Topic 01 Introduction To Small Business Small Business: • By

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Topic 01 Introduction to Small Business Small Business: • By the Small Business Act of 1953, Small Business defined as “A small business is one that is independently owned & operated and not dominant in its field of operation. SBA has established the Upper Limits for Small Firms in the manner (Guidelines): 1. Manufacturing: 250 or fewer employees (1 ~ 250) 2. Wholesaling: 9.5 million to 22 million in annual sales 3. Retailing: 2 millions to 7.5 million in annual sales 4. Service: 1.5 million to 10 million in annual sales

By European Commission

1~9 10 ~ 99 100 ~ 499 500 ~ onward

employees employees employees employees

– – – –

Very Small Small Medium Size Large

Pakistan mostly follows the European Commission. Small Business & Economy: Small Business opportunities exist in all sectors of the economy. Manufacturing: They convert raw material into a useful end product E.g Printing shops, Ice Cream Plants, Bakeries, Toy Factories, Furniture Manufacturing, Machine Shops, and Clothing Manufacturing etc. Merchandizing:

They are middle persons in the channel of distribution Wholesale ---------------------- Consumer Wholesale ---------------------- Retailers-------------------- Consumer e.g Food Stores, Automotive Dealers, Gasoline Service Station, Furniture Stores, Drug Stores, Auto Parts etc. Service Enterprises: They provide any type of service to the community. In recent years the number of service enterprises has increased dramatically, b/c of increasing in purchasing power. e.g Cleaning Service & Laundry, Hotels, Restaurants, Shoe Repair Shop, Barber Shop etc. Impact on Economy: • Small firms play an important role in the introduction of new goods & service. • Specialized intermediate goods that is goods used in the production of other goods. • This practice reduces the risk & long run costs of entry and expansion for all firms. • Entry and exit helps ensure mobility of capital resources. • Here likely to employ less-skilled worked & no prior work experiences. Benefits are: i) Reducing of unemployment ratios ii) Giving the on-the-job training and work experience to new employees • Small business also provide important economic advantages for minorities & women.

Topic No. 02 Nature of Small Business: Characteristics: 1. Can implement any new idea immediately /easily 2. Provide jobs for new graduates 3. Directly and indirectly increase life standard of people 4. Bring competition in market 5. Create platform where every lifestyle benefits 6. Major sources of GNP 1. 2. 3.

Nature / More Characterized: Employee Among 10 ~ 99 Financial Resources & earning turnover Not dominant in its field operation Advantages of Small Business / On Going into Business for Oneself: Independence: Owners enjoy being their one boss, they like the freedom to do things their way. Financial Opportunities: Small business owners make more money running their own company than they would work for someone else. Community Service: service is not available. Job Security: mandatory retirement.

Sometimes an individual will realize that a particular good or The individual can work as long as he or she wants, there is no

Family Employment: Best opportunity for children & relatives, high moral & trust in family. Owners can provide employment for family members. Disadvantages of Small Business / On Going into Business for Oneself: 1. Competition:

May be changes in market depends and this new demand is being satisfied by large competitors.

2. Increase Responsibilities: Owners not only have to make more decisions on major matters but have to become knowledge in many different areas. 3. Financial Losses:

When all major decisions are made by the owner, it is inevitable (in-ev-i-ta-bel = unavoidable) that some of them will be wrong.

4. Employee Relations:

If the workers are not skilled and business will suffer. B/c employees are family members.

5. Laws & Regulations:

Laws & regulations by the state government,

7. Risk of Failure:

The ultimate risk faced by the small business owner managers is that if failing usually with a loss of most,

Topic No. 04 Getting into Small Business There are three basic ways of getting into small business i) Buying an ongoing ii) Purchasing a franchise iii)

Starting from Scratch

Business Plan: (Developing a Business Plan) Nature of Business Plan: A Business Plan is a road map for the would-be entrepreneur like all plans. However preparing the plan forces the individual to think about the conditions he or she will face. Business Plan Contents:

(What Should the Business Plan Cover)

