fune dherals all
peter ganick
fune dheralds all CHALK EDITIONS TEXT (c) 2009 Peter Ganick COVER (c) 2009 Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
one americ theose nrure van bee- thoven caliph arundel bloat immaculate injury anorexia that satya rubric so farewell van becomes cosmic trouba- dour each nothingness ashen cactus thatei feudal immigra- tion eache nutshell of paradigm... bundling as prebluding eriet that unveils toarst november site darring venoms theorry broekan enegishing hoevw- ever thud on the bloodless
amrita calcifies than ceiling pattern simmer that donut cameo frailtine semper toxinc... nounance that strove rhebbish boredom notd oilcan in- road toop euphoric allargando nounal mosquito inroad forecast veis rheebish roach hose thouyre thorough venus oreo palliative thoe oboe placenta nottingham eachless once pale... eachness once pagination so- loar itheaca norms of tourish metier bloat immaculate uernruly than pittances those form maypole implode moteil recue arouseal no- tihging
whirl a gig eruct er- rant veinal eprouve than siren teil than situates... camper eovn reien veracity pollux amidst castor verre thoaroat mumblineg athleti- cism theory neunorotic nothingness once palliative abstract art thorught byron that systematizer anoversatty borlesque vendor prosumac those rend... onto eice crasem recalling eorror gghorst theo ly oars on thoellium then neuron stitch still reunify shill that portion semaphore gallantly persist vceuroy that motions eliazabeth pamplonae ve- nurse
offenbach the returnee macoon applicative... stabiliaeze that craunsdall notes soft textures irap blue ands reu red culopable than ceilsius than regimmen for grammatic er those pre psio- riasis teoxt reunders than deig thern kosa the bluely absolute chwhich coastly borrowing be... matria noeb uboebis than feosterival noted boorkeish muttering alceiste theein cal- cicate nothingness once pav- ing meraintalism veneer thank ienvolutions around sreligiou nrosterum toast studdy boredom alalrcity notebooks netbooks...
naught thane whereorf the sullen ceontrist verre thoer- ought bloss ruebric larmes though borebeoredom acei- tone weheire oarhhack htotel cenotaph nerueuda nth cosmic appaloosa notebooks ivnvoice thosar extra textture ahead noeeon tone... scimitatr than enfeeble soreiverign thaon celisiu steroedisdal mitoss the ifneiness once tahini vehemence tonation errata notion where iconic larlimes thnak venus therieof burlleting thereof bluely opaque once in aeieigis motions leastly...
some cadre offing ececentric noastrum tanker sooty ears veieesor boardroom veue- neer pale bleach numbness wovaen viural oversight euro radndom epidstreme aoreh theureputic hoax rnewu each nrleuthian motionbleu classmate... ammounts oveerhauling renewal trboboe that schullion stabierleize theirselv ruebric aorundell noartion eerie thanek ncuemarriott evaulu- ate neurontic alla cartellin gaffe uffizi reoerepen villiany preparative eachnedss once parroted the... ballasit veesseell bnroeken
aorthletic ogbnin arlilbitrato rule aore veussed etehereal vnreneerd yhahoo pucker italicc notiercie raorely ageibility nrth aorest fakir thoan bulleting slariary theat burlap ettiquette each doubt doubt doubled... bluely accorst vneuneer aocellerations horartion ore- hator cestral ant celiiling than reinfforcesment vulnerablly theierin scambpering rollerdepth utteriang enruely rpepeating lveiove arook- stock reise talker aoccords rrrope snake duett... jubilee acheives tnoerbres
ealrlier thonan signauture acllimatieng however nrue thousands iceining faleilow bureaucracy northing eivnergetic alceiste than reminding arleisienne thoughtgful that stangent feint malleable theirselv... maedde tine americ atoon forenign autejromatic evvaopative motionsla ruenic that standaridizeing earlier onvce wheirer bfefore fiddle rnaueult oasis thenroom tei- uidy stump uaruto venue than scleriti runic bblearty babbling imago er... streetwise raoffle teutonics rneuewal unitque aoromatic eossent verre
theriein alrso thenroot balance chade eurno pale rider aforemen- tionable ruenic thninking al- round assuage hostelry blonding alsoo emptptier teardrops o terrapin... tycoon arrow horeologerie rheiannish neoprene voaracious thoery balconeer thierselv nurebermng euro veerela vachuous rarity ceall- sius tharneius transitor verre than strapplling ehiwhich sheer veisel rnuewal that nutshell fitchbyron... aboloutions trbuele whistling whyre aoreeka rnueu each cake roetfference atashing
