Peter The Great Came To Power Of The Throne At A Very Young Age And His Minority Was Marked By Political Dissension

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Peter The Great came to power of the throne at a very young age and his minority was marked by political dissension. In 1689 at the age of seventeen, he over through the regency of his half sister Sophia and took control of the state. He was determend to make Russia a great military power.Peter the great traveled to Holland and Englend in 1690s to study ship building and to help build his navy. Meanwhile while he’s out his elitepalace guard {Streltsy} rebelled attemptingto restore Princes Sophia back to her throne. Peter had heard what was going on in Vienna and quickly returned home, and had beat the rebellion with striking savagery, about 1,200 conspirators were executed there body’s rotted for months as a reminder of the fate of any that dares. Peter was most famous for westernizing Russia by imposing social and cultural reform on traditional Russian nobility ordering all noblemen to cut their beards. He published a book on manners that forbad spiting on the floor, eating with your fingers, encouraging polite conversation between sexes and requiring nobel women to appear with nobel men. They also had to dress up in western garb banquets and other public occasions. All children of Russian nobel decent were sent to western European schools and academies, Peter s goal was to make Russia this great military power, not a Russian society. A new taxation system startedin1724. Which assessed taxes on Individuals rather than on households. In this event in this event it rendered many peasant society. It was made to create more money for war. Table of ranks imposed 1722 state that noblemen must work their way up the ranks from lower landlord stations.Peter reversed the traditional Russian nobel society. It valued landlords by birth rather than merit. After 1649 Russians peasants were legally the property of their landlords by 1750 half were state peasants who lived on land owned by tsar and were also could be conscripted to serve as soldiers to tsar army. All Russians of any rank were thus expected to serve the tsar and all of Russia in some sense belongs to him. Peter replaced the Duma which was the rudimentary national assembly which was a handpicked senate. A group of nine Administrators witch supervised military and civilians affairs. He also took over Russian orthodox churches and appointing an Imperial official to run affairs. He fashioned more efficient The victor s at Nystad were the Prussians and the Russians. Both set up around Baltic coast and positioned perfectly to take advantage of the eastern European grain trade with Western Europe. It came with a cost a direct taxation by 500 percent while in his reign. The total amount of army in 1920s war more than 300,000 thousand men. Russia was a force to be recond with but it came with a price. He wasn’t liked by his nobility. His son named Alexis and was the focus for conspiracies against his dad. His son was put to death in 1718 seven years later peter dies. Lot of tsars followed trying to reverse peters great reform 1762 the crown passed to Catherine the Great.

Peter the Great earned his name. Ruled for 63 years with an iron fist. He was only 6’8’’ tall peter wasn’t the only tsar to bring his country into contact with western Europe.

administration to cope with new demands. He recruited nobels and non- nobels, but rank did not depend on birth rights. Peters goal was to secure year round ports for Russia on the black sea and Baltic sea . His enemy the Ottomas witch was on the Black sea. He captured the AZOV in 1696 but had to give it back in 1711. In 1700 peter stared a war a war with sweeden witch would last for 21 years long. Hithero was the dominate power on the Baltic sea. Around 1709 Russian armies click up with Prussia and defeat the Swedes at the battle of Poltava. Know groups of serfs are ordered to construct new buildings. The great northern war ended in1721, peace was stricken in Nystad .this marks a re-alignment of power in the Eastern Europe,compared the treaty of Utrecht in the west.

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