Amps Good News – August-october, 2009

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Nairobi Sector Kenya Nakuru Didi Ananda Rupa collected KSH 2 million ($US25,000) in materials for the reconstruction of the roof of her school building damaged by fire in May. There are currently 135 children in her school. Mombasa Ten new children were admitted to our Kiambeni primary school bringing enrollment to 427 children from KG to Grade 8. One more child was admitted to the Children’s Home which now has 21 children. One Home child, Manjuri recently graduated from a 3 year diploma course in Catering. All projects are being supervised by Didi Ananda Giitika Nairobi Ten new children were enrolled in the Huruma School run by Didi Ananda Giirija, which now has 525 children from Baby Class to Grade 8. Kenya’s largest food retailer, Uchumi placed a huge billboard at the Westlands branch that depicted Dada Shubhavratananda (EI-1) and Dada Jagat Mitra doing service work for the poor children. Dada collected materials for the completion of the Children’s Home, worth KSH 600,000 ($US8, 000). The Home now has 21 children and is expected to be completed by December. Dada’s new 5 acre MU Land in Kikuyu, about 26 kms. out of Nairobi received a 30 million KSH donation ($US400, 000) for the construction of a multi-purpose service project that will include a children’s home, a school, Health clinic and Rehabilitation for the Handicapped. Construction

is expected to start in January. Dada Jayashivananda, CSASD, is in the process of registering 4 plots of land in Njoro and Kariobangi Districts, with a total size of 1.75 acres. One plot of one-quarter acre has received the title deed and the other three are in process. Uganda Our school in Lugasi was selected as the only school in the Mukono District to measure the standard of examinations of primary school pupils as part of a nationwide exercise. The school harvested 15 quintals of maize (1500 kg) which was consumed by the 250 children in our primary school. The Hare Krsna organization donated 4 cows to our farm. Dada Aksovananda, CSS, built a new 12x12 m. teacher quarters for his 7 male teachers and received a donation of $1000 to complete the fencing of our entire 20 acre property.

Zambia Dada Sukalyan, DS Lusaka, created one new LFT who is running the computer night classes for adults. Our AMSAI now has 93 children and obtained its registration for 2009-2010. Dada secured a two-year residence permit for Zambia with the collaboration of a local Catholic NGO based in Mpika, Zambia.

Togo Dada Jinanainjananda, CSD, organized the Sectorial UKK in Lome, which was attended by over 125 Margiis. Qahira Sector

Kiirtana at the successful conference in Lebanon In Lebanon , the Sectorial Conference was organised by Ác. Shantashubhánanda Avt. with the attendance of 100 people. It was a huge success. Participants enjoyed kirtan, meditation, and intuitional games at the opening of the conference by Ac. Subudhyananda Avt. and Sister Neha. Opening talk was given by SS Berlin Ac. Krpamyananda Avt. who has also toured other countries in the Sector. Lectures were given by most of the Ácárya/ás present during the conference. Dádá Shantimaya was an attraction at the conference and he reported that many young margiis and non-margiis showed interest in becoming WTs.. A new country was covered by Dádá Krpamayánanda. He visited Bahrain and gave one public talk, after which 3 people were ready for initiation. Regular Yoga and Meditation classes are happening in Athens, Croatia, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt,Turkey, Malta, and Israel. Georgetown Sector Brasil Ác. Anaghánanda Avt. reports from the Ananda Kiirtana Master Unit that the dairy farm is going on well. We have 30 cows now, and the milk production has increased to 130 liters daily. The 19th anniversary of our school at the MU has recently been celebrated. We have 4 teachers and 2 margiis who work full time at the school. The school has 27 children. Furthermore the school was renovated, 10 computers along with chairs and tables have been donated by the municipality. In the coming month we will have an Internet center that will serve the local community of Vila Sao Francisco. The Art festival took place at the MU where more than 100 people attended. Various workshops, art exhibitions, yoga and meditation classes took place and many participants gave a very positive feedback, offering their collaboration for next year’s event.

Ác. Vidyananda Avt. gave 2 workshops on Emotional Clearing in Rio de Janeiro and Campinas. 20 people attended. A 6 Day Sadhana Intensive Training was given by him at Ananda Kiirtana MU, with the participation of 8 people. Ác. Siddheshvarananda Avt. gave 6 lectures and a workshop in Rio de Janeiro and nearby towns. A total of 135 people attended. After one lecture in Cabo Frio he was interviewed by a local TV station. On 18th of September, on the occasion of Prabhát Sam´giita Day, Kiirtan and Prabhát Sam´giita were performed by the márgii group NISTA and our school children. More than 100 people attended the program and it was published in the local newspaper. After that, Dádá participated at the Interreligious rally in Rio de Janeiro. 3 TV channels that covered the event interviewed Dádá. He also purchased a 500 square meters land in Araruama. Avtk. Ánanda Sushiila Ac. has given one meditation course in which 7 people participated and 1 lecture which 10 people attended. Ác. Haripranánanda Avt. gave one lecture at the University of Brasilia. 50 people attended, out of which 15 decided to join his ongoing yoga class. As a result of this program he now gives twice a week lectures at the University about health and yoga. Several cooking classes and vegetarian dinners took place, the proceedings of which are going to be used to renovate the jagrti in Celandia/Brasil. Ác. Jinánendra Brc. is giving regular yoga and philosophy classes in Paranaguá, whre 16 people are attending. A vegetarian dinner was conducted, in which 27 people participated. At the University of Machnos he started giving a course on Tantra and Yoga. At Pantao del Sur he gave 3 lectures. Each lecture was attended by 15 people. A new people retreat was held at Paranagua, 55 people came. Dadas Bakery is becoming very popular in the surrounding area. At the moment his sales from cookies, bread etc. are 200$ per month and increasing constantly.

