Acrónimos Ingleses

  • Uploaded by: Julia Pina English teacher
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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 319
  • Pages: 1
ACRÓNIMOS A.G.M. A.P.C. A.P.S. B.P.D. B.I.S. C.A.P. C.B.I. C.F.P. C.G.T. C.I.F. C.P.I. D.F.I. E.C.S.C. E.I.B. E.I.D. E.M.S. F.A.O. I.M.F. F.O.B. F.X. G.A.T.T. G.D.P. G.F.C.F. G.N.P. G.P. I.B.R.D. I.L.O. I.M.F. N.I. N.N.P. O.E.C.D. O.I.T. O.P.E.C. P.L.C. P.S.B.R. R&D R.O.A. R.O.C.E. R.O.I. S.D.R. U.D.C. U.N.C.T.A.D. U.N.I.D.O. V.A.T. W.H.O. W.T.O.

Annual General Meeting/ Junta Anual Ordinaria. Average Propensity to Consume/ Propensión Media al consumo. Average Propensity to Save/ Propensión Media al Ahorro. Barrels per day./Barriles por día. Bank for International Settlements/ Banco de pagos internacionales. Common Agricultural Policy/ Política Agraria Común. Conference British Industry. Common Fisheries Policy/ Política pesquera común. Capital Gains Tax/ Impuesto sobre plusvalías. Cost, Insurance, Freight/ Costo, seguro, flete. Consumer Price Index/ Indice de precios al consumo. Direct Foreign Investment/ Inversión Extranjera Directa. European Coal and Steel Commercity/ comercio europeo del carbón y el acero. European Investment Bank/ Banco europeo de inversiones. European Investment Development. European Monetary System/ Sistema Monetario Europeo. Food and agricultural organization/ Organización de Agricultura y Alimentos. International Monetary Fund Free On Board/ Franco a Bordo. Foreign exchage/Foreign exchange market. General Agreement on tariffs and trade. Gross Domestic Product/ Producto Nacional? Bruto. Gross Fixed Capital Formation/ Formación Bruta de capital fijo. Gross National Product/ Producto Nacional Bruto Gross profit International Bank for reconstruction and development. International Labour Organization/ Organización Internacional del trabajo. International Monetary Fund/ Fondo Monetario Internacional. National Income/ Renta Nacional. Net National Product. Organization for economic Cooperation and Development. Organization for International Trade/ Organización para el comercio internacional. Organization of petroleum exporting countries. Public Limited Company. Public Sector Borrowing Requirement/ Necesidades crediticias del sector público. Research and development/ Investigación y desarrollo. Returns on Assets. Return On Capital Employed/ Rendimiento sobre el capital empleado. Return On Investment/ Rendimiento sobre la inversión. Special Drawing Right/ Derecho especial de giro. Under Developed Countries/ Países menos desarrollados. United Nations Conference Trade and Development. United Nations Investment and develop organization. Value added tax. World Health Organization. World Trade Organization.

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