The Future Of The Entrepreneur: Cohérence Partenaires Pour Le Développement

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L'entrepreneur aujourd'hui: évolution, défis et opportunités ~~~~~~ Session 3

The Future of the Entrepreneur October 24, 2009 R a n d y M . A ta id e Pro fe sso r o f E n tre p re n e u rsh ip [email protected] Cohérence partenaires pour le développement

The Future of the Entrepreneur Overview 1. The Political View 2. The Academic’s View 3. The Worldwide Web View 4. The Enterprise of the Future 5. Social Media 6. The Social Entrepreneur 7. 8. 9.

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Political View What do these two gentlemen have to say about entrepreneurship?

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Political View According to Obama “It has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things -- some celebrated but more often men and women obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom.“ “The answers to our problems don’t lie beyond our reach. They exist in our laboratories and our universities; in our fields and our factories; in the imaginations of our entrepreneurs and the pride of the hardest working people on earth.” “Are you studying business? Go start a company.”

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Political View According to Sarkozy “ A lo n g sid e th e w o rk e th ic , th e e n te rp rise sp irit n e e d s to b e th e ce n te rp ie ce o f o u r e co n o m ic va lu e s! ” “ M e rit a n d la b o u r a re va lu e s th a t sh o u ld b e re w a rd e d m o re a n d m o re . W e m u st a p p la u d a n d b e th a n kfu lto th e Fra n ce th a t g e ts u p e a rly.”  " We are going to put two billioneuros fo r th e d isp o sitio n o f m id d le a n d sm a ll b u sin e sse s to e n fo rce th e ir e q u ity

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Academic View “Entrepreneurship will be the major academic discipline for business education in the 21st century.” Dr. Alan Grant, Provost, Babson College, 1998

“Entrepreneurship Studies—An Ascending Academic Discipline in the 21st Century.” Dr. Christine Volkmann, Higher Education in Europe

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Academic View “ A p a rticu la r stre n g th o f th e Fre n ch a p p ro a ch is a lso a stro n g fo cu s o f sm a ll a n d m e d iu m -size d o rg a n iza tio n s. T h e " French touch " of entrepreneurship re se a rch co u ld m a ke a d istin ctive co n trib u tio n to th e in te rn a tio n a lre se a rch co m m u n ity a n d th e m a in stre a m d e b a te .” Lasch, Frank, and Yami, Said. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 2008.

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Worldwide Web View

Future of entrepreneurs – 15,500,000X Future of entrepreneurship – 7,600,000X Future of entrepreneurship in France – 960,000X

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Worldwide Web View

Future entrepreneur opportunities – 206 , 000 , 000X !

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Enterprise of the Future “Our findings--across industries, geographies and organizations of different sizes—paint a surprisingly similar view of the traits that we believe will be needed for future success.” The Enterprise of the Future, IBM Global Report, 2008

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Enterprise of the Future

The Enterprise of the Future, IBM Global Report, 2008

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Enterprise of the Future need:

Does the “Enterprise of the Future” Rigidity or Flexibility? Hierarchy or Fluidity? Individualists or Collaborators? Bureaucrats or Leaders? Caution or Innovation?

The Future of the Entrepreneur The Enterprise of the Future

It is abundantly clear that the “Enterprise of the Future” needs

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media A very important question for the entrepreneur -

Is Social Media a Fad? http :// www . youtube . com / watch?v = fVXKI506w - E

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media * By 2010 , Gen Y willsurpass the Baby B o o m e rs.

*96% of all Gen Y’s have joined a social network.

*Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the web.

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media * IfFacebook # 4 in size.

were a country itwould be

*The fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-65 year old females. *2009 US Dept. of Education study concluded that online learners performed better than their face-to-face peers.

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media *Email is over. In 2009 Boston College stopped providing email addresses to incoming students. *Wikipedia is likely as reliable as Encyclopedia Britannica & 78% of its entries are non-English.

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media Are you getting sick of Twitter yet?

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media Twellow CoTweet twhirl TweetDeck ObjectiveMarketer TwitterHawk http :// blog . guykawasaki . com / 2009 / 06 / sites - used - at - san - diego venture - group - speech . html # more

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media Simply stated, entrepreneurs have previously unimaginable tools available to them at little or no cost. This provides the contemporary entrepreneur opportunities and advantages far beyond the previous generation of entrepreneurs.

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media “Word of Mouth” has become “World of Mouth.”

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneurs B u t a s a m a zin g a s a llo f th e se n e w so cia l m e d ia to o ls a re fo r th e e n tre p re n e u r, m a n y o f th e m a re n o t sa tisfie d w ith sim p ly sta rtin g g re a t b u sin e sse s.

Pie rre O m id ya r Je ff S ko ll

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneurs C h a rle s S ch w a b


The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneurs “ T h e co re p sych o lo g y o f a so cia l e n tre p re n e u r is so m e o n e w h o ca n n o t co m e to re st, in a ve ry d e e p se n se , u n til h e o r sh e h a s ch a n g e d th e p a tte rn in a n a re a o f so cia lco n ce rn a lla cro ss so cie ty. S o cia le n tre p re n e u rs a re m a rrie d to a visio n o f, fo r exa m p le , a b e tte r w a y o f h e lp in g yo u n g p e o p le g ro w u p o r o f d e live rin g g lo b a lh e a lth ca re . T h e y sim p ly w illn o t sto p b e ca u se th e y ca n n o t b e h a p p y u n tilth e ir visio n b e co m e s th e n e w p a tte rn . T h e y w illp e rsist fo r d e ca d e s.” Bill Drayton, Founder, Ashoka

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Entrepreneurs

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media Social entrepreneurship in its many forms, in companies large and small, French and multi-national, solving problems that governments and organizations seem incapable of solving, is at the heart of the future of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs move beyond borders. Entrepreneurs dream the biggest dreams. Entrepreneurs build bridges while others build walls.

The Future of the Entrepreneur Social Media

Entrepreneurs are you and I!

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