Ác. Vishvodbhashánanda Avt. gave several lectures and workshops in Campinas, Brasilia, São Paulo and Teresópolis on PROUT, health and deep relaxation. More than 75 people attended. Ac. Pranadiiptánanda Avt. reports from Brasilia that one regional retreat was held near for 25 people. He also participated in the Interreligious Forum in Brasilia, during which he gave several workshops. He received a lot of attention and was well received there. 2 local TV channels interviewed him. Paraguay Ác. Ratnánanda Avt. is giving philosophy and yoga classes to martial arts students in Asunción. He organized a yoga seminar in which 25 people participated. 15 people participated at a regional retreat that was held in September. Our school and medical center is now receiving support from the local government..After several lectures of Ác. Paradevánanda Avt., he initiated the Vice-Minister of Cult in Paraguay. Brcii. Sutanuka Ac. has been giving monthly NH education training to 14 teachers at the NH school in Capiata. In order to raise funds for the school she conducted two vegetarian dinners, in which more than 200 people participated. Didi recently approached one Hospital to experiment with preventive Yoga therapy. There has been a very enthusiastic response from the patients. The Ministry of Education sponsored the 1st International Congress on Values, called "Life with Dignity and Education", on October 14-15th of 2009, at the Universidad Americana in Asunción, led by the Vice Minister of Religions, Hugo Brítez Ibarra, who had been initiated. More than 1,000 people attended. Vice-President Frederico Franco and Minister of Education Dr. Luis Alberto Riart addressed the congress and later greeted each of the Ananda Marga Acaryas. Along with the leaders and adepts of major religions, Ananda Marga was given the highest respect by the conference organizers. Dada Paradevananda led a workshop called

"Spirituality: The Base of Life", assisted by Didi Sutanuka and Ác. Ratnánanda Avt., with more than 50 participants. He also led the closing ecumenical prayer to the entire plenary, beautifully explaining and then singing the Samgacchadhvam mantra. Dada Maheshvarananda gave a workshop at the main auditorium to more than 150 people called "Prout: A Holistic Alternative Model for the Welfare of All". During a television news interview, he said, "This is a very historic gathering because it draws attention to the truth that we are all part of one human family, irregardless of different beliefs." Ác. Maheshvaránanda Avt. also gave several PROUT conferences in Asunción and other nearby localities. 60 people participated. A stand of Ananda Marga books and leaflets was supervised by Indranath and Niliima, and Sister Malinii cooked and sold delicious vegetarian food both days of the event, and at the end donated the profits to the Master Unit in Paraguay, where Ác. Divyasvarupánanda Avt. is working hard to make it self-sufficient. The workers were asked to sing kiirtan during a formal reception for the international visitors in the building of the national legislature. All Márgiis and WTs worked together very unitedly. Ác. Japeshvaránanda Avt. and brother Shakti Deva, who worked very hard in the planning and organizing of Ánanda Márga's participation, also set up a public lecture "After Capitalism: PROUT", in which 30 enthusiastic participants learned about the Biopsychology of Cooperation and Cooperative Games. Buenos Aires Region In Argentina Ác. Tattvabodhánanda Avt. reports that one regional retreat was held at the MU Ánanda Mayadiipa. 75 people attended. Ác. Ramashrayánanda Avt. gave several lectures in different cities. A total of 150 people participated. A two-day workshop was held in Gumes (North Argentina) for 25 people. The existing meditation hall in the Jagrti in Córdoba has been renovated and extended to accommodate the increasing number of márgiis. Manila Sector

Manila Region AMURT/AMURTEL Relief operation teams set up free kitchens and served 12,000 flood victims in 3 areas of Metro Manila, namely Marikina, Quezon City as well as two outlying provinces of Laguna and Montalban in the first week after typhoon Ondoy. AMURT emergency rescue teams brought flood victims to safe evacuation centers. Ác. Dharmavedánanda Avt. gave a lecture about vegetarianism in a primary school in Cebu and 350 students attended and showed much interest in the topic. He gave a very good presentation about the Wellness Center which is on You Tube, and many people are watching it. Vietnam Ác. Arnavánanda Avt. has purchased a land of 1040 m2 in a very good location in Hanoi and paid 17,000 USD. The land will be used to build a Jagrti. He also collected 2,200 USD for repairing Baba's house in Jamalpur. A land in Cambodia was registered with an area of 1,800 m2. AMURT distributed food packets, blankets and cooking oil to 140 cyclone victim in two villages in District of Danang, in Saigon Region. We also collected 4,000 USD for the rehabilitation of victims. Ác. Sumitánanda Avt.reports the arrival of brother Jyotish for WT Training. Dádá also got one apartment in Myanmar. Ác. Prashanta Brc. provided vaccination for Polio, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, DTP and MMR to 296 pregnant women and 1,776 children, covering 23 villages in Burma in the border area with Thailand. The AMURT Relief operation in Padanga, Indonesia is reported by Ác.Ragodbhasánanda Avt. KNH approved 60,000 Euro for food and nonfood distribution, along with 3 children center in 3 villages.

