Issue N° 2_society

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Issue N°2, January, 2009.


Issue N°2, January, 2009.

TICKET aims to

 discover and bring into existence existence pupils fluent and skillful skillful in English  create a dynamic environment where students can communicate using English  help students seize infinite learning opportunities  melt students' cultural and learning differences by bringing them into one common room of shared moral values and behavior  provide a rich and authentic data for ELL research and assessment


Issue N°2, January, 2009.


Read the following quotations: "Society is culture"

"Society is a goup of families living together"

"Society is a set of intertwined relationships between people living in a certain place" Now write down your personal definition of "society": Society is


Issue N°2, January, 2009.

READING 1-Underline the new words for you and look them up in the dictionary 2- Read the text and answerer the question below:



Issue N°2, January, 2009.




DETAILS: TICKET has the honour to inform all students that her second issue has been launched on January 15th, 2009, after the end of the unit on “society”. TICKET hopes you to enjoy this issue and welcomes any suggestion from your part. Students of TICKET began their research on higher education in Morocco. They were asked to find out as many information as possible about Moroccan universities, private institutions, and abroad studies. These should include the requirements of study, costs, length, and places of study. Students are to submit their research papers in due time.

Students in 1BSM discussed the problem of drug addiction on January 16th, 2009, in class N°5. Before the discussion two students paved the ground by showing the whole class a video about the problem in question. After then, students talked over in details, finding out the causes, the effects, and the solutions to this social phenomenon which seems t o threaten our society, especially young people. Reporter: HIDAOUI Yamina 5

Issue N°2, January, 2009.

FUNCTIONAL PRACTICE Read the following dialogues and answer the questions below: A: I’m afraid I’ve a complaint about what your 1 children did last night? B: My children?! A: Yeah! They stayed up all the night playing musical instruments. To be frank, I couldn’t sleep a wink. B: How sad! It was my fault. I’ll talk to them, and I promise they won’t do it again.

A: I’m sorry to bother you, but this seat is occupied? B: Is it yours? A: Yes, it is. It’s N°5. Have a look at my ticket please! B: Ah! I see. Excuse me please. 2 A: No problem. Have a look at your ticket; the number of your seat is there. B: Thanks. In fact I’ve just gotten in here. I haven’t bought any yet.


Issue N°2, January, 2009. 3

A: Excuse me, but this isn’t my suitcase B: Not yours?! A: Yes, sir. B: Are you sure? A: Of course. I know my suitcase well; it’s heavy and contains only books and papers. B: What number is it? A: 30. B: Wait a minute please………………This one? A: Yah, that’s it. B: Sorry for the trouble. A: Never mind. These things happen. B: Take! A: Thank you.

QUESTIONS: 1-Identify the speakers « A » and « B » in each dialogue above. 2- Where are the speakers “A” and “B”? 3- Find out in the dialogues the expressions of complaint and apology. 4-Choose one of the dialogues above and act it out on a scene with your friend.


Issue N°2, January, 2009.



Issue N°2, January, 2009.


Read about Omar and Leila’s points of view:  I think that joblessness is the most social problem threatening our society. Many students finished their university studies and got their diplomas, but most of them still strike in front of the parliament in order to get employed. To me, the government is the only responsible for the huge number of jobless people in Morocco. It's up to her to make up new job opportunities for the jobless, engage them in workshops, and offer them the adequate professional training.

It's pretty harsh to think that joblessness is caused by the government only. I think that all of us are responsible because the government can't offer work to all people in the society. We as graduate students should rather think how to improve ourselves by ourselves. We can, for instance, involve in the private sector, make up our own enterprises, and be active in the civic society.

Now answer these questions: 1-What social problem are Omar and Liela talking about? 2-Read the speech bubbles again and fill in the following chart: The responsible for The suggested solutions the problem Omar

Leila 3- Epress your opinion about: 1-The most social problem threatening our society. 2- The responsible(s) for it. 3- The solutions you think are effective to solve it.


Issue N°2, January, 2009.


SEMLAL El-houcine




HANIN Mohamed

I think that the most social problem threatening our society is joblessness, because I see that many people don’t have a job. To me, the main responsible for this problem is the state. The solutions I think are effective to solve this problem are: to engage jobless people in professional training, to involve them in the private sector, and to help them with some money.

Society is a large grouping of people sharing a common culture. For me, the most problem threatening our society is poverty. The responsible for it is the civic society. In my opinion, the solution to this social phenomenon is to engage the poor in professional training so that they can have a job to get money and feed themselves.

Many children are deprived of their rights. All of us are responsible for this problem, because children are a part of our society. In my point of view, a high priority in confronting the problem of street children should be to keep helping them, to engage them in education and professional training, and to provide them with adequate shelter.

As we can observe, our society is full of social problem. It suffers from problems like homelessness, poverty, joblessness, drug addiction…etc. To me, the most serious problem threatening our society is homelessness. The government should make more shelters for homeless people, and the economic development should be based on the common good of people, who are the basis of development and production. 10

Issue N°2, January, 2009.


Read the following paragraph and answer the question: In the past, people used to travel by cart, but now they travel by cars and planes. They also used to communicate using traditional phones, but now they use cell phones and the internet. In addition, our society used to listen to news using traditional radios, but now they use satellites and watch TV. To send their letters, people used to rely on postmen, but now they gain time relying on e-mails and telefax. People in the past used to waste much time, but now they don’t anymore.

What did our society use to do in the past? past?

Now think of four things people used to do in the past and no longer do them now:

1234Now use your sentences and write a short paragraph similar to the one above: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

Issue N°2, ENGLISH &January, FUN 2009.

