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sociation of the
President Martin Romualdez
into Harvard UDiversitry in now koowrr as Republic House Minority Lead(RA)10754 or dn act erer ind Quezon-R€p. Mees, USA. Act GA)10754 the Cambridge. CamMdse. Mess, Quezon R€p. DaWhen he wai con- exDanditrq the beoefits nilo Suarez, wbo cbairs DeoDle. .on public accounts, said IIEHT*1lT"i#"/",'#; iiil{+}T"r,Hr?x"sn disabilities. in Leyte,lt-"rfu,lis Romualdez with ddz as rs;*."tru*; Sidaker of the s":$H the endorsement endorsenent -tfof massive inEarlier, several so- thePa*y-list Reps. Party-list R€ps. JeduJerjq- 18th Condress. We have supporied supporled oassive Earlier, RomualSaia to Romualinfrastruc- lons said rhe the impressive Mayor Sara tttor MdnAo;a'A";ki;, Mdnalo of'AnEkl". woitea hi-; i" Co". Co"- u"'idotJ"ts ia infrastrtc;;;k"a-*ith ritl titure that spurred and untainl,ed track dez will steer a more Anthony Bravo- of gress and he iE Dot oDly "eJi:oten* COOP-ItATCCO, and i principled and compai- progrees and d6velop- record of Romualdez as productive and responpublic eervant servaDl, wlll wtll sive iive lIouse chamoion6d a bublic Cecilia Chavez oi Butil ei;nate Ceciliq eir;nate leader but a imi. irni- inent. inei't. Ee He championeil House of Represenand former ReDs. Cat- fi,'ins DreseDce who can 6mall boeinesses And in- woik to bis adyantage to tatives supportive of tbe aliua "Babv" Pi'zarro of a'cti-vely steer PRRD€ dustriee itr his district become lhe Sieakei. President'e legislaiive tao si agerda. ABS and l\iariano "Non- legislaiive agenda fpr and tJre plight of -dis4d- lMabuling ttlirtt :ffe'tias no cor-. " "We aeed comPoteDt oy' Piamonte of A- eh-anse u"a J3".fop-.ii ""Uai.tie per- ruptioD issue aod thet and hooeet man as Eector-s of society, i"eacher, erpreesed be- i; iF; country," theJ "rrtt"g"a-da ;n Ro;ualde;, sode witb disa6iliiies will work on his advan- Speaker liLe- Congressiei nooirr"t,iez is capa(PWD8), senior citiz€nE, tage. Wala tayong naba- Dan Rorlualdez.+fc{ae ble of effectivelv imil€- "[*,r"la a three-t€rE Leyte conl - -'- -- iu. ii"liv aaa the poorl utiaa divan [av"Ma*io good Public relatjoDs antl oiinii"i-ili t"ita-"fi* agenda-of Preeiilent Ro- ""i""--;". Romualdez earned O!€ ;f his be-nch- na hihdi 6agenda,- said D-o derogatory- iasue aiieJ bute.t. in the his Bacbelor of Arts de. mark legislation8 duri-Dg CaloocaD City Rgp. Congtess bill be very oe*i tbree years. sree froo Cornell Uni- Cle 161f, Corgress wai Edgar Ence, a member lnterestiDg_sith hi€ T'hey said Rodualdez, iereitv iD lthaca, New the pagsage if Houee of ahe House oppositlon- lead€rsbiP. He i8.good. a lawier aad preeideni York ioa studiea iaw at Bill dIB)Jd39, a law er- ist Magnificent 7 after responsible,. very -bright PWD8 from Davao eity Mayor Sarq aud intelligent," said of l,afue-Cbistias Mus- the Universiw of Philip- edptingta! qutqlte, dhairp'erson- of Suatez on Romualdez ii- bi-o-riJ tbMn), ii""l tupi i; Diunair, paSiing -value-addfd -e";i *iu fJ. iooa iiuai" il,i City. He .notas ri i,r' cditain goods and !.he Hug4qg Ng Pagba; w-ho served as the head oolicv mak- dertificatd for Soecial gerviceg. Tihis was bago (F[NPI, endorsed of the House indepen"er-"L^"ir" and will 6osuie that Studies i'Il Adminis#ation gigned into lqw la6t Romualdez as l,he next dent bloc of the previConsress. important piCee of leg; and .Managernent .froil -M-arc! 23;.2016 and id $peaker' ..1u€ 16tb 4*-41>22 +'- NE\^lf
islation are Das8ed
law for f_or the b6nefit of