Peter Ganick - A'triox

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  • Pages: 212
< a’triox >

< a’triox > (2003)

by Peter Ganick

>sphinx tower books


text (c) 2009 Peter Ganick

< a’triox >

<<<<<< one >>>>>> thunder those and the rock often raging storm side of the barn time to spread-eagle winds seen dispassion reverted stolen filed through floodgates' incertitude glowing trenchant affiliation asks to tone as prioritize elements of the syrinx this the less motivated engorged folded in half a nothing when the rain outcast starlit appendage finally intending usage offered silenced corporeal slivers of

a trammeled voicemail surcharge december along diversion whose conspicuous refoliation dissembles lights flickering ahead time the corrected vertigo amazed prior telescopes rendering comportment with a dusty lexicon force-fed and rendered affable survey of property move grope transit act offerings open to herding stints on television amounting report advantageously the experience amidst innocence blasted winds coming down from god's scar forming tools previously accessed told decriminalized or retro-

formatted bluebloods as the neighborhood rents out degentrified oily approximate growths overtures of the selvage though rebottled virtue through a vitrine without accomplishment delimited from and of tacking on a waterfall to a camel or a mountain gone from definite to indecorous recent troubles in comparison donate helterskelter wirings tiled to the roof of hidden mouths veterinarian dustbins on riffled attachments in another chorus of cities seeded preparative emulations where deep-spun regalia don't go ahead of themselves a corrected version

witnessed as scrambling around concepts caught under so much sphinx-like adaptation as free bindings to dolorosa mater tapping into rewrap regularities suddenly softened bloated grimly the pachyderm aprille sloughing as threat unknowable radiant goal of the rishis already de-pirated for spatial renderings all words written on as-yet hidden feet transient or coruscable intending no stolen activities desisted rendered coherent then become desiccated as compressed into a vulnerable wrapper as without music in the next concretely parasitical dilemma of voice as charisma often soaping down backgrounds

leapt under theatrical ignorance yellow strings on phenomena unfolding their as-yetunreached natural factors as ghosts rewrite cell of a tyrant after going through larger after workday in brevity impulsive actors grassy intolerant ridicule of curious product onerous askings too conversation-bounded or form-feed stylisms that underwrappings in surveys launch as ahead tools issued standards' tisanes brouhaha asks cream for coffee unfold phenomena those recumbent those advancing boots unshod left in closings after art shows real

textures on form-fed armoires industrial strength gift of the given form-affecting hinge to whose examined parallel unsubscription can be analyzed de-entered stops tools of starvation jiffy to the bugs in oceanside reports december stillborn healings in-line for terrors and curmudgeons restart-buttons fiddled with alive quizzed left heroic pretty strings on dial-tone chorales overly self-absolved inward there-by-an accumulating remembrance of upstart thinking the words often those who telling salvos vacillate control violated perhaps

another ward after citizens hailstorms and durable darkness as a sponge-sleeping platelet agog with witness plans to rescue maidenhood-workings attempted all it being itself curiously atelier-proof as precisely maybe years later so precise and materialized dendrites solemnized into silicon fiber toiling underwater where ghosts live flail the embers serve tirade steam punishable thoughtful wrap on shoulders pretense after sorcery thin fifth witness rock the stadium inward vociferous surprise conifers expectant yes undeceived a growing reminder of wetness

proto-historical surplus dossiers trobar gruel postmodern reconstrictive anatomical urge grapplings whorls voids under streets cities findings their feet intention agoraphobic or plankton caddied photogenic tempered language prolated in the reminder those remaining exponential servants gloating skilled to experience a greeting well-wished from active duty force-fed pulls to guise if hardwired thoughts that five liftings' endgame sops up gravy with bread happening tension truer a ghost or restitutive of decrease pervasive antinomy sporadic affect to greet and exit scorecard bulletins neural trials strangenesses gist of selectors regrouped entertained educated

nestling fatherhood acting affect aspiration generosity adulated bygones as thousand tendons rescued parliaments undulations emptied of day job exponentially christened scat aorta vocal emergent gored privy to extolled ampersands or apostrophes seeds where an unfoldment unlikened stirfry ghosts the mandible lists an inkling textually deranged well-paged streets screeching trees of whose origin atoms doubt inner excess of one tempter a person in a corner de-referenced from twin oats wilderness hittings in load-out moneyed crows something knowable untold or retrofitted original

etiology-sitars as harmonics piloted through atomic voices laughter conversation gleaming worn adipose west end cosmic appellation protem cemetery till dark as necessity regroups hangers on walking outward to steam-fit amounts no one else thought radios set adored trusted knit after skulls december choices grooming admissive plaudits growling skimmer show sighs prolated on lined tides woven in generosity the slot open taken soaped downtime approved improved reentered set the camcorder nowhere alert to bear lots in forest a scholiast perhaps thinking left behind aforesaid

enumeration social danger small mirror through oratory gestured viable send off clinging finding another plane formidable and legendary tangerine incense of forgetful emulation get-go somewhat fogged with almost everything stale paradigm the siphoned kunstwerk now not part to thinking averse disheartened reached words taught in dismemberment letting have waves outside rain inductees praxis openhearted young and night dawning sleepy smiles threads limitless reins on windlashed stipulation obsequious the jazz voice seeing what careful fire knits abruptness decently gutted fishmouths for sale

aperitifs underselling savings friday thrusted beaten down ampersands and the attention span rendered obsolete the sultan's sitting steps to a tapping romanticization stovetop particles back turned writing endlessly trashed streamlined another three inward expansion ovulating the innocence next uptown iota off-line enumerative apology in verse a polemic soft screen screech improved improvident if change old new oppositions at slung words livid dead nights in strikes bound ordinary all dominant tones cropped haircut advisors the fee of giving topped trashed tripped ashen trowel

leaping inter-hysterical in remonstrance youth self aspirative glue too thin for throwing away switching people for notecards the last brigand admonished fed strings alumni zines tongues unsold borderlines evidences of spoilage as one goes alongside waters an easy damage topped without livid entry to real groats unfulfilled torsos glitter on strings in the other placard porcelain to the touch affetuoso duenna-dominating openings breeding the extract of silence in a temperate climate not pressing too hard evading resonance devoting to radiance-seeming fomenting by a chariot believable indubitable

releasable and fortuitous discovered in nights' removal torque asked tooled to relationshipping overtly a greeted sampled sameness whose color-fastened pantone coils epidermally slice go no further seep from rumors in the umbilical destiny reformulated daily paradox of the transcendent apprentice wide within heat of big plans teeming calculations duress grown through theme endgame slings trenchant this appearance unbeknownst technic a larger-knit wall loggerheads saying needles and systemic leg crossings the ruminative radiance in bits that are digestible effectual

and rendered remorse-free as a totality is expunged sparring with swordsmen and women holding trust in abetted fellowship tonsils offed handshaked then pinged yellow knows the blunt agreement in alert poster-children gone cemented into seeing their fictions become too late void apprentice refill conduits afternoons separating ghosts advices of given-sleep in theme to bravura gestured neurontrappings reentered trashed even the silence deepens itself inverting a colorful air team shredding skin and porcelain in promises' pervasive askings to beknight describe reenter the frayed tornado blotted out in heaven to reduce god's limitless litigation of

forgetfulness textured into a sleeper newly worded affable trajectories addled by tragic destiny not force-fed or fearful desired a tremulous entity aspirative inner trademarker in development to photogenic cultural event thin client of slick vanity an agoraphobic sluice watereddown jealousies for mendicants hastening their beginnings gone sliced aware awash amassed telephone thought of reining in what which that unopened ornament debilitated liking items in shoppes not gateways openers on the restarters dropped hot pods the abusive yearlong trajectory readjudicated as trammel and trial aghast

tear the book sliced praxis roped excoriative endurance well mourned entrails meaning a greeted directive nouns of allotment the other bondage sent sprayed rain with as in a streamlined glitterato as an opposite radiance wondering where packages reenter motiveless sender trendy licenses commercial trowels proud to rewrap smiling force-feeds too late the stipulated closure of exit nitroglycerin appendectomies venerated thick as eighteen and twenty-one thin trapped oval bolts milled from tearjerk families so moody sleepers widely-eyeing thought

off-line threads errata gleaned sent automaticized romance to journalese immortalized focus threaded the needle open to file down vagueness every word-world as world of experience too large informative reins eponymous as thistle fogged in hearth homeroom switchblade norm tiara hardly appearing gloating wellness gleaming action muscular anonymity grande that silence tooled largeness of new morning at couch living in pods nine apexes ice mind glitterati limitless horizontal fusillade ninths spar with the fourths sinking underfoot wavering cheekbones woven distances dented in corsairs a scrape wiry ladder hopefuls on

intention profiteering jammed confusion rolling down windows already mindstyles changed the clocks bagged the refusals omicron delta gamma nowhere thensome an alphanumeric asking pretext-disguised for everything so paramount to appealing as woken awareness unfolded parallel phenomena durable that keyed letter slaughterhoused affect rule of ten broken ace pixel the duende applauding vanguard-profligate summaries swatchpad warring functions later on in knit diverting of reverse gear new crossing tracks silk sullied preventive entourages bullets and

karma coiled in kama team on ing well slugged down the abstracted reentered necessity as activity role-playing gas line this saying like to that of everything an imperial pronunciation groping for where negation disseminates infusions tisanes titillations check spoilage often pandering the walls critical yesteryears all twixt operative weeping scars saline pros to the emotionless gainer the genetic apparatus reengineered poetry as feminine occupation grown downtown aporias for the massive industrial movement optional crux after the between earlier referred to woken writing paradoxes fixative oils incenses scents

dice in the training pants near slugger on chimney world epics vacillating ever-formed open to new lines eyes formed open to yellow sleep years trails tap to start musculature gavels of anthropological servitude in humid respite downstairs a restructure of posture eyed tamped down gong-show agendas trust given wherever everwhat that sinking aim after data lien grown to moisture rainstormafternoon broken fingers deported silences the hum at refrigerated airplanes going into overtones through ethereal sleeves on floorboards over under out theme thank form footloose trick mode apologetic never thought washed in hidden rendering of dinosaurs in inner

heritage pooled ferrite ghosts oh motherhood neighbors as is the moved than a rescued hunting throatless homeroom the bloodless ones pervade today's tomorrows internalized paradoxes literally whoever a depiction marvelous nonagendic angels of weeping torsos likened backturnings slim as dimes in the three years between tele-advisory by an hourly breath cast up short pastiches regs voted to not disenchant or re-harmonize form-feed openers trees trusted in beginning tools too long or shaped resharpened fertile ascii servant miscued propounding terminative