Rice, noodles, cooking oil , tarpaulin, tents and medicine were distributed in 3 districts. Dádá organized a children’s program “Games & Fun’s” and 350 children participated from 5 villages. Toys, balls, badminton kits and other playing kits were also distributed. New York Sector Mexico Region Mexico City In the month of September, 11 representatives from Proutist Universal and AMURT/EL participated in the 62nd Annual Conference for NGOs of the United Nations Department of Public Information. The theme of this year was “For Peace and Development: Disarm Now!” Around 1,500 delegates from all over the world came to Mexico City for the event, which was inaugurated by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, followed by speeches of a Noble Peace laureate and Mexican high authorities. Among the delegates in the opening day photo there are 6 recognizable Acaryas and several márgiis. In the event, about a thousand leaflets were distributed and hundreds of contacts exchanged with the various civil society organizations of the whole world. Various workshops, panels, exhibitions and meetings took place, including a youth meeting which presented the preparations for the World Youth Conference in Mexico in August of 2010, with the expectance of 7,000 youth from 200 countries. AMURT and PU were invited to contribute in the organizing committee of that event. At a parallel event called "Transformation of the Human Spirit", organized by Soka Gakkai organization at the Mexican Senate, Ác. Pranesha Brc presented the book "Proutist Economics" in Spanish to the President of the Senate of the Mexican Republic, Mr. Carlos Navarrete Ruiz. A day after the UN event, proutists participated at the 1st Congress of the World Alliance to Transform the United Nations (WATUN). During the Congress, the proutist delegates helped review and draft the final mission

statement of WATUN, approved unanimously at the Congress. The reviewed mission statement now includes the respect and freedom to spiritual practices and cultural diversity in place of diversity of religious and cultural expressions. One proutist delegate was elected as member of the provisional Council of the World Alliance to Transform the united Nations. At the UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), the biggest University in the Americas as per number of students, 16 youth participated in a talk and dialogue under the trees of the sculptural campus’ Cultural Center. Brother Prahlad has set up a weekly PROUT Study and Working group.

Cuernavaca More than 50 participants attended a Conference on PROUT at the International University in Cuernavaca. The University faculty gave a certificate of appreciation and opened the door for future activities. Márgiis from Cuernavaca got inspired to start a weekly PROUT Study Circle and a regular course at the University with the help of visiting Acaryas.

Monterrey Region Morelia 2 Conferences on PROUT were presented at the Civil Society Organizations House. A collective meditation was organized, one brother got initiated and others had lesson reviews. Guadalajara 2 Conferences on PROUT presented at the University of Guadalajara, one

at the campus of Communication, Arts and Architecture and other at Biological and Agricultural Sciences. From this event 25 people came for a talk on Spirituality and Meditation in the next day. Three brothers got initiation while all others learned to meditate with the universal mantra. Monterrey The Sectorial Conference took place in the Ananda Maya Duhita Master Unit in Allende. About 50 participants came from all over Mexico and abroad with the presence of 11 Ácáryas. A PROUT class was given by Dádá Pranesha, two workshops were facilitated by Ác. Vimaleshanada Avt. on sentiments and other PROUT topics, and a spiritual class was given by a visiting Ácáryá. The passion of Ác. Krpasundaránanda Avt. is organizing and guiding spiritual tours in India and Nepal. He recently got back from Ladakh (the 5,000 meter high territory of India on the border of Tibet). Eight people took part in the Ladakh tour, and the next tour of India and Nepal begins on December 10, 2009. If you are interested in participating or wish to find out more, see Dallas Region Ác. Advayánanda Avt and Ác. Shubhacetanánanda Avt. hold weekly free classes on Yoga and Spiritual/Social Philosophy at various universities and colleges in the Dallas metroplex area as a service to the academic and surrounding communities. Such programs are much appreciated by the students, faculty and staff who benefit in various levels, especially on stress-management needed for highly competitive and demanding academic and working environments. Dádá Shubhacetanánanda has made many contacts with reputed people at the major University of Texas-Arlington(UTA), where he is taking classes, reporting and writing for the university daily paper, The Shorthorn. He met with famed political commentator and consultant David Gergen (see photo), author Jeff Guin, and met with local government representatives, several deans, journalists and media representatives, the Mayor of Arlington City and visiting Chinese consulate officials. PROUT books were introduced to many. Displays of PROUT and spiritual literature were presented at various

public events such as the Indian Independence Day, Diipavali, and University Club Fairs, in total visited by thousands of students and faculty professionals. Dádá Advayánanda also met with Dallas community leaders and organizers, introducing PROUT and .Neo-Humanism ideas. Proutist Prof. Ravi Batra has had several media interviews, most notable within the economics segment of the National Public Radio (NPR), presented by Peter Collins. Millions of listeners in the USA are especially keen to know Dr. Batra's views at this dire economic crisis. Various other proutists are also active in their localities all over the sector. Tvk. Dhyanesh continues to run a successful yoga-meditation course at the University of Texas in Austin. He recently conducted an afternoon seminar on Bio-Psychology with the participation of a visiting Acarya. His passion is Master Units and he hopes to link up all of the Master Units around the world with a new website (still under construction): Los Angeles Region Ác. Muktatmánanda Avt. continues to organize the AMURT relief activities in Los Angeles. The low-income-families program, or “brown bag program”, has benefited around 250-300 people a week in a total of 85 to 100 families representing various ethnicities and immigrant communities, such as the Latinos, Afro-Americans and Korean populations of low income families in the LA Central area. The people enjoy high quality food from major food corporations of California. The homeless Sunday weekly event is benefiting an average of 200 people, offering a breakfast consisting of cereals with milk, juices, energy drinks, cookies, bakery products and fruits. In all AMURT is feeding 500 people every week in LA City, and now the same program will be starting in other cities such as San Diego, San Jose, and Austin, TX. A talk at the Hilton Lax Hotel in Los Angeles was given by Dádá Muktatmánanda about “Past Lives and Karma”. Ác.Mukteshánanda Avt. taught Kaos’ikii and Kirtana as part of the event, which was videorecorded by professional crew who produced a DVD. A seminar was conducted in South California for 18 people, about “Karma and the Law of Nature”, at the Glen Ivy community near San Diego. At the Ánanda Márga center in Los Altos, California various activities are

