People Like Us (plus) Kolkata, Annual Activity Report 2007-08

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PLUS annual report



Representing the experiences and realities of marginalized and vulnerable adolescent and young boys and transgender in India, PLUS (People Like Us -Kolkata) is a support group of young gender variant people working for the promotion, protection and advancement of adolescent and young men’s health and rights, especially their sexual and reproductive health and rights, toward ensuring their meaningful participation and perspectives at all levels of decision-making.

PEOPLE LIKE US (PLUS) home) COORDINATING OFFICE 254, BONOMALI BANERJEE ROAD (GROUND FLOOR) KOLKATA – 700082 WEST BENGAL INDIA TEL: +91 33 2402 9305 Emai: [email protected] Email:[email protected] Website:





Forward from the President As the president of People Like Us (PLUS) KolKata, I am pleased to present this report to all of you. This report is a record of the work that we and our partners have undertaken to address sexuality, identity, sexual health & rights, participation and well-being, concerns both in Kolkata and elsewhere. While presenting this fifth year annual report we must thank all of our member and staff for their hard work through out 2007. This year presented many challenges and changes, and brought many wonderful opportunities as well. Thank you to all of our funders and individual donor and partner organization for once again allowing us to achieve our goals, we rely on your generous financial and technical support to continue to involve marginalized adolescent and youth and transgender in exercising their rights. PLUS founded in 2001 and formally registered in March 2003 is a non governmental, community based and led organization. PLUS works with and for the community and strongly believe that the participation ideology has given tremendous inputs and inspiration to the organization to continue working for its cause. Its incessant endeavor towards fight for social justice has received much accolade and appreciation globally. The last two years we have seen exceptional growth and development in the organization’s initiatives and can be termed as its defining period. The expansion is in terms of magnitude of work, staff and volunteer strength and expertise, our growing membership, liaison with partners and stakeholders, increase in fund and resource allocation and last but not least, consolidation of communities belief and faith in organization’s efforts and philosophy. On the threshold of yet other new initiatives, we believe that still a lot remains to be spoken of the unspoken. However, it is true that a sole organization and a handful of people cannot sustain this Herculean task. The entire community needs to unite as a shield against such injustice. We at PLUS sincerely hopes that each individual would feel obliges to support the organization and its cause to render the whole movement meaningful. Coming years are equally important for us. We already identified our strategic thrust are and hope initiate new innovative approach. Beside that a bunch of our founder member soon graduates and we are waiting to welcome these new fresh bloods into our new age work… Welcome back home… Thanks! Subharthi Mukherjee President People Like Us (PLUS) Kolkata


From the Executive Director Desk

From Behavior Change to Behavior Development: The new initiatives The year 2007 was a dynamic one for the People Like Us (PLUS) Kolkata. It marked an exciting chapter in the PLUS’s organizational history, as we were officially opened up our transgender shelter home for crisis intervention, first time in Asia as well as in India in November 2007. The year also saw new opportunities and partnerships, an incredible number of trainings and activities, research and publication, films and music video for advocacy and campaign purpose as well as the introduction of new members and staff. In our fifth year of existence our commitment to organizational development was also underscored this year with the development of a new Strategic Plan for 2008-2011, where we have added new strategic vision for the organization. In our health and rights program we always focused on behavior change communication (BCC) as primary activity. But until and unless we talk and focused on behavior development no changes happen in long term. We are poor, marginalized, belongs to lower cast, uneducated, unskilled, unemployed, and furthermore our gender expression and sexual orientation are different. If all of a sudden we have to change our behavior what will be our motivation? Why we will change? What will change in our life if we change our behavior? Actually nothing will change in tangible. Behavior development is a holistic approach to address the issue of people with marginalized sexuality to counter violence, exploitation, economic and social empowerment, decent livelihood and thus facilitate the responsible behavior and change. All things considered, it has been an exceptional year of sexual rights advocacy, collaboration, activities and training for PLUS. We have worked hard to ensure that the rights of marginalized gender variant youth and adolescents are protected and respected, and that young people are able to participate meaningfully in the decision-making that affects their lives. We dearly appreciate the support of all the organizations and individuals with whom we have worked throughout 2007. Special thanks to United Nations Development Program (UNDP) India country office for all of their generous support, without which we could not have achieved so much. Within this report, we have broken down our activities according to the thematic implementation of our activities. These are Crisis intervention, Leadership development, Sexual health program and STI and HIV Management, Advocacy, Trainings and Workshops, Organizational Development, Communications, Research and publication. We always makes certain that our activities are in line with the goals and objectives that we have set for the organization, and that they adhere to the principles and values we dearly respect. Looking forward Agniva Lahiri


