Period 3 - Slide Show

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  • Words: 1,525
  • Pages: 24
Seasons In Iowa we have 4 seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Spring- During Spring, there is usually a lot of rain. The temperature isn’t to hot and it isn’t to cold. Summer- During the Summer, it can get really hot. There’s usually not a lot of rain. Fall- During the Fall, the leaves are falling of the trees so we have to do a lot of raking. The temperature is getting colder. Winter- In the Winter, we do a lot of shoveling because it snows a lot. It gets really cold during the Winter.

What Music people listen to NOW A lot of teens in America listen to Hip Hop, Rap, and Hard Rock (Extremely loud music). But, a lot of adults still listen to music from 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Maybe you have heard of the music group “The Beatles” they were a really famous music group in the 60’s and 70’s. It kind of depends on what age you are to decide what you listen to. In the US we have awards for the best songs of the year. The event is called the Grammy’s.

Favorite Websites 

YouTube - I love to go to YouTube because that is where you get to watch music video’s and other video’s that people make. Also you have your own channel which allows you to make video’s. YouTube Myspace – On Myspace you can make your own channel and put pictures and post blogs and comments on other peoples channel’s. Myspace is a lot like Facebook, which is another website that has all the same things. MYSPACE Meebo/AIM – Meebo is a website where you can talk with your friends if you log onto your AIM account. AIM is a instant messaging system that allows you to talk to your friends, you can also make a profile some what like a Myspace. MEEBO

From my research in a couple of classes I have found that the most popular sports are Basketball, soccer, volleyball, American football, baseball, track, softball, tennis , marital arts, golf ,and ice skating. The favorite teams are Bettendorf Bulldogs (the high school team here), Fusion (a soccer team), Minnesota twins (a baseball team), Chicago Cubs (baseball), Notre Dame (football), bears (football).

Schedule TA 7:56 – 8:11  1st Math 8:15 - 8:57 We are learning geometry.  2nd General Music 9:01 – 9:43 We are learning how to play guitar  3rd Social Studies 9:47 – 10:30 We are learning about Greece.  Lunch 10:30 – 10:55  4th Language Arts 10 :59 – 11:41 We are learning vocabulary and Reading.  5th Language Arts 11:45 – 12:27 We are learning vocabulary and Reading.  6th Physical Education 12:31 - 1:21 We focus on fitness.  7th Science 1:21 – 2:03 Minerals and natural processes.  8th Computer 2:03 – 2:45 We are learning how to be better typers 

Bettendorf Bulldogs Rule!!!!!


1. Thirteen Reasons Why By: Jay Asher 2. Madapple By: Christina Meldrum 4. Harry Potter By: J.K. Rowling 5. Twilight By: Stephanie Meyer Compound By: S.A. Bodeen

The Dark Knight o Twilight Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen o Baby Mama o Mamma Mia! oGet Smart o


American Holidays 

The holidays that we celebrate in America may be similar or very different compared to what you celebrate in Australia. To start off, during the winter, the 25th of December, we celebrate Christmas. Christmas is celebrated because that day is the birth of Jesus. We also celebrate the Fourth of July. Of coarse, like it sounds, its on the 4th of July. We celebrate that because of our independence. (that means on our own) That holiday is in the summer. Another one that we celebrate is Thanksgiving Day. That is on the 4th Thursday of November, the day we give thanks to people. That holiday is towards the end of fall. The last holiday I am going to tell you about is New Years. During this time, we celebrate the beginning of a brand new year. This celebration begins on the last day of the year called New Years Eve, December 31st and ends on January 1st. I hope you enjoyed this slide and I hope you learned that our holidays can be very different.

Our School Our school has over 1000 students in our school and 100 teachers and staff. Our school mascot is a bulldog We get graded with A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s and F’s. We have a lot of clubs like, Science cube, the Red cross club, Art clubs, The Society of Historical Mysteries and intramurals like basketball, football and dodgeball. After every period we have a have 4 minute break to get to our next class or to talk to you friends. For lunch you can have regular lunch, pizza lunch or alternate lunch

Famous People and Celebrities      

Brad Pitt: famous actor for movies Taylor Swift: famous singer Johnny Depp: famous actor in movies Bill Gates: creator of Microsoft Billionaire Hannah Montana: Famous singer and actor Stephen Robert Irwin: “The Crocodile Hunter” dead  from Australia 

2008-2009 School Year Calendar Au gu st August 11th School starts.

December Dec. 18 - End of 2nd quarter and 1st semester. Dec. 22- Jan.2 winter break. December 25Christmas.

April Apr 8 – Early Release April 10 – No school, Break. April 12 – Easter





Sep. 1 - No school Oct. 10 – End of 1st quarter. [labor day]

Nov. 4 – Election Day Nov. 4 - -Early Release

Sep. 10 – Early

Oct. 13 – No school


Oct. 31 – Halloween/ Nov. 27-28 no school. Student Thanksgiving Break teacher conference day.

January Jan 5th – Begin second semester. Jan 19th – No school Martin Luther King Day.




Feb 11 – Early release.

Mar 12 – End of 3rd quarter

Feb 13 – No school in-service

Mar 13 – No school grade reporting.

Feb 16 – No school, presidents day.

Mar 16- 20 – Spring Break.

May 22 – End fourth quarter

May 27 – August –

May 22 – End of second semester.

Summer Break

May 25 – Memorial day.

This is our school!

Sp on ge Bob Squ ar eP ant s- A s how wh er e the t wo cha ra cte rs Sp on geB ob an d Pat ri ck ann oy t hei r audition in a contest by singing and the best singer nei gh bor Sq ui dw ard

American Idol- A show where people

wins and the people who watch can vote for their favorite singer.

iCa rlyBones-A TV show about two people, Booth and Bones, who investigate crimes to try to figure out who and how that person killed them.

A sh ow where tw o g irls nam ed C arly and Sam h av e a w eb sh ow o n th e inte rnet

Made- Everyday people getting changed into something that no one would ever expect

Facts on The Mississippi 

   

Second longest river after the Missouri, in the United States Rises in Minnesota and flows south Enters the Gulf Of Mexico Lower section is subject to Horrible flooding The River formed a pathway for the settlement of the Central United States

 

He is a mix between Black lab and a Great Dane. 20 months old He helps kids cope with tragedy He is a friendly dog

Pets we have in Iowa We have •Dogs •Cats •Birds (such as parrots) •Gerbils •Ginny pigs •Hamsters

Some of America’s favorite Vacation Spots are: • Mexico

• Adventure Land

• Florida

• Las Vegas

• California

• Hawaii

• Texas

• Wisconsin Dells

• Disney Land Resort

• Washington D.C.

• Disney World

• New York

• Six Flags

• Alaska

• Yellow Stone Park

• Arizona

This is a picture of a beach in Mexico

Before money can be used it must into the Federal Reserve includin g coins!

We have many dollar bills which include 1’s, 5’s, 10’s and even 2’s, but that dollar isn’t used very much Penny any more! By the way, our Quarter government just recently updated a $0.01 few of the bills. Look at the picture $0.25 to observe the bills, did you notice that there is a president on them?





Population 

In Bettendorf middle school there are about 1,000 people in this middle school

Our mascot 

Our mascot is a bulldog because our team is named Bettendorf bulldogs.

Grades 

6th: this Is the first grade in this middle school because the elementary schools they only have five grades.

clubs 

The clubs are fun activities that they go after school or during school. It give kids an opportunity to try new things.

activities 

Clubs, art club, basketball, football and volleyball.

buildings 

The elementary schools are Armstrong, mark twain and Hover, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Norton and Grant wood. Older schools are middle school and high school.

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