being organized by the unit committee such as cultural programs, vegetarian cooking classes, and meditation seminars. Visiting Acaryas were interviewed for three hours by the Supreme Master TV, a global TV station reporting on spiritual activities. A student yoga group has been set up at the University of California’s Berkeley campus. Brother Sainjaya, who just completed LFT training this past summer, has been instrumental in organizing campus programs. Atvk. Ánanda Laliita Ac. was the trainer at the spiritual refresher course at the Ananda Dhiira Master Unit, with the presence of visiting Acaryas.

Atlanta Region Proutist Madhusudan is involved at the local socio-political scene in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he is running for office and introducing PROUT to the community. Tvk. Pashupati conducts a yoga teaching training course in Raleigh, North Carolina. He also teaches yoga and meditation in the North Carolina prison system and his work has been highlighted in the local news media including a full half hour program on the Health Talk Now TV show. (You can get a copy of the DVD by writing to [email protected]). Avtk. Ánanda Us’a Ác. unveiled the plans for the new WWD master unit in Asheville, NC. Included in the plan is a designated eco-village area where márgiis can establish residences. Didi was also interviewed by North Carolina Woman, a western North Carolina women’s magazine, and made an extensive tour of the southeast USA, visiting Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. Ác. Vishvamitra has been busy organizing yoga clubs on five campuses in North Carolina in preparation for a Spring Break program in Asheville in March, 2010. A yoga club in Duke University was set up by Brother Narada, and on the UNCA campus in Asheville, Dádá Vishvamitra and visitng Acaryas guide the yoga classes. In the Warren Wilson College Brother Bhávesh is teaching a yoga-meditation course. Ác. Vishvamitra continues his work on the board of the Pramá Institute ( The institute has become a successful conference center, renting facilities to community groups and instructors as well as hosting Ánanda Márga events.

A regional retreat was organized in Asheville, attended by 50 márgiis. The dairy project at the Ánanda Girisuta Master Unit is run by Brother LFT Jiivanmukta and is becoming popular in the community. In addition to being a good farmer, he is an athlete and has been taking part in regional marathons. A lecture on “Mind and Meditation” at the Young Men’s Preparatory Academy in Miami was organized by Sister Shamita and was attended by 35 students and staff members of the academy. Dada Prán´esha spoke for over 400 leaders of the Haitian diaspora and overseas workers in the country who participated at the Haitian Diaspora Unity Conference in Miami, where ex-president Bill Clinton and the Prime Minister of Haiti were the key speakers. Dada was invited to join the organization committee of the next conference. He also held seminars on PROUT and spirituality to the Miami community. Tvk. Vivek was one of the instructors at the yoga teacher’s training held in Asheville, NC. The training attracted 12 trainees and was conducted by a team that also included Ác. Vishvarupánanda Avt. and sisters Kaoveri and Mahajyoti. This year’s training was the fifth that this program has been conducted.

New York Region Tvk. Vivek continues his teaching activities with two yoga classes and one meditation class in Albany, NY. He has been working on the Teaching Meditation manual in cooperation with visiting Acaryas and Tvká. Devanistha. Brother Arun was the trainer for 25 people who attended the annual Prabhát Sam´giita retreat held in Vermont in September. Reconstruction work is ongoing on the jagrti in NYC, including a new roof (which will be the site of a rooftop garden next year) and a basement renovation as well. A lecture was given at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Westbury recently and yoga classes continue at the jagrti in English and Spanish.

Ác.Gunamaya Brc. was one of the instructors in this summer’s LFT training at Ánanda Kanan, and in NY Region he has conducted yoga and meditation programs in Ithaca, Albany, Boston, and Amherst College. You can find out more on Dada’s work in the North East at the website Chicago Region In Champaign-Urbana, concerts were organized for children and adults with special needs at two centers. A yoga course is run by Brother Dhruva on the University of Illinois campus. He appeared on the University’s TV station in a special program about his yoga classes. Standardized course modules for Ánanda Márga Seminars are being compiled by visiting acaryas in the sector. Memphis Region A lecture on PROUT was given at the University of Tennessee, campus Knoxville, by Ác. Prán´esha Brc. Preparations are ongoing to establish a PROUT Club at the campus with the help of local proutists. Dádá also held a meditation talk at the Unitarian Church, a vegetarian dinner and collective meditation for beginners, with the regular participation of 15 people. With the consistent help of Brother Laks´mán, the unit in Knoxville is being formed. Brother Laks´mána is giving pracár courses, conducting classes at the Yoga Club at UT Knox and also working on the planning and maintenance for the Ánanda Árpana MU, which is being prepared to receive volunteers in the near future. Panama Region Children at the Centro Educativo Ananda Marga in Managua pose for a group photo Brcii. Prema Ác. runs a school in Nicaragua and supervises several social service projects. A recent teacher training program upgraded the skills of teachers at Didi’s school as well as those of the school supervised by Ác. Vishnupremánanda Avt. WWD (the Women’s Welfare Department) has also established a multipurpose Center in Sabana Grande, near Managua. The center offers

a naturopathic clinic, health classes and yoga classes. In addition, gardening courses in cooperation with the U.N.’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) were recently held. A program distributing healthy, ecological and fuel efficient stoves was based at this center as well as an HIV education program. WWD's social service center in Sabana Grande, Nicaragua Avtk. Ánanda Anuradha Ác. supervises in Costa Rica a school with 30 children. WWD also offers other social service programs including workshops for kids in a poor area in San Jose, a food cooperative serving needy families, and medical-health services for the immigrant families. Avtk. Ánanda Hitaesana Ac.traveled extensively in the Sector doing Dharma Pracar. She initiated 6 sisters and gave conferences in three different locations.