Executive Director People Like US (PLUS) Kolkata

Annual report 2007-2008 highlights Last three years of systemic evolution, experience and learning, PLUS kolkata has arrived at a juncture where it is continuously creating models of good emerging practices to be disseminated among stakeholders across all tiers, particularly the state, adoption and replication. The elaboration of the following organizational initiatives (Programmes) will elucidate the aforementioned. Before delving into the core programmes of the organization it’s important to mention that PLUS Kolkata does not believes in departmentalize approach in its functioning. The programes are overlapping and require constant exchange of information within. This interdepartmental flow of knowledge, information and skill makes the organization transparent and answerable to its cause and objectives. The core Programmes are as follows:

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Prevention and protection of adolescents and young boys and transgender from sexual exploitation , violence and unsafe migration Crisis intervention Prothoma: the transgender walking shelter home Sexual health, STI and HIV prevention project Youth and AIDS Advocacy Project Community communication initiatives Advocacy, Networking , Training and research The other activities( visits, paper writing, PLUS in the Press and media, conference participation etc)


Prevention and protection of adolescents and young boys and transgender from sexual exploitation, violence and unsafe migration Koti/Chakka/Gandu/mitha chaul/gurh/Luanda” is the South Asian term used to denote males with feminine demeanor that is effeminate males/ males with feminine gender construction. This adolescents and youths are victims of social stigma and gross human rights violations, and as a result face serious barriers to joining mainstream occupations. This has led to a situation where, in the absence of any other alternative, many join the “hijra” (eunuch) community and undergo illegal, secret and crude castration operations at great risk to their lives. Anecdotal evidence puts the number of deaths due to castration at 50% of those operated upon by quacks and “surgeons” with questionable credentials. In alternative they join the troop as a Luanda dancer and migrate to Bihar and Uttar Pradesh predominantly from various part of West Bengal and in the name of dancing in the rituals they were forced into prostitution and face brutal violence. Their livelihood option as Hijra or as folk entertainers put them at grave risk of physical assaults and violence, sometimes leading to death, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and rape, other hate crimes and increasingly now, risk of HIV infection. In spite of traditionally accepted but marginal social space from ancient times and a visible presence during festivals, celebrations and public ceremonies, under 18 and under 21 this boys have never been recognized as a vulnerable and at risk population with special needs with regard to basic rights of survival, development and protection as laid out in the United nations convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC). The community based prevention and protection program came into being 2 Drop In center because in 2006 PLUS kolkata conducted a comprehensive action research in with boys aged 15 to 24 vulnerable to prostitution, unsafe migration and 70 People on violence. The newly initiated structural prevention and protection program average visit started with the idea of providing a safer space to the community. Today it regularly has evolved holistic integrated programme encompassing education, counseling and skill development to ensure the rights. PLUS intervene into the community with the drop in centre model. PLUS having two DIC service include drop in center in Kolkata one in North kolkata opened 24 hours a day seven days a week where as our resource center is also Educational used for DIC purpose in south Kolkata with specific days and Assistance timings. Every day almost 120 drop inns are gathered in the DIC Health assistance on average. Saturday and Sunday special meeting is being Legal assistance organized where people can perform and small discussion took Counseling service place. Special days and event also observed in the DIC. Carrier oriented counseling and course Beautician course and service Local news paper and magazine Films show and popular music Dance classes Study circle Observation of special days

