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Inglês/Gramática/Pronomes/Pronomes possessivos 


Introdução Em inglês, existem duas formas de pronome possessivo, uma para os pronomes adjetivos possessivos (possessive adjectives) e outra para os pronomes substantivos possessivos (possessive pronouns). Exemplos a) Este é meu livro. - This is my book.=> possessive adjective b) Este livro é meu. - This book is mine.=> possessive pronoun Nota-se que, em inglês, mine substitui my book. Já, em português, usa-se a mesma forma (meu) para ambos os casos.

Em inglês, são sete os pronomes possessivos substantivos (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours e theirs). Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns I live here. This is my house. This house is mine. You live here. This is your house. This house is yours. He lives here. This is his house. This house is his. She lives here. This is her house. This house is hers. It stays here. This is its place. This place is its. We live here. This is our house. These houses are ours. You live here. This is your house. These houses are yours. They live here. This is their house. These houses are theirs. Os possessive pronouns (pronomes substantivos) ocorrem quando: 

Há verbo to be o separando do substantivo: This flower is hers. (Esta flor é dela.)

Em construções com of: Sylvia and Claudia are good friends of ours. - A Sylvia e a Claudia são amigas nossas. Let me introduce you a friend of mine. - Deixe-me apresentar-lhe um amigo meu. I would like to read some poems of yours. - Gostaria de ler uns poemas seus.

Os possessive adjectives (pronomes adjetivos) ocorrem: 

Quando acompanhados por substantivo sem verbo to be para separá-los: This is her flower. (Esta é a flor dela.)

Outras regras 

O –s no final de "yours", "hers", "its", "ours" e "theirs" não indica plural. Em inglês, os pronomes possessivos têm a mesma forma no singular e no plural. Exemplos This is her car. - This car is hers. These are her cars. - These cars are hers.

Em inglês, nunca se usa artigo (the, a, an) na frente dos pronomes possessivos. Exemplos O carro do José e da Maria são parecidos, mas o dela é azul claro. - José's and Maria's car are similar, but hers is light blue. (e não the hers ou the her) Meus poemas são bons, mas não como os dele. - My poems are good, but not like his. (e não the his)

Exercícios Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives 1 Choose the correct word for each space. 1.




These grammar books are different. ________ has 278 pages, but ________ has only 275. 1. Yours, mine 2. Your, my 3. Yours, my 4. Your, mine My telephone is out of order, but ________ is working. 1. your 2. our 3. his 4. their This bird has broken ________ wing. 1. it's 2. its' 3. hers 4. its ________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ________? 1. Mine, yours 2. Your, mine

3. My, yours 4. Yours, mine 5. Was ________ grammar book expensive? 1. your 2. yours 3. your's 4. you 6. ________ computer is a Mac, but ________ is a PC. 1. Your, mine 2. Yours, mine 3. Your, my 4. Yours, my 7. Junko has eaten her lunch already, but I'm saving ________ until later. 1. hers 2. her 3. my 4. mine 8. You can't have any chocolate! It's ________! 1. your 2. its 3. her 4. mine 9. We gave them ________ telephone number, and they gave us ________. 1. ours, their 2. our, their 3. ours, theirs 4. our, theirs 10. Jody has lost ________ book. 1. mine 2. her 3. hers 4. theirs

Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives 1 Click on the correct answer. Choose the correct word for each space. 1.




My telephone is out of order, but ________ is working. 1. your 2. our 3. his 4. their ________ computer is a Mac, but ________ is a PC. 1. Your, mine 2. Yours, mine 3. Your, my 4. Yours, my Was ________ grammar book expensive? 1. your 2. yours 3. your's 4. you Junko has eaten her lunch already, but I'm saving ________ until later.

1. hers 2. her 3. my 4. mine 5. ________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ________? 1. Mine, yours 2. Your, mine 3. My, yours 4. Yours, mine 6. You can't have any chocolate! It's ________! 1. your 2. its 3. her 4. mine 7. We gave them ________ telephone number, and they gave us ________. 1. ours, their 2. our, their 3. ours, theirs 4. our, theirs 8. Jody has lost ________ book. 1. mine 2. her 3. hers 4. theirs 9. This bird has broken ________ wing. 1. it's 2. its' 3. hers 4. its 10. These grammar books are different. ________ has 278 pages, but ________ has only 275. 1. Yours, mine 2. Your, my 3. Yours, my 4. Your, mine http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/poss1.htm

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