Pdr Report

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  • Words: 1,320
  • Pages: 9
Professional Development Review Report

This Report form is to be completed jointly between the staff member and the reviewer. The Report is confidential and access shall be limited to the staff member, Reviewer/Supervisor/Head of School/ and their supervisors. Reviewee’s Name

Employee Number




Name of Supervisor

Name of Reviewer

Date of Review

Position Number

HEADS AND SUPERVISORS PLEASE NOTE: On completion of the Professional Development Review Report forward a copy of Section 5 only to the Dean, Director, or Executive Director/Librarian as appropriate, by mid-December of each year. Where Section 5 is completed online through the reporting function of the ESS PDR module, this is not required. The reviewer, Head and reviewee should hold a copy of Sections 1 to 3 until the next review session.

7 October 2004

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT SECTION 1: REVIEW OF PREVIOUS 12 MONTHS This section provides the opportunity, in discussion with your reviewer, to: 

 


Summarise your achievements over the previous 12 months, in the context of personal and institutional expectations. Refer to the objectives/targets set in your previous review (if possible) Identify any difficulties encountered in the previous 12 months, or other factors that may have affected work undertaken Consider how well you have met the University’s expectations of all staff. ACHIEVEMENTS

1.2 ISSUES OR CONCERNS IDENTIFIED (eg workload; balancing multiple demands; work/family balance; illness; lack of necessary skills; inadequate support/resources; inadequate role clarification)

7 October 2004

1.3 EXPECTATIONS OF ALL UWA STAFF Descriptors are at Appendix 2 of the Professional Development Review Guidelines Personal Effectiveness

Working Collaboratively

Demonstrating a Focus on Outcomes

1.4 SUMMARY COMMENT Reviewer: After discussion, please provide a summary comment on the last 12 months and indicate whether performance met or exceeded expectations, or did not succeed in meeting expectations. Include any factors that help to explain the level of performance.

For general staff only (reviewer to tick where applicable): As part of Section 1, the staff member’s duties and responsibilities have been reviewed and: Their duties and responsibilities have remained consistent with their current position description OR 

A revised position description will be drafted and submitted to Human Resources for certification OR

An application for reclassification is under consideration

(Please identify proposed time frame if appropriate)

~End of Section 1 ~

7 October 2004

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT SECTION 2 : GOALS FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS The purpose of this section is to help you develop agreed goals for the next 12 months. REMEMBER – Goals need to be specific, measurable (where appropriate), achievable and realistic. When setting goals, it may be useful to consider the following areas (these are suggestions only). Teaching & Learning  Research & Scholarship  Leadership  Management  Service to the University (including Professional and Consulting Work)

     

Administration Client service Projects Professional services University support services Other

In addition to work related goals, you may wish to consider personal goals.



~ End of Section 2 ~

7 October 2004

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT SECTION 3: DEVELOPMENT PLAN The purpose of this section is to identify any needs for support or development that will assist you to achieve the goals set in Section 2. These may relate to career, personal or professional development and training goals. You are encouraged to refer to University courses/workshops as listed by Organisational and Staff Development Services (OSDS) initially. Additionally, you may wish to access external training providers or other options where appropriate. General staff may be able to access funding from General Staff Development Grants. Contact OSDS for further information. 3.1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN (E.g. study leave, Excel training, AVCC leadership program, health and safety training, resources for new teaching initiatives)

Who is responsible for organising this?

~ End of Section 3 ~

7 October 2004

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT SECTION 4: RECOMMENDATION (NON SUPERVISOR REVIEWERS ONLY) Reviewers complete this section only when they are not the direct supervisor/line manager of the staff member being reviewed. The purpose of this section is to make a recommendation to the Head of School/direct supervisor regarding the reviewee’s performance. It should be agreed, as far as possible, between the reviewer and reviewee. Reviewers who are direct supervisors proceed to Section 5. 1.   

PERFORMANCE LEVEL (Refer to Section 1: Summary Comment) Staff member exceeded expectations (as defined in the previous PDR or other relevant documentation). Staff member has met expectations (as defined in the previous PDR or other relevant documentation). The staff member’s performance did not meet expectations.

Where the reviewee’s performance did not meet expectations a meeting with the Head/direct supervisor is required to establish performance expectations and prior to completion of Section 5. Describe any matters arising that need to be discussed with the Head of School /Supervisor. This should include any institutional barriers to staff performance.


The staff member has developed appropriate goals for next 12 months Head/Supervisor should review goals identified for next 12 months with staff member

SIGNATORIES: I agree with the above appraisal outcome Reviewee Signature

I disagree with the above appraisal outcome * (Add any comments in the box below) Reviewee Signature





Reviewer Signature

Reviewer Signature





7 October 2004

* PLEASE NOTE : Where the reviewee disagrees with the appraisal they have the right to attach a written comment to this effect (see box below). In circumstances where the staff member exercises this right, their signature above certifies only that the PDR has been conducted. The outcomes of the review will proceed for discussion to the next level of supervision for clarification of expectations for future performance. Reviewee Comment (Optional)

~ End of Section 4 ~

7 October 2004


The Professional Development Review Record is to be finalised by the Head of School/Supervisor, based on the summary comments in Section 1.4 of this Report, and with reference to the documentation provided for the PDR process. PLEASE NOTE: Where the review process has been delegated the Head of School/Supervisor should liaise with the reviewer and reviewee if clarification is required. SUPERVISORS ARE REQUESTED TO COMPLETE SECTION 5 ONLINE WHERE POSSIBLE (see http://www.hr.uwa.edu.au/hr/us/applications/employee_self_service). THE INFORMATION REMAINS CONFIDENTIAL TO SUPERVISOR AND REVIEWEE AND WILL BE USED ONLY FOR AGGREGATE REPORTING.

ASSESSMENT OF PERFORMANCE (Please provide an appropriate comment)

Summary comment:

Please indicate if either of the following is applicable:  The staff member has performed at an outstanding level Their performance merits specific acknowledgement as follows (tick one or more if appropriate): o Conversion of fixed term general staff appointment to ongoing (appropriate documentation to be sent to Human Resources) o Encouragement to apply for salary progression o Offering an accelerated increment (appropriate documentation to be sent to Human Resources) o Encouragement to apply for promotion / reclassification o Other (Please specify in the Comment box)

 Performance issues have been identified and there are strategies are in place to address these. (Please specify in the Comment box below)


7 October 2004

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN A Training and Development Plan has been agreed (see Section 3) Listing items below indicates that the required time and resources will be made available.

CONFIRMATION OF REVIEW OUTCOMES I agree with the above appraisal outcome

I disagree with the above appraisal outcome *

Reviewee Signature

Reviewee Signature





Reviewer Signature

Reviewer Signature





* PLEASE NOTE : Where the reviewee disagrees with the appraisal they have the right to attach a written comment to this effect (see box below). In circumstances where the staff member exercises this right, their signature above certifies only that the PDR has been conducted.

Reviewee Comment (Optional)

~ End of Section 5 ~ 7 October 2004

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