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PHR l42P- Quiz #5 -FZ00Z (points)
1. A certainphannaceutical productis dispensed asa 50mlvial of a 30 mg% solutionof drug-A (a non-elecfiolyte)in an emulsionconsistingof 3 pirts of oil and5 partsof water. GiventhatKr* for drug-Ais 26.2,whatis tfre concenfrationof drus-A in the aqueousphaseof the emulsion?
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Co = @a,Z)(cp)= 7r->,^"y?s (4) 2. sketcha gaph which bestillustrateshow the solubility of
dependson temperature.Be certainto labelthe axesand asDr. Pearlmanhasshownwhen drawingsimilar gaphs in class.
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