Hong Kong Sector Mongolia AMURT is actively serving poor people, distributing food, clothes and blankets to poor families. In September AMURT organized a medical camp and treated families in a poor area of Ulaanbaatar There are currently 108 children in Lotus Childrens’ Centre. The Ching Hai organization gave an award to Avtk. Ánanda Kailika Ac. with a $10,000 prize. A guesthouse for tourists with 24 beds was started in Ulaanbaatar. It will operate as an income generation project and will train teenage girls from the home. In May, Didi Ananda Kalika received The Order or Australia award from the Australian Government. The Governor General of Australia presented it to Didi, who was also interviewed by ABC Television in Australia. Pracar activities such as yoga and meditation classes are going well by Ac. Shubhadhyánánanda Avt. and Ác. Vijaya. Brc. Russia

There were two main Regional conferences in Siberia and Far East and altogether 244 people attended. Before the conferences many public lectures and seminars took place in Far East and Siberia. Many came in contact with Ananda Marga and two new units were started. A new meditation hall was constructed in the Master Unit in Far East Russia. Two new LFTs were created. The registration for AMURT is under process. Khazakstan Ác. Sudhakar Brc. organized seminars and public lectures in Almaty and Pavlodar. Márgiis have also started to do pracar in Pavlodar.

Korea Ánanda Márga has organized several RAWA concerts in Korea. Ác. Shubhacintánanda Avt. performed Prabháta Sam´giita at Ching Hai conference, translated into 15 languages and broadcasted on Supreme Master TV. Ác. Bhavottaránanda Avt. taught Prabhát Sam´giita, Kiirtan, Meditation and Yoga to 15,000 children in a summer holiday camp. Avtk. Ánanda Árpana Ác. gave public lectures in 3 cities. Ác. Cittarainjanánanda Avt. is helping the Master Unit and has organized several children camps, fasting camps and created new márgiis. Japan With the help of Brcii. Sarvajina Ác. and Ác. Vijiitatmánanda Avt., pracar is going well and seminars were held in Tokyo, Kyoto and Fukuoka. China Pracar is in progress in Shanghai and other surrounding cities.

Hong Kong Ác. Gunamuktánanda Avt. is teaching a meditation course at a university in Hong Kong. Taiwan Sectorial Conference – The Hong Kong Sector's Autumn Conference was held at the beautiful Ánanda Suruci Master Unit in Yujing, Taiwan, with an inspiring gathering of nearly 250 margiis, including dadas and didis. All enjoyed the collective kiirtan & sadhana, enlightening classes, devotional sharing and nourishing satsaunga. The Central Representative Ac. Shantatmánanda Avt. gave much inspiration to the margiis. Taipei AMPS has been working hard during these last three months to organize the Conference. Very well done! After the typhoon in Southern Taiwan, an AMURT/EL team of 30 volunteers including margiis and acaryas went to the affected area and assisted with the clean-up operation of shops and offices. About 50 relief packages were donated and food was distributed to hundreds of victims. Trauma counseling was also give to local children. The fund collection to support the relief was about 300.000 NT$. A very successful AMURT/EL disaster Relief training was held in Ananda Suruci in October. Trainers came from Haiti and Norway and 28 acaryas and 16 margiis attended the program. On the eve of Prabháta Saungiita Day, márgiis in Taipei learned a new song taught by SS Dada (Jiivane Maran'e - 3570), followed by a workshop conducted by sister Ispitá about the meaning of the song. Next day, 14th of September, we had Akhanda Prabháta Saungiita for three hours, singing 45 songs, with the attendance of 8 ácáryas and about 25 márgiis. Service activities in Taipei are proceeding on a regular basis. We have nearly one service day per week. Márgiis have visited the Sing-Long

Senior Citizen Center, the Ai Ai Elder's Care Center and the School for Mentally Challenged Children in Lin-Kou. Hundreds of people are benefitted by the sharing of stretching exercises, ásanas , singing of devotional songs, kiirtana, meditation and satsaunga. We have received appreciation letters and inspiring comments from all institutions. Lunch boxes are distributed to more than 200 homeless in Taipei. Shravanii Purnima and Diipaválii were celebrated with good attendance and cultural programs organized by RAWA. A Shraddha Ceremony was held for the funeral of Laksmii (Mama Chou). Ác. Krs´n´a Kumar and Ác. Karun ´ámaya Brc. are very active in organizing the programs. Other activities in Taipei are: 14 weekly ásanas classes, 2 weekly Meditation classes, 2 weekly Philosophy classes, 1 New people’s DC, 2 regular DCs. The Study Circle has completed Baba’s Microvita book. A Farmer’s Club has been going on where márgiis learn how to make soaps, carrot cake, jam, etc. At the Music Club the márgiis are learning Prabháta Saungiita, Bhajans, Kiirtana tunes and how to play guitar. Classes are given to blind people and to youth in the jail. On July 5th a PROUT conference has been organized in the international convention hall of the College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, along with a Skype Video Conference given by Dr. Ravi Batra. 200 people attended! NHE/Gurukul Study Circle is running consistently twice a month, now finishing a compilation of Baba’s discourses on cakras. E-news of Gurukul is being published regularly. WWD has 3 weekly A’sanas classes, neurolinguistic actvities and new people’s meditation organized by sister Prashanti. SDM has 20 Weekly A’sanas classes, meditation courses for new people, funds were raised for AMURT and a meditation course for blind people is being held on a regular basis. A public speech was given on Rajadhiraja Yoga attended by 150 people.