In 2007 we have build strong partnership will local, regional and international organization and network for our work and advocacy. We have established strong communication with the


ECPAT international and UNODC. We have participated UNGIFT south Asian regional consultation on combating trafficking in October 2007 and presented paper. In locally we have build partnership with Sanlaap, apne aap women’s world wide network. In 2007 we have also observe several special days such as women’s day 2008, VAW week , International Human rights day, world AIDS day, International Youth Day, independence day where we have organized special events. Eminent personalities interact with communities and performance being presented. We have developed two posters on Violence against women’s fortnight as well as international women’s day.

Crisis intervention PLUS has been actively intervening in the crisis faced by the gender variant male and transgender community. In February 2007 PLUS opend one telephone help line that are answered by the crisis team made up largely of community members, but also include staff. The crisis team responds instantaneously to crises and if needed Sangama lawyers are asked to intervene. The majority of the crises occur due to confrontations with the police, goondas or the individuals families. In 2007 alone, Sangama attended to 19 crisis events. The obejctive of the programs are if you are face harassment or violence from your family, police, the goonda, your workplace or the public, please feel free to contact PLUSs 24 Hr Helplines. In the crisis intervention program we have integreated psycosoial, clinical and legal support frame work for the victim. Prothoma: the transgender walking shelter home PROTHOMA – means first in gendered term. PROTHOMA is the city’s first or even country’s sole Short term Shelter Home for Transgender male to female. The aim is to provide immediate and


short term services to transgender male have no place to go to in crisis situations. Even their basic needs may seem difficult for them to meet. Thus at Shelter HomePROTHOMA, a 24 hour service is provided where any transgender male in need can walk in to seek assistance. Basic services like bathing, washing facilities, health care, savings, counseling, contacting home, etc. are provided here and the community can confidently move in to avail of these and move back to the home whenever he/she feels like. PROTHOMA’s aim is to develop the Tans male in a holistic manner physically, emotionally, psychologically, socially, culturally and financially thus enabling them to settle comfortably in society. The idea of the shelter home came while people like Us (PLUS) Kolkata conducted a situational assessment report on luanda dancer (the dancing boys’ community migrating to Uttar Pradesh and Bihar for performance and prostitution) with the support of UNDP TAHA. Later this year with financial support of UNDP India, PLUS initially started a pilot drop in and Short term residential home in Kolkata. In the pilot phase we have seen it’s just been creeping up and up, because there’s no place for them to go while in crisis. Sleeping on the streets makes them targets for harassment, robbery, violence and even police persecution. As a community they are highly vissible and are more likely to be abused, have complications in school, have suicidal thoughts and drug and alcohol abuse problems.Foster care can be equally problematic. PROTHOMA – a People Like Us (PLUS) Kolkata initatives for the community run by the community people in north kolkata in a rented places. Its run in a very small way, currently 29 post castration medical care have option for 4 bed residentional and emergency care unit. The service are serices were delevered completely free. We have community staff who can mannage the home in 24 hours 3 sucidal cases handled shift. The shelter home also provides 7 fmaily violence cases counselling service and other general medical service, foods and bed. The center is also handled used for Drop in center for the community people with a reguler meeting. People can come regulerly watch Televsion, films, read books and chat with other friends. Total number of benificiaries are 19 young transgender during March 2008.