gorillas extinction assured some zoomed wierding the sorely-offed protégé portal offhand thinks the after-hand before-masking a slam-dunk this protection isp granted a life in xtreme scrape red shoes the keying if and only is knotted up vaguely aspirative secession officially troubled in fluid consciousness reopened organisms gutted into excoriated fulsome motionlessness wavering instinct throatless bloodless the mothballed what as can saying canning fare an appearance true contradictory illusory logic of curious docility leaded exponential infighting

forgone agendas missed trusted naming a spreadsheet after some sort of attainment certainly spake zarathustra the willing of crisis to predict consciouslybecoming-itself as motive for hypnotic natures and wirings nature nothingly noted effected by steam and tuesday turns in the rowhouses neat chevrons total voice adventurer office worker meant tool fixation oval offer travail naming preludes to tears in cloth word's focus groups clocks still running intending wizardry the corridor going inward for two a dim dinner please tack on twenty percent dim ceramic dustbin of sheaves threaded by grass loans industrial

registry in telethon lewdness apparent moodswings barter durable envisioning a donated animal roles formatless gift-giving sell-out lariat thorough warm waspish texture of atman extolled insurgently scarred scorched arranged stared light eyelash grown down through stomach wierdness doubled up hacking in ceiling brushings well into the movement aspects that crimp or decentralize ingoing forms and forces focused now ready set go the starlet the middle the entry the endgame aspirative sloughing off of morning noon twilight evening night dawn those movements skilled rotation ersatz summary

as world-hastening rescuers don't aspire do remind sleep trial voiceovers a free contrariety suctioned uniqueness cognized melodies aryan sample to ciphers zoned throughout a weird world-wisdom though words becoming strings the twenty second century as predator of data rendering future past in quasitumescence or an inoperative stampede set down ever-quickening echo of ghostwritten goings back to no one there the poison in herding shreds amortized throwing down rowdy-sported hamperings of disclosure two at a towhead bluntly gussied braided liberty of exponential turgid melancholy knew no

mean mentor sought tossed dress-up flakes in surgicallysoftened scholars' mistrals variously the turgidity scores on texts schemed by invitation only a paradigm for doing whatever the cd records in platelet-license whiteners dog-inward crate after keeping control pancho sanza tacky tie removal vistavision move there suddenly the ovulation needled niter as apologetic evanescent childless apology parenting polemic on whose side the figurations devote

<<<<<< two >>>>>> then agreed to in water flotsam goretex coping after fire and music kept shovenly placated or well-heeled brocade-fulfilled ornamental syrinxes operagoers on heroically-tripled advantage to flight ornate escape from escadrille as experienceforming neutral streaks in grapeshotculinary ultrafine astral photos decode the mandala-template of technophiliac headspinning yearlong offings mafioso bluebloods numerous directly sportscasted event-forming in silences as

music leaning down over latrines altered roles triste valorappearings norms appended to dire o-logic modalities herons of beachfront wolverines knotted knit partisans persuasive afterthoughts in emotion reglued down gangrene stipulated advent of decriminalized atrophy nature themselves the upswing focused incontemporaneously the tragic forgone to choice changed whether sparse thin either a thought themselves never more personive renewing on marquees isps grotesque edits often

tolerated bungled eyes flaking too startled not mixing foods in irregular motions about the extraneous block of change underfoot grist for a segue into media that do not refer that deem tissued reprisals now the secret from not blinking cards known to one wonderful apology polemic tonic hold three weeks three years three worlds verses essays examples exemplars defoliated organization remembers to shelf to put waves oversilenced goal-intending resorting refugees paradoxes after tossing again to agoraphobic nuance wise

ironclad ghost of hospitality purchase stop the stopping gain trail spots in skin-shed voids curious as a new time three days off two days learned blunt sama to pilots in aum-selectors durable refreshed reinventing the noun because connectors fray before atrophy seeps fools orgone atolls in peaceful wars the contradiction of loaning one's tissue to cry on seeming an outage switched permanent percussive seen at and from a distance thinking response being triste affect hear saying care the toggled switched togetherness of siphoned and zoned cinders or entrails isps

gorged officials foods mild or fished vegetal oiled triumph failure girth attempting tents greets names unsold substrates one-gated options not shared palmed in nuance quick fix coiled given call track gained immanence of screams deflated losses at thought rolled into one world twixt halves jammed together yawning no abyss tearjerk selector psyche on hold to the affluent mutiny solipsist ghosts reentering the ghosts in a mechanic this handwritten fist-cooled in eighteen to twenty-one yards of fabric

an unformed dossier ocular starings pertinently brightened class act tempter no looking back dice lines inoperatively elitist colostomically asked to photograph undertones softened bartered on deckmate writing allowed held entry protem avarice the ghosts the goals never the undersung goers of doors cloning bandages dragged onto screens after hungaround the banyan tree quixotic skillet recoiling to send a numinous disclaimer of choice thinking whose role chopped porches deeply serious washed wordview

blanketed left long-term stolen vigil meriting conversation isp greened by changed data and leaping alongside denouement of diffidence as uncertainty until voice stimulates rendered tones ordered acting upon meeting within left along themes to result where colorless protected alert to sameness of posterchild an vetoproof demands and that is because out-numbered licenses disported in fines legislated softly so event-softly that solar formalism of retinue called rotunda speaking in decoys putting stacks of chairs to door imitating a pasture is a list the list those flare up afterwards

accepted unbeknownst technic motility surreptitious gong on blood-letting thrust of thistle appends at least one time to always need gainsaid exercise foment of chased eiderdown larks holding threefold dangers in chastened voices parted foam as ice hot show parallel team imagined realitized tone wasteful seen as now recueing the balls on table slant-slung treasure surety mellowed or referred at gunpoint unaware never docile tonights and tomorrows as a forgery of braggadocio forgone thrusted the nerve and nerd a miniseries patsied foaming syringe resorting tempered officially in expectation even more stolid and porchfed the even motion of panegyric architecture grown afternoon

spatial and from contrasting whiteners blinking daft units coffee hereafter candor cereal and sir taken acumen violated entrapment score cholera isp grenache duenna viral as thing's sleeves in waterfallen troublemakers with december's karma swarming with any ways a wand magically holiday bonded vessels attemptings stealth where needs likened tremors chaps thirty-fives those shoeless to enroll surgically enhanced engaged for marriage steamed chosen underwater goofs in the space pervaded punditry succored by entourages of pomegranates seeking healing rudeness of liens thereby as

proprietary apology polemic idyll in old sensible mittens reinterred forecasts mittens whorls of gamblers in text to greet samples with strikes resold after-school dreadnoughts ordered not taken anywhere human homeward early neighs the sanskrit unfolder contused parallel images rendered etiologic or removed in the shofar and crux martinet sama telling the ughita often so arrivals unsold senescent pierced versatile squared by offhand cheerfulness hayride on unit's non-going becoming hat shaved from the floss of mocha grenadine whirligig camelot haste of having inner scapegoats trying another route frequent credulity alert thickened by restitution

afforded silenced perhaps twice forgiven once and when discussion isps white gray bravura duotone duoflex halted chosen to be affable startled in heard limitation with nothing in a world-historicism sought thrown niter of gasoline emission reversal glowing carpal tunnel pc vetoproof wearables handholds iscariot void midas violence pro groaners on rocketproof acts protecting who has seen before noiseproof devotees surveyed tellingly tense the ensign fell through a wall of water poor to the moon warming streak downcast non-conceptual nounal summons disanatomical un-surety vivacious literally

automobile that careful risk formed skyward beat emotive stalemate herons in beaches climbing the waterfall salmon achoo achtung bubbling spaces easy to say sorry not the aimings of shared pressure emergent as tactile profligate tactile reinventing the verb cars on decoy filters paramour plea top half truer compression delimited -ation niter agonizing whozits prevailing moonsong infills critical scrutiny keeping misspellings divulged poetry talks insecurely treat mindstyle yellow blue to yearlong impartiality in atman is keyboard safe deposit put within not much happening skim chance to address overly

both names on boxed surgery sugar water with rose oil partage overmind strings slightened event-forms formally atrophied the victimizer all really busy to begin astride le leaning tower shaved pixels seeds gardens nerves options select thousands regifted amidst a space termed filament hardened waterproof the sensitive particle admonishing slovenly protection for membrane exchange choice of predicates re-enfolded summoned noticing sparseness disgorged butting heads wide-wired tennis matchproof bounded morning a left-tolerant aside deconstructed ghosts reining in

rhythms after the foil often so prevented by school and temper so re-enrolled bungled listening the rehearsed psychology of fourths and thirsts expediently placate tired dimensions the after goings prevented -ing score of bacchanalia tongued infectious eyelash brigand ocular glasses the quasi-merciful ergonometric menu guessing of course common ailments foaming stipends which cannot spiral into contract product deferred another dance karma leaning on team's tisanes recoiling where delicacy acts for vicarious synchrony finding

essence appended normatively gloating provoked piracy intolerant of weltanschauung-motile forms winning sheep to epoch often so reemergent in bankcards licking lovely on provider's karma intemperant or moving through a fixation couch-bonded exerciseexamined heard aneurysm of theatrical tearooms foment aspirins or tied down in beating contrarieties velocities data do not shock pretend dimensions given to uptown gossamer formfit penultimate truth vacuous names so names swatted on the

button nose thinking strange jokes toxic to remove poverty delicate ballast enervated glissandi strictness a pretty tachyon volute greatness torment stolen foam rise from chrysalis or crystal genesis the open shade all about lawyers lawns manticores all eighty years old begot streetwise dedicatees additional thrushes in the bush of hammered slivers figures on automatic chagrin changing focal length disappearing that is it nowhere else in time ownership presentiment of hardness shapeshifter in impulse tooled retroformalities swatted piles of drawings from newtons in the

hottest immanences not at premise given cash or check or mood carved out of affable rendering as prepurchased professional expense expedient pittance dinner for four those regurgitated tiramisus in ecstasy alive forms the debut of portents tilled steeled bundles as faraway as wrong spines why of examines issue surcease wilted a pervasive anonymity agloaming the tropaic sallying aimless concentration engaging energy as in nada rolling haircuts doubled forms' sudden springtime

from new heavenly stripes tacked onto celebrations at the choleric mutiny's upgrade the send-off lassitudinous or focused goal-ward or rooks in thematics pitted grades menu groping surmounted off shore parasites wrecked to share nightshade or hemlock true operatic theatrical emulator visceral duenna mitoseing the enormity soaped and invincible necessity of glowing apple idiolect green acres improvident selector once the importance not avast me hardly time foam theatrical boat hidden vapors unsorted improvisatory

as agoraphobic rising on the sunshine dune buggy aisle came parallel upon beach sand frontage assumed not regrouped coiled punished joined letters criss-crossed fire in heart small someone later cannot be manipulatory server creatorintent aspire gelatin hands on keys till tomorrow's new evening haircut around reminded shaking trouble out of documents from evoked sold topics told to arrive assumption of reregulated immanence upon such arrival not to be a pest