Service work is also happening at every city in Taiwan. Delhi Sector Kalikátá Region Construction – Nearly one lakh and sixteen thousand was spent in digging the tube well, a water tank and other constructions in the AMPS jagrti premises of Dhanbad, after many failures to procure underground water to fulfill the daily need of drinking water. In Brahmapur (Ganjam Diocese), nearly 50,000 Rs were already spent for the construction of latrine tanks, toilet rooms and kitchen. The work is still in progress. The construction of a stage was completed this month at AM school in Pathergama. Cultural Programme – A Cultural programme was held on 14th of Sept 2009 in Ananda Marga school Pathargama on the occasion of Prabháta Sam'giita Divas. The function was attended by hundreds of parents and guardians of the school together with all the students. Prabhat Samgiita Divas was also held with grand fervour and enthusiasm at Dhanbad, Tatanagar, Bokharo, Bhuvaneshvar, Deoghar, Ramgiri (Gajapati, Orissa) and Balasrore. Prizes were distributed among the top competitors of Prabháta Sam´giita singing and dance in Singin, Tatanagar. A Prabháta Sam´giita Academy was started at Champádangá (Hoogly District) which is due to be affiliated with Bangiiya Sahitya Paris'ada under the supervision of Tanmaya Ghánti.

Ranchi Region

Patna Circle A free medical camp was organized in Patna where nearly 200 people benefitted. On another occasion, clothes were distributed among 500 needy people. A free study circle with coaching is running succesfully at Ánanda Márga school. In Jamalpur a colourful cultural programme was organized in the Ánanda Márga school on the Prabháta Sam'giita Divasa, which was highly appreciated by the parents of the students and the public. Prizes were also distributed among top competitors, specially students of the school. The news was highlighted in Hindustan at Jagaran daily newspaper. A RAWA program was organized in Ranchi to celebrate the 27th Prabháta Sam'giita Divasa. Nearly 700 youth participated in singing and dancing. Some of them took initiation in meditation.

Bhopal Circle Prabhát Sam'giita Divasa was celebrated in Bhopal, Sagar, Indore, Ujjain, and others. Kaos'ikii Divas was celebrated on 6th September at Ánanda Márga Middle School, Bhopal. Girl students of the school participated in kaos'ikii competition, which was widely publicized in daily newspapers, viz Dainik Bhaskar, Ráj Express, People's Samáchár, Patriká, etc. Prabhát Sam'giita Divasa was organized on a big scale in Bhopal where students of Ánanda Márga school participated and moments of the program were telecasted via Bhaskar TV of Bhopal. The event was also highlighted by various newspapers. The once monthly Medical Unit has been made weekly since last month at Ánandanagar jagrti of Bhopal. Currently two homeopath doctors are

attending patients every Sunday. The construction of a school building was finished in Sagar with the costs of six lakhs rupees. A house entrance program along with Játakarma and a revolutionary marriage took place on Rewa Diocese. Allahabad Region Prabháta Sam'giita Divasa was widely celebrated all over the region at AMPS units and AM schools, with active participation from the márgiis. Competition on Prabháta Sam'giita singind and dancing were held with prize distribution. The great attendance showed the keen interest for learning Prabháta Sam'giita. The late downpour of rains in early October caused floods in Rapti River, Siddharta Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh. Thousands were badly affected. AMURT of UP took up relief operations under the supervision of Regional Secretary of Allahabad. Dry food materials and cooked food were provided and medical camps were organized for thousands of people. Shrii Ramsurat Pandey, SDM Dumariaganj of the district, innaugurated the medical camp and later has given an appreciation letter to AMURT. A medical camp was conducted in Gonda on 5th September, in which Shrii B. K. Shriivastava (G) Gonda took active role. Nearly 130 people were given free check up with medicines. Chandigarh Region Prabhát Sam'giita Divas was celebrated in all AMPS units and AM schools of Chandigarh Region. Jaipur Region To fulfill the long waiting demand of márgiis of Jaipur. A very succesful DMS was organized on 3-4th of October at Jaipur at the "Maheshwvarii Jan Upayogi Bhavan", where senior purodha Ácárya Vishvadevánanda Avadhúta addressed the huge gathering of márgiis who came from