1. Introductory Page: This is the title or cover page that provides a brief summary of the business plan’s contents. 2. Executive Summary: This section of the business plan is prepared after the total plan is written. About two to three pages in length. 3. Environmental & Industry Analysis: Assessment of external uncontrollable variables that may impact the business plan. 4. Industry Analysis: Reviews industry trends & competitive strategies. 5. Description of Venture: Provides complete overview of products, services & operations of new venture. 6. Production Plan: Details how products will be manufactured. 7. Operational Plan: This section goes beyond the manufacturing process and describes the flow of goods and services from production to the customer. 8. Marketing Plan: Describes market conditions & strategy related to how products & services will be distributed, priced & promoted. 9. Organizational Plan: Describes form of ownership and lines of authority and responsibility of members of new venture. 10. Assessment of Risk: Identifies potential hazards and alternative strategies to meet business plan goals and objectives. 11. Financial Plan: Projections of key financial data that determine economic feasibility and necessary financial investment commitment. 12. Appendix:

The appendix of the business plan generally contains any backup material that is not necessary in the text of the document. Topic No. 05 Buying an Ongoing Business Introduction: One of the easiest ways of getting into small business for yourself is to buy an ongoing firm. A lot of headaches can avoided & this approach. The startup problems will have been taken care of by the previous owners. Advantages: Three of most important advantages are the following: 1) Little or no concern about successful future operation. 2) Time & effort can be reduced 3) Buy at a good price. Key Question to Ask: In deciding whether or not to buy, the prospective owner needs to ask and answer a series of “Right Questions”. i) Why is the business being sold? ii) What is the present physical condition of the business? iii) What is the condition of the inventory? iv) What is the state of the company’s other assets? v) How many of the personnel will remain? vi) What type of competition does the business face? vii) What does the firms financial picture look like? Topic No. 6 Operating a Franchise Introduction: Franchisor: Means a person offering the franchise. Franchisee: Means a person obtaining the franchise. Franchise: or Franchising is a process of offering & obtaining Franchise. Operate: Franchise operated by franchise & paid the fees to franchisor. Definition: “A arrangement where by the manufacturer or sale distribution (franchisor) of a trade market product or service given exclusive rights under certain mutually agreed conditions”. Types of Arrangements: There are two types of Franchising arrangement: 1) Product / Service Franchise:

When a product is franchised, the franchisor receives the goods from the franchisor & sells them through a wholesaler or retailer outlet. e.g. Auto Dealership, Home Appliances Dealership, Telecom Accessories.

When a service is franchised, the franchisor receives a license for a trade name and the particular services to be sold. The franchisee do direct daily activities. Like as hiring & firing, business decisions etc. e.g School, College. 2) Business Franchise:

When the word franchise is used, however it often refers to the franchising of an entire business enterprise. The franchisor maintains a strong formalized system of control over the business are performed are contract. e.g. McDonalds, Pizza Hut & Burger King etc.

Merits & Demerits: Advantages of Franchising: 1) Training & Guidelines: It’s means franchisor will provide training & guidelines to the franchisor, with continue assistance. It’s great advantage of buying a franchise, as compared to starting a new business or buying an existing business. 2) Broad Name Appeal:

It’s release to the product acceptance. The franchisee does not have to spend resources trying to establish the credibility of business. Franchisee enter into a business with accepted name, product or service.

3) Proven Track Record:

The franchisor has already proved that the operation can be successful. Franchisor has history of self operated units as well as other franchises. It’s calculates by spearing periods (means no units are many franchises are operated from 1 to 10 years that means success).

4) Financial Assistance:

Another strong reasons for franchising. The franchisor may be help to the needed to new owner for operation assistance which is needed to run the operation e.g. Capital for purchase of equipment, financial requirement during operation etc.

Disadvantage of Franchisor: 1) Franchise Fees:

In business, no one gets something for nothing. The franchisor charged the fee against, franchising. This fee paid by franchisor on that ratio, which is denied by contracts.

2) Franchisor Control:

The franchisor generally exercise a control over the operations of franchise business. The franchisor keeps a very close eye on the units operation. If franchisee does not follows the franchisor directions then may be cancelled the franchise license. Directions for Location, Layout, Interior & exterior decoration, labour’s uniform etc.

