Recomendações Técnicas E Normas Para Qualificações

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  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
RECOMENDAÇÕES TÉCNICAS E NORMAS PARA QUALIFICAÇÕES 1.NORMAS PARA QUALIFICAÇÕES 1. ANVISA RDC 185 – 22/10/2001 - Registro, alteração, revalidação e cancelamento do registro de produtos médicos na Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. a. Entre outras informações, fornece requisitos de etiquetas e manuais de equipamentos com registro na ANVISA

2. CFR 21, Part 11, 211, etc - Code of Federal Regulations - Title 21 - Food and Drugs

CFR11 – Registros Eletrônicos:

CFR11 – cGMP Pharmaceutical: 3. NBR 5429 e 5426 – Critérios de amostragem 4. NBR/ISO 11134 - Esterilização de Produtos Hospitalares Requisitos para Validação e Controle de Rotina - Esterilização por Calor Úmido. a. Entre outras informações, estabelece critérios para F0 5. (Ph. Eur. method 5.1.5) - Application of the F0 concept to steam sterilisation of aqueous preparations The following chapter is published for information. The F0 value of a saturated steam sterilisation process is the lethality expressed in terms of the equivalent time in minutes at a temperature of 121 °C delivered by the process to the product in its final container with reference to micro-organisms possessing a Z-value of 10. The total F0 of a process takes account of the heating up and cooling down phases of the cycle and can be calculated by integration of lethal rates with respect to time at discrete temperature intervals. When a steam sterilisation cycle is chosen on the basis of the F0 concept, great care must be taken to ensure that an adequate assurance of sterility is consistently achieved. In addition to validating the process, it may also be necessary to perform continuous, rigorous microbiological monitoring during routine production to demonstrate that the microbiological parameters are within the established tolerances so as to give an SAL of 10-6 or better. In connection with sterilisation by steam, the Z-value relates the heat resistance of a micro-organism to changes in temperature. The Z-value is the change in temperature required to alter the D-value by a factor of 10. The D-value (or decimal reduction value) is the value of a parameter of sterilisation (duration or absorbed dose) required to reduce the number of viable organisms to 10 per cent of the original number. It is only of significance under precisely defined experimental conditions. The following mathematical relationships apply:

1.1. F0 = D121 (log N0 – logN) = D121logIF • • • •

D121 =D-value of the reference spores (5.1.2) at 121 °C N0 = initial number of viable micro-organisms N = final number of viable micro-organisms IF = inactivation factor

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D1 = D-value of the micro-organism at temperature T1, D2 = D-value of the micro-organism at temperature T2

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t = exposure time D = D -value of micro-organism in the exposure conditions

Z (de acordo com a NBR ISSO 11134:2001)=n° de graus de temperatura requerida para mudança de 1-log no valor de D, que, segundo esta norma deve ser de 10°C (10K) para base aquosos F0 (de acordo com a NBR ISSO 11134:2001)=valor de F calculado a 121,1°C com valor de Z de 10K e valor de D121°C de 1 min D (de acordo com a NBR ISSO 11134:2001)=tempo de exposição necessário para redução de 1-log na população de determinado microrganismo

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Assim sendo , IF (inactivation factor) para 12 minutos (Farmacopéia Brasileira 4ª Edição, 1988, X.1.1.1 redução mínima de 12 ciclos logarítimicos de microrganismos, com D121°C≥1 minuto)

IF=10 12/1 IF=10 12

1.2.F0 = D121logIF 1.3.F0 = 1log10 12 1.4.F0 = 12 6. Resolução da ANVISA – RDC-210, de 04 de agosto de 2003 e RE-01, de 29 de julho de 2005. 7. NBR/ISO 8166 - Estufa Esterilizadora à Gravidade.

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