Pearl Of Great Price

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Again the kingdom of heaven is like to a merchant seeking good pearls. Who when he had found one pearl of great price, went his way, and sold all that he had, and bought it. 1 My friends, the pearl of great price is the Divine and Catholic Faith, and God in His infinite mercy has given it to us! We must stop and think about just how precious the gift of faith is! It is this faith that teaches us the way home to heaven. Let us stop and thank God for this great gift. Act of Faith: O my God! I firmly believe that Thou art one God, in three Divine Persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost: I believe that Thy Divine Son became Man, and died for our sins, and that He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches, because Thou hast revealed them, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Amen. Let us stop and meditate on this. God has given a small handful among six and a half billion people the gift of faith. Oh such a wonderful gift, a gift we should be ready to sacrifice everything for. And this gift has been given to us! Our gratitude to God for this wonderful gift should be immense. We can truly say we have made the first step on the road home to heaven. And let us remember we are exiles here on earth for a few short years and after this, eternity. After a million years, eternity will not have even begun. Our minds cannot imagine what eternity is. And by how we spend these few years, we determine whether our eternity will be miserable or happy. And God has given us the great gift of the Faith, which shows us the way to eternal happiness. Give glory to the Lord for His mercy endures forever. 2 Act of Hope: O my God! Relying on Thy infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen. We are taught the Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity as children. We are taught to say these acts daily. And with mechanical recitation we can forget the meaning of the words we say. Therefore we should at times step back and get out our catechism and review these acts. Our hope is not in vain. The gift of Faith is followed by the gift of hope. I hope to obtain pardon of my sins. My friends, for this reason we are taught the Act of Contrition. In the Catechism we are taught an Act of Contrition, sufficient for use in the Confessional, expressing both attrition and contrition. We also are taught that if we should become so unfortunate as to fall into mortal sin, that we should at once make an act of perfect contrition, which will restore us to the state of grace. Indeed, even when we can confess, we should strive for perfect contrition. Saint Alphonsus in his catechism tells us: (Perfect) Contrition is a sorrow for sin, because it is an offense against the divine goodness. Theologians say that contrition is a formal act of perfect love of God; for he who has contrition, is moved by the love which 1 2

Matthew 13:45-46 Psalm 135


he bears to the goodness of God to repent of having offended him. Hence, to make an act of love of God, saying: “My God, because Thou art infinite goodness, I love Thee above all things; and because I love Thee I am sorry for above all things for having offended Thee” will greatly assist the soul to make an act of contrition. 3 The sorrow of attrition is a sorrow for having offended God, which the soul conceives from a less perfect motive, such as from the consideration of the deformity of sin, of having deserved hell, or of having lost heaven, in punishment for her sin. Thus contrition is a sorrow for sin on account of the injury offered to God; attrition is a sorrow for an offense offered to God on account of the injury it does to us. By contrition the soul immediately obtains the grace of God, before the penitent receives sacramental absolution from a confessor, provided he has at least the implied intention to go to confession and receiving the sacrament of penance. This we know from the Council of Trent: “The Holy Synod teaches that, although it may sometimes happen that this contrition is perfected by charity, and reconciles man to God, because the actual reception of this sacrament, etc.” In our catechism we were taught to make an Act of Perfect Contrition and then go to Confession as soon as possible. It was assumed that confession was readily available. Some churches had a bell attached to the Confessional, which could be rung to obtain a priest at a moment’s notice. Certainly a priest was available to hear our confession before Sunday Mass. Today we are in the wilderness without a priest to celebrate Mass for us or to hear our confession. Are we then hopeless? God never presents us with a test without giving us all of the grace we need, if only we ask for it and cooperate with it. Ask, and you shall receive; that your joy may be full. 4 Let us ask God for the grace of making an Act of Perfect Contrition for our past sins and the grace to go now and sin no more. 5 Saint Alphonsus Act of Perfect Contrition: “My God, because Thou art infinite goodness, I love Thee above all things; and because I love Thee I am sorry for above all things for having offended Thee.” We shall return to a more detailed consideration of the Act of Perfect Contrition soon, as We have been asked to discuss this matter. It is sufficient for now to remind everyone that perfect contrition is a sorrow for sin, because sin is an offense against God. The question raised was whether the traditional prayer we were taught expresses Perfect Contrition sufficient for the Act of Perfect Contrition. Act of Contrition: O my God! I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.