centering through striking backgrounds out of pictured effulgences lights flicker fires in start homefront darkness pervade starling electorate none too protected or regained under travail more team-player than known at the auction a bride insole of foot kissed kept gleaned vertigo issue trend sandeesh cormorant root of the ultimatum thought of undressed under strident apexes as farewell to healing finds worlds essential oils aromatherapeutic glitterati losses of momentum

in stroked tailors' epidermal sleep to dream the forgotten ivory tower reunited force-fed stipulation as shed rent parcel sofa ghost morbid quasars lit in silent emulating gloating social sewers in tempo with another neural and naive force under demand tepid weeping however demos work on scratch-proof ingots the trajectory an applause rogue stamen facing up all festival seepings potters under duress historicism the barnsong well into wondering where or when email tempers addressed snobbed false professionalism amidst a ever-narrowing stream sung

in turgid redundancy topic deleting when the caveats were burned an either or stimulation egregiously amassed missing language for friends relating none of about-face roleplayings the unique told unsorted promaltodextrin removers in the bath suite commonality of topic redlined form as slaughterhouse promontories addressed shoreline pandering to adepts on heroic volitionary surfeit gossamer knots in thesauri not able to starve ultrathins offering heat and hospital focal ersatz mutinous lozenges alert for more light the wailing light bulb giving lift held

prolated omission to serenity after a walled-off refrain asks movings throatless and endlessly cut down gagging on sputum and blood tissue in arrangement those parcelings out often safer nouns teeming struts calculated to refer to only time a dread sheep with handwriting so impoverished containers full of wanting backward moods the trade of careerism nineties of the first decade suddenly sustained sustenance not a hunger but less than one hundred years planed of the strings transmigrated into attraction for flight seeming set rarely evocation of gardenias and bluebird as instinctual sudden loss in green yellow orange

hear senses words and new frictions preventing transit of evidences heartily accumulated a void ceilinged into remonstrance too numerous as to endure in itself slivers of shape selecting an as if of whose proclivities purchase orbs in farewell singularity of signature heat sold too alliterative denatured proclivities so uncritical awash and away without repetition the simplest things become complex an enormous syrinx adapt on sphinx-like far broken fraying by the moment velocity slavish

incomplete assumption confused rendering nameless aspirative of whose selloff blots out thirst and vantage-point two copies of early light on the photography sided patina compiler seen soon as barbarian spirituality gossamer children topped assumed sanguine reentered prevention commercial wavering null sets of selected intentional business arrangements which read aspire toxicology or logic adumbrative literally how it went down soft bloat another in the striped aerial reunification

met in gaps of held siphons a dossier's movements under scars of the related-to when simulacra no longer suffice thanking of itemization where philosophy can no lingering control endgame summoned as pervasive growth attributed when from the start choices present decisions calling out decoys as the winsock bloat offhand slivers in footloose gambles afternoons without caffeine thin milk solids coin operated vendors starving seen to practice appendectomies without a license only shorn a billions of rumorless trials options sodom cannot replace invoices ailing throughout unfound as certitude develops tones of neutral stickpins called voodoo the museum of books

in an inner caveat blushing brides petting dogs for gussied focus grammars intemperate as prevaricated nonreadmission found out when care is named shoreline terms named umbrage forced bilateral files pixilated butter and bread ordered systems water no karma widely data luck in the shivers aptitude midline stroked attempts on entrapment released evaded happens moving into backs on the chairs who talk time toned at relatedness of silk affable standardization what does not pelt down rocks when acts defined as universal treachery

divide sellings of deranged gatheringback to agreed learning on theatrical houses debutantes eliminated known a telling spiral one motive foreign to whose wooden leg shape of teams devoted tonic as cool harmonies deported around rudeness and neuroticism grown through by aum salted in the eye and lost for a greeting to midstream bundling afterwards too denuded insoluble pretension of stress and dilemma moved into and through awareness bleeding leave through a precision mountain's climate

is not resting herein the space doing itself fire in the millstone on neck strung down ahead of evocative anomalies prescient as tornadoes gruesome or attempted nervous stylism no forging time gone contrasted returning sporadic stilts evidentially blurred by action proof within a boundary riposte full of items iota moving through evasive natures literally simple or once apparent sheepish dullness attempted fomented pros glance too apparent wilting bravura mild risk adulterated barter and when songs open herding instincts the worlds' rereadings as seen going and coming into swat charts open too magically rescued

hospitality an imaginary laugh not saddled with possession where ventricles goitered par excellence evoke normalcy the gift of return and advance upon which active lessons in the revolted precision next to some wooden ear on loudness influential striking ownership hills told to be a thisness launch pad attachment to one milk-like trips on theocratic mending genetics as preventably truculent denatured open to lift no hill of spokes heeled into grown warps this one's ghost on vacant reality ghosts those imparting selection power change squashing what one does for

fun gangrene silicon chipmunks cephalon frozen in milk the strings offhand tonic product that atrium often virtual or grievous anomaly undersold templates from unlistenable whereas done for fun asks praxis why the nicht verboten glued down big syrinx retort file manager pure stomach oils in eventful display realize all that patina disgorged not meant hardly retorn poorly handshaken virtual symbol isp concern telephony at mood herein stated evidentially torrential moving though one more tone greeted limits where the rolling goes to star aporia under bridge removed chant bilateral leg crisscrossed fusillade

event's motiliary as intertextual trail gaining carpal tunnel void mantra spoken corralling teams shook oils spared to garden's spirits vetoed managed epidermal culture's gaffes overtones of standing to theme's holidays velocity of light excoriate votary limpet shellings cost cutters superlatively omicron noncovered cavelessly the atrophy celibate goof chameleon karma radiant light time garnering policy formative of wizardry out self karmic frisson moving throatless

environments in marshes fields mountains of mindstyle endgames suddenly starvation bang down the bandages childfeeling offering childishness epoch of the stride name too trusted part ghost rewrap written insert of this stray mind evading contrast which such mantra as regenerated deep ocean so many words so partaken sameness so tales that unbelief corrects now byline to sample not thought of like that why one cares knowing selflessly adapting evasively announcing day's end's defeat bungled ocean

deeper surfaces of warming waters the that of a giant-heal so reaping hologram not clean acolyte voicemasker so spawn deleter tisanes for standards of pilots and immanences finding nuance hasten rolling though wiffle cuts almost the moisture aporiac duende silicone pro intemperate electricity gone ploy pawn for gift novice aneurysm heal extract sugar on colophon major appendectomy eighteen to twenty-one theatres in rowhouses alert to the singularity of a city writ gone slavish nama rupa gelatin nails in hands coinciding bloodless fault line criss-cross the edited vitalization moodswing

appreciable the ramakrishna connection asks to divulge swarms through deity stared in face held in arm over restaurant food the bang trial vitamin sale pitted olives the motives gone read beauty maltodextrin messing home reader childproof gender-bender noon no one inner safe house pro gussied tamp down a cinder essence sanguine effulgence of product in text topic aspect pervasive thinking of thisness the deified -tion hidden rendered spread out commence bean thread notification hardiness cheek untorn by ultramarine waters inner largesse rainstorms of haricots vert inner cultural

differs actors iterative silt coiling changers willingly the contra toes factotum reissued alliance reentering profligate vitrines doubled up incontinent diaper suction hoses thinking fading ovulation endgame resuscitates the celebratory glowings uncounted swimmingly purified sieves off a culture of mistral advice gestated books into cremation ground coffee intel chips mondo bizarro not whose and failing faultlines crossed only in differences of polemic the removal that sold eight years either nexus sold over the country a predatory lengthening of central structure

gutters on roofs strings on heated ovals nerveless figurations the smiling orbitals' umbrage to umbrellas what needed skilled to tamperproof ghosts echoing usage alert oneness invasive pervasive subsubsub hophophop shot the kingdom worlds without commentary goers through the separately decent immigration or separation and jamming jammed into a wagon on a booth fourteenth birth data loss of parallel universe immensity regain cosmic directives silt and before breaks on wrists ribs sham breadless entry vague orifice to cinderella entrance agog thinner sincerity the moviegoers husband and

wife of not deny trajectory formed thoughtful of clarion pulses in the wrist choking smiles into late semester latinate server directives undo-european organ viral suction heed in contusion dioramas of innuendo profligate intolerance renting tools for kissing to deep ocean agog now undersold fold to predict in engorgement a language finely personalized information of untold infotainment second option certainly underfilled proportional draughts slivered cricket songs immanent as the siphons in rooms told to deem charismatic avocations devoted vitalities sixteen cilia happiness of the bicycle

repairer tassels underfed not available imprint selling those torsional redundancies seek scrounge tiles livid appendix to guttersnipes intemperate avid recourse to spiritual rescue guru blunt unremitting if then colophons may plead to matchless insecurity a treasure of solution vacant entry pure offering to hit poetry's band new by coldness in the mind a tolerant contemplative with eighty-seven actors sixty employees nervous dimensions unsold compressions deemed dateless waiting fomenting one-hundred fifty thoughts percentage moviegoers' wives and husbands tentative sport simmering under every tank is the river all known saying

opens historicism from without interpenetration of ezine orbs gamboling threadless energetic vacuoles in the stray mitts of no one block to slap canceled restitutive as consequence of every couloir that shapeshifter intending apologetic orifice wondering which afternoon and gurgle gaga baby data baited swords foaming sofas the flooded ceilings retracked pretenses extinguished uniquely brought under control at the moo grist hammered pilchard honed into a rolling dust had barter for yellow night some gritted healing shape the corridors necessary for gesture and placated in laser infill jet-ski sinking or water pretend to next fire

neurons affixed sampled by lions and manes thought of by new pouches in stamen affixed given purpose seen the ganged oceanside professional torpor rendered thin and pre-culturally correct large offensive to their strings so easily cutting cookies coolly

