Peace Is In Every Religion

  • November 2019
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Peace is in every religion

Although I am a Buddhist monk, I always enthusiastic to learn another religions because I understand religions is to understand the minds of each other. In Summer 2006, I have goo Major world Religion course which I have been interested and waiting for long time. When session of class, I felt good to make decision to study this class because the instructor's cha sincere, confidence and kindness. He said that no one can change the belief of each other. E belief but everybody can learn another belief which is their information of universe. What process of teaching was very impressive. He motivated student to study hard and do good planning was run regularly and properly. His process of teaching inspired me to study hard can. He was very kindness and fun when he gave the simile to clear the point he set. Befor over soon, I wish to write my overview all religions I studied in this course. Over viewing through the major world religions, we find that all religion has the doctrine o the statement that every religion is going on the way for the same goal, that is peace. Its na but its essence is same. When I saw Sikh people reading their scripture and participating th ceremony, they feel calm and delighted. When I saw the monks in Jainism walking or mov manner because they follower the principle of nonviolence strictly. I can touch their mindf when the people come to the temple or gather in some place, they always mindfully move, that peace is every step. They also believe that whenever they walk with mindfulness and a they are walking on the way to heaven on earth. They have free time from working, they a They realize that the peace of mind can be collected. Every time, they are aware of what th their mind will be united with their bodies, they feel peace and ease. Peaceful mind is the f Buddhists. They extend the peaceful mind from the chanting room to the working place. T because they can realize peace through their experience. I always work with the people fro especially Christianity. When I participate some meeting, they will have some moment of p love and believe, I can experience the surrounding of feeling peace from them. When I par mass in the full rituals, I feel peace from the first step. On Saturday, July 22, I and my grou the mass in St.Joseph Catholic church. At the first step, I touch my feet on the land of Church, I felt warm because I saw many Christians wh the rituals smiling to me. I heard the sermon on mount that you your neighbor as yourself. them. They came to me and greeted me very warmly. They led me the gate, the way enterin pointed the seat for me, I smiled to them and thank them. My friends from the group did no yet come. I waited them for about ten minutes. They came and introduced me something th came early had already given me some advice. Morell and Nardia Tvitian are the wonderfu paid more interesting in Christianity they followers. Although I am a Buddhist monk, when girls interesting in religions, I felt happy because I do believe by myself that every religion people going to the same thing, peace and happiness. The religious people are the ones wh mental and spiritual quality. The qualified people will make the society good and good soc will make the people in turn. I would be good circle of goodness. My group sat in the back row of desks. The rituals started by calling everybody prepared t I can not understand what the announcer announced because of two causes; we were sitting where most of the people sat over there. And another reason is that I can not understand m English which is my second language. My native tongue is Thai. I just come from Thailand

tivitian was standing nearby me, she explained me the poem they prayed and the meaning never known. I experienced that all praying made the people who were praying peace and crying in some poem they prayed. They can experience the inner peace when they were pr that time, the praying of singing to the supreme thing the people believe is the way to take name of praying may be called in different name but the feeling of peace is rather same. B chanting are repeating. They will put their mind on what they are chanting. In Christianity, save them, who pray to him. When they believe the thing they worship will save them, the cleansed. I explained in the Buddhist sense. Something may be wrong in the way of comm the peace is same. I feel very peace from the beginning to the end. Before the mass was ov Eucharist rituals that means, in my opinion, they welcome the perfect Jesus Christ, Bread m meaning the blood. They are warm and confident when they feel they are with Jesus in eve interpretation will not right but I have good intention and wish to do and try understanding religion. We came back and sat on the grass yard and discuss what we saw about one hour and we w Nadir's mother came to pick up her daughters tried to call me to go with her because I cam Church. I just said thank to them. They were really kind for me. I touched love and kindne have the general conclusion that the rituals of religion can bring peace to the follower. So t are the tradition that every religion has the weekly holiday. The main purpose is to put the traveling. The need of peace is the universal one. When I saw the Muslim followers going Moss or pilgrimages to Mega to worship the supreme thing they respected they are joyful a are in trouble because many million people went to the same place but they are delighted a rituals rightly performed bring them peace. From my study of the world religion, I found th different place in the world can do the same thing just for peace. When the people get peac inner happiness. To study the major world religion made me to explore the beautiful spirit infinite time and infinite place. The world will be beautiful because we have different relig Garden of follows, if we have only one kind of flower it is not splendid when we have a lo more amazing and wonderful. Take the peace and the way of peace of every religion make because peace is available in every religion ..

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