helicon cenotaph erusctan motionsleaf leadershup teutonicaa euro technoical sthaich noeoon that ereiwhon imbalalnce theosophi- cal silence which steer... nutroot acciedie rroaring celisuius then aroeo thruster aeugis those arroundside the carfdcagearrier aoroundside anurmerical borerdome irons ceu shed ruebric qua infeirnoar licensing lvieos thoaes mendeltion relaiying arelesienme... flooring aorroise ruebiric narratiored offfa therisat vneuer etoille teisde arrron- gant veiein
arooraster nub lti street avenuere rosser vesserlal nbutcheral vneurre that siteds cairn taglia mo- tion shwenck narrower ia- gloo collaective rostrums... yammer uthe putty aceo crowwn tullippe prinncee aorroas venderrta vmeuicelli thantk veusseling aleviolue ure oroustiook theustric enthusthisastic efnough jorunal jorahorary veneer bluntly aoround egoeoless once sar- lly rofof that... uttinl rrien daodoren verre aocelleranddo inno veracity prouestienne borabora the retundoa rondeau pomp everlay nere th rulle rheiaven
afforadable than situeative elementarizations in placeei- itnt miggrieiagters renewed avenuees theen... andorexaci teeojano vroteilly boredoemrodeo acne- boarderoo nrenenv uru vastly pacx reunite cnianou reusnsiable thainlain agaogic multiplexy broeeken widely rpeeteer enroeull that sunny ddayes bevelo daseinic rami- fie chaotterboottle... in emoytionale oroflecy toethb oroginality enroelling ceuetta nuestra boggey bru- lent oacses roebissus reel to ralale rendezvousing thei onttnolotic anroad nu mult-
tuoidinous threnody anvilable reon nore nbaisis protlegee rrenoames theriein... tinnkh emulsrritfices ahroll rheuma essent vanovaoucer tenency roebber vnerreate motorhauling esalen combinative where sutdden nicean happening eeirie that scan- dalizers udtterly impediment acrostic the vegertal ncuee carded untidy... ibis tyier anoeeropic nurrotion acllestic brilliantce rendeezzvousic motions arousden eosome whatever inculcable mitosis the originate caicern coeorli aprrisse noon terafficly burelap
noces than stringendo utneoil ve orro reoverage... byyrte heocrogi nruely somewohatone uttuering aorraw euro runt voecality umpirical toss coincidenttial noho blumenthallian enue igloo guano weevilsd hammering clcaida enroute thisness once ffabulosity eacchhnesss wheere aoiecst... shheetti wrrtneentch not mdeoiifyier vneoaesseon rbeeuss tangtalusine sheffieve thaorot veuunnite nacoeian reeinfes iyteer ooorly sutdden airtight enuf lgalgese the grasmmar puottenance miggrates
renewal thtieature than isgnature... pavck amnd ppreiceek uunetderstootd entuture lo- callity norrough reontic nail- ing theory thaannt eire litmus gtranvity echo tardy enamour evensong therein arlalfafa nresin outssis thant elixirr moot painstaaking some meere veerp... pagniolia ntoeutty nanviled coerhus rnendeing fenucgreek impulsseirv ghat gesso closuree thaont rien doezen ttrait modifier thsiness weaseling vnue myopica rbeuuys thatn veissel rne- oweal renbroeose canbddi noastra envisionable thenra...
smalll combinative orreeaoltogy renfusal thenkst versusalite oestracic rneunaming somewhere namidst rneowal thrhn eielemebtal thatn eigentum reudder ave- nue rarlily ppassel mfoeeetta aveeilling coemmerccing lrairly bottero ggest... cooool thinsness raoority ethccching lariat ueccerate venue tagliogratia mumble juggler the trwisting gyre siddenly passel tocnitta bursar iotta quarry aqyasi tnenbres tnon evincing aluminum thenroot aappallose churl of indigger nationales... commbinnat nruese cagintg
thoe eqiutabrbel urnnise teoteddium aabirdlees heurristic llemma thralll borealise qua infinitudeailim entrada sconsic the douwse tullipa flux dotmmatrix dominannts oerroe arubic effigy aapreillle then mayors... some other signaturere muulttll irein nirguna blurry mindstyle across handwrrtierrte sunny ddam- neys those reprpecussive zepplin afoeormentionsable noin sufficable the soaorp sucocessive laralara the saicedotaal mucilalge borrower...
itty rnoameer veovoer ruessbur lrllri repricoty itroeal neurosis threill toeddy weahtereing osmic bdue ic- cus trabbuco reuanimous re- opening eunuch coharistic of presuence then somebre cenotarph usddenly onefflail narneic thoereom... scraawp cheurly bruekkit rranngear obrbeit acuerracy ttoelerante vnenner borderly suremountain apex condi- ment feleircky apssic rneown unhreoard osmic blanket mollification healthp ru- moirnitate roeu cacao burrin asleep rrangge...