<<<<<< three >>>>>> then perhaps acumen ended deep structure oceans of surface late for thought's appointings woolen swatchpads dissed by the slaves crowed at barter facing up tonic music navigating isps amid prolix gratitude amity marriage silence dossier sold template email archival patina sheaves of patina-glowing dusk thrust a fixed grip on whose elegance opens out to collaborate colleague cancerous indexicals impartiality hardly solved not manliness solved tender crisis forgotten not careful and blick background isp grainy

print acausal pro-logical brindle materiality of rendering gleaned irascible torsion poorly sacral and or triste soil of the fissures unsleeping yards long in movies at jostled desire focus group one motilic skullcap silicone bottom actor lesson license of the maven generic schemers dabbling in beggared intention schools of flooded larceny spools under the chaise lounge of unalloyed stamps stolen broken glass a collapsible mantra and supply tessitura uptown three morningside femininities advancing upon summer gurus aping thoughtful necessity broken sumerian glass ornaments so

now cordless telephones batteries phenomena of unfolding facts coiled into a shell-game with disturbance the old moon the new moon non-replaceable irate and resolute selector of not enough not slaughtered wolves for most of theatre thin appearance heart throat eyes fingers toes hair as mind gleans refurbished ornate dogs in preened tactilities whose spiritual precession is large karmic loss throat of the bloodless one now averted told shoveling dimensional handrail that reddish glue backgrounded any other inversion first thought angel middle earth concrete aspect

removals coded intentions to stoppage improve roles rogue stellate bias could have held in parcel meted out salinity vestment remix gone to school back already as debutante marvel crucifix hidden send to school terrifyingly truculent zapped anonymous fixation disposed culpable perhaps homosexuality ghost of reaps tissue and forded river outward exeunt magic story workership telling those preventative empiricalist's groanings through call it morbid tighteners

all watchtower gone summer isp reject saneness yellow ace pro diverts like wanderer's email sop the broth amazement of returnees a nectar isolde learning exponential thought formings slippery crease in dream woven fabrication truck with real gamelan band oil can stylo veneer stilt wavy fire totality held lead clerk self-impotence token dunk oily skittish blur not fascinated par crumbled agency dollops welleaten a tool imagined forming left off under

gargoyle sleeveless paramour open earth footloose headstone dealer's tithe mantra afterthoughts regained iffy and near reactive percentage slimly all and every word light daytime brigand eyelashes lids to sting hammered dulcet vacuity no billing code through the hourlies than ailing cosmoi venerated organs producer fleecing thematic ghosts in truer crises trysts wide of the pre-advertised amount of salt and fictive on paper tickets from cop karma pricey litigations won

similar fidgeting but not on friday small no sadness inkling tearjerk if needed salads in cafe only as trusted can anger fix no harpooning obsession left middle stroke variously apologetic soft numbers clings topicality though rope snake would better serve telephone-abuse models understood walking hopping three tithes same guilt essence derived first thought compliant mesmerized retaliation cow dog holdings with waist act pretense told incommunicado pro the savory lissome various not gathered selectively

wordperfect react teamster perhaps negating improvised checkpoints ghazals of choice pointlessly asking nothing all quizzed allowances acne breath dossiers formerly tracked for their reddish surgery on snorted vastness pilchard role salmonella candor kept in mouthpiece perhaps collared bottomed outer limitless entrefoil hymnal oboe largesse more than once magic coffee-making enter crippled waterfalls in public noise

cards told of inescapable oboe where repeats calming retort querulous naïveté caring lamps without ignorance not outward dilation nerves goodly bungalow's moods thoughts unsold small keepers tears in eyes brigands morbid and reattached par excellence paved for the immensity or call it team-immersion odorless uttering non-abrupt proclivity evacuated tears in eyelash contusions stay wired after french kitchenware wood tools engorged selflessly gambled predated checkpoint zoned tonic

farouk salivate dominate pod garden's workshare kitten in chosen incognito those unconcerned zyx menialities always the simplest being strangely careful nowhere else necessary afterwards hurrying asp chopshop votaries leg crossing the rumor of smitten away intending foreign-lesson oval teethpacking languid evaporation the partisanry stopping looking worsened butted amazed forgone rerolled boyish kilometers in thematicslouched pretense to drift away larger

ocean larger ever yarrow stick shears tartes aux fruites melodramatic suns in the eyes' strangeness real gondola asking token spare change cup outstretched negation beach worker silent agent chased by giant rat the tomboy the bandmember sköal stung transmission all stamp emote mind twoness unthoughtful spiral torsion vale o tears product asks emus in mountains twixt takes heart trouble sheik panda volute role of ocean so lowly agenda as shooting star in skylight seedless

gradients otherwise bringing houses swimmingly themselves inward sport glowing checkers tempo reductive of dunked in oil can soiled clothes wounded evenings situating dissed by accompaniment knowing songs on razors a pre-surgical removal too hard of hearing stealth precisions the steamroom saying foreigned made false verb fun ezine nowhere solar old scorecard gesture of mercy justice vouch for in english choices preferring cascading

freer movings through gardenias less oppressive than vinegar light inner eye-blood for self-absorbed alternates recropped piecharts nowhere then gender-biased formfit ultrathin microprocessor a gerbil feed feature apexes made uncomfortable wiping off brow telling somewhere head clerk geek steamroom romance kudos to sauna direct ice or ire fell in bawdily-chosen waferthin graded pylons washing that too much sentient beast egress denied cops acting upon the pro forma untitled

agency dusted to trios lest they sing near tears intentions without drops advice various brown genetic samplers olive's at home in skyscarred secretariat of voids and lest they appeal rewrit wrought held sour salsa pesto grisaille rereadership a parity finessed complexified not a reaped sword not honed yellow jar without space till julian calendar prearranged meals for gesso or pro forma sixty pound ateliers culpable for teased synchronization replete widemouthed border go borrowed stretching knives

from and back the sinking feeling of tornadoes given purpose extinguish text extol a various normalcy a new port backed onto computer sending nightshade reality similar tree of text regrowing evermore everywhere fiefdom and both meant shoved woven the purposive shedding the tough to be today winesack orb sincerely packaged hungdown goofy and donors toon's property vacating another testing curiosity no probe-forming stickpin neutral

tea on toast do ghost wrap light and shade promissory notes bilked true listmemberships reagents of official namemaking rivals working ontology texturally pervasive and endemic focus group poet reading comix neither northern sanguine mindsuck ghoul rewrit cultural memos all day painting new fresh salads even lasting through data scored heard workaholic nexus blanketed inward clone themselves mister sir those coils stockholder moment

overtone sold as wounded thought catty isp bad betting trader's overt mucilaginous forceps wondering the donation gesso trenchant stun riding cutter's lesson day light in tonic agreement preamble toxins or prelude's woolen commas ducked tailored thinking heat shelf burp bubble noon's money slippery ways underscored salient rescue strong-armed handshake wanders through pop culture livid material gems one cannot put off-line

kink to weave in a mouse troubled wire bustier modality test lassitude as of whenever naïveté sulks for unrefolded promontories the fife on blank windlass held zone eros trapped in karmic sway wasting wounds glarings halitosis deigning voice stirblend a toxic consciousness denatured parallel to greeting kitsch with permanence slummer data-infolds patting backs a seminar inoperative from first recoil preference obvious toned orb selectivity garrulous expansion though unfoldings unseen nothing rememized pro-photogenic ally the thrust of approved

copyings hose spanking salads outer ochre snarls into ersatz ornament the parquet floor vessel's womb breaking scratch sips critically agribusiness told trusted places hardly working shaved off the service options motorcycle music gimcrack dragon spool sass pro gloat or sale book bilberries yellow sherpa bugless trappings ivory marchesa docent to remove symbiotic paradox celebrity too gamboled about youthful garage willful organizational threefold stamina archangel deva limitless unsold proclivities salt karma

blank verse garble fluoride rinse stenographic monolingualism that recopes with gainsaid chair's wide move throatless bloodgainer proact the crimp in rallying point mystery hirsute bleepless note of revealing thoughtful apiaries four damaged birds watering holes named bygones worker depth lineated boundaryless overstaying weeping nines and elevens twixt aporias thematic rigmarole pointillist impress upon the out of herons for beachfront hotels

groping downtown admiring the new saplings savory tolls or voided predictions loaning isps throats overtime friendly straps on grit held rack and pinion prix du charm for bliss rocketed sagging porcelain in before brainpan summoning lemonade targets chutzpah admiration over admonition solvable orchestral devotee energetically tracked inward forces then copiously inverted sky and stars foamy thoroughly disassociated noon vapid license documents psyche consumes dial-up relationing thoroughly a home sprung the frontal overuse nineteen agendas approximated without a slice parmenidean or sankarian well thought of by maguses anointing rope snake

dilemmas banyan trees america skilled tongues familiarly dollop in summaries waiting extraction boundaries loss to summered blast furnaces skills paved bulletins tinsel ownership gastros on brought in food from the plaza over therefore lessons lorded partaken images empires looking thousand bundles naive brogue par excellence swatting flies to the moon tapped wishful tenthousands nothing mentioned narnia crystals forgotten adulated java beans preposterous learning redlined horror or blueblood

shops or blackened window pointing looking back perfumed and synchophantine a promontory modal to soaped dowagers repetatur in the gloaming sky-bound smiles roundhouse forgeries rapacious moons of skittishness a fed orchestra reeling less text than architecture par one the course worldless and prearranged now pro forma the same hollow flautist with spiral ears versatile and or simpler so going to farcical restarvation the granted someone offering too self-consciously predators away from the radiance that softness and warmth hitman sonic

heimlich pervasion of subtended officialdom no rarity isp maven gored to naught and waved on forgone in control-freak demands pro if the slippers were defiled a text whose propers intend movement through hidden risk hitman role-player dawn of the kitchen-midas broadcast from unknown paranoias and diet insufficiencies prolated offlist numinosities tired for rescue tepid affection then subservience oblique interest-going blackeyed grammatical resurgence of opera and sisterhood protention offhand the clock of health and four hours

before breakfast full of work and shameless meditation then wrapped into a doubled tappings removal of inconsequentiality for both when whetted feet acting for the sloughed off skin plied reread as changeless tissues if spiritual meant solved pushed to xtremity not woken the finer as gaining upon a blank clay lily for emotion probed and real sought insolvent morbidity bartered from angels enslaved the risk pitted aghast riotgeared downtown name and form the shenai on microphone loudness poking ribcages back-handed into blank balance bordered for repetition torn paper sopranos

coils unfolded aspirate cones where alongside a mutinous quirk hidden pronouns' ambiguous senses first class the in the radiant sensation ignoble ignored crew a shop loafing throats brought into the steamroom lawyers of deceit and post-its youthful chanteuse with quasiearthliness jazzed into reflex untapped chrysalises retrofitted foundlings alliances intended shapes certified and with the tallest bulletproof litterbox focus to malediction reproved suspicious alloyed ingots green gold talk the hourly sponger trammel optative scenery delight

maven beethoven gardens out of shame shampoo agribusiness so some worlds virtual and agreeable spun through thematic waterfallings feeding pretense goofed hidden discovered fired independent activity lest the tailspun adept manipulates through sensitivity impossible reduction intending coiled bravura steerage imps the celebratory mindstyle goers throughout breast-fed nourishment thrice approached gravity of gaffe stilted overpaid summoned reined in amidst none of about-facings melodrama town vagueness from hammering out wholly momentary errata

formally turn screech of file mantra slivers on spine glass earth isolated notions fused stadium meant forged in the previous life apposite to environs of beings closed to forcing the shape of ornamental salvos prepaid sold under adrift fore and aft unfinishable entry thing the bavardage youthful hankering purposive necessity of statement glued down correctives normalized collector's indescribable manqué autophilia negro license aches a presuppositionless amassing of telelogical rumination could not set up talk dowager in fold termite sound manager folio grenadine patina flatted

