Español Inglés - 2015 Equipo Especial.docx

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  • Words: 693
  • Pages: 2
EQUIPO ESPECIAL SOBRE LA ESPECIAL TEAM FOR THE EXECUTION EJECUCIÓN DE LA LUCHA CONTRA EL OF THE FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM The Counter-Terrorism TERRORISMO - CTITF (ETFT) Implementation Task Force (CTITF) El Equipo Especial sobre la Ejecución de la Lucha contra el Terrorismo fue establecido por el Secretario General en 2005 y avalado por la Asamblea General a través de la Estrategia Global de las Naciones Unidas contra el Terrorismo, la cual fue adoptada por consenso en 2006. La Estrategia es un documento vivo, revisado por la Asamblea General cada dos años para estar en consonancia con las prioridades de contra-terrorismo de los Estados Miembro. La cuarta revisión de la Estrategia fue realizada en junio 2014 luego de que el informe del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas presentara: un resumen del panorama cambiante de contra-terrorismo, recomendaciones para abordar desafíos y amenazas, y una compilación de las medidas

The Especial Team for the Execution of the Fight Against Terrorism was founded by the General Secretary in 2005 and approved by the General Assembly through the United Nations Strategy Against Terrorism, adopted in consense in 2006.

The Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) was established by the SecretaryGeneral in 2005 and endorsed by the General Assembly through the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which was adopted by consensus in 2006.

The Strategy is a living document, revised by the General Assembly every The General Assembly reviews the two years to ensure its conformity with the against-terrorism priorities of Strategy every two years, making it a living document attuned to Member the Member States. States’ counter-terrorism priorities. The fourth revision of the Strategy was made in June 2014 after the report by the United Nations General Secretary presented: a summary of the ever-changing terrorism fight landscape, recommendations to tackle challenges and threats, and a compilation of the measures taken by the Member States

The Fifth Review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy took place on 1 July 2016. The General Assembly examined the report of the Secretary-General (A/70/826) on the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy over the past decade.

tomadas por los Estados Miembro y entidades de las Naciones Unidas para luchar contra el terrorismo.

and the United Nations entities to fight against terrorism.

El mandato del CTITF es reforzar la coordinación y la coherencia de las actividades de las Naciones Unidas contra el terrorismo. El Equipo Especial está integrado por 36 entidades internacionales, las cuales, en virtud de su cometido, tienen interés en las medidas multilaterales de lucha contra el terrorismo. Cada entidad hace aportes de acuerdo con su propio mandato.

ETFT’s goal is to bolster the coordination and coherence of the United Nations’ activities against terrorism. The Especial Team is integrated by 36 international entities, which, to achieve their purpose, are interested in the multilateral measures against terrorism. Each entity contributes according to their own goals.

Each Member State is responsible for Si bien la responsabilidad primordial the adoption of the Global Strategy de la aplicación de la Estrategia global however, the Especial Team will incumbe a los Estados Miembro, el ensure that the United Nations system Equipo garantiza que el sistema de las tackle the needs of these States, will Naciones Unidas responda a las provide the necessary support on necesidades de dichos Estados, les policy matters and on the proporcione el apoyo necesario en understanding of the Strategy, and it materia de políticas y de conocimiento will also provide technical assistance a fondo de la Estrategia, además de la when necessary. prestación expedita de asistencia técnica, donde sea necesario.

The mandate of the CTITF was to strengthen coordination and coherence of counter-terrorism efforts of the United Nations system. The Task Force consists of 38 international entities which by virtue of their work have a stake in multilateral counter-terrorism efforts. Each entity makes contributions consistent with its own mandate. While the primary responsibility for the implementation of the Global Strategy rests with Member States, CTITF ensured that the UN system is attuned to the needs of Member States, to provide them with the necessary policy support and spread in-depth knowledge of the Strategy, and wherever necessary, expedite delivery of technical assistance.

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