Some Catechisms use the terms perfect contrition and imperfect contrition, whereas others use contrition to mean perfect contrition and attrition to mean imperfect contrition. 4 John 16:24 5 John 8:11


This Act of Contrition expresses both contrition and attrition, so it should not be used as part of the Act of Perfect Contrition, for we must detest all my sins, … because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all-good and deserving of my love. True, sin is the only real evil in the world. True, the consequence of mortal sin is the loss of heaven and the pains of hell. But these are imperfect motives. We must hate sin, because sin offends God. With God’s help, since He has chosen to take confession from us, we can hate sin for this reason! Would God, who inspired the devotion of Divine Mercy in the last century leave us unable to obtain His mercy? No, this is a time of mercy. God wishes all to come to a knowledge and acceptance of the truth in order to be saved. 6 God has given us a knowledge of the truth. Let us pray that we accept these holy truths and conform our lives to what they demand of us. And we know that if we pray sincerely, our prayer will be answered. Let us thank God for this great grace.

If you love Me, keep My Commandments.


Let us review the Examination of Conscience and see how our life measures up to the Commandments. Indeed this should be a regular practice so we can learn how to sin no more. How can we remove sin from our life, if we do not remind ourselves what it is? Let us replace vice with virtue. Much can be said on this, but this shall be part of our review of the Perfect Act of Contrition. In the meantime, review what the Church has said on these matters, for such review will certainly be profitable unto salvation. Act of Charity: O my God! I love Thee above all things, with my whole heart and soul, purely because Thou art all good and worthy of all love. I love my neighbor as myself for love of Thee. I forgive all who have injured me, and ask pardon of all whom I have injured. Amen. Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets. 8 The Act of Charity summarizes our whole rule of life. Love God with all our faculties, and our neighbor for the love of God, that is how God wishes him to be loved. A whole book could be written to expand on this in detail, and in our meditations we should write this book in our minds and in our souls and then live by its holy maxims. In entering the spiritual life, we may wonder: Where should I start? Should I start with saying a daily Rosary? Should I make sure I recite the Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity and Contrition every day? Should I read from a spiritual book every day? Should I make a daily meditation? Should I make sure to say morning and night prayers? Should I…? If one is not overwhelmed at all of these things, then one has already mastered these. 6

I Timothy 2:4 John 15:14 8 Matthew 22:36-40 7


For the beginner we need a starting point. Saint John Chrysostom concludes: He that is pious towards men, is still more pious towards God. 9 O u r starting point is mastering the love of neighbor. Jesus said many things on these subjects and the Holy Ghost had them written down for our benefit. Indeed in this short instruction to celebrate Our sixteenth anniversary in the Papacy, there is not space to even begin recounting all of Jesus’ holy words. The practice of reading from the Gospels everyday, recommended by many Saints, would be a good place to start. Let Us recommend Matthew chapters 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount as a place to begin. And let us try and simplify this some. There are two ways of living, the Christian 10 way of living and the Anti-Christian way of living. Jesus said: he that gathereth not with me scattereth. 11 There is no middle ground. We cannot be half way Christian. It is an all or none proposition. The Christian way of living can be summarized as selflessness. The AntiChristian way of living can be summarized as selfishness. Selfless: without regard to oneself or one’s own interests; unselfish. Selfish: Having such regard for one’s own interests and advantage that the happiness and welfare of others become of less concern than is considered right or just; too much concerned with one’s own welfare. By looking at these dictionary definitions one immediately sees that selfishness leads quickly to sins against justice, that is giving to others what we owe to them. One quickly sees why selfishness is the road to hell.

Happiness The selfish person is selfish, because he thinks he will find happiness in getting everything his own way, in getting everything he wants. Let us think about this a moment. Let us look back at a time when we have pushed through our own will in something, despite resistance by our family and friends. When we got everything our own way were we truly happy? Let us be honest with ourselves. And let us take a look at those who are rich in worldly goods. We had occasion to live near a section of town where these people lived. They had their lovely houses with manicured lawns. They drove big expensive cars and had all of the luxuries of life. We had occasion to know a pharmacist who provided medications for these people. He stated that half of his prescriptions were for tranquilizers. If a person is truly happy, why does he need a tranquilizer? These people had everything that the world tells them is required for success, and yet they were miserable. Saint Thomas Aquinas devotes several questions in his Summa on what is required for happiness, proving that worldly goods, power, fame, etc. will not give us happiness. Let us go to the holy Cure of Ars, Saint John Vianney to tell us what brings us true happiness: Good Christians, who labor to save their souls and to work out their


Saint John Chrysostom, Homily VII on II Timothy 3:1-7. We shall comment on this more fully in another instruction. 10 When the Church says Christian it means Catholic, since the two terms are synonymous. 11 Luke 11:23


salvation, are always happy and contented; they enjoy beforehand the happiness of heaven: they will be happy for all eternity.