3) Unfulfilled Promises:

Some times then franchisor are not fulfilled the all promises which are made by contract. Franchisee have not received that assistance which is promised by franchisor. Topic No. 7 Starting a New Small Business

Uniqueness is the key: The most effective way to approach a new small business by creating a product or service that is unique. It’s has two approaches which are; 1) New-New Approach: 2) New-Old Approach: Market Analysis: Market analysis can help a prospective small business owner determine there is a demand for a good service. This method also used by existing business owner for expansion of business. Scientific Method of Market Analysis: Owner analysis a business opportunity by breaking the scientific method into four basis steps: 1) Fact Gathering: First of all gather information about proposed venture. 2) Organizing of the Fact:

After all the factor have been gathered they must be organized in a logical sequence

3) Analysis of the Facts:

In this stage the prospective owner analyzed the facts for checking of validity of facts. Different analysis are given different view, as:

4) Implementation of an An Action Plan:

After the analysis of information prospective owner can decides for starting a new business.

The Action Plan: After the analysis is complete & the prospective owner is ready to proceed as that time prospective owner should be prepare an action plan. It’s mean what will be done & how will be done? This plan covers three areas: 1) The Owner As a Person: Before making the final decision about going into business, the prospective owner ask ten question to himself. i) Are you a self starter - Without help from others. ii) Can you lead people - Leadership Skills. iii) Can you make decisions - Decision making ability. iv) Can people rely on your word - Reliability within market. v) Can you stick rely on your word - I usually finish what I start consistently. 2) The Financial Picture: The prospective owner must be evaluate the financial picture of our self and enterprise. Here analysis of capital strength, Cost & revenue of business in first year, examine the overall gains & losses. 3) Other Factors:

Here prospective owner examined the startup activities. Some of the major considerations are; i) The Building:

ii) Merchandise & iii) Record Keeping: iv) Topic No. 8 Startup Problem

Insurance &


It’s mean those problems which are faced by a new small business.


i) Startup Capital: ii) Location & Layout: iii) Legal Form of Business: iv) Human Resource: v) Managing Operations:

Finance, Money for business. Location, Area Place for business. Layout, Physical arrangement in business area. Proprietorship, one owner Partnership, two or more then two persons Corporation, unlimited persons Right person for right job at right time. Hoe to run the business’s activities.

Topic No. 9 Sources of Start-up Capital Introduction: First of all prospective owner ask a question “where is money for starting a new business”. Then follow up question “how mush”. In service type 90 days perform 90 days without any inflow. Some recommend to six month perform without any inflow. Types of Capital: Basically there are four types of capital. i) Short Term Loans:

A short loan is that type of loan which is repaid within a period of one year.

ii) Intermediate Term Loans: This type of loan provide the capital for period from one to ten years. iii) Long Term Loans:

It’s available on collateral basis and use for expansion of business (and avoid to bankrupt).

iv) Equity Capital:

Equity capital is not a loan, because it is an investment in the business & there is no promise to reply this capital.

Sources of Capital: Choosing a source of capital is not an easy decision. There are numerous alternatives depend on how much fund is needed, credit rating of firm, prior sales record etc. some major sources are discussed in below. 1) Internal Funds 3) Equity Source: 5) Other Private Sources of Capital:

2) Trade Credit: 4) Banks:

Topic No. 10 Determining Location & Layout Location: Introduction: Both of these requirements are heavily influenced by the type of operation (Retail, wholesale, service, manufacturing etc). General Factors in Selecting A Location: Regardless of the type of business, some general factors are: i) Personal Factor: One of the most important factors in choosing a small business location is the personal values of the owner. ii) Economics:

This determines the purchasing power of the community, (customers ability to buy goods & services) as total family income, No. of homes etc.

iii) Competition:

Competitive environment needs, the more hard work, but competitors already makes the market.

iv) Geographic Determine the geographical problems. It’s means every location is not Consideration: suitable for every business, b/c many business are restricted by geographical v) Sate & Local

New owner needs, to analyze those business & activities which are restricted by state or local government.

Specific Factors in Selecting a Location: It’s related with type of business, 1) Retail Location:

Retail stores location have different problems than other type of businesses, for this type of business mostly focused on;

2) Wholesale Location:

The wholesalers are suppliers to the retailers, if retailers are in problem then wholesaler also suffer in business.