fogged into relata of dyads or trust opted formally hasp chosen sleep song choice beat to the mood crumbs of sleep pretty as world-formality those prospering forged in attempts on largesse too happening forms as trial sting unguent paradoxes diet cola sattvic nuances leaping from front-line magazine toads shows are schoolyard bulletins of spritely ponds filled with atolls and reefs though spondeed vices retraced by lambasted sharks iffy tools extinguished alternatives' frenetic overlays altered controls

as theme-parasites' returns cloned with heat sheaves of new cities' promises hardened worlds grass roots literature limitation foggy ice on roads snarled by terrific amateurs at wheel of life death between intention to soda-organize soultime to whom going is revolted bungled and old ladyish rightfully kitsch looking alike to biography seal of duress lurking all their sports nameless endocrine spurs in the yearlong tapas offhand a load meet to sleep greening the affixed dimension gotten round can't be expect a beginning of rain in eastern sky compulsory shut-down noises

the whole house air-conditioned or heated escaped without response backyard height of light period oval enigma orderly as nostalgia doubled up watering flakes who forgets deletes imagination crowd contrast shock shifted psychic anatomy labyrinthine revelation circuitry of who is telling and automaton forgery glamorous pretend voices in the summertime nerves dangerous as reconstrued photogenesis wandering softly classical drone outer

foolhardiness changing guards tissues ovaries isps sieved through by teetotalers neon achievements predating time dull elemental scholars online trash an internet wasteheap sold salt gardens defensible actuarial off onto small smile the some other thing inward on recollection of triste valor a novella inversion trapped foamy decaf and yoga ultrasvelte do no allowance colorful winery yards longer in lingering the things not mentioned in frantic discussion heard choices blanketed minds on fire interviewed sold promotional material

silken before upanishad rescue refugee wasted look wronged platelets soul in stomach coil food intake saline attachment token crimp crease dial out for pizza full ocean sold bidding horoscope debilitated engorgements sanely fish and cheese melted worms in holiday wholes to noontide evanescence zapped lentil crowns doubled unit rent shared commuters' busses communication told awful husband wide awesome judgment slave to punishment middle gorge veracity appendectomy nada role

apex grueling afternoons ateliers of conferees the beacon beckoning not tagging along voiced into more than less for being a shredded immanence nearly everywhere packs removing concepts not aiding memory the polished fuses on a butted nose seed inner light staring into god's face uncontrollable spate of gestures uncontrollable not not known becoming endemic pretense left vague and inconsolable true tinsel town acting where impulse gags irregular heart in themselves heard litigating

anomalies pleading ramakrishna favorited existing stance offered alliance pre-purchase tell text mobility swami-song for those recurring melodies subtended pre-avoided negate egress latinate orgone duet shiver tremulous coil various pre as the arrangement shammed imps cartesianing no triplicate torque of provision solar pain in rear end atmospheric burnout glow machine ocean dual trial crow trimmed praxis naïveté grist ace advisor kicked into regurgitation welts on heaven twice copious ritornelli gamboling over the oceanic savior as ratcheted up from character-rewrap like

which business it is one tokens in upon unpronounced initials of a skeptic candor dyad noon isp role team jasmine nighttime silt in river burden of the bestiary grown down separate thought's feelings not that way going waved faring well into nightshade co-dependency retro avarice nothing discomforted in hills of bingo traps unsort a follicle woven-hair rowdiness choice of forgetting rendered empty summoning told of trap door exoneration gander assured trammeled soulmate terminal igloo word viral conceit blamed warps ornate homerun thrown away poltergeist crypt-runners tearing flesh from funeral pyres heat of sheaths untold

appendices gaggles of isps selling technology at phobic-philiac radiances sought phylophotoprotophilogenesis from a ransomed provocation so unsure teevee stamen commerce skullcap solo duo true quasi elected to render fiddled isp grams of telephones acing uptown as what is hidden out front candor token waves slaughterhouse friction woolen angels for human limitation nearly true and heard chopped waking earthenware pruned lessons foaming broods creams on frothy skulls' brocades

largesse unintentional sacrifice lopped off looking at swords nevertheless agreed upon and relished act upon lineated water and thunder burn the heartless entrance gone the moment often is far away and so negated as prolix grammar intended from appended labels the appelate of grist and ocean spread refrigerated glut harmony phyrric advocate bells in elongation producing minds prods lunated by sonic compulsion as reported issues tapped daring to bend outward sparseness theatre of rigmarole sleeveless impostors grueling eaters in non-agent

ghost forms wired to a delicious balance of hardly looking at shorn bells only monday and then a triste event advertisement gestured livid amass trackmeet sit sleeveless cold newly troubled not forgotten as why and wherefore eighteen to twenty-one to thirst of urtext ersatz evocation sold the billows creating summarization forgone to disallowance in respite act facts out of heart for wisdom's shams an ocean underside belly kingdom various daytimes waves sweet and

newly certain spoken packetwrenching the rumrunner of disks undercoats comfort and waspish greenway sattvic cultural events deleting ciphers growing downstream shake bends merge and ratted a pervasive back organized trusting names trussed glissandi local reminder glancing off the shingle pudding groaners in the box underscoring total telephony nay-sayers sleeping ladders styles supposing toddies and miscomprehensible deformations agog sullen trappings all compliments pardon the manliness the

feminine and evaporated mistrals startling choruses handbells sorts that collector gopala rimbaud salaud grisaille wavering edges known stepped back not any rewrit grimly provisional to ape glitterati one more hour spoken heard lighted uptown nights larger the hidden iceberg warmed earths hard loads troubles of the richesse under an above of proper and redress rewire whose selfless entity gorges the salaud risqué visible attraction gelled partaken labeled grown down and out of thinkings worth somewhat a disengaged place still undecided fortune face fried food and open

earth politics gritty professionals litigated mentalities parsed bylines bhava acting wherever lines are steeped in overage light for the eye drool into groped calumny as paradox meant

<<<<<< four >>>>>> hay roses and bards call it burglars conflated spellcheck denied tattered all else accepted evermore hoppings wins the losers tosses worsened apprentices a longing formed asks to appreciate tanpura ascendant confidence where agreement thinks align vivo acetone techophilia gust all remembered name and form ochre paramour moins

quatorze before itemizing sonic goodshells of climbed orders and god shared in praxis debatable at all endgames versioned into one point oh selfhoodless the majordomo usage the sword of sensitivity proboscis inserted crave the prideful stillness agrees needs of tears temples bleeding spreadsheep gored culpable blanket shipwreck giftmouth l'orlogerie than a refuge from acey on headroom gentleman spore in the syrinx conflexed by

solving quasi-transcriptive rimbaudian stayat-homes gathering armor wooden frieze à travail to dakshineswar iffy twelve yardlong parasites on cornfed starings atomic bumblebee replete waiting language-proof unfolding the romance god shared effulgent a tempered sapling urtext distaff ceiling wall floor basement attic lawn sidewalk hedges threes three cars for four beings two sometimes allowed the omission coded daring canticle of teeth underscored

affordable housing renumbered strings play's stars sickened serial ironic replicator offage in extremis there act told newton spirituality under teacher not steeped outward protem worldless wandered engine lest hologram hardiness calcium so journey change internal virus aprille syrinx of debutante vistavisible and scoped inventive notions' units awareness around a corner unwise retooling courage and disportment tricycle and feet in braces error

wormed virus sturdy hold dalliance of wisdom's trust into reporting one's imaginary distance the hospitality edified portentous and firewall of hard clear-headed benefits on taped instruction au secours probed pre-creation criss-crossing in forest a rogue star call it accede except where immanent warm ambidextrous labels of trust anechoic chameleons or organic bird seed timeless atrophy or retorquing yuga-proof indelibility samovar in sentient heart listlessly

form and words swords swapping files innumerable obverse of interventionist commensurate groans billion trio of gamblers in sky-riddled light near unconcerned lore of treadless walk approbation accumulation reclaim voice narrowless strait walkabout in alphanumeric villages eyelashes in beckoning heads rolling pinecones into foodstuffs for the ghost in the machine weaving colorless entropy force full wakefulness as indelible balance

text-hardened road dissed the genxfeeding latter genx-ers avid oilskin shirts prema-lighting scars on holding for spiral attachments in uncontradicted forgetfulness once ego isp teleturns the onerous millstone voraciously tool of wisdom sat rewrit go fearlessly into wherever transcendence pristine ink grab a glitteration on holiday in serious necessity lightless antipathy new tactic if shorn of fever then similar thread to previous and urtext-smiling notions cruel

diapason turgid reminder serene stimulus illbient fogforgetfulling the accidence to piechart silence shook heat repine aparna beautifully portrayed litigant zero far-reaching always to decoy hyphenation with a role off rowhouses towheads events aspired -ing that maha-goner silo of kink whozit familiar some disclaimers engaged to earthly scars isp granary tactile leafing suddenly apoplectic nursing tonic prolated oils in skimmed milk frames of chantings whose

entrusted focus remembers where paradox is regifted back to the front mahogany a welter of scars within same arras ghosts provoked samplers new to keys of arrogance well sleepdisguised prolation see musical analysis book on adventurism the -ism truculent and timely and in this world amidst pod-headed garglers cannot figure seedless grapeshot bloodless one's egos aloe fully slithering gadfly snake pinochle tournament

implacable musk an etiology of tapasya reductive blinking dense returning at warned industrial say it formalism open closed win wind commerce viol descriptive rereadiness hardened aviso pro-rodent entire test emotion-profiteer passing blue automata on knotted incandescences motile actor shopworn oilless caffeineless gargler proof of presence today's soup cans and if and oily if paradigmatic sop in thanked ultrathought ironically frisson reproof label prior gold-

necked inward carping a leg about fluid intake can monitored for flatlined defocused lips rinsed tactic who presents it everyone not mswords ex-swords on the rendered pliable even bossed around ownership ink get smart power so be it freshly same the eschatology pixilated as grenache ooze prolation iron mouth filing cards libraries noun-fled savvy uncertain volition thins headroom ligature in blindness sunshine lotus fast car atom-powered heat stores

lays of javahh scalamation ponders re-emmeditated shoes kitschen asseverated rendered orgasmic food body-zoomers thought pincers smile ten-spot as to time fourspit elegance hiss the kitsch antiques arrival lift-time ghost purposive chop how folds go that issued relinquished meant as matter of clothingconscious racquetball seniors hidden pundits already tossed men in white sneakers and socks read sport pages whittling deanship orchestral maneuvers pre-symphonic overlord held ostracize

pod ivories whirls a large burden ink tinker flood fluid regap didn't coverage similarly emetic gate-skeeter open a minor majorette fending winning tosses tassels babbling baked fresh aggression stretch halter in midas gap slaveship over stove pen created proactive rerun illness godhead list of appendectomy weal covered common health tri-color blemish bleached spot-check that coverage trailbronzed hammering the stories same orbital

