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CHAPTER I INTODUCTION A. Background Vocabulary is the basic that must be learnt first by learners. It will hep the learner in learning English language well. Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. And vocabulary is a listing of the words used in some enterprise. Vocabulary refers to the words we must understand to communicate effectively. Many compeling reasons for providing us with instruction to build vocabulary, none is more important than the contribution of vocabulary knowledge to reading comprehension. Vocabulary knowledge helps beginning readers decode, or map spoken sounds to words in print. If us have the printed words in their oral vocabulary, they can more easily and quickly sound out, read, and understand , as well as comprehend what we are reading. An extensive vocabulary is the bridge between the word level processes of phonics and the cognitive processes of comprehension. This is exactly what constitutes an extensive vocabulary.

B. Formulation of the problem a) b) c) d)

What is it definition of vocabulary ? What is the important of vocabulary ? How to improve vocabulary ? What is the type of vocabulary ?

C. Purpose of writing a) Want to know what is definition of vocabulary b) Want to know the important of vocabulary c) Want to know how to improve vocabulary d) Want to know what is the type of vocabulary


CHAPTER II DISCUSSION 1. What is vocabulary According to Hubbard(1983) vocabulary can be defined as a powerful carrier of meaning. Additionally, Diamond dan Gutlohn(2006) suggest that vocabulary is the knowledge of words and their meanings. This means that without establishing a strong vocabulary base first, comprehension and use of a language will not be achieved. In addition, the student should be able to recognize words, and know their meanings as well. Vocabulary is very important to reading comprehension. Readers cannot understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean. As children learn to read more advanced texts, they must learn the meaning of new words that are not part of their oral vocabulary. In assessment of vocabulary in beginning or struggling readers, use of an oral measure (listening/speaking) vocabulary is very important. A written measure of vocabulary knowledge with reading skills. Vocabulary can be defined as being “all the words that someone knows or uses”, “all the words in a particular language”, “the words that are typically used when talking about a particular subject” and “a list of words with explanations of their meanings, especially in a book for learning foreign languages”.1 The term word is not specific enough to cover the complexity of vocabulary and to capture different aspects of lexis. Single words, phrasal verbs and idioms can allcarry the same meaning for instance. A few examples that Schmitt uses are “die” (single word), “pass away” (phrasal verb) and “kick the bucket” (idiom). The meaning of all of these is to die, but different words and combinations of words are used in each case. There are numerous other examples which highlight the complexity of vocabulary, such as how base words are manipulated to affect their meanings to greater or lesser degrees, or even completely change their original meanings. Examples of these come under the heading of morphology and include affixes, suffixes and different verb tenses. 2. Types Of Vocabulary There are four types of vocabulary : 1. 2. 3. 4.


Listening vocabulary Speaking vocabulary Reading vocabulary Writing vocabulary

: the words we need to know to understand what we hear. : the words we use when we speak. : the words we need to know to understand what we read. : the words we use in writing.

The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,2003,p.1843


3. The Importance Of Vocabulary Vocabulary is central to english language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas, while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”.This point reflects my experience with different languages ; even without grammar, with some useful words and expressions, I can often manage to communicate, went further to argue, “lexis is the core or heart of language”.particularly as students develop their own personal vocabulary learning strategies. Teaching vocabulary helps student understand and communicate with others in english. Voltaire purportedly said, “language is very difficult to put into words”. The concept of a word can be defined in various ways, but three significant aspects teachers need to be aware of and focus on are form meaning and use. The form of a word involves its pronunciation (spoken form),spelling (written form), and any word parts that make up this particular item (such as a prefix, root, and suffix).2 An example for word parts can been seen with the word uncommunicative where the prefix un-means negative or opposite communicate is the root word, and ive is a suffix denoting that someone or something is able to do something. Here, they all go together to refer to someone or something that is not able to communicate, hence uncommunicative. When teachers teach vocabulary to build students’ knowledge of words and phrases, helping them learn any and all of these different components assists them in enhancing their English vocabulary knowledge and use. After we have looked through Table 1, do the Reflective Break, which is to consider your students’ particular strengths and weaknesses with English in terms of these three aspects of vocabulary knowledge. English vocabulary’s expansion is exciting, but it also means that teachers and students alike need to be in the habit of learning vocabulary. People can expand their English vocabulary knowledge in many different ways. As a native English speaker, I have been learning vocab-ulary for many years, but I am still a learner because English vocabulary changes and grows. 3 Occasionally, I come across an unknown word or phrase (or a new usage for one I already know) in something in print or online, or that I hear on the radio or television. I will stop to consider what it might mean in that particular context, and make a guess. If have a dictionary close by, I will check it for the word or phrase, or if I am at my computer I will check an online dictionary. Words and phrases fascinate me, and if new ones seem useful, then these vocabulary items are ones I may later use in my own speech or writing even if it is to comment on this new vocabulary item. What-ever their personality and learning style, both teachers and students can develop a growing love for English vocabulary learning and naturally share a passion for words and phrases in any language. Learning the vocabulary of foreign language presents the learner with firstly making the correct connections when understanding the language between the form and the meaning of words including discriminating the meanings of closely related words. 2 3