3) Service Location:

It’s similar to retail location, for further type of business chose that location which is easily approachable by clients.

4) Manufacturing Location: It’s focused on; i) Near to Market ii) Adequately & cost of power iii) Near to suppliers iv) Transportation service e & cost v) Adequacy & cost of labor vi) Laws, regulation & taxes.

Layout: Introduction:

The layout of business is the physical arrangement of its fixtures, equipments & machinery.

General Factors: i) A logical & optimum arrangement of equipment regard to the flow of work. ii) It’s take full advantage of natural conditions (Building construction) iii) Allow the maximum efficiency of the machinery. Specific Factors: 1) Retail Store Layout:

Retail store layout should be designed with three things in mind, for customer satisfaction.

2) Wholesaler Layout:

It’s nature different then retailing, i) Mostly front moving items (FMVG) in one area ii) It’s reduced the consumption of time.

3) Service Enterprise Layout: It’s discussion is impossible, i) It’s depend on the need of operation, two types a) Manufacturing service enterprise (Motels, hotel, restaurant) b) Processing Service Enterprise (Repair Shops, Alter Garments, Counseling) 4) Manufacturing Layout:

It’s depend on the specific process which is performed in factory. Here design the assembly line on the basis of product flow, (mean product close to close for completion).

1) “Location of business is more important than layout of business operation”. Are you agree with this statement give opinion. 2) Represent the one type of business on the basis of location or layout. With proper example & proper presentation.

Topic No.


Meaning of Price: i) Price facilities the buying & process ii) Price is affected by the supply & demand iii) Price is a useful tool in promotion iv) Price can be manipulated strategically from one stage of the product life cycle to the next. Factors Involved in Pricing: i) Competitor’s Price ii) Desired Return on your investment iii) Economic condition (Recognize, Inflation, unemployment, taxes etc) iv) Level of demand. v) Location of your business vi) Market faction vii) Product Factors viii) Seasonal Factor ix) The Price / Quality Relationship. Setting Prices for Goods & Service: Business organization often find it quite difficult to arrive at the right selling price for their goods & service. Three of the pricing bases most commonly found in industry are those: i) Demand: Directly proportional to the high price. ii) Competition: Inversely proportional to high price. iii) Cost: Directly proportional to high price. i) Demand oriented pricing: ii) Competition Based Pricing: iii) Cost Plus Pricing: (Full Cost Pricing)

Management will determine current demand level & the price that customers appear willing to pay for the product / service. The company reviews the price of it’s major competitions before making it’s own pricing decision. In which management decides the price on basis of, i) Total variable expenses per unit. ii) Per unit share of company’s fixed cost. iii) Desired profit amount (per unit).

Other Pricing Policies: i) The Marketing channel employed (Manufacturer, wholesaler, retailers, consumer price) ii) The stage of product life (Introduction, stable, decline etc.) iii) The promotion mix iv) Discounting.

THE FINANCIAL / BUDGETING LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To understand the role of budgets in preparing statements. 2. To explain the application and calculation of the break-even point for the new venture. THE FINANCIAL PLAN A. The financial plan provides a complete picture of: B. Provides the budgeting and helps prevent a common problem-lack of cash. C. The financial plan must explain all financial obligation. OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS A. Before developing the income statement, prepare operating and capital budgets. 1. 2. 3.

If the entrepreneur is a sole proprietor, he/she will be responsible for the budgeting decisions. In a partnership where employees exist, budgeting process begin with one of these individuals. Final determination of budgets will ultimately rest with the owners or entrepreneurs.

B. Sales budget: 1. From sales forecasts, the entrepreneur will determine the cost of these sales. 2. Estimated ending inventory will also be included. C. Production or Manufacturing Budget. 1. 2. 3. 4.

This budget provides a basis for projecting cash flows for the cost of goods produced. The important information in this budget is the actual production required each month and the needed inventory to allow for changes in demand. This budget reflects seasonal demand or marketing programs, which can increase demand and inventory. The operating budget is an important document, as the pro forma income statement will only reflect the actual costs of goods.