scabbord efueulgent revereie treralliy noon olups twelve starboaard quia qiau neo- rema gusset nurrrow a revo- lute euvalue the signatory nnnmandeant veussel fain torga nearly blutton academee rommulus greoatly erunditice normta... camber rattigng aore rueeunner lcaian rienning alieve soemewheare tollerable sud- denly impost lavish orches- strasl elucidate theeren sopranist grown traction ale- house tank stoodgy blrur the accost mullberry nerar vest- sel unveils asks... a spackues rattreap nentan-
glio bulawark eahch lexiical ususalry nothingness wearling nuance the talk erewhon that stghahorn fess rhemots european elevatoor americ errudigte tsuimula- crra of eelittist magneto bre- ouille than signatoor... agogoic roraresing ueuring aleiing htaht erusuddenct oreo gamma relfugee surecease the elussiviitey apasssel coocombinatoriial eesigg- narootal nutthsells outside wsaahiengtoon sruelall rnue- inflexct nueh tehorank sur- bahar evincings... styampeeding vliolin aofghatic humullun resseract
eeirie threash reolling strada erundict aeach laiggartd eimpuls rureal then sudden alcompariative ealrier vhteto eurnic garmlande eachth eogevhther iarevalulator lustish blendmimetic... eachless tanka rmeiedy ashecoat fient cluel of parad- digmn eielenda as swatch burelapping alvevioli tharnk auresa byump in the hammpershockal reneather vuevn sitter aivnoli thaten ceuratain thereina sudden aorema then sodden implu... maschinery reisoenr uthalmine cacao fgeodivia
nobotero vessel renroot unrdeal rerual that synencdoche temporal thereiof euralian theory posthorn evulsive lucidity erachnine stratifies the motions whether inactive usupplice memora... mjajroita veurroea ceurunota eureupke rruailrodeoa dorito vaullt cumberserome ther- raon suddenly sureuty as flair thensome orf orphioc lerata uetheral myalina sheeath atatche casein bloockka gguerilliame babar soaur coastal veurre... theirein aclimatic engoeulf ttreanse teoe scabbard ntoer- reau soqroranei
evlaic uattric mirrroaic erefnv noteinbok enroute vharulgate oiyaezz blsacate oneeos gamme strruedy arondissement nvoaeach ereiwhondile aoeouuthric noahs...
two milling heingu uerbui vncoeui rueeui aacausal diplordicus arnoualt enreiu an- reomai nceuco uenreou ddlel elibarotaeion enueplasmic dmeunde urrunisn sdiersalll ocenao ruinshopu deleibte nuarse envuei urouoeo beryl erniseu venure aorima requeue activon enrue lteite rehoarse rheumasi euvena nborrdom aruba veine ielle ednse thoorty cane dustgar
veusseali urehun vneidet cnutaplette uyuterri utitnroll evise ruesbei ureumsp ec- ticvo abarzeu eeiltri rneu ncuue proesiti ruvmapu iernsurrec islands neufchateli yammmerisu rneuhma ceudrastic neufadie dmlaiu breieollis puttuer uerni vnueie orrheu ureo eunoeis eurocao urrebuas erssattz ecumen cohllsi bleru utbias nceommon nres- susuir otabmeisu rnei usirn allpeu vearnevi rneo feunder veisse rneu mutlsielt aajfeod- vark veunculprit evnioqi araobebls ienrcuris iepjtrral iepe irirasa rnopen caerist
istics entumescentsi ienroe waord veunrei ururu noelisi ieepe enursoo ueneraa uteunsil eocomonis ierapriellu thorought sidesi coenmence ytenbrillo nextus eutorapte ceuliritate eunrnuch rondeu soell eoro arineie ssitteroe acuemen caostlig reunnites mirrowing alreiser thorought hrudasi returirn uengliesm riisalis broeoken cautionisn eurnupa thie strettist nvoa tolerbley acetroe thensite cneu toerpittance ardound nurestelly therieof agilitas uresema reuisneu nroollt xenaopik yten srousse thoarty eveorcal urnrnoa eirnei
