Opinion Survey Of Koh Kred Residents’ Perception (thesis)

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More details

  • Words: 532
  • Pages: 16

Background Outli ne Background of the Study

Chapter 1

Chapter 3 Theoretical framework Conceptual framework

Statement of the Problem Research Objectives Scope of the Study Limitations of the Study Significance of the Study Chapter 2 Residents’ attitude Tourism Promotional Tools

Research variables Research Hypothesis Chapter 4 Research Methods Respondents and Sampling Procedure test

Pretest and Reliability

Statistical Treatment of Data Statistical Tests Used

Background of the Study vTourism promotional tools become a tool in marketing strategy which help to attract tourist’s attention, provide information, creating awareness, recommendation and present product and service. vResident attitudes have significance in creating a hospitable environment for tourist, affect development

Statement of the Problem vThe majority of visitors to Koh Kred are Thai people, while international tourists seem to be uninformed. vThe website of Koh Kred itself appears to be undeveloped vThe tourism promotion

Research Objectives v To identify Koh Kred residents’ attitude towards a proper use of tourism promotional tools in attracting international tourists to visit Koh Kred. v To identify the degree to which any tourism promotional tools can be applicable in a promotion for international tourists. v To provide suggestion on tourism promotional tools of Koh Kred necessary in planning of marketing

Scope of the Study vFocus on tourism promotional tools and residents’ attitude at Koh Kred vSurvey method → Purposive Sampling v200 villagers as respondent → 21 to 60 years

Limitation of the Study vTarget Sampling group → Koh Kred residents vArea → Koh Kred, Nonthaburi Province vPeriod → 2 months (April –May 2009)

Significance of the Study vGuideline useful for tourism promotional tools in Koh Kred. vDevelopment of tourism marketing plan by using promotional tools. vImprovement of the destination image through the use of tourism promotional tools. vUnderstanding of residents’ attitude. vCreating awareness of using Tourism Promotional tools.

Residents’ attitude

Tourism Promotional Tools vNon-media • Brochure • Travel agents

vMass media • Television and Radio • Advertising

vElectronic media • Travel Blog • Travel information

vInterpersonal Communication • Word-of-mouth (WOM)

Tourism Impacts v Social impacts • Increase the pride of local residents, opportunity to promote destination and historical, and create awareness of traditional and culture of Koh Kred community. v Economic impacts • Increase revenue, additional tax receipts, foreign exchange, and new infrastructure investment. v Environmental impacts • Nature conservation, preserve environment, maintain historical sites, avoid making negative impacts within community.

Theoretical Framework Residents’ values concerning economic gain, community resource use, community attachment, and natural environment

Residents’ attitude

Evaluation of tourism impacts i.e. impacts as benefit or costs

Framework for understanding residents’ attitude towards tourism established by Jurowski (1997).

Conceptual Framework

Tourism Promotional Tools

Adapted from Jurowski (1997).

Residents’ Demographic Residents’ attitude

Research variables vIndependent variables →Tourism promotional tools →Resident demographics (age, gender, education and occupation)

vDependent variables →Residents’ attitude →Tourism impacts (social, economic and environmental)

Research Methodology vResearch Methods vQuestionnaire & Interview

vRespondents & Sampling Procedures vTarget population : Koh Kred residents vSampling size : 200 local residents vSampling method : Purposive sampling vSampling procedure : 30

Research Methodology (Cont.) vPretest and Reliability Test vStatistical Treatment of Data vStatistical Tests Used

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