D. Operating Budget. 1. Next the entrepreneur can focus on operating costs. 2. Fixed expenses (incurred regardless of sales volume) include rent, utilities, salaries, interest, depreciation, and insurance. 3. The entrepreneur will need to calculate variable expenses, which may change from month to month depending on sales volume, such as advertising and selling expenses. E. Capital budgets: 1. 2.

A capital budget may project expenditures for new equipment, vehicles, or new facilities. These decisions can include the computation of the cost of capital and the anticipated return on investment using present value methods.


The entrepreneur should enlist the assistance of an accountant.

Topic No. 13 HRM in Small Business Management: The process of efficiently getting activities completed with and through other people. HR Sources: A process consisting of the inception, development, motivation & maintenance of human resources. Staffing: One of the most important parts of the HR process is that of staffing. Hiring, training and deploying of employees (Bringing in the right person). Training Personnel: Training is learning experience, which makes permanent change in behavior of trainee, that is improve his or her performance ability. Process: i) Establish training need & goals ii) Choosing the most practical method iii) Evaluating the results Method: On The Job Training: i) Job Rotation ii) Job Enlargement iii) Coaching iv) Pece

Step for Training: i) Preparation ii) Demonstration iii) Application iv) Inspection Off the Job Training: i) Seminars & Conferences ii) University related courses

Topic No.

Pricing & Advertising

Meaning of Price: i) Price facilities the buying & process ii) Price is affected by the supply & demand iii) Price is a useful tool in promotion iv) Price can be manipulated strategically from one stage of the product life cycle to the next. Definition: Factors Involved in Pricing: i) Competitor’s Price ii) Desired Return on your investment iii) Economic condition (Recognize, Inflation, unemployment, taxes etc) iv) Level of demand. v) Location of your business vi) Market faction vii) Product Factors viii) Seasonal Factor ix) The Price / Quality Relationship.

Setting Prices for Goods & Service: Business organization often find it quite difficult to arrive at the right selling price for their goods & service. Three of the pricing bases most commonly found in industry are those: i) Demand: Directly proportional to the high price. ii) Competition: Inversely proportional to high price. iii) Cost: Directly proportional to high price. i) Demand oriented pricing: ii) Competition Based Pricing: iii) Cost Plus Pricing: (Full Cost Pricing)

Management will determine current demand level & the price that customers appear willing to pay for the product / service. The company reviews the price of it’s major competitions before making it’s own pricing decision. In which management decides the price on basis of, i) Total variable expenses per unit. ii) Per unit share of company’s fixed cost. iii) Desired profit amount (per unit).

Other Pricing Policies: i) The Marketing channel employed (Manufacturer, wholesaler, retailers, consumer price) ii) The stage of product life (Introduction, stable, decline etc.) iii) The promotion mix iv) Discounting.

Advertising: To Aware the product / service within market. Advertising is the bulk of the total promotional effort. In contract to personal selling, advertising is simply paid communication designed to influence prospects & customers. Types of Advertising: According to Company’s Position: i) Cooperative Advertising: Cost of advertising share by two channels as manufacturing & distributors, wholesaler or retailer. iii)

National Regional / Local Advertisement: According to planned geographical coverage. iii) Company / Industry Advertising: By advertised product based institutional. iv) By the needs employed:

Either television, radio, print (Newspaper, magazine) internet, out door, direct mail or direct order advertising. Define Advertising? Chose one media for advertising with examples & advantages? Topic No. 13 HRM in Small Business Management: The process of efficiently getting activities completed with and through other people. HR Sources: A process consisting of the inception, development, motivation & maintenance of human resources. Staffing: One of the most important parts of the HR process is that of staffing. Hiring, training and deploying of employees (Bringing in the right person). Training Personnel: Training is learning experience, which makes permanent change in behavior of trainee, that is improve his or her performance ability. Process: i) Establish training need & goals ii) Choosing the most practical method iii) Evaluating the results Method: On The Job Training: i) Job Rotation ii) Job Enlargement iii) Coaching iv) Pece

Step for Training: i) Preparation ii) Demonstration iii) Application iv) Inspection Off the Job Training: i) Seminars & Conferences ii) University related courses

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