Baker,S.K.Simmons, D.C.Vocabulary acquisition:Curicular and instructional implication for learners. Building vocabulary for success.(1991)



Simple Steps For Learning Vocabulary 1. When learning vocabulary, it’s better to focus on phrases or words sorted by topics: some popular topics might be food, traffic, etc. We can practice using them several times through listening and speaking.4 2. Take advantages of sounds and pictures to help you better memorize the words: this method has been applied for a long time and it seems to work well for learning vocabulary. For instance, you can link the word “beautiful” to the phrase “a beautiful flower”, which you like, for further imagination. 3. Have a notebook to note down all of the english words and phrases: avoid noting only the words, but try to use them in phrase or sentences. And do not forget to write down the pronounciation, which might help you a lot in speaking. 4. Keep in mind all the related expressions to the word you are learning: for example, you can also add some more words such as door, floor, and room to your vocabulary when learning the word “house”. 5. Do not forget to take a look over the word’s family: english often has some related groups of words. For example, dance which is the word you are studying is a verb and you should also learn its noun(dancer), gerund(dancing).

5. Selecting Vocabulary 1. Select words that are common or generally useful for students to know. Select words that students will encounter frequently, and that therefore, represent common knowledge . 2. Identify words that are essential for understanding a reading selection. Ask, “If readers did not know the meaning of this word, would they still be able to understand the passage?” If the answer is ‘Yes’, the word is probably not essential to understanding the selection’s major concepts or ideas”.5 3. Pick textbook vocabulary that addresses key concepts or ideas. Each chapter of a subject area text may include a list of 1520 vocabulary words. Often, only four or five of these terms address critical concepts of the chapter .

4 5

Nation,I.S.P.(2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge:CUP. Marinak et al.,1997,p.1


6. General guidelines for teaching Vocabulary It is helpful to keep in mind several general principles that facilitate acquistion of new vocabulary. 1. Teach new words in the context of a meaningful subject matter lesson and fasilitate student discussion that requires students to use the new word. 2. Ensure that students hear the correct pronounciation of the word practice saying it aloud. Hearing the syllable structure and stress pattern of the word facilitates its storage in memory. 3. Teach word parts root words, base words, prefixes, and suffixes that students will encounter frequently. 4. Teach words in related clusters to help students understand how words are related and interrelated. 5. Identify examples/applications and nonapplications related to the meaning of the new word. 6. Help student connect new vocabulary to something with which they are already familiar. 7. Create opportunities for students to paraphrase the definition of a new tern so that they can identify the main idea associated with the term and recognize specific bits of information that clarify its broader, more general core idea. 8. Offer students the opportunity to acquire new vocabulary using a variety of learning modalities or formats that actively engage in the learning process.6


Newton,J.(2013). Incidental vocabulary learning in classroom communication tasks. Language Teaching Research.


7. Improve Our Vocabulary 1) Read book every day. Once you’re out of school, word drills and assigned reading become things of the past 2) Keep a dictionary and thesaurus handy 3) Using a journal 4) Learn a word a day. Using a word a day or developing your own list of words to learn is a great technique . 5) Play some games. Word games that challenge you and help you discover new meanings and new words are a great and fun tool in your quest for increasing your vocabulary. Examples include crossword puzzles, word jumble, etc. 6) Engage in conversations. Simply talking with other people can help you learn discover new words. As with reading, once you hear a new word, remember to jot it down so that you can study it later and then slowly add new word to your vocabulary. 7) Using the synonyms. By using the synonyms instead of common adjectives, you will significantly increase your vocabulary and knowledge of English. So write these words down in your vocabulary notebook and develop a habit of reading through it every day.


CHAPTER III CLOSING A. Conclussion English vocabulary is complex, with three main aspects to form, meaning, and use, as well as layers of meaning connected to the roots of individual words. Teaching vocabulary is not just about words ; it involves lexical phrase and knowledge of English vocabulary and how to go about learning and teaching it, which the next chapter explores. People can expand their English vocabulary knowledge in many different ways. Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.

B. Suggestion The writer realizes that in this writing there are many mistakes. So for that the writer hopes for suggestion can to help for making the next paper and the writer can correct the mistakes.


REFERENCES The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,2003,p.1843 Baker,S.K.Simmons, D.C.Vocabulary acquisition:Curicular and instructional implication for learners. Building vocabulary for success.(1991) Nation,I.S.P.(2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge:CUP. Marinak et al.,1997,p.1. Newton,J.(2013). Incidental vocabulary learning in classroom communication tasks. Language Teaching Research.


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