv # sun ssq plu 51 1 ap adv sxt lag 57 45 sp fav # sun ssx m.c 32 38 ap fav tri mer 110 11 sp fav # moo tri mar 110 51 sp fav sqr ven 92 57 ap adv # moo sqr jup 86 53 ap adv ses urn 141 22 sp adv # moo tri nep 124 36 sp fav opp plu 177 11 sp adv # moo opp lag 183 55 ap adv sqr m.c 93 31 ap adv # mer cjn mar 0 40 ap adv sqr sat 87 12 sp adv # mer qtl plu 67 0 sp fav qtl lag 73 44 ap fav # mar sqr sat 86 32 sp adv tri nep 124 32 ap fav # mar qtl lag 73 4 sp fav opp jup 180 9 ap adv # ven sqr lag 90 58 ap adv cjn m.c 0 34 ap fav # jup qtl sat 75 42 ap fav sqr lag 89 10 sp adv # jup opp m.c 179 34 sp adv ssq plu 41 26 sp adv # urn ssx lag 34 42 ap fav sxt plu 58 12 sp fav # current year :2007 : progressed date:26-9-1985 ---------------------------------------------------

sun sun sun sun moo moo moo moo moo mer mer mar ven ven jup urn nep

moon progressing in natal house: moon progressing through fifth house during the current period will influence your emotional relations, children's affairs, educational and artistic pursuits. well aspected moon brings success in love affairs,education, arts, sports, speculations and new enterprises. a happy event takes place. your wish will be fulfilled. afflicted moon strains your relations with loved ones especially, children and causes disappointment in education,arts,sports, speculation and personal relations.please see progress and progress to natal aspects given below to know whether the time is favourable or adverse. moon progressing in progressed house: moon progressing in fourth house during this period will influence your domestic condition,parental affairs and property matters.long pending issues will come to a concluding stage. well aspected moon causes a happy event or change in the home sphere. you may acquire or improve properties.there is likely change of residence/ office. investments yield good returns.parents will be helpful. afflicted moon creates domestic problems, unhappy changes, losses and disappointment in property of mother or family member may cause anxiety.please see progress and progress to natal aspects given below to know whether the time is favourable or adverse. pmoo pmoo pmoo pmoo pmoo

sxt nep 60 1 sp opp pm.c 179 49 ap opp pven 175 53 ap sxt moo 64 34 ap ssx pjup 23 35 ap

fav adv adv fav fav

aug oct feb feb apr

2007 2007 2008 2008 2008

pmoo psun pven pmoo pmoo

sxt pnep 59 59 ap fav inc pmoo 147 48 ap adv tri moo 119 32 ap fav inc pmer 145 4 ap adv inc ven 157 31 ap adv

oct dec feb mar may

2007 2007 2008 2008 2008

pmoo pmoo pmoo pmoo pmoo

inc m.c 158 6 ap adv may tri lag 111 30 ap fav jun opp sun 169 15 ap fav aug qtl nep 60 1 ap fav sep qtl pnep 59 59 ap fav sep

2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

pmoo pmoo pmer pmar

ssx jup 22 19 opp pmar 170 38 tri pjup 121 29 qtl sat 72 36

ap ap ap ap

fav adv fav fav

may jul aug sep

2008 2008 2008 2008

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