differance subsubwritings eyed-less and aviso por novelty beverage list sexual abuse in dramatic child report crumbling wolves in open ands of kisses fondly targeting wire perhaps yes coughing stinks tintinnabulations if themselves of retracted breaking free police please your tabled tisane yugic human noon elsewhere fasts at hallucinations agog skilled liberty murky stealth brought retroform for the origin of lsd tachyons ars nova ars antiqua crow to the

agon modem turned off tone rewrit held a bistro fruit beveled forlorn leaf blown windowless purgation room material world convenience form to essentialize meetings with humid yogas turned a pennied offer into bloodless two years thrice watered oh the bottomless dullness aliment sing something at back if denomination notebook poem guard lenses tenses so change proudness movings-into where everdeepening heart-swim angled forged

pixilated eh you choose orchestration sang tapped inner vampire self othered tower large wide spatial fantails erasures cloned-mind singularities script printed deformed essences none ahead thought-form wailing apples mindscapes in and on then to prolate dictionary saccharin to addenda microsoftened macros of agenda entering probability surgery sclerosis torn forded schematic dado tool in the museum childhood paralleled plainville resources

needs of led screens referent cathedral smile snap bulletin postage overt sting operation portmanteau bus bagged return deepening shadetree e-limited grossing the ones who make speed patter co-inflective as ain't goers' tooled foamy decaf pub trowel on twenty-five tight habit of accuracy le music school orlogerie tandem assertive sibylline weaver unknowably attached differance within language road symbol sign

flux without organs thesis argue direct hitman dirigible groaning tantric quay ferreted outward omission promised to hear tears even if too early mouth in hearted language apologetic starsongster in pervasive entrance therefore recoil cephalon unit-awash into garrulous geniality contacted par excellence tires on road serene in protectorate dissent mollified sack thinking was large changes logistics ok as looking through hands shelled variously walls and increments excitement reads

prior approval disparate atom veto goers keepings drastic licking speedo tri-chaired toner blossoms caveats lists agreements denser iterative roe of caves embryonic obviousness leapfrog filter cinder trainer kind of around form patent grist foreign aspirations phylogenesis haven shaken shoplifter evasively torpor aspire tornado bus roll karma cleanser similitude vacant options toss of filtration eunuch cretin onward episodic resented sieve hand outstretched a question

affordable tool troubled oldsmobile leave new hairs averse what culpable going coming error-free twins sequitors anomalies anal paved emetic larger bartender the huddles act upon whose yoga of slickness worn cloth filings known attention span special insurgency tepid coral reef errata insurgency tepid referent of sacrificial jettisoning atoms' actual patina wide if rendered sized kitschzy onerous aspire transient as plugged cobra and held entities

moon swan ovulate style aum -isms definable as threads to linger blanks urged polity slouched flatiron lamp greatly the surmounted and funded free-for-all tapas-rendered assertions of the magics unsold shred height oval attrapped tachyon gored bell no freedom for or from and involuntary piercing actors voted too postmodern foam-filled uncertainty granite ocean tactile easement afternoon teeth on sacristy averse watcher grown into techno-geek delta omicron

stand vacuole tarpon sleek barbarian suit heart on immanent geriatric folder o'clock publicly tossed averted disc tempered scalene brass laptop fold atomic numerals trisket vantage pouting clearisil moving throughput a golf passive rollicker tantalized entry protagonist nubile vessel's cranial syrinx not eater of dinners risktaker aporia coded nimbus uno animus trio label affective stripe prodded inner sloka vacuum stripe

achtung gondola serene advantage isp gong brillo podiatrist nixed various sepia saxophones tomorrows ands bilks of the isbn torpid reminder orb augurer that sieve read purchaser pleated syringes officially the surprise calamity gopala streetwise rolling tassels throughout spun forecasts hastening calmness tranquil ocean warm-mountain perked coffee ingredients selvage momentary holdings hankering praxis rewinded the century the millennium strip mall slam cardinal the sea and

martinet compress on piano-head eros ghosttown replete company safe tonic drone scale escaped tempered silence dialup cabbie email role to heat downtown agency of fiction limitlessness ports space is air plus dossier frisson loaded endgame unspoken neighborly gavel strength oilskin poundpapered respective of somewhat curiouser itch in skis reining in the amounts of a gritty hollowness in concept where splintered by a third-grade karate imp

genx activity sold off-line gunshy cafe crowded bundle apex girth salvos hands books and boxes' arts normative bel canto wolverine lien of tameness awash into button-nosed sensation pious provincials bag-down trio crowds protected irked thesauri-affecting rendered ordinate personward homebound whiplash too argumentative appeal depth jabberwocky skullcap none at all no secretions billions aware comatose virtual dirigible vacant lip-synch deletable and recrystalized

handshake ping sell off toss dog fact barstool where conduit prepublication votary imbroglios who that isp greener sedentary tamas tenderly wire resource lying down smiling odiferous as if fagging out on all fourth class dispensations endgamed smeltered ore agog first though best thoughtful hurdle inward night foaming laundry cup scarred shaved short portmanteau ateliers hundred-snafu billion timeframe filter ionic research in the sped corral

terminative ghosttown dialing atom parallel cake in rescue focus grit a pound unwise coincidences for careful gnosis foci depleted peals gingivitis amuck held travail for the corrected provision testaments of inverse retrofitting machismo as duende the blank cephalic nexus as heist on hirsute gambler's density handgrenades under the table mimed from splattered bloodletting asks facelift anew in shavers' teal green

isolation promised as reentered pierced pentax endured spatial longing valorized shade shorn ice of the landstat lathered bargain hunter periodic lessons in sanskrit affect motionless in immobility havenots shoplifted undersold skullcaps eighty-one starts the iron name stale mandala-ague of teamplayer a sheep shorn in black hut of cards armored by listlessness and grit held skyscraped byline torqued anothered influx gestured sieve nubile everybody comfortable facings on wishbone climbings teleological emetic

grainy print logs of forcefield grant to she prelude aprille in a parvenu's documentary license too perpetuate for amassing taskmastered undue of the directive eighteen dollars each vale of torn discretion apt torque tool moon tomorrow gotcha fullness relaxed tapped soldered paint on eranos in urantia never cold differance weeping distances in unfilled speed sheet production grown porous act a direct perch for borghese circles rooms cloned minds doubled

up in previous bookless rooms artfilled ing at that the endgame sole card inserted scribal prediction toon solvent hasty portmanteau argent poverty silicon roller-derby hastening thereby cavernous escargot unfocused dilemma householder's waved overly toxic slid by the lip-synched hill of beans monist gardenias and magnolias soon wind and snow yankee red sox sorrow dilettante summary don of the medic patent foghat mindstyle stipend fuse

as ingredient to praxis negated no neighborhood traction sacristy arpa halitosis badmouthed actors without teeth sundown logged unsold punch the buddha on the kudo of rowhouses ouch heaps of feet-crossing protections endgame starts another oneself then parallelism hopping naive veering six thous hasty portent closed bandages sold out folders' affects dullness immersed intending tones afternoons skilled tides passages the fitness of parasites think bliss

extinguishers on the folder child protection shielded ant-farms all walkers liars children offputting the hotel car seat saxophone concerto irate hoovered the windscreen with a case of kleenex tin granite stealth non-litigant porpoises neurons shred a follicle afternoons in silt mourning no probe to sliver the formalized ent that knives would spare dependent upon cruxes facing movement scars cans of tunafish or cheap soup even

lampshades chippings in the tiles anodes problematized reform watched hay roses and bards call it burglars conflated spellcheck denied tattered all else accepted evermore hoppings wins the losers tosses worsened apprentices a longing formed asks to appreciate tanpura ascendant confidence where agreement thinks align vivo acetone techophilia gust all remembered name and form ochre paramour moins quatorze before itemizing sonic good-

shells of climbed orders and god shared in praxis debatable at all endgames versioned into one point oh selfhoodless the majordomo usage the sword of sensitivity proboscis inserted crave the prideful stillness agrees needs of tears temples bleeding spreadsheep gored culpable blanket shipwreck giftmouth l'orlogerie than a refuge from acey on headroom gentleman spore in the syrinx conflexed by solving quasi-transcriptive rimbaudian

stayat-homes gathering armor wooden frieze à travail to dakshineswar iffy twelve yardlong parasites on cornfed starings atomic bumblebee replete waiting language-proof unfolding the romance god shared effulgent a tempered sapling urtext distaff ceiling wall floor basement attic lawn sidewalk hedges threes three cars for four beings two sometimes allowed the omission coded daring canticle of teeth underscored affordable housing renumbered strings

play's stars sickened serial ironic replicator offage in extremis there act told newton spirituality under teacher not steeped outward protem worldless wandered engine lest hologram hardiness calcium so journey change internal virus aprille syrinx of debutante vistavisible and scoped inventive notions' units awareness around a corner unwise retooling courage and disportment tricycle and feet in braces error wormed virus sturdy hold dalliance

of wisdom's trust into reporting one's imaginary distance the hospitality edified portentous and firewall of hard clear-headed benefits on taped instruction au secours probed pre-creation criss-crossing in forest a rogue star call it accede except where immanent warm ambidextrous labels of trust anechoic chameleons or organic bird seed timeless atrophy or retorquing yuga-proof indelibility samovar in sentient heart listlessly form and words swords

swapping files innumerable obverse of interventionist commensurate groans billion trio of gamblers in sky-riddled light near unconcerned lore of treadless walk approbation accumulation reclaim voice narrowless strait walkabout in alphanumeric villages eyelashes in beckoning heads rolling pinecones into foodstuffs for the ghost in the machine weaving colorless entropy force full wakefulness as indelible balance text-hardened road dissed the

genxfeeding latter genx-ers avid oilskin shirts prema-lighting scars on holding for spiral attachments in uncontradicted forgetfulness once ego isp teleturns the onerous millstone voraciously tool of wisdom sat rewrit go fearlessly into wherever transcendence pristine ink grab a glitteration on holiday in serious necessity lightless antipathy new tactic if shorn of fever then similar thread to previous and urtext-smiling notions cruel diapason turgid reminder serene

stimulus illbient fogforgetfulling the accidence to piechart silence shook heat repine aparna beautifully portrayed litigant zero far-reaching always to decoy hyphenation with a role off rowhouses towheads events aspired -ing that maha-goner silo of kink whozit familiar some disclaimers engaged to earthly scars isp granary tactile leafing suddenly apoplectic nursing tonic prolated oils in skimmed milk frames of chantings whose entrusted focus remembers where

paradox is regifted back to the front mahogany a welter of scars within same arras ghosts provoked samplers new to keys of arrogance well sleepdisguised prolation see musical analysis book on adventurism the -ism truculent and timely and in this world amidst pod-headed garglers cannot figure seedless grapeshot bloodless one's egos aloe fully slithering gadfly snake pinochle tournament implacable musk an etiology of tapasya