Currently we are in great demand of residential care and we only offer upto 15 days of residential care. All through if longer period is needed the mnaagment can consider base on the case. The inhabitants of Prothoma have an unparallel ability to emerge from the pits of misfortune that they have been forced into. They are the real fighters. Their strength has inspired the organisation to fight for their rights and cause. The narratives of their realities, their struggle and their experience have tought the organsiaiotn to be innovative and hav ebeen pathfinder for all its initatives. All though the biggest challenges lies in creating a safer space for the people who have lived in years of confinement , both physical and mental. A space that could give them shelter , freedom, sense of ownership, services and choices. Prothoma was was thus created keeping in mind the guarantees of minimum standereds in all releated spheres. Prothoma incorporates a com[plete psychological and socio-economic reintigration process within its institutional care and protection mechanism. The programmes that


are being implemented in Prothoma are thus multifaceted and encompassess the following: Helath management, Case management , Art therapy and livlihood options and trainings. Bellowing we have discussed in breif about the assitence provided under these service.

Health Assistence : The transgender and the Dancing boys from UP and Bihar are exposed to wide range of health related problems. They are subject to physical violence sexual exploitation, psychological abuse, poor living conditions and expousre to various kinds of dieseas, which have long lasting consequesnces on their physical , mental and sexual well being. In prothoma, helth assistence implies cataring to both physical and mental health and well being. The inhabitants are provided with the following health assitence on the individual need basis. Physical Health: PLUS maintain  Regular Doctor’s check up AAAQ standerds  Reguler visits to medical practitioner delevering helth  Prolonged treatment and medication fecilities  STI, HIV and AIDS testing, management and treatment and A avilability A accessibility refferel A acceptablity  Post castration care and protection Q quality  Nutrition  Providing medication, condoms and lubrication ( General Mental Health: a mental health approach or a psychological Comment No. approach has been described as the msot appropriate way of 14 of the comprehending and dealing with the mental and emotional well Committee on being of the victims. Taking a psychological approach implies Economic, Social creating a link between soail and cultural factors and the and Cultural funcationing of the “psyche” or more generally , mental well being. Rights) This approach attempts to empower the community in order to ensure a successful reintegration process. The process includes: Individual Coulselling sessions: it is a form of a one-to-one counselling that deal with trauma, fears and conflicts of the individuals. During the sessions the person is encouraged to introspect and come out with the solutions themselves. Depending on the individual need of the persons, the frequency of the sessions is designed. Conflict resolution group sessions: This strives to solve conflicts, which affect the boys as a whole. Common issues are discussed where counsellors act as mere facilitators. The boys themselves identify the problems and devise solutions to those. Advocacy group sessions: These sessions deal in specific issues such as HIV and AIDS, gender and other socially relevant topics, sex and sexuality, group development, identity and attitudes. These sessions provide a platform for sharing of pertinent information and generate awareness regarding the same. HIV support group sessions: These sessions provide the much-needed space for the boys who are affected by virus for sharing their feelings, fears and anxieties regarding in the disease. The discussions encompass all information pertaining to HIV and AIDS like transmission, preventive measures and coping mechanisms. The space is restricted only to sero-postive boys. Family counseling session: These sessions are designed to counsel and sensitize the identified families of the MSM and transgender youth regarding the changed needs of their children and soliciting acceptance. Through such counseling, the boys


and his family are prepared regarding the issues of social stigma, isolation and coping skills form reintegration within the community and society. Perfects group sessions: The community’s select themselves a representative body, which from the link between the administration and the boys. They form the peer group support and coordinate the discipline and routine of the shelter home.

CASE MANAGEMENT: While recognize that victims of the unsafe migration and sexual exploitation of boys share a number of common experience and circumstances. It is acknowledge that the individuality of the boys, including identity, culture, gender and age difference and varying experience and needs of the victims require personalized care, protection and assistance. At Prothoma each inmates is treated with individualized care and assistance on the basis of the individual case management. All records retained by the case management department as regards the victim’s past, present residency at Prothoma or future plan is documented and treated with privacy and confidentially. All inmates have the right to enquire about their respective individual reports subject to propriety.

