Pediatric Nursing I

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 556
  • Pages: 2
PEDIATRIC NURSING 1. The parent of a 2-year old child with chronic otitis media are concerned that the disorder has affected their child’s hearing. Which behavior suggests that the child has a hearing impairment? a. Stuttering b. Using gestures to express desires c. Babbling continuously d. Playing alongside rather than interacting with peers 2. A 3-month old infant had a cleft lip and palette repair. To prevent trauma to the operative site, the nurse should do which of the following? a. Give the baby a pacifier to help soothe him. b. Lie the baby in the prone position c. Place the infant’s arms in a soft elbow restraints d. Avoid touching the suture line, even to clean. 3. One minute after birth, a neonate has an Apgar score of 7. What should the nurse do? a. Administer O2 via nasal prongs as ordered. b. Begin CPR c. Stimulate breathing by rubbing the neonate’s back d. Encourage the mother to hold the neonate close. 4. A 2-year old child is brought to the ER with a history of upper airway infection that has worsened over the last 2 days. The nurse suspects the child has croup. Signs of croup include a hoarse voice, inspiratory stridor and: a. A barking cough b. A high fever c. Sudden onset d. Dysphagia 5. An 8-year old child is suspected of having meningitis. Signs of meningitis include which of the following? a. Cullen’s sign b. Koplik’s sign c. Kernig’s sign d. Chvostek’s sign 6. Parents bring their infant to the clinic, seeking treatment for vomiting and diarrhea that has lasted for 2 days. On assessment, the nurse detects dry mucous membranes and lethargy. What other finding suggests a fluid volume deficit? a. A sunken fontanel b. Decreased PR c. Increased BP d. Low urine specific gravity

7. When administering an oral medication to an infant, the nurse should take which action to minimize the risk of aspiration? a. Administering the oral medication as quickly as possible b. Placing the medication in the infant’s formula bottle c. Keeping the infant upright with the nasal passage blocked d. Using an oral syringe to place the medication beside the tongue 8. The nurse is assessing the psychosocial status of a postpartum client. Which finding is most likely to promote parent-neonate attachment? a. Parental desire to bond with the neonate b. Sustained parent-neonate contact immediately after delivery c. Parental understanding of the importance of parent-neonate bonding d. Previous positive childbirth experience 9. A mother asks the nurse why her 12-month old baby gets otitis media more frequently than her 10-year old son. What should the nurse tell her? a. The baby’s eustachian tubes are shorter and lie more horizontally b. The baby is too young to blow his nose when he has a cold c. The baby spends more time lying down than his older brother, therefore, more dirt gets in the baby’s ear d. The baby puts dirty toys in his mouth 10. A nurse and a nursing assistant are caring a group of clients on the adolescent unit. Which task could a nurse safely delegate to the nursing assistant? a. Helping a client into a wheelchair b. Administering Tylenol for a child’s fever c. Assisting a physician during the first postoperative dressing change d. Reviewing discharge instructions for a newly diagnosed diabetic client.

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