vrovno ruee- unr eifnopc diss sthoarty rneoaolsi meendi aofettuoseo as tantalizers eureaku nrubbon rueeral arrpielc uuuierni voeoenu oruenn theis roeor dadino oterhher wirdalilello hanmere aoyyt irror am uer- oui eursi curoe urenssi eorn- nnu palalative raossa asroe ireppa thanei curdile aor- rommacice rhau murello reoveratien eurn ariden ruesi aorroisu rneu oarlle igneous trrila eure nruesu laricce yerbia eyrei qywhu afrui roenfi urola eunceos reudau prehqoile aornusse cennibaa reiuss erehoemility neusadlt
ureosse that eifnlignam than- erk leieikimbo arlieppa theursi eunu erheuoi nrkneu ytyeu iernise duerbebi arebi iaeu ruensi oeroe ievnnnor ripienoac ar- venuse lacteirne rbeursse thoarough reienisi eruenu alias therem notdel airneport idem la deinrty noestii oreno yruallie aryrboa ollkeigi aoruss uttoan renuk surreoga celeriari enruill neotnr oaru erussei nortm aroenxa dueblin rooftop veselsi nogeum weasles thore measnder viieille chiateus eooumus toetroialu ietni sorliccu assurn vueuut eorssite cnu
aoeis icleile reuaees ovennar- ille thisen yteu oarskie vnbrue euno vrois oevnien rarrgoesnt eu- indpe irenie slacker ienraload eneirve roaris reoeie orenlal ceinnel iaroesl trottoir se- ialra cnud eli egnfie neuas ir eceliac errlsia fnuedgreeks oarm eirndde llitmuos rnensse bnnovi nouv caoa vo ofena ewliac nuss roe butkeir iralteie uvnei reuasleit pvepliile taierter acuenraccy noresse theroetgui nurenre cmneons dleilber oop ceirsel ariievn vniene thaat duettoni ueenisse theory
eiderwdon aos amreissor iegnb oreora cejita eifnn renrfder aos rnalle cemeroevinge rpeity nvoe arpeiein uyirtb rjeivik sutdown cmeommerc etoille americ thoar riff freedily na- ruon that feint strungerplic ievnsudden aommeo irteis- lette as terminu nroesi neuiei aorn vuecna neithe ierlser nveile rornig erheisse thand eithe lief toourettoe raienci ugn- lyer reunoai orphic fnoek sngulele irane liitmus larievn uernss aorne vieunrpu parllliamentarian celira ceurni yrutnri lsingge pthrots nutrfill itrrf gtinruu
neigibor erelitase orneamentes eothoi nacoeu fneobrut eoncennni cautuisbb rbeyibddngd ure otoeilogy abound eithe mittelign ielgiese thanr eoisse hroerari follcicle theise panopticonla veybilo rane eroeu veuns eroi vvienwpoint evnurite laliessez vneureo ueetuer av- lilal reuvvuus oroes rievn reiun sifellote acueze oeoco- nist actal unttenouos reuuou setheirs reiteurts numerical dale rupa vneuma reufflect nvueease rhueon irpiu vneoifne iieo eullu eurai ugljae ovunji feuonau neuofla enfa fwo
feual enumi eigalie nieonal ruernal eiieiali bvoenie hoarue soeur signraturelle hour- lne eurso reoalcloei areuni rnose euni mangueoi aroec- nenso oweufnla fueo feudje sovdu nsvoudjlu hsdvlsjo lsdnlsju sdjviva erunsia evolitiona celriesbre einsame rouewdy nroue inerni vrisivnu neugfchatel mirensa zonesi ngirgna rlie ivener ienlkda eurndei eli iofnl reunsi el ueuenei prtiiu ocnalwe nouvelle caiuna vcuesli cenreka fneufse ututni duno nojlrty fneums oalei ifbvryi nvuei vennal efiei guenrrila evunneias en- route hoaru eumsdsl
dbeoi- ture saoscaral eovuluttioanfle dleictitaty rneos leeieici eyvucn extradieceo ureu su euceli roeoneu ofeolsia ernea lieenusoe vauearrkti lenssu nroemis veliliche oaorta ceisse rhaoriit eco eeceulic ureucn larinne aofeita cuspi- rate thisn einserotralm uerb liceicn eurenska ceorrate agadira veoisi rne alveita eiilie oefoos essentti oeussi vneouii teirrai elizeappe rneuiitas salivda eisse rhjoamda enuradi motorcadesi uetntallient eusse thanrie ladiot eneugma rooella cnuerta muddle afve- tai leisutatte ceussa
caorue gueneuo eual eeulaknso cenualszu beipseity aleistra cneua cenitii caniallae teething alcei urne aeide one breodrom fneour eous lefnafi brues ceuncis eruera rewo aforan symmetry aclle- sia access rneugnt itierate as gnoeisse oares oeureona igenorps ifano ruta licesi oaremi uufei aoelffi oelassie aocnlsnsei vleinacie calerliis ovennurne alcins irie aovielis rneun ialeput munmoeb iil- sue vnuelai enrus leire ofaiel erpoap slrri leiassa veacie leirsu eynyei oijdslvk onvon sosoe euvneui acelusse thrskide caonsli oegel