Sexual health, STI and HIV prevention project Over the last two year PLUS in Partnership with MANAS Bangla – the State wide MSM HIV intervention network promote HIV and STI intervention project in North and Central Kolkata. The basic components of the programs are community outreach, Condom and lubes promotion, STI treatment and Management and Testing and screening referral. Recently PLUS with its own capacity started small scale intervention among Hijra population on the city area. In National AIDS control Project phase three (NACP III), Hijra constitutes a core group vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. Along with male sex worker Hijra (transgender) are also at substantial risk for acquiring HIV. In March 2007, West Bengal State AIDS control and prevention society prepared and published a report based on “Updating Mapping and Size Estimation for Core Groups at Risk of HIV/AIDS in West Bengal” 1, conducted by Quest Asia, estimated 1400 hijras in all over west Bengal. This Study covers comprehensively 15 districts of West Bengal and identified 126 social access sites. The mapping study covered 31, social sites for Hijra Population in Kolkata district alone. Where as the other three adjacent districts also have significant amount of population. In these four districts the total number of estimated population comes to 880. Kolkata and its adjoining districts of 24 Parganas (N) & (S) and Howrah,. Hijra population is presents in number and not scattered. They do not have their own cruising sites, but in the railway stations, parks, lakes, Markets and 1

Updating Mapping and Size Estimation for Core Groups at Risk of HIV/AIDS in West Bengal- March 2007, Commissioned by West Bengal State AIDS Prevention and Control Society and conducted by Quest Asia.


their own house or guru’s house (known as KHOL) in Kolkata and the district urban towns they can reachable. The mapping exercise furnished a clear picture of Hijras’ distribution in West Bengal. The Pan groups (those controlling a demarcated area so that only particular groups are permitted to work in that area) of 24 Parganas and Sankrail (Howrah) operate in the districts of Purulia, Bankura and Nadia, collecting money from the shops and establishments called Toli. They are also collecting money during marriages or on the occasion of the birth of a child by singing, dancing and showering blessings on the child (Badhai). There are many groups of Khergellas and Dhingras (who does not have any demarcated area to operate and are beggars demanding money from people in the trains, parks and other public places) of Howrah and Kolkata who operates in the local and long distance trains. Sexual risk factors include unprotected anal and oral sex and sexually transmitted diseases account for most HIV infections in Hijra of West Bengal. Social and community led stigma, discrimination, exclusion and lack of treatment seeking behavior make Hijras vulnerable to HIV as well create major barriers for access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. Social discrimination also leads low selfesteem, which increase an individual’s chances of giving up treatment. Lack of social acceptance, State denial and life which is create based on myth which helps them to sustain there livelihoods also have a major impact on Health and well being of the community. The vulnerability arises from stigma attached to their gender role, sexual behaviors and sexual / gender identities of the population and directly impact over not only the poor sexual health of the Hijra community but does affects the health of their sexual partners (including their clients, spouses and children) and has a negative impact on their source of sustenance as well. Together these problems translate into an unacceptable socioeconomic dimension for the existing society. This scenario is as true for West Bengal as much as it is for the rest of India. It is imperative therefore that a long-term sexual health program for Hijras in West Bengal be implemented that would improve their sexual health status and thereby general public health as well. This requires an in-depth understanding of the sexual health status of Hijras in West Bengal, the problems faced by them and the socioeconomic environment in which these problems are experienced and still exists. In west Bengal there are several Ghar/Gharanas (sect) of Hijra community and an approximate number of forty-two Gurus or chief of the Gharanas This data is acknowledged all over India. Unofficial estimation is much higher and the numbers of people who are attached in the community are increasing day by day. Currently in West Bengal there are great needs to build strengths in this population so as to overcome them from their vulnerability. There is also an equally great need to work for reduce violence and integration of sexual health components in particular safer sex practice and behavior among them.

