Agniva Lahiri Issacs

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  • Words: 1,149
  • Pages: 20
In recent years, India has witnessed a growing activism of various NGOs and civil society institutions toward mainstreaming sexually minority groups. Such efforts toward mainstreaming consist of advocating the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, queer, groups ( LGBTQs), campaigning against laws that discriminate their rights, seeking public petition for withdrawal of such laws, and efforts to normalize the recognition and acceptance of LGBT identity categories in India. Contrary to this activism, a large section of Indian society believes that such efforts of mainstreaming pose a threat to the social and cultural integrity as well as moral fabric of Indian nation. Believers of this ideology include both left and right, Marxist thinkers as well as right wing radical Hindu nationalist groups, and a major part of functioning Indian bureaucracy, including a huge segment of its 700 million rural populations. This paper was originally aims to capture the debate around mobilization of LGBTIQ communities for their civil and political rights and analyze the emerging politics of sexual identity in relation to globalization and HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Indian subcontinent .But after almost 3 months of internet based research the aim is little shifted and now it’s more on emerging identities and behavior: politics of identity: challenge threat- the HIV epidemic and grant making . …..Here we talk only about Transgender identity.

Transgender and gender variant • Transgender – new word ( 90’s) news paper • Gender variant and gender queer: millennium word- used by the academic, small number of sexuality and rights activist in India… Do India has any traditional or cultural or indigenous trans identity?

Of course……The Hijra • The celebrated, popular transgender identity. • 2500 yrs history… • Exist in different name and different form in Indian culture, literature, history. • reshape as distinctive culture during Mogul period- post 1700AC • Culture…. Hierarchical…. Visible identity • Criminalized during Colonization

The other so called indigenous trans identity • • • • • • • • •

Jogta, jogappa, - Two spirit.. Spiritual group Launda dancer- young feminine dancing boys ARAVANI- SOUTH INDIAN TERMS FOR HIJRA…BUT ALSO HAVE SOUTH INDIAN FLAVOUR Koti- the most controversial one… men who have feminine gender construction…. Conventional idea passive, receptive, anal sex lover, effeminate and P4- poor, passive, positive, prostitute In 2001, the Gender variant word was introduced within the community frame work but not popularized. In 2003 open discussion on sex change, SRS, hormonal therapy The Transsexual, transvestite, shemale, trans started using Source new media, often castrated, English educated, have minimum std of education, can go for or think of SRS, Laser and silicon. Coming back to Gender queer or gender variant… queer theory is started populersing in 2005 onwards….

The background •

IPC 377 and anti sodomy law: In India though homosexual behavior (the act of sodomy), not identities (such as gay or lesbian), remains a "criminal offence" under Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), historically, Indian society acknowledges and tolerates certain degree of homosexual behavior between consenting adults in private. Even the Government of India acknowledges through an affidavit submitted to Delhi High Court in response to a public petition challenging the constitutional validity of IPC 377 that, "the state will turn a blind eye if homosexuality is practiced between two consenting adults in private" The issue has become sensitive in a sexually conservative society like India with sexually minority groups challenging the public/private boundary and the authority of the State to make laws that discriminate their rights. • Economic globalization in the developing world, a Western, hegemonic notion of LGBT identity has been exported to traditional societies thereby destroying indigenous sexual cultures and diversities ----a thought by some sociologist and indegeous activist.

Sexuality minority mobilization in 90’s India

Context and contributing factors: • capitalist modernization, • discourses of universal human rights, new social movements, • resistance to dominant power structures, and • evolving democracy and minority rights (two important factors are Western

donor and local NGO discourses on sexual rights and looming HIV/AIDS epidemic in India)

Those days…at the begaining • 1990’s “out” –HST-Bombay Dost( posh english, making friends, snob or sexy) • (1991)1994, ABVA first petition against constitutional validity of IPC377 • The HIV Epidemic. • The Co incidence- SAP (opening up of Indian economy in 1991 and adopting IMF-sponsored structural adjustment program of promoting free trade and free market regime; and second, the looming presence of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Indian subcontinent and thereby accepting World Bank loan for prevention and control of AIDS in India.)

Why SAP and WB Loan imp? • Opening market economy… more money for people’s hand. • Multinational company\ • bi/multilateral donor and public foundation • The concept of Community ownership… involvement based on safeguard policy… nutshell of CBO – the NEO PH Approach

1994 continues In 1994, the NAZ Project (in association with its local organizer, the Humsafar Trust, Mumbai) sponsored the first national conference for gay identified men and MSMs in South Asia. The objective of this conference was to explore "issues of sexual health, sexuality and sexual behavior amidst emerging gay-identities in South Asia" and provide sexual health prevention services for gay-identified men and MSMs

The NAZ • Over the years, NFI has played a key role in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal to develop local MSM community-based organizations to provide HIV prevention, care and support services and develop peer-networks • Since 1996,NFI has developed or assisted in the development of" some important MSM/LGBT Organization.

Multinational NGOs • The basic fact remains that once multinational NGOs entered India and set up their head offices, their primary purpose was to collaborate with indigenous organizations and act as a financial and technical support providing agency. Thus, the potential availability of a huge amount of international fund catalyzed the mushrooming of NGObusiness in every part of the country

The AIDS FACT • Since early 1990s till the end of 2008, international funding for HIV/AIDS in India at current prices has gone up from 19 million to 748 million US dollars. • Between 1994–2004, the largest number of Gay-Lesbian-AIDS-NGOs was ever registered in the history of Indian subcontinent

The CBO Model • Group of people started registering and seeking AIDS prevention grant. • Multiple groups formed when interest differ • Structure is supportive but having mechanism for sustainability, capacity building and transformation of leadership • Vissible community are the only community- Koti and hijra gets the priority.

Who is MSM? Who is Trans • • • •

Kothi is MSM- biologically male Hijra’ – of curse trans. Lets make separate We only bother for the Whole is being used/ how many times?/ With or without condoms?/ any STI….? • Identity is never ending topic and we are not bother.

The Big Fat fight • • • •

Koti vs Hijra MSM or Transgender? IPC 377 or anti discrimination law Homophobia or transphobia?

• Lets make a fights… lets create fear… its sell

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