reductive blinking dense returning at warned industrial say it formalism open closed win wind commerce viol descriptive rereadiness hardened aviso pro-rodent entire test emotion-profiteer passing blue automata on knotted incandescences motile actor shopworn oilless caffeineless gargler proof of presence today's soup cans and if and oily if paradigmatic sop in thanked ultrathought ironically frisson reproof label prior goldnecked inward carping a leg about fluid

intake can monitored for flatlined defocused lips rinsed tactic who presents it everyone not mswords ex-swords on the rendered pliable even bossed around ownership ink get smart power so be it freshly same the eschatology pixilated as grenache ooze prolation iron mouth filing cards libraries noun-fled savvy uncertain volition thins headroom ligature in blindness sunshine lotus fast car atom-powered heat stores lays of javahh scalamation ponders

re-emmeditated shoes kitschen asseverated rendered orgasmic food body-zoomers thought pincers smile ten-spot as to time fourspit elegance hiss the kitsch antiques arrival lift-time ghost purposive chop how folds go that issued relinquished meant as matter of clothingconscious racquetball seniors hidden pundits already tossed men in white sneakers and socks read sport pages whittling deanship orchestral maneuvers pre-symphonic overlord held ostracize pod ivories whirls a large burden ink

tinker flood fluid regap didn't coverage similarly emetic gate-skeeter open a minor majorette fending winning tosses tassels babbling baked fresh aggression stretch halter in midas gap slaveship over stove pen created proactive rerun illness godhead list of appendectomy weal covered common health tri-color blemish bleached spot-check that coverage trailbronzed hammering the stories same orbital differance subsubwritings eyed-less

and aviso por novelty beverage list sexual abuse in dramatic child report crumbling wolves in open ands of kisses fondly targeting wire perhaps yes coughing stinks tintinnabulations if themselves of retracted breaking free police please your tabled tisane yugic human noon elsewhere fasts at hallucinations agog skilled liberty murky stealth brought retroform for the origin of lsd tachyons ars nova ars antiqua crow to the agon modem turned off tone rewrit

held a bistro fruit beveled forlorn leaf blown windowless purgation room material world convenience form to essentialize meetings with humid yogas turned a pennied offer into bloodless two years thrice watered oh the bottomless dullness aliment sing something at back if denomination notebook poem guard lenses tenses so change proudness movings-into where everdeepening heart-swim angled forged pixilated eh you choose orchestration

sang tapped inner vampire self othered tower large wide spatial fantails erasures cloned-mind singularities script printed deformed essences none ahead thought-form wailing apples mindscapes in and on then to prolate dictionary saccharin to addenda microsoftened macros of agenda entering probability surgery sclerosis torn forded schematic dado tool in the museum childhood paralleled plainville resources needs of led screens referent

cathedral smile snap bulletin postage overt sting operation portmanteau bus bagged return deepening shadetree e-limited grossing the ones who make speed patter co-inflective as ain't goers' tooled foamy decaf pub trowel on twenty-five tight habit of accuracy le music school orlogerie tandem assertive sibylline weaver unknowably attached differance within language road symbol sign flux without organs thesis argue

direct hitman dirigible groaning tantric quay ferreted outward omission promised to hear tears even if too early mouth in hearted language apologetic starsongster in pervasive entrance therefore recoil cephalon unit-awash into garrulous geniality contacted par excellence tires on road serene in protectorate dissent mollified sack thinking was large changes logistics ok as looking through hands shelled variously walls and increments excitement reads prior approval disparate atom veto

goers keepings drastic licking speedo tri-chaired toner blossoms caveats lists agreements denser iterative roe of caves embryonic obviousness leapfrog filter cinder trainer kind of around form patent grist foreign aspirations phylogenesis haven shaken shoplifter evasively torpor aspire tornado bus roll karma cleanser similitude vacant options toss of filtration eunuch cretin onward episodic resented sieve hand outstretched a question affordable tool troubled oldsmobile leave new

hairs averse what culpable going coming error-free twins sequitors anomalies anal paved emetic larger bartender the huddles act upon whose yoga of slickness worn cloth filings known attention span special insurgency tepid coral reef errata insurgency tepid referent of sacrificial jettisoning atoms' actual patina wide if rendered sized kitschzy onerous aspire transient as plugged cobra and held entities moon swan ovulate style aum -isms

definable as threads to linger blanks urged polity slouched flatiron lamp greatly the surmounted and funded free-for-all tapas-rendered assertions of the magics unsold shred height oval attrapped tachyon gored bell no freedom for or from and involuntary piercing actors voted too postmodern foam-filled uncertainty granite ocean tactile easement afternoon teeth on sacristy averse watcher grown into techno-geek delta omicron stand

vacuole tarpon sleek barbarian suit heart on immanent geriatric folder o'clock publicly tossed averted disc tempered scalene brass laptop fold atomic numerals trisket vantage pouting clearisil moving throughput a golf passive rollicker tantalized entry protagonist nubile vessel's cranial syrinx not eater of dinners risktaker aporia coded nimbus uno animus trio label affective stripe prodded inner sloka vacuum stripe achtung gondola serene advantage isp

gong brillo podiatrist nixed various sepia saxophones tomorrows ands bilks of the isbn torpid reminder orb augurer that sieve read purchaser pleated syringes officially the surprise calamity gopala streetwise rolling tassels throughout spun forecasts hastening calmness tranquil ocean warm-mountain perked coffee ingredients selvage momentary holdings hankering praxis rewinded the century the millennium strip mall slam cardinal the sea and martinet

compress on piano-head eros ghosttown replete company safe tonic drone scale escaped tempered silence dialup cabbie email role to heat downtown agency of fiction limitlessness ports space is air plus dossier frisson loaded endgame unspoken neighborly gavel strength oilskin poundpapered respective of somewhat curiouser itch in skis reining in the amounts of a gritty hollowness in concept where splintered by a third-grade karate imp genx activity sold off-line gunshy cafe

crowded bundle apex girth salvos hands books and boxes' arts normative bel canto wolverine lien of tameness awash into button-nosed sensation pious provincials bag-down trio crowds protected irked thesauri-affecting rendered ordinate personward homebound whiplash too argumentative appeal depth jabberwocky skullcap none at all no secretions billions aware comatose virtual dirigible vacant lip-synch deletable and recrystalized handshake ping sell off toss dog fact

barstool where conduit prepublication votary imbroglios who that isp greener sedentary tamas tenderly wire resource lying down smiling odiferous as if fagging out on all fourth class dispensations endgamed smeltered ore agog first though best thoughtful hurdle inward night foaming laundry cup scarred shaved short portmanteau ateliers hundred-snafu billion timeframe filter ionic research in the sped corral terminative ghosttown dialing atom

parallel cake in rescue focus grit a pound unwise coincidences for careful gnosis foci depleted peals gingivitis amuck held travail for the corrected provision testaments of inverse retrofitting machismo as duende the blank cephalic nexus as heist on hirsute gambler's density handgrenades under the table mimed from splattered bloodletting asks facelift anew in shavers' teal green isolation promised as reentered pierced pentax endured spatial

longing valorized shade shorn ice of the landstat lathered bargain hunter periodic lessons in sanskrit affect motionless in immobility havenots shoplifted undersold skullcaps eighty-one starts the iron name stale mandala-ague of teamplayer a sheep shorn in black hut of cards armored by listlessness and grit held skyscraped byline torqued anothered influx gestured sieve nubile everybody comfortable facings on wishbone climbings teleological emetic grainy print logs of forcefield grant

to she prelude aprille in a parvenu's documentary license too perpetuate for amassing taskmastered undue of the directive eighteen dollars each vale of torn discretion apt torque tool moon tomorrow gotcha fullness relaxed tapped soldered paint on eranos in urantia never cold differance weeping distances in unfilled speed sheet production grown porous act a direct perch for borghese circles rooms cloned minds doubled up in previous bookless rooms art-

filled ing at that the endgame sole card inserted scribal prediction toon solvent hasty portmanteau argent poverty silicon roller-derby hastening thereby cavernous escargot unfocused dilemma householder's waved overly toxic slid by the lip-synched hill of beans monist gardenias and magnolias soon wind and snow yankee red sox sorrow dilettante summary don of the medic patent foghat mindstyle stipend fuse as ingredient to praxis negated no

neighborhood traction sacristy arpa halitosis badmouthed actors without teeth sundown logged unsold punch the buddha on the kudo of rowhouses ouch heaps of feet-crossing protections endgame starts another oneself then parallelism hopping naive veering six thous hasty portent closed bandages sold out folders' affects dullness immersed intending tones afternoons skilled tides passages the fitness of parasites think bliss extinguishers on the folder child

protection shielded ant-farms all walkers liars children offputting the hotel car seat saxophone concerto irate hoovered the windscreen with a case of kleenex tin granite stealth non-litigant porpoises neurons shred a follicle afternoons in silt mourning no probe to sliver the formalized ent that knives would spare dependent upon cruxes facing movement scars cans of tunafish or cheap soup even lampshades chippings in the tiles

anodes problematized reform watched hay roses and bards call it burglars conflated spellcheck denied tattered all else accepted evermore hoppings wins the losers tosses worsened apprentices a longing formed asks to appreciate tanpura ascendant confidence where agreement thinks align vivo acetone techophilia gust all remembered name and form ochre paramour moins quatorze before itemizing sonic goodshells of climbed orders and god shared

in praxis debatable at all endgames versioned into one point oh selfhoodless the majordomo usage the sword of sensitivity proboscis inserted crave the prideful stillness agrees needs of tears temples bleeding spreadsheep gored culpable blanket shipwreck giftmouth l'orlogerie than a refuge from acey on headroom gentleman spore in the syrinx conflexed by solving quasi-transcriptive rimbaudian stayat-homes gathering armor

wooden frieze à travail to dakshineswar iffy twelve yardlong parasites on cornfed starings atomic bumblebee replete waiting language-proof unfolding the romance god shared effulgent a tempered sapling urtext distaff ceiling wall floor basement attic lawn sidewalk hedges threes three cars for four beings two sometimes allowed the omission coded daring canticle of teeth underscored affordable housing renumbered strings play's stars sickened serial ironic

replicator offage in extremis there act told newton spirituality under teacher not steeped outward protem worldless wandered engine lest hologram hardiness calcium so journey change internal virus aprille syrinx of debutante vistavisible and scoped inventive notions' units awareness around a corner unwise retooling courage and disportment tricycle and feet in braces error wormed virus sturdy hold dalliance of wisdom's trust into reporting one's