Youth and AIDS Advocacy Project People like us (PLUS) Kolkata, along with Worlds AIDS Campaign (WAC) and Network of Asia Pacific youth (NAPY) , in partnership are committed to stregenthening, catalyzing and facilitation the creation of a stronger and integrated youth movement, to address youth specific HIV and AIDS, as well as Sexual and reproductive rights targets. This also being the advocacy guiding theme of “STOP AIDS, Keep the promise” focusing the accountability. By working in collaboration, youth led and youth serving organizations will be better placed to identify strengths and 11

priorities, as well as the gaps, capacity and resources needs of the youth movement to more effectively campaign and mobilize leading up to universal access 2010. As a platform to bring these organizations together, opening a space for dialogue and partnerships, PLUS in association with World AIDS campaign and Network of Asia Pacific youth organized an intensive two day youth campaigning consultation, in Kolkata, India. While working in partnership, PLUS has taken the lead in these process, as it is uniquely positioned as a neutral facilitator amongst organizations. The consultation was inspired in the notion of leadership, which is the WORLD AIDS DAY theme for 2007 and 2008. Leadership must be encouraged and supported at every level, and requires the opportunity to meaningfully contribute and participate in wide range of processes. In recognition of this, PLUS decided to convene a youth campaign steering committee of young leaders, engaged in youth led or serving organizations as an outcome of the consultation. The purposes of the youth campaign Steering committee will be to guide, direct and foster the process over the consultation. The consultation provided the opportunities to reflect upon the current environment on youth campaigning, mobilization and advocacy, and identify clear steps to build and enhance partnerships and strategize for collaborative efforts and joint moments for campaigning and advocacy. The meeting was established a clear outline of how to achieve key goals and objects for the youth movement regarding universal access (UA). One key point of the discussion will be to determine if the youth movement can benefit from a broader international forum with adult allies, United Nations representatives, Government, National AIDS control organization, decision makers and donors on Youth HIV and AIDS and Sexual-Reproductive Health and rights. Special attention will also be given to leadership amongst youth and their specific capacity needs in this area. Community communication initiatives The reality of transgender communities in India are often documented from the perspective of project planners and implementers. They are yet to move beyond the box of being recipients of ‘welfare schemes’ and ‘health education’. They are also relentlessly part of debates about the ‘rightness’ of their existence. In all this, their realities often get muddied in theories and moral discourses. Transgender is India, represent one of the most economically and socially marginalized communities. They are most visible marginalized population, although historically their existence are often denied and criminalized by limiting their access in social and political spaces. Information about transgender are rarely emerges from their personal narratives and perspectives.


People Like us – the community based organization endeavor to alter this trend to some extent by building community leadership through better communication, so that the community can narrate their own stories by putting their own perspective and make their participation meaningful. By enabling transgender to have the technical capacity to document their realities by themselves, the project aims to empower the transgender community to stake their own claims and build their own perspectives. The idea of Empowerment has gone through sea changes over the last couple of years. From the idea of gaining civil rights to the idea of Class Struggle, including the recent Capability Based approach which is fundamental to the Human Development Index, understanding of Empowerment has traveled a long route. This project shares the position, same to that of the Capability Approach, initiated with HDI. The basic theme of the project is to create some fundamental Capabilities towards the Transgender community, which due to the social denial of their existence, has been neglected with. The project also looks at the Capabilities not just as one time achievement but tries to formulate some methodology towards sustaining the same over longer term. The basic difference of this Innovative Approach will be creating sustainable methodology of Community Empowerment with regard to increasing Capabilities of the Community. The capabilities this project will aim at, are a) Building opportunities, skills and option among 40 transgender living in resource constrain settings in four district of West Bengal for accessing available information, service and rights b) Effective public representation of the Transgender Community in a rights-based perspective through the medium or idiom they are friendly with. C) Creating effective communication platforms such as visual (Photography) and Performing (Dance) arts by community members targeting larger society The Project was implemented with a specific objective “knowing your body better and loving your self more”! Believing that the body is the greatest reservoir of movements, the project delves into it to discover a basic language of dance that can transgress race, color or religion and reach out to the community enabling them to find integrity in their otherwise racy, urban lives and the society that discriminate the community based on their desire by spelling public nuisance and a country which denies their citizenship. There are a large plethora of movements and this vocabulary is modified and strengthened through the daily process of improvisation and exploration that characterizes the activity of the workshop. The movements are often agonized, sometimes geometric, again harmonious and circular at others. There is a lot of feeling, introspection and individuality in the execution of a movement. While there is the strength and sharpness of the martial arts, there is the depth and richness of yogic concentration. The body is the singular and exclusive base for all these movements thus lending a deep organic structure to the dance idiom. The dance idiom is particularly intricate in its thematic and technical content for it carefully deviates from all classical or traditional influences. The experimental form is perfectly suited to the contemporary urban thought process and sensibility. The fragmentation, doubt and mistrust that characterizes the modern age is well depict able through this language as is the need to find a meaningful and integrated medium of expression for all the frustration and stress that seeks creative outlet. The project goal was commissioning a dance-visual montage presentation that tells the story of young transgender people, their fears, struggles and dreams and what it means to die every day and live it too. The visual montage shot by the community themselves includes and is inspired by real-life stories, anecdotes and case histories. The project is a tribute to those who have dared to say YES! to life. Without glorifying