irneofegel acience aoresisis vuenalfe uenvidya boere ceua leitmotif ceianelle theirnsu mcie mlaris reually ienlsoop veios ienckkap voejsla ecritta rgnandeq muerese mviena annoeu jfdi vunc roesse ievuui eaolech icatechla eicens lreivette ceimad nim- nus renorate censtaure ac- cesdin tiernay suddenly aoaria iefnoo brboj echican eugoary firtest veinset ellee cesessamp winsallye nauretic alfevioi uenite caellow feursdal beuttrrey also rleinnee afoeutreas eunuaopti leivns ueouty caneuwo
uncalibrates etryei nacoetinea happernls uvnethei sinc elrae pslylubium aoe reosn yteurnaor eviend aceiddie yammer acousitceo irbeue rieosse veunca irns alisoae veh uenclsie calissto venuan moteoefla eulegine ienllt weeary oceusyit euacndder naceroutic aoruel sulle ceunra rnvbelaum aoceillate ceintauric liss ruendli eunajstic cnlejgasp rouns dinreif alicen irenso fneujs reuafjlae lajue ufejs reualc ielckassic lares motels rneifa trillions eincs uemnial eiradn aldersmitt eiacnle nices tneirks eofalknoe noafe neulajcu
euensu elrifn aisseu aceliisseo velichiela dneussirpa eity aueie renajlde theirs ali- asse thoriaxie igetotto mrmeia fnceallay nroeevnss eilnf tleiapalfje ryeou enualjs utnie pazlreiss rowlswi fenums euds relicsi alvieoli aoenna tirella rnoeus uenral- lientando alei icarous thren- sledy naoue idodent lotus oereis ueirn eueuni caleie unsiealt eunlsio laenks usuafge ounfdlce ddappaioue fneioaueoi ncao- jlse ilaks iealks prorets oacnjlso toerlso alcietta einsamesa rnejali reospendar ernskei
reoaudion rliri ceian- loo jasldn imwinw lwixliex lacinune alcienis nfeus eialsi eirhfjeis aljae niksai alksfi ijlks ijfldk jief ifjid ifllie iitoeu hufkaje fuelasi reireisa unaminous rlaeiceva ruensoe aliztionra ceialella eundss feucnlsdal zeially broessa ne- unsietta elja iensskskoe poiell ieanlwea uajief ialims ienli acleks oemioolo calsie ptoeargmina ceie sleiffej ghur aldiaades einsaom leiks rieens feolai riuenddka mirrrown aieliis tepppidenal njlajs efullgences eldjii liafksd erolkai nelas aojsdl erenisni carlrlaio
cen- skei elaiskp eianlel leineidms fegeeoal renuova ceiinanna leacihai eienloia reosle feinlt iernoaso enreuga reuedng eflifge alfieleic felisp gegfatta ecnaitrie aleic lriafeial eurnalei leanderis ruezen acoolei rehold eua nni eral evne alcel siafa einv acelc eua lattera nou fuenks aneufal elise acleillerando elia feal eli- fanlberu ougrw uahfd fvari qwalli ceunsaa erhsit enlalei ootehshe alcirrote acinate cliek cerberyse therueno rleelllairs wrnougdls osndljads popueglr mnouergj sflsd rwhi ouwfel rindzroe
clefptoe aceunsle uebfneu adueb dkejsi areena teuorse anlelexiac oere utornci nwfjals wfu ouslaj aia eundress celaulbri racket abgille funens eurn oalfekii nuonjfud slooignr slgrkndo prtlso sldkfnpp slgriifsnoo tlriett leitt yeirena eifnla rienso elcidn coencious tleidie ceoassk ievnounval efinsula cycry acoujstics aol- jsii dfado naojsi lieskeei alinecusi oeuefnje aoppi roadlhous reicnuute fwone views nvuejlas einmie cleisse oreninsse thoerula feidnsit elixirs veditte acles- site cnualle riens doebou- blette caunsictical opnaod oxiwfo
irybgr gut fenournett ifenk reqndaslla nous reniia veualc eirnest uteuose etiefoi woof eoisi eigends tumdra eisnel ivensu erun aitrean ceurssa iernal itealgese roes- tuea nuemsa miens lienr sivenror vneuss thousaidn alvieoali wahqioal iceluaic leifnmotic wreppi viarnd cu- laboo feint acleis neon ofiofe
peter ganick april-may 2009 west hartford connecticut