Whatsoever shall befall the just man, shall not make him sad: 12 Let us look at the other side of this quote. If I am sad, then it must mean that I am not truly a just man! It is time for me to go back and examine my conscience to see if I am giving what I owe to every man. Charity starts at home and so does justice. The world has taught some false ideas in regard of what parents owe their children. Many parents neglect their children criminally. Only the most egregious of cases actually make the news. And it is these cases, which neglectful parents rest on as justification for their own criminal behavior: I am not that bad. Let us look rather to the lives of the saints, and when we can say we are that good, then we can rest. Parenthood is a life of selflessness, or it is a life of damnation. To discharge the duties of a parent properly requires much self-sacrifice. If we will keep in mind that selfsacrifice is the road to happiness, not only in heaven, but also here on earth, then the burden will become light. It is not self-indulgence that brings happiness, but selfsacrifice.

God Blesses Self-Sacrifice In considering this, We were reminded of the story of Saint Hermenegild. He was the son of King Leovogild, who was an Arian. He fled the kingdom and resided elsewhere. His father begged and pleaded with him to return. When Hermenegild’s father promised he could worship God as a Catholic, then he returned only to be arrested upon arrival. He steadfastly refused to convert to Arianism, a perfidious heresy of the day. Finally he was beheaded at his father’s order. Eventually through his self-sacrifice his father and brother converted and the whole kingdom with them. If we look at any true success we will find sacrifice behind their success. In fact, evenly worldly success comes with the price of self-sacrifice. How many successful businesses are the result of 60-hour work weeks? Think of those who are wealthy, how many have worked quite hard to acquire their wealth? Success in the eyes of God, the only eyes that count, is to obtain the crown of the heavenly kingdom for our own self and for others. And this success comes at the price of selflessness. Take a look at the millions of women who are now in heaven, who raised their families in the fear of God. And their key to success was selflessness, and serving the needs of their family. The same is true of the many men who have raised up families to the love of God, through quiet selflessness. We do not know their names, but remember them on All Saints day. These are the unsung heroes of history. And these men and women were supremely happy, both here on earth raising their families and now eternally in heaven. Their selflessness had a two-fold happiness, because preparing for our true home brings with it happiness here, even when we have trials and tribulations. Tribulation is the ladder to success. 12

Proverbs 12:21


For many are called, but few are chosen.


My friends, we have been chosen to do the work of God in these trying times. Let us not consider why we were chosen rather than others, but what God has chosen us to do. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more. 14 God has chosen to give us the gift of Faith in these times, and therefore much is required of us in return. Although the world preaches self-indulgence and selfishness, even some of the worldly realize that self-sacrifice is necessary. We think back to an effort launched a couple of decades ago to get everyone to devote five hours a week and five percent of their time to some community effort. This effort was apparently unsuccessful, because it no longer exists. And yet what should we do? What would happen if each and every Catholic devoted five hours a week plus five percent of their income to the work of the Church. Would this be what Pope Saint Pius X desired for Catholic Action? We are all called to participate in Catholic Action, which is the work of the laity under the direction of their lawful pastors. Catholic Action did not die with Pope Pius XII and the defection of the pastors of the Church, but became even more imperative. In fact the Papal Election of July 16, 1990, was the crowning achievement of Catholic Action. When Catholic Action is lacking in pastors it seeks to find them. And when it was found that The Pastor, the Pope had been taken away, Catholic Action sought to restore a Pope to the Throne of Peter, so that he can direct the Universal Conversion that the Fathers of the Church tell us will come after the death of Antichrist. As the Pope, it is Our duty to direct Catholic Action to bring about conversions. And with this, Our sixteenth anniversary, We are soon to announce a project which We hope will bring unity to the Church. We remind all of the coming assembly in Colorado at the end of next Lent. We hope to announce Our other project by the Feast of the Assumption. Until then, We ask for PRAYERS. We place emphasis on prayer for an important reason. We discussed the sacrifice of Saint Hermenegild, and if necessary we all should be ready to make this supreme sacrifice. If we are supposed to be ready to die for Jesus, we must live for Jesus! Saint Therese of Lisieux is Patroness of the Missions, and yet she never went to a mission. We forget that the Church is the Communion of Saints. The men and women above, working humbly away in their homes raising families also supported the missions through prayer and alms. Being a nun, Saint Therese could not give alms, but through her prayers and sacrifices earned many graces for the missions. We forget the power and necessity of prayer, not only for ourselves and our own, but for all. We should daily pray for conversions; we should daily pray for the needs of the Church, etc. Saint Paul tells us to pray constantly. 15 Obviously we cannot say prayers constantly, but we can live a life of prayer. Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory of God. 16