transgenderism the production conveys the message that an alternate sexual orientation and gender expression is no sin and no cause for social ostracism. The ballet performance will be based on an intrinsic narrative of compulsion, repulsion, attraction and deviation using the concept of contact-resistance. A strange land replete with queer maps, shapes, dices, puzzles, taut strings and eerie music. A community unknown and yet known to us.

The Achievements, events and other mile stone In 2007-08, PLUS organized several events in various part of the country. PLUS member also participated number of training, workshop and national and international conference. PLUS’s executive director, participated International AIDS conference in Asia and the pacific (ICAAP) 2007, Colombo Srilanka and presented the findings of the lunda dancers study. In 2007, Agniva Lahiri, also participated two International training program organized by SIDA (Swedish international development Agency). One in September, New Delhi, a two week long advance international training program on adolescents and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights and another one is in Stokholm, Sweden on three week long LGBT and Human Rights. PLUS representatives, Utpal Chakraborty, Bipul Chakraborty, and Subharthi Mukherjee participated the 4th Asia Pacific Sexual and reproductive health and rights conference, Hyderabad 2007. Where as Agniva Lahiri seats the International steering committee of the 4th APCRSH. PLUS member attended the Nigha queer media festival, 2007 in New Delhi. The participation of the program supported jointly by Nigha and UNDP. 12 plus community member participated the event. PLUS commissioned a film on Luanda dancer’s life and screen in various organization and gain feed back from broad range of community PLUS governing body member Subahrthi Mukherjee and Agniva Lahiri participated in various health and rights movements such as MASUM organized Health and Rights training in Pune, MCH community meeting in Udaipur and Br initiatives in Pune. PLUS member also participated NACP III training west Bengal for our HIV and AIDS intervention work. PLUS participated and co host the Rainbow pride march 2007 in Kolkata city. PLUS member participated World AIDS campaign hosted youth advocacy meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. PLUS member was honored at the GIFT ASIA meeting in New Delhi, by UNODC


UNDP announced the red ribbon award winner in early 2008 and honored PLUS as one of the winner.