By: OULGOUT Abdelouahed Abandoned by unknown parents, Billal, a young beggar in Méknes city sat leaning against a mosque in hope to gain a plenty of money to feed himself. Day after day and this turned to be his sole job and livelihood. Though his stomach is usually full and satisfied, Billal still feels a hungry stomach somewhere inside his body. Such suspicious hunger often provokes him to begin recalling the story of his old but lasting destitution. Yet, all that he could recall was an enormous mixture of noise, ghosts, and foggy images about a father and a mother in deadful quarrel. “What’s my sin to be thrown out here?” complained Billal. That question which he asked himself dissolved Billal into tears. The later had digged two parallel rivers of misery along his round cheeks, over which some fresh scars spread to stand for al sorts of hardship and deprivation. He had no where to live in and no one to live with. “He is a branch of a broken tree thrown off into no where” said the old men sitting side by side with their backs against the wall of the mosque. One Friday, Billal went out as usual to gain his lunch and dinner. A boy like him is born not to live, but to struggle for survival. He walked to the mosque with his dress full of spots and dirt. When he reached the place, he sat beside the door with his arms around his legs. Half an hour after the Imam finished the Khutbah and prayer, the boy took off his hat, hold it in his right hand and spread his arm straight to the worshipers coming out from the mosque. He couldn’t utter a word. However, his little miserable face was enough to tear people’s eyes and move their hearts and pockets. Though the boy came back with his hat full of coins, he still couldn’t feel happy. A stomach somewhere in his body still and urgently calls for nurture, but not as any nurture. On the road to Lazari, where he would spend the night, Billal’s attention was caught by a pretty girl standing next to Zitoun High School. Suddenly, He felt as if a beam of light leaked into his heart and turned into a warm and wide smile on his face. He couldn’t resist it, or perhaps he didn’t wish so, for it is the missed hope he needed to feel ok. “The hunger of heart is worse than the hunger of stomach” Billal realised. Since then, Billal continued to go there in so much he learnt the girl’s timetable by heart. 12

Issue N°2, January, 2009. One Saturday, Billal sat in front of the school door, waiting for the girl. At twelve o’clock, the bell rang, and the students started leaving. Billal decided to talk to her no matter what it might cost him. “But what would I tell her?” thought Billal. Before he decided on what to say and how to say it, Billal, surprised by the girl’s prettiness, moved back the girl in hope to talk to her. While on the road, the girl felt she is chased. “Why’re you chasing me?” asked the girl. “What’s your name?” said Billal. “What for?” replied she. “I just want to know” said he. “I’m Hanan. Any more question?” said Hanan angrily. At this moment, Billal stuck speechlessly to his place with his heart fallen apart. When she saw tears rolling down his cheeks, Hanan took out a white handkerchief and started to clear up the tears and scrabs in his egg-like face. Fortunately, this action eased Billal and saved him from sure death. “I’m sorry, my brother. I was just joking”, “Come with me!” said hanan sympathetically. Together on the road, Hanan hold Billal’s dry hand and drove him home. As a way to ensure he wasn’t a bit hurt of the way she treated him, Hanan added: “I didn’t know you’re so sensitive, brother. Please forget about it!” When they arrived at home, Hanan rushed into her house and, cheerfully, brought a sack containing some fruits and vegetables, three loaves of bread, and some sugar. “Take!” said she. Surprisingly, Billal’s eyes began tearing again. “What’s up?!”, “Why are you weeping?!” Hanan wondered. “I’m here wishing to feed my heart, not my stomach” said Billal hopelessly and scrammed in a wink.

Answer the following questions about the story:  What social problem(s) does Billal suffer from? And how does he earn his livelihood?  How did he become a beggar?  What does the narrator mean by “Billal still feels a hungry stomach somewhere inside his body”?  What can you say about Billal’s clothes and face?  What does Billal complain about?  How could Billal get money from people without uttering a word?  What happened to him on the road to Lazari? How did Billal feel when he saw the girl? And what did he realise?

In your opinion, why was Billal chasing Hanan? And why did he weep when she talked to him? Why did he refuse her gift and ran away?

What lesson did you learn from Billal's story? Write it briefly within the frame below:


Issue N°2, January, 2009.

Teen steps to write a story BY: A. OULGOUT

Follow the following steps to write your own story


Settings: Answer the two questions: 1-When did your story take place? On Sunday morning? Yesterday? Last year?... 2-where did it take place? At school? In the market? At the high way?...


Characters: Choose a name for the hero of your story, and then describe his physical portrait. (How is his face, his clothes, …?


The event: Now write what happened to the hero. It’s better to choose a good event to begin your story. Don’t forget to describe the event and write when and where it took place.


The problem: Now think of a serious problem that happened and changed the atmosphere of your story and the mood of your hero. Don’t forget to mention the time when the problem took place.


The Reaction: Now answer the question: How did the hero feel when the event took place? 14

Issue N°2, January, 2009.

The action(s): You answer this question: 6

What did the hero do to solve the problem? N.B.: It’s better to mention more than one action; that is, a series of actions. Don’t forget to write when and where each action took place!

The solution: Answer these questions: 7


- What solution did the hero find to the problem? - How did he feel when he solved the problem? Don’t forget the time and place when this happened.

Drafting: Now take a draft and write the first version of your story.

Editing: Now revise your draft to: 9

- make sure that all the steps are included in your story. - Correct grammar and spelling mistakes - Enhance your style and choose better words and expressions for your story events.

Publishing: Now take a new paper and write 10

the final version of your story. After then you can submit your work to be published in a magazine, a newspaper….etc. 15

Issue N°2, January, 2009.

Publish your story below



Issue N°2, January, 2009.



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