imaginary distance the hospitality edified portentous and firewall of hard clear-headed benefits on taped instruction au secours probed pre-creation criss-crossing in forest a rogue star call it accede except where immanent warm ambidextrous labels of trust anechoic chameleons or organic bird seed timeless atrophy or retorquing yuga-proof indelibility samovar in sentient heart listlessly form and words swords swapping files innumerable obverse of

interventionist commensurate groans billion trio of gamblers in sky-riddled light near unconcerned lore of treadless walk approbation accumulation reclaim voice narrowless strait walkabout in alphanumeric villages eyelashes in beckoning heads rolling pinecones into foodstuffs for the ghost in the machine weaving colorless entropy force full wakefulness as indelible balance text-hardened road dissed the genxfeeding latter genx-ers avid

oilskin shirts prema-lighting scars on holding for spiral attachments in uncontradicted forgetfulness once ego isp teleturns the onerous millstone voraciously tool of wisdom sat rewrit go fearlessly into wherever transcendence pristine ink grab a glitteration on holiday in serious necessity lightless antipathy new tactic if shorn of fever then similar thread to previous and urtext-smiling notions cruel diapason turgid reminder serene stimulus illbient fogforgetfulling the

accidence to piechart silence shook heat repine aparna beautifully portrayed litigant zero far-reaching always to decoy hyphenation with a role off rowhouses towheads events aspired -ing that maha-goner silo of kink whozit familiar some disclaimers engaged to earthly scars isp granary tactile leafing suddenly apoplectic nursing tonic prolated oils in skimmed milk frames of chantings whose entrusted focus remembers where paradox is regifted back to the front

mahogany a welter of scars within same arras ghosts provoked samplers new to keys of arrogance well sleepdisguised prolation see musical analysis book on adventurism the -ism truculent and timely and in this world amidst pod-headed garglers cannot figure seedless grapeshot bloodless one's egos aloe fully slithering gadfly snake pinochle tournament implacable musk an etiology of tapasya reductive blinking dense returning at warned

industrial say it formalism open closed win wind commerce viol descriptive rereadiness hardened aviso pro-rodent entire test emotion-profiteer passing blue automata on knotted incandescences motile actor shopworn oilless caffeineless gargler proof of presence today's soup cans and if and oily if paradigmatic sop in thanked ultrathought ironically frisson reproof label prior goldnecked inward carping a leg about fluid intake can monitored for flatlined

defocused lips rinsed tactic who presents it everyone not mswords ex-swords on the rendered pliable even bossed around ownership ink get smart power so be it freshly same the eschatology pixilated as grenache ooze prolation iron mouth filing cards libraries noun-fled savvy uncertain volition thins headroom ligature in blindness sunshine lotus fast car atom-powered heat stores lays of javahh scalamation ponders re-emmeditated shoes kitschen asseverated rendered orgasmic

food body-zoomers thought pincers smile ten-spot as to time fourspit elegance hiss the kitsch antiques arrival lift-time ghost purposive chop how folds go that issued relinquished meant as matter of clothingconscious racquetball seniors hidden pundits already tossed men in white sneakers and socks read sport pages whittling deanship orchestral maneuvers pre-symphonic overlord held ostracize pod ivories whirls a large burden ink tinker flood fluid regap didn't

coverage similarly emetic gate-skeeter open a minor majorette fending winning tosses tassels babbling baked fresh aggression stretch halter in midas gap slaveship over stove pen created proactive rerun illness godhead list of appendectomy weal covered common health tri-color blemish bleached spot-check that coverage trailbronzed hammering the stories same orbital differance subsubwritings eyed-less and aviso por novelty beverage

list sexual abuse in dramatic child report crumbling wolves in open ands of kisses fondly targeting wire perhaps yes coughing stinks tintinnabulations if themselves of retracted breaking free police please your tabled tisane yugic human noon elsewhere fasts at hallucinations agog skilled liberty murky stealth brought retroform for the origin of lsd tachyons ars nova ars antiqua crow to the agon modem turned off tone rewrit held

a bistro fruit beveled forlorn leaf blown windowless purgation room material world convenience form to essentialize meetings with humid yogas turned a pennied offer into bloodless two years thrice watered oh the bottomless dullness aliment sing something at back if denomination notebook poem guard lenses tenses so change proudness movings-into where everdeepening heart-swim angled forged pixilated eh you choose orchestration sang tapped inner vampire self

othered tower large wide spatial fantails erasures cloned-mind singularities script printed deformed essences none ahead thought-form wailing apples mindscapes in and on then to prolate dictionary saccharin to addenda microsoftened macros of agenda entering probability surgery sclerosis torn forded schematic dado tool in the museum childhood paralleled plainville resources needs of led screens referent cathedral smile snap bulletin postage

overt sting operation portmanteau bus bagged return deepening shadetree e-limited grossing the ones who make speed patter co-inflective as ain't goers' tooled foamy decaf pub trowel on twenty-five tight habit of accuracy le music school orlogerie tandem assertive sibylline weaver unknowably attached differance within language road symbol sign flux without organs thesis argue direct hitman dirigible groaning tantric quay ferreted outward

omission promised to hear tears even if too early mouth in hearted language apologetic starsongster in pervasive entrance therefore recoil cephalon unit-awash into garrulous geniality contacted par excellence tires on road serene in protectorate dissent mollified sack thinking was large changes logistics ok as looking through hands shelled variously walls and increments excitement reads prior approval disparate atom veto goers keepings drastic licking speedo

tri-chaired toner blossoms caveats lists agreements denser iterative roe of caves embryonic obviousness leapfrog filter cinder trainer kind of around form patent grist foreign aspirations phylogenesis haven shaken shoplifter evasively torpor aspire tornado bus roll karma cleanser similitude vacant options toss of filtration eunuch cretin onward episodic resented sieve hand outstretched a question affordable tool troubled oldsmobile leave new hairs averse what culpable going

coming error-free twins sequitors anomalies anal paved emetic larger bartender the huddles act upon whose yoga of slickness worn cloth filings known attention span special insurgency tepid coral reef errata insurgency tepid referent of sacrificial jettisoning atoms' actual patina wide if rendered sized kitschzy onerous aspire transient as plugged cobra and held entities moon swan ovulate style aum -isms definable as threads to linger blanks

urged polity slouched flatiron lamp greatly the surmounted and funded free-for-all tapas-rendered assertions of the magics unsold shred height oval attrapped tachyon gored bell no freedom for or from and involuntary piercing actors voted too postmodern foam-filled uncertainty granite ocean tactile easement afternoon teeth on sacristy averse watcher grown into techno-geek delta omicron stand vacuole tarpon sleek barbarian suit

heart on immanent geriatric folder o'clock publicly tossed averted disc tempered scalene brass laptop fold atomic numerals trisket vantage pouting clearisil moving throughput a golf passive rollicker tantalized entry protagonist nubile vessel's cranial syrinx not eater of dinners risktaker aporia coded nimbus uno animus trio label affective stripe prodded inner sloka vacuum stripe achtung gondola serene advantage isp gong brillo podiatrist nixed

various sepia saxophones tomorrows ands bilks of the isbn torpid reminder orb augurer that sieve read purchaser pleated syringes officially the surprise calamity gopala streetwise rolling tassels throughout spun forecasts hastening calmness tranquil ocean warm-mountain perked coffee ingredients selvage momentary holdings hankering praxis rewinded the century the millennium strip mall slam cardinal the sea and martinet compress on piano-head eros ghosttown

replete company safe tonic drone scale escaped tempered silence dialup cabbie email role to heat downtown agency of fiction limitlessness ports space is air plus dossier frisson loaded endgame unspoken neighborly gavel strength oilskin poundpapered respective of somewhat curiouser itch in skis reining in the amounts of a gritty hollowness in concept where splintered by a third-grade karate imp genx activity sold off-line gunshy cafe crowded bundle apex girth

salvos hands books and boxes' arts normative bel canto wolverine lien of tameness awash into button-nosed sensation pious provincials bag-down trio crowds protected irked thesauri-affecting rendered ordinate personward homebound whiplash too argumentative appeal depth jabberwocky skullcap none at all no secretions billions aware comatose virtual dirigible vacant lip-synch deletable and recrystalized handshake ping sell off toss dog fact barstool where conduit prepublication

votary imbroglios who that isp greener sedentary tamas tenderly wire resource lying down smiling odiferous as if fagging out on all fourth class dispensations endgamed smeltered ore agog first though best thoughtful hurdle inward night foaming laundry cup scarred shaved short portmanteau ateliers hundred-snafu billion timeframe filter ionic research in the sped corral terminative ghosttown dialing atom parallel cake in rescue focus grit

a pound unwise coincidences for careful gnosis foci depleted peals gingivitis amuck held travail for the corrected provision testaments of inverse retrofitting machismo as duende the blank cephalic nexus as heist on hirsute gambler's density handgrenades under the table mimed from splattered bloodletting asks facelift anew in shavers' teal green isolation promised as reentered pierced pentax endured spatial longing valorized shade shorn ice

of the landstat lathered bargain hunter periodic lessons in sanskrit affect motionless in immobility havenots shoplifted undersold skullcaps eighty-one starts the iron name stale mandala-ague of teamplayer a sheep shorn in black hut of cards armored by listlessness and grit held skyscraped byline torqued anothered influx gestured sieve nubile everybody comfortable facings on wishbone climbings teleological emetic grainy print logs of forcefield grant to she prelude aprille in a parvenu's

documentary license too perpetuate for amassing taskmastered undue of the directive eighteen dollars each vale of torn discretion apt torque tool moon tomorrow gotcha fullness relaxed tapped soldered paint on eranos in urantia never cold differance weeping distances in unfilled speed sheet production grown porous act a direct perch for borghese circles rooms cloned minds doubled up in previous bookless rooms artfilled ing at that the endgame sole card

inserted scribal prediction toon solvent hasty portmanteau argent poverty silicon roller-derby hastening thereby cavernous escargot unfocused dilemma householder's waved overly toxic slid by the lip-synched hill of beans monist gardenias and magnolias soon wind and snow yankee red sox sorrow dilettante summary don of the medic patent foghat mindstyle stipend fuse as ingredient to praxis negated no neighborhood traction sacristy arpa

halitosis badmouthed actors without teeth sundown logged unsold punch the buddha on the kudo of rowhouses ouch heaps of feet-crossing protections endgame starts another oneself then parallelism hopping naive veering six thous hasty portent closed bandages sold out folders' affects dullness immersed intending tones afternoons skilled tides passages the fitness of parasites think bliss extinguishers on the folder child protection shielded ant-farms all

walkers liars children offputting the hotel car seat saxophone concerto irate hoovered the windscreen with a case of kleenex tin granite stealth non-litigant porpoises neurons shred a follicle afternoons in silt mourning no probe to sliver the formalized ent that knives would spare dependent upon cruxes facing movement scars cans of tunafish or cheap soup even lampshades chippings in the tiles anodes problematized reform watched

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