Ph Group Project Mtg - 28 Oct 2009

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  • Words: 524
  • Pages: 3
28 Oct 2009 PH Group Project Meeting – Planning Timeline, Budget, Qs for Richard Present: Steve, Chelsea, Shana, Kaitlynne, Elena, Sara, Adrian, Erin, Janet, Meagan, Annie, Ron EXHIBIT TIMELINE: • Week of November 9-13: Meeting with Richard at J&W (need timeline & budget before this meeting) • November 19: Narrative Arch Planning Meeting – Research objectives & tone (2 hour meeting) • December 7: Initial Conceptual Design Meeting • December 7-14: Programming & Exhibit Groups Meet • December 15-January 27: Winter Break, Research/Writing Period, Choose Objects, Write & Select Images, Acquire Permissions, Use Blog to update group • January 28: Group Meeting, final wish list to Johnson & Wales • February 11-18: Group Edit • February 25: Preliminary Design Phase, full draft of all content to designer • March 11: Final edit/review design • March 18: Send final Panels to designer/ final typesetting • March 25-April 8: Fabrication of Panels • April 8-15: Install • April 15: Thursday, Opening Reception (second Thurs, does the museum participate in Gallery night on the third Thursday?) • May 15: Conclude Public Programming PROGRAMMING TIMELINE: • December 7: Programming committee meets to sketch out program, identify transportation partners and individuals; Send program description/project goals in advance; prepare pitch, specific request, be prepared to present an example • December 7-14: Contact Possible Partners – who gives permission? • December 7-14: Programming & Exhibit Groups Meet • Spring: Meeting with J&W student liaison, go with special ideas that come out of research QUESTIONS FOR RICHARD? • What is the Johnson & Wales U calendar? When should the programming committee approach them? How has Richard worked with them in the

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past? Are specific suggestions/requests needed? Will it be a week-long project/lab? How do they come about? Define a J&W student liaison, who shall we contact to work with their student body? Program committee needs to set up meeting. When can we install? Does April 8-15 work? Do they hang or do we hang Where is the prep space? When can we begin? Do you have a designer that you work with for panels? May we use ours? o If he says no, get in touch with Erin to discuss fabrication timeline. Erin is a 3-D designer, Sara Kilkely is also an option (she did panel graphics) What will their review policy for text be? We would like editorial control. How may we put our name on it? What fabrication can you do in-house? Printing? Exhibit construction?

TO DO: • Put out survey to find out which committee participants are interested in • Elena: Email Kaitlynne Stephanie’s outline • Meet to sketch our details of programming: o J & W students, food for opening reception o Transportation partners J&W/Exhibit Graphics/Design (website?) Fabrication (printing & exhibit construction) Opening: $1000-2000 Conservation

Budg et $6000 ?

Public/Non-Museum Graphics/design (incl. website) Fabrication (Print) Printing


Purchasing Space if needed (ex: airport, RIPTA , electronic billboards, train station cafe) Cell tour/iPhone tours

Image Permissions

J&W student costs


Supplies Honorarium Travel/lodging/per diem Media services

Next Steps:

Janet to set up meeting with Richard, send him materials in advance

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