different parts of India. Márgiis were inspired and enjoyed the spiritual talks of Dadajii. Proper arrangements of lodging and food were made for thousands of participants of the DMS. The event was well publicized via electronic media. An impressive book stall was set up by Ánanda Márga, Kota Unit, during the annual book fair, which displayed Ánanda Márga literature, yoga charts, etc. Thousands of people visited our stall and came in contact with the Ánanda Márga philosophy. Many purchased books and learned yogic practices, with about 250 people learning meditation. Prabhát Sam'giita Divas was celebrated with cultural programmes and arts competitions at Kota, Udaipur, Himmat Nagar, Bikaner, Ahmedabad and Gandhidham. Mumbai Region Our revered senior Purodha Ác. Vishvadevánanda Avt. had a short stay of two days at Hyderabad. He was well received by hundreds of márgiis. Dadajii delivered an impressive spiritual talk and after inaugurated the newly constructed building of five rooms in the AMPS Ashram. He also visited the Master Unit and the AM school (ladies managed) at Mahaboob Nagar. Márgiis were very much inspired on the occasion. On the way to Ranchi, Dadajii was received by a spiritual congregation in Nagpur. Nearly 200 márgiis from different districts of Vidárbha welcomed him and got very much inspired by his presence. The short visit to Nagpur by Dadajii was widely publicized in the local newspaper. In Mumbai 350 students and 16 professors of the Pharmacy College attended a class on Biopsychology and memory. 3 students got initiated. Andhra Pradesh Relief Work – Following the heavy incessant rains of early October in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, the two main rivers, namely Krs'n'a and Tungabhadra, overflowed and caused serious floods in the area where

nearly 300 villages were fully submerged under muddy water. Millions of people were badly affected and left astray without food and shelter. The loss of human and animal lives was alarming. In this crucial situation, at the request of the government officials of Andhra Pradesh, AMURT & AMURTEL came for relief operations with five teams and about 70 volunteers. AMURT/EL distributed readymade food packets, biscuits, bread, fruits, rice, pulse, potato, water bottles, cooking utensils, clothes, bedsheets, etc. to the affected families of Kurnool and Mahaboob. 35 villages and 30,000 inhabitants

benefitted. AMURT also cleaned dead

bodies and carcasses, organized medical camps and provided vaccination to sheep, goats, cows and buffaloes to prevent the spread of diseases, with the help of the government of Andhra Pradesh. In Kurnool town, counseling services were given to alleviate trauma and mental shock of the flood victims. This program was highly appreciated by the population. The operation was conducted under overall supervision of Ác. Savitánanda Avadhúta (Global AMURT Coordinator). He lead a team of volunteers with the coordination of Ác. Satyashráyánanda Avt. (AMURT Sectorial Secretary), Ác. Nityasundaránanda Avt. (Regional AMURT Secretary) , Avtk. Ánanda Madhudyotaná Ácáryá (Sectorial AMURTEL Secretary) and Avtk. Ánanda Kalyánamayá Ácáryá (Regional AMURTEL Secretary). Bangalore Region Prabhát Sam'giita Divasa was celebrated with much enthusiasm all over the region in almost all the units and schools. Cultural programs and PS competitions were also organized. Many villages of Karnataka were also affected by the heavy rains which caused lakhs of people to have their lands and belongings submerged. AMURT moved to the affected area of Raichur and provided relief operations, distributing food, medicines and cleaning the houses from the mud. AMURT volunteers continue to work tirelessly to bring succor to the

population. A grand and successful DMS was organized in Chennai on 10-11th of October at the Anna Community Hall, Ashok Pillar, Chennai. Ácárya Vishvadevánanda Avadhúta was well received by hundreds of márgiis from South India and delivered vibrant and inspiring spiritual talks. 48 hours of akhanda kiirtana was organized, adding special spiritual bliss to the DMS gathering. Kathmandu Region Relief – Following the sudden outflow of surplus water from DVC, there was a spate of flood in Pudsur'á of Hoogly District, which affected nearly 14 lakhs of people, devastating their houses and damaging their crops. In this crucial period, AMURT extended its volunteer services by distributing dry food such as beaten rice, sugar, etc, to nearly one thousand families. When the water receded, AMURT distributed bleeching powder to prevent the contamination of water, the spread of epidemics and the movement of snakes in the affected area. The young volunteers of Trinamool Congress supported our ventures and helped in the relief operation. The Block President of TMC, Mr. Jayadeva Pena extended his appreciation to AMURT for its yeoman services. Medical – An eye checkup camp was held in AMSAI, Hetanda by a team of Tilganda Hospital. 60 students benefitted. An acupressure, yoga and naturopathy camp was held amongst 30 members of the district development committee. Ác. Omprakashvaránanda Avt. gave theoretical and practical classes with active participation of the local development officers. A public meeting on the prevention against animal sacrifice in temples was held at Hetanda in Prajatantrik Chowk, during Dashahara. 30 school students of class X were taught Biopsychology, ásanas and meditation in Padmaratna high school in Malangwa.

RAWA – Prabháta Sam'giita Divas was celebrated with singing and dancing competitions in Sanopokhra. 200 guardians attended. The process of registration of the AMPS School land in the village of Raiter Khor, Sarlahia has started. Two new boys were admitted at the AM Children's Home, Hetanda, totaling now 13 boys. Narayan Seva was done at Banglamukhi temple and Hetanda, benefitting the total of 130 people. PROUT committees were formed in 18 districts. Berlin Sector Berlin Region Brother Niilakantha is going to WT training and Brother Vinayaka who is completing his LFT training will replace Niilakantha in the sectorial office. Ac. Aniishananda Avt. (SOS) reports the sectorial office has been renovated although there still remains some more work to be done. It will be completed by Dec ´09. Ac. Cakrapanii Brc. has been busy in working for sectorial office finance and audit work. Madhu Karun´á renovation for DMS will be completed by May 2010. Ac. Rainjaneshvaránanda Avt. held Akhanda Kiirtan in Berlin at Shankar’s house. Kaos´ikii Divas was also celebrated. The unit meeting was held and 24 people attended a vegetarian dinner. Ac. Sarvajiitánanda Avt. conducted 2 meditation classes in South Germany with attendance of 25 and 40 people respectively. Dádá has been fund raising for the project in Congo, Africa attending the music festivals. Meditation and Kiirtan were appreciated in closing ceremony where around 100 people attended. Brcii. Tejasvinii Ác.– Akhanda kiirtan is being held monthly in 4 units.

