Glory Of Machphela By Rbjj

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  • Pages: 11
Genesis 23:1-20

Glory of Machpelah

A Piece of the

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Inside • Context • Importance of God’s promise • Geographical observation of Machpelah • Character’s Role & Contrast • Moral guidelines for us

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Context God promised Abraham many things i.e. Gen 12: 1-2, 17:16, 13:3

• Promised land for him and his people forever • A son in old age • Abundance of Richness

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Importance of God’s promise Definition • prom’-is (most frequently in the Old Testament dabhar, "speaking," "speech,“& in the New Testament epaggelia, • Promise holds an important place in the Scriptures and in the development of the religion that culminated in God & Christ. The Bible is indeed full of "precious and exceeding great promises"

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Importance of God’s promise Contd… Aspects of Promise: • the promise to Noah no more to curse the ground, etc. (Ge 8:21,22; 9:1-17) • the promise to David to continue his house on the throne (2Sa 7:12, 1Ki 2:24) • the promise of restoration of Israel, of the Messiah, of the new and everlasting kingdom, of the new covenant (Isa 2:2-5; Jer 31:31-34)

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Geographical observation of Machpelah • Machpelah, meaning “The Double”, cave near Hebron; also called the “Cave of Patriarchs”, “Cave of the tomb of Couples” • The distance would be 31 kms from Jerusalem to Hebron • It’s the second most important place in Jerusalem after the ‘Dome of the Rock’! • Today both Jews and Muslims regard the cave

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Geographical observation of Machpelah Contd…

• Burial place for 04 couples i.e. 1) Adam & Eve, 2) Abraham & Sarah, 3) Isaac & Rebekah, & 4) Jacob & Leah • Upper masque remains exclusive property of Muslims • Both Jewish & Muslim service are held • Only for 10 days in a year visitors are allowed

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Geographical observation of Machpelah Contd…

Significance of Hebron: • The name signifies an “Alliance” (Gen 13) • The David anointed as a King (2 Sam 2:1-4) • David first born Son (2 Sam 3:2) • Hebron become a possession of Caleb (meaning: Dog), the Gentile through Joshua (Savior) (Josh 14:13-14) • It is also one of the cities of refuge (Josh 20:7)

Geographical observation of Machpelah

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah


Significance of Mamre: Mamre meaning bitterness/rebellious 2 kms North West towards Hebron 3 kms East towards Machpelah Abraham dwelt, when Lord made him key promise of Land (Gen 13:15-18) • Abraham served angels and promise of son is made (Gen 18:1-2) • • • •

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Character’s Role & Contrast Old Testament

New Testament

Abraham, paid full Christ’s ransom become full price for Genesis 23:15 (New International Version) purchase of church, (& also for 15 money for "Listen to me, my lord; the land is worth four hundred purchase Gentiles) as the meaning of Bury [a] shekels of of silver, but what is that between me and you? Machpelah for Machpelah represents Double (as your dead." Sarah, because a symbol of Grace Covenant) Genesis 23:15 (New American Standard Bible) (Act 7:5) (A  15 "My Princes lord, listen to me; a piece ofwho land acknowledge worth four hundred Sarah, who The Bride the ) shekels of silver, the what is that between me and you?Jesus So bury acknowledge promise through Lord Christ your dead." promise through Genesis 23:15 (Amplified Bible) Abraham

15 My lord, to me. The The land is worth 400 shekels of silver; Promise oflisten Abraham Grace of Almighty has to what that between me? So your dead. hasisto transfer toyou and transfer tobury Gentiles by our Savior Gentiles, in the Jesus Christ. (Rom 4:16, Gala Genesis 23:15 (Contemporary English Version) division of land by 3:13, 28, 29) 14-15 "But sir," the man replied, "the property is worth only four Joshua to Caleb. hundred pieces of silver. Why should we haggle over such a small amount? Take the land. It's yours."

Genesis 23:15 (Darby Translation) Hebron was also a For us also Savior has become a  15 ‘Camp My lord,of hearken to me. A field of hundred of Refuge’ ‘Camp offour Refuge’ forshekels spiritual silver, what is that between me and thee? bury therefore thy for the Fleshly Israelites. (Heb 6:17-18, 11:13, dead. 39, 40)

Genesis 23:1-20 Glory of Machpelah

Moral guideline for us • Faith and Promise goes hand in hand (Rom 4:16) • The promise of the Spirit is spoken of by Jesus as "the promise of my Father" ( Lu 24:49; Act 1:4), • The New Testament promises include manifold blessings and hopes, among them "life," "eternal life" (1Ti 4:8; 6:19; 2Ti 1:1; Jas 1:12), the "kingdom" (Jas 2:5), Christ’s "coming" (2Pet 3:9, etc.), "new heavens and a new earth" (2Pet 3:13)

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