Matthew 22:14 Luke 12:48 15 I Thessalonians 5:17. 16 I Corinthians 10:31 14


Until We give more specific instructions on Catholic Action, We ask all to do several things: 1. Fulfill most diligently the duties of your state of life, for in this consists salvation. Men, be the best father and husband you can be; women the best mother and wife. 17 Children, be the best children possible. 2. Pray diligently. Those that are able, and most of you are, We ask to make a weekly Holy Hour in addition to your regular devotions. 3. Study the Catechism. This is a duty of all who have obtained the use of reason, until the day we die. We can never know too much about the Divine and Catholic Faith. Parents teach your children the Faith by example, instruction and exhortation. 4. Finally, We ask special prayers for the needs of the Church; an additional Holy Hour is requested where possible. Pray especially for conversions. A few final notes: We have seen a great deal of serious traffic to Our website. We have reached the conclusion that everything necessary to determine the truth is there, and if a person has a question, e-mail is available. However, We believe the redesign of last Spring has brought to light a particular problem. We believe that people are entering with worldly motives and worldly thinking. Some enter merely out of curiosity, but We do not believe curiosity inspires a person to spend several hours looking at many pages. Others are entering with the desire to know the truth, but without asking the Holy Ghost to guide them. When We were trying to determine Our duties in the early 1980’s We asked the Holy Ghost for guidance, and were guided to the truth. True it took much effort on Our part, but the Holy Ghost never failed to provide. Anyone who thinks salvation can be obtained without some effort is thinking wrongly. God expects us to do our part, and He will be faithful to do His and more! We have decided to slow down on the website. True, there are some incomplete sections. However, We have decided to devote Ourself to more prayer and to the new project soon to be announced. We have made a slight change to Our website. The front page now has the prayer to the Holy Ghost, which all should say daily, if not more often, so people will be reminded to pray before entering. Then they can enter the website and seek the truth under the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Maybe all of these visits will no longer be in vain. Pope Michael July 16, 2006 Our Lady of Mount Carmel


Since We write mainly to married people, We remind them of their duty specifically.


Prayers for Conversions That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to bring back into the unity of the Church all that stray, and to lead all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel, we beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord. Saviour of the world, save Russia. O God, who guidest that which is gone astray, and gatherest that which is scattered, and keepest that which is gathered together; we beseech Thee, mercifully pour forth upon the Christian people the grace of Thy unity; that they may reject the spirit of dissension and unite themselves to the true Shepherd of Thy Church, and may thus be enabled to serve Thee worthily. Through Christ our Lord. Amen . Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is that all men should be saved and that none should perish, look upon the souls that are deceived by the guile of Satan, in order that the hearts of them that have gone astray may put aside all the perverseness of heresy, and, being truly repentant, may return to the unity of Thy truth. Through Christ our Lord. Amen . Lord Jesu, merciful Saviour of the world, we humbly beseech Thee by Thy Most Sacred Heart, that all the straying sheep may turn unto Thee, the Shepherd and Bishop of their souls: Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. Mary, Mother of mercy and Refuge of sinners, we beseech thee, be pleased to look with pitiful eyes upon poor heretics and schismatics. Thou who art the Seat of Wisdom, enlighten the minds that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly know that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither holiness nor salvation can be found. Finish the work of their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to accept all the truths of our holy Faith, and to submit them-selves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth; that so, being united with us in the sweet chains of divine charity, there may soon be one only fold under the same one Shepherd; and may we all, 0 glorious Virgin, sing forever with exultation: Rejoice, 0 Virgin Mary, thou only hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world. Amen. Hail Mary, three times. Lord, all hearts are in Thy hands: Thou canst bend as Thou wilt the most stubborn, and soften the most obdurate. Do that honor this day to the Precious Blood, the merits, the sacred wounds, the Holy Name, and loving Heart of Thy beloved Son, of granting the conversion of sinners. (Note one may insert a name or names in place of sinners.)


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