Introductory classes given in Berlin and Luneburg. AM Elementary philosophy is now being published. Didi met with the Mayor of Berlin. Next year she will hold a one week program and we may be able to have one day to present AM. Bucharest Region Ac. Rasatmakánanda Avt. says the new Domnesti Multifunctional Centre for homeless youth (18 to 26 years old) was approved by Bucharest City Council on August 2009. The contract with DGAS (government social department) is three years from day of signing the contract, dated September. The actual implementation started on October by employing the project manager, program director, and administrator. Six more staff members will be employed (social assistant, psychologist, project assistant, and 3 night assistants). The opening of the Centre is on November 2009. Avtk. Ananda Jyotishrii Ac. gave a presentation on Neo-Humanism at a vegetarian festival, attended by 50 people. A PROUT class was given to 13 people. Didi wrote a proposal for setting up a rural education project. Gibraltar Region Ác. Tiirthadevánanda Avt. attended the Summer festival in Portugal. Ánanda Márga had Yoga and Meditation sites in the camp area. Meditation and evening classes were conducted for 1 week. Dádá visited márgii projects in north Portugal. In Valencia there was a small retreat with 11 people. In Barcelona there was a program with 7 people. Yoga classes are being held regularly in Madrid. London Region Ác. Jyotirupánanda Avt. gave several talks on vegetarian diet and spiritual topics. 50 people attended the talks. At the end of September he attended a raw food festival and 3 talks were presented mainly about

meditation and PROUT, with many leaflets distributed. One class was given by one márgii. Dádá has written a book on meditation, “Meditation: Searching for the Real You”, which has been printed by a publishing company in London. Sister Tapasii, a photographer, is filming Dádá’s talks and uploading on Youtube. AMURT London is donating funds to Ghana and Romania. Beginners meditation is held with 15 people attending regularly. Prabhát Sam´giita Divas took place at Didi’s school. Avtk. AnandaManika Ac. organized 2 baby naming ceremonies. Renovation of the school has been taking place and much pracar with márgii children. Ireland Avtk. Ananda Pramá Ác.held a work camp with 8 people on the Ánanda Bhárati Master Unit in Ireland and 3 sisters were initiated. A beginners program was held for London region with 11 people. 1 person was initiated and 2 expressed desire to become WTs. A wind turbine had been built. 2 former LFTs came and are working in the region. There is selling of fruits from the MU on the market. Didi visited the Czech master unit as part of her additional duty to arrange the tax papers. Oslo Region Ác. Subuddhyánanda Avt., now posted as PRS Qahira Sector, visited Iceland for a 2 weeks program followed by a retreat, in which 50 people attended. 70 people came the following week. Classes were held by Shantimaya Brc. for new people in Bergen. One meditation class is ongoing. Avtk. ÁnandaUdaya Ác. travelled to Bergen and nearby cities for pracar. Weekly meditation and fund raising has also been done.

Paris Region Avtk. Ánanda Harimaya Ác. visited GT sector and had many initiations in Argentina. She underwent a succesfull health operation. Didi is working on French and Spanish publications. Prague Region Ác. Vanditánanda Avt. gave a successful TV interview which was broadcasted throughout Poland. Avtk. Ánanda Pramá Ác. visited MU in Czech with Brcii. Annapurna Ác. Plans are underway for improving the water system. One PROUT book was given to President Claus of Czech.

Roma Region Ác. Shubhatmánanda Avt. attended 7 programs all over Roma region. One Conference in Roma attracted 35 people who later signed up for courses. In Roma a minimum of 30 to 40 people attend classes regularly. A very inspiring RAWA program was held and 250 euro raised at the event went for AMURT Romania. Ác. Devavratánanda Avt. reports that the reconstruction of Ánanda Vipas ´a Master Unit has taken 6 months. The house blessing of the “new” Ananda Vipasa was organized during the Prabhát Sam´giita Divas celebrated with 45 people. 4 programs were conducted in Sicilia and Calabria. Ác. Kuinjabihari Brc. has been fully involved in the MU renovation for the last 3 months. Besides the RAWA program, 3 fund raising events were also organized for the MU, which hosted the WRC Camp and Sectorial RDS. Stockholm Region

Ác. Harikrpánanda Avt. attended RDS for the second time in 13 years, due to his responsibility in the WT training centre. Recently Dada was in India where he started making the boundary wall in a property purchased by Dada Cidanandajii near Varanasi,by the Ganges River, with 80,000 rupees donated by one márgii. Water facilities were arranged. Brcii. Annapurna Ac. was invited to speak at the United Religions panel and at an International Economics School. Didi Sent letters about PROUT to the President Medvedev of Russia, the King of Sweden, and the Prime Minister of Portugal. She donated PROUT books to two libraries, and NeoHumanist books to four libraries. Didi also distributed 45 PROUT booklets and 30 leaflets. Avtk. Ananda Dayashiila Ac. organizes akhanda kiirtan and sádhaná shiivir monthly. A second-hand car has been purchased, which is making it easier to visit the margiis. Sectorial: A successful WRC camp with 21 cadres was held in Ánanda Vipása MU in Italy in October.

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