YOU AND ME CELEBREATING INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 8TH MARCH 2008@ PROTHOMA THE TRANSGENDER SHLETER HOME 95, NARKELDANGA MAIN ROAD, KOLKATA -54 FROM 1700 HRS ONWARDS Prothoma – the Transgender shelter home and crisis intervention center in association with People Like Us (PLUS) Kolkata and United Nation Development Program (UNDP) observing the International Women’s Day, 8th March ‘08, at the shelter home premises. The sexuality and gender expression related movement always following the same path, process and vision of women’s movement world wide to fight against patriarchy. Observing the International women’s day The Transgender shelter home and the transgender community in Kolkata are tributing the women’s movement and sharing the sorrow pain and joy together. On the same day Prothoma is launching a campaign to strengthen the Commitment to Protect the Young and Vulnerable transgender, especially to reach out to the young transgender from socially and economically disadvantaged sections of society. The theme being All Equal All Different, the campaign encouraging Young transgender to TAKE CONTROL, MAKE DECISIONS was focused on linking EQUALITY IN DECISION MAKING. Come and join us together!!! Celebrating the International Women’s Day ‘08 You and Me Films screening Arshinagor (The Mirror City)- A film on Dancing boys (In the mirror before me I can see a man, perhaps, like myself. In my neighborhood I find them all; they are the ‘others’. Bappa, Koushik, Kali, Rajkumar and of course Mukti are not really known, not unknown either. Actually we deign to register their presence. As if they are a shadow. As if they are not real. Actually we know least about Mukti, an eleven years old boy who straggles to his point. ‘I want to be a loveable woman’. He has a husband, and regular sex life. We even do not know weather is it an exploitation or not. Weather is it a crime or not. Actually in that case domestic and social ‘we’ are confused. ‘We’ do not understand Why Bappa turns ‘Londa’. Actually the illusion of ignorance is pleasant; deadly pleasant. Their faces mirror, perhaps, our own faces. Perhaps that is the reason why I am


afraid of them. This film undertaken a journey, at the end of which the barrier of the mirror is crushed. We stand face to face with these ‘others’ or with the images of our alternative selves. The mirror city crumbles. Here starts another journey. A journey to an unknown territory.) Open forum: discussion with Transgender communities with women from different profession including Film maker, Social Activist, theater Personal, women in Sex trade, Women in local legislations and women in media and Local women. Launching Campaign: all equal all different The campaign will officially launch in the subhas sarovar by lighting the candle. The place where the community socialize, meet great but also face humiliation, discrimination and violence.

2007 PLUS Campaign on Violence Against Women ( 25th November to 10th of December 2007)


Acknowledgement People Like Us (PLUS) Kolkata is extremely proud to be a youth based, youth run organization. We are privilege to be able to share that information gathered by our member with other youth advocates either in person through trainings or through other means of communication. It is important to bring the youth perspective to international meetings and conferences, and without direct youth participation it would be impossible to influence the policies and decisions being made. It is the PLUS’s hope that in 2007-2008 we are able to build upon the lessons learned in 2006 to further our goals and objectives. We look forward to being able to help ensure that the youth perspective is being effectively presented at different meetings and that youth and adolescent sexual and reproductive rights are being respected. PLUS members are exposed to the different decision-making processes and are able to bring their knowledge, experience, and skills to the table. Many times when the members attend a meeting or participate in an event they are told by others how important it is for them to ensure that to a progressive youth voice is heard. We welcome the challenges that 2007 will bring to us, and will continue our work in the fight for universal sexual rights. We are great full to our funder and individual contributor and members for their generous support. We also thank full to our Governing body for their vision and guidance to achieve our goal. We acknowledge there contribution to achieve our goal and success and hope to get all thins generous support in coming years. We are thankful to all of our member and governing body for all the support, encouragements. We also acknowledge support provided by our donors and individual supporter. Our Donor: United Nation Development Program India Country office UNDP TAHA Gender and AIDS Training Institute Asia Pacific (Through Direct funding) Joythi Welfare Society (Collaborating Projects) Resource center for Sexual Health and HIV and AIDS (RCSHA) Department of International Development (DFID) Global Fund for Women (GFW) Population Action International Youth Coalition And Our Individual member and individual donor Our Bankers: Axis Bank LTD Rashbehari Branch Kolkata – 700 029 Our Auditors: GEORGE READ & CO. 1, Chowringhee Square Kolakata – 700 069 People Like Us (PLUS) Kolkata was registered under West Bengal Society registration ACT(1961). The registration no is S/1l/14743 of 2002-2003



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