Acts 15:22-29: …men Who Have Their Lives For The Sake Of Our

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  • Pages: 16
Acts 15:2229

…men who have RISKED their lives for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Contents • Introduction • Risk & the Cause of God • Kinds of Risk • Risk & the Triumph of Love • Moral guidelines for us


“Risk Is Woven into the Fabric of Our Finite Lives”

• View 1: Risk management is the discipline of identifying, monitoring and limiting risk. Risks can come from accidents, natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attacks from an adversary. • View 2: Risk very simply as an action that exposes someone to the possibility of loss or injury. you may endanger other people and not just yourself; their life may be at stake.

Risk & the Cause of God • Why is there such a thing as risk? The reason there is such a thing as risk is that there is such a thing as ignorance. If there were No Ignorance, there would be No Risk. Risk is possible because we don't know how things will turn out. [James 4:13-15]

Risk & the Cause of God contd… “IT IS RIGHT TO RISK FOR THE CAUSE OF GOD”

Instance 1 2 Samuel 10:9-12

Joab had made a strategic decision for the cities of God. He did not know how it would turn out. He had to Risk or Run. He handed the results over to God.

Risk & the Cause of God contd… “IT IS RIGHT TO RISK FOR THE CAUSE OF GOD”

Instance 2 Esther 4: 12-16

She had no special revelation from God on this issue. had to make a decision on the basis of sanctified wisdom "If I perish, I perish." And this was right. So she made her decision and handed the results over to God.

Risk & the Cause of God contd… “IT IS RIGHT TO RISK FOR THE CAUSE OF GOD”

Instance 3 Daniel 3: 15-17

This is “Sheer Risk.” "We believe our God will deliver us. But even if he doesn't, we will not serve your gods."

Risk & the Cause of God contd… “IT IS RIGHT TO RISK FOR THE CAUSE OF GOD”

Instance 4 Acts 21: 10-14

Paul believes that this trip to Jerusalem is necessary for the cause of God. He does not know what would happen there.  Arrest and affliction for sure. But then what? Death? Imprisonment? Banishment?

Kinds of Risks

Kinds of Risk


For the Sake of Righteousness: [Luke 21:16

"Some of you they will put to death."  Not all will die for the cause of Christ. But then not all will live either. Some will die. And some will live. This is what Risk. The Risk of Confession:

[Proverbs 28:13] “…but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy." [James 5:16] "Confess your sins to one another…”

Kinds of Risk


How we use our Money: [Luke 21:1-4]

"The rich took no risk with their money for the cause of God, but the widow did." Freeing Ourselves from Excess Money:

[Luke 12:16-21] Jesus calls the man a fool who chooses security over risk for the cause of God. But God says to him, "You fool! This night your soul is required of you" [Luke 12:33-34] … a treasure in the heavens that does not fail.

Kinds of Risk


Personal Witnessing in the Gospel: [1 Timothy

[Luke 21:12-15] Jesus says, "They will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name's sake. This will be a time for you to bear testimony." It is clearly his will that we be constantly ready to witness to his grace and glory.

Kinds of Risk


Ministry Ventures: [1 Peter: 2:5]

bold and hopeful in our dreams for ministry and missions at Bethlehem! Any significant ministry today that began without someone taking a risk? Remember the missions of our Apostles and their struggle behind the establishment of Church and its smooth functioning with thy grace and glory. Paul’s letter to all the churches with caution and fellowship building to carry out effective Gospel mission.

Risk & the Triumph of Love [Romans 8:35-39]

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? the motive behind taking risks for the cause of God is not heroism, or the lust for adventure, or the courage of selfreliance, or the need to earn God's good will . power behind all biblical risk for the cause of God is faith in the triumphant

Risk & the Triumph of Love contd…

“Everything will fallow by faith with love”

That the strength to risk losing face for the sake of Christ is the faith that God's love will lift up your face in the end and vindicate your cause. That the strength to risk losing money for the cause of the gospel is the faith that we have a treasure in the heavens that cannot fail. That the strength to risk losing life in this world is faith in the promise that he who loses his in this world will save it

Moral Guidelines for us

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” [Romans

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