PERI CAR DI AL F LUI D ACCU MU LATI ON Accumul ati on of f lui d i n the peri toneal sac may be watery or p rude bl ood . Two types:1. Pericardial effusion 2. Haemo pericardium
PH YSI OL OGY • Normally, pericardial cavity contains 3050 ml of clear fluid. • Considerable quantities of fluid (up to 1000ml)can be accommodated in the pericardial cavity without seriously affecting the cardiac function if the accumulation is slow. • But sudden accumulation of a smaller volume (upto250ml) may produce deficient diastolic filling of the cardiac chambers (cardiac tamponade)
DEFINITION Accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity due to non-inflammatory causes is called hydro pericardium or pericardial effusion
TYPES 1. Serous effusions 2. Serosanguineous effusion 3. Chylous effusion 4. Cholesterol effusion
SER OUS EF FUSI ONS • This is the most common type • It occurs in conditions causing generalized edema. e.g: CHF, renal, nutritional and
hepatic causes.
• The serous effusion is clear, watery, straw-colored with specific cavity less than 1.015
SER OSAN GU INEOU S EF FUSI ON Serosanguineous Effusion is fond following blunt trauma to chest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
CHY LOU S EF FUS ION Milky or chylous fluid accumulation occurs in conditions which causing lymphatic obstruction.
CHO LES TROL EF FUSI ON Cholesterol Effusion is a rare type of fluid accumulation characterized by the presence of cholesterol crystals such as in myxoedema
2.HEM OPE RI CARDI U M • Accumulation of pure blood in the pericardial sac is termed haemopericardium. • The condition must be distinguished from hemorrhagic pericarditis in which there is escape of small quantities of blood into the pericardial cavity. • A Massive and sudden bleeding into sac causes compression of the heart leading to cardiac tamponade
HAEMOPERICARDIUM causes • Rupture of the heart though a myocardial infract • Rupture of dissecting aneurysm • Bleeding diathesis such as in scurvy • Acute leukemias • Thrombocytopenia • Trauma following cardiopulmonary resuscitation or by laceration of a coronary artery