Pay Comparison

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,763
  • Pages: 18
Industry 37 seat captain pay average vs. CommutAir captain pay $67,000 $65,000 $63,000 $61,000 $59,000

Pay per anum

$57,000 $55,000 $53,000 $51,000

Column P Column Q

$49,000 $47,000 $45,000 $43,000 $41,000 $39,000 $37,000 $35,000 Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Years in service

olumn P olumn Q










$34,000 Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Commutair Era Horizon Island Air Peidmont SkyWest Average

ommutair a orizon

and Air eidmont kyWest verage

All 37 seat turbo-prop operators $80,000 $75,000 $70,000 $65,000 $60,000 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Commutair Colgan Era Great Lks gulfstream Horizon Island air ae saabB Mesaba peidmont Mesa Skywest Empire air cargo Mtn. Air


ks am

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t air cargo

Commutair Colgan Era 36,556 36,000 37,554 37800 39,520 38700 40,508 40500 41,496 41400 43,472 43200 44,460 44100 45,448 45900 46,436 46800 47,424 48600 49,400 49500 50,388 51300 51,376 54000 52,364 54900 53,352 54900 55,328 54900 56,316 54900 57,304 54900 58,292 54900 59,280 54900 61,256 54900 61,256 54900 61,256 54900 61,256 54900 61,256 54900

Great Lks gulfstream Horizon Island air ae saabB Mesaba 45700 28800 32175 48000 41280 35424 38700 47700 29700 33000 49920 43200 38016 40500 49700 31500 33825 50880 44160 39744 41400 51700 32400 36300 52800 47040 42336 43200 53800 34200 37950 54720 48960 44064 45000 55800 35100 41250 56640 50880 46656 46800 57800 36900 42075 57600 53760 47520 48600 59800 37800 44550 59520 56640 49248 49500 61800 38700 46200 61440 58560 50976 51300 64100 39600 47025 63360 58560 51840 52200 66100 41400 48675 65280 59520 53568 54000 68100 41400 49500 67200 60480 54432 54000 70200 41400 50325 69120 61440 56160 54900 73200 41400 51150 72000 63360 57024 55800 74200 41400 51975 73920 64320 58752 56700 75200 41400 53625 73920 65280 58752 57600 76200 41400 55275 73920 67200 58752 57600 77200 41400 57750 73920 68160 58752 57600 78200 41400 57750 73920 69120 58752 57600 79000 41400 57750 73920 71040 58752 57600 79000 41400 57750 73920 72000 58752 57600 79000 41400 57750 73920 72000 58752 57600 79000 41400 57750 73920 72000 58752 57600 79000 41400 57750 73920 72000 58752 57600 79000 41400 57750 73920 72000 58752 57600

peidmont Mesa Skywest Empire air cargo Mtn. Air 37152 36480 42240 43160 44100 38026 37392 44160 44720 46200 39744 38304 45120 46540 48040 40608 40128 46080 48360 50140 42336 41040 48000 50020 51980 43200 42864 48960 52000 53810 44064 43776 49920 53820 55130 44928 45600 51840 55640 56700 45792 46512 53760 57200 58280 46656 47424 54720 58240 59850 48384 49248 56640 59280 61420 49248 50160 58560 60320 63000 50112 51072 60480 61360 65100 50976 51984 62400 62400 67200 51840 51984 63360 62400 68250 51840 51984 64320 62400 69300 52704 51984 65280 62400 69300 53568 51984 65280 62400 69300 54432 51984 65280 62400 69300 56160 51984 65280 62400 69300 55369 51984 65280 62400 69300 55369 51984 65280 62400 69300 55369 51984 65280 62400 69300 56160 51984 65280 62400 69300 56160 51984 65280 62400 69300

Average Ind. Av CommutairEra 41,982 36,556 43,684 37,554 45,167 39,520 47,085 40,508 48,844 41,496 50,818 43,472 52,271 44,460 54,086 45,448 55,674 46,436 56,892 47,424 58,647 49,400 59,853 50,388 61,311 51,376 62,781 52,364 63,643 53,352 64,296 55,328 64,864 56,316 65,348 57,304 65,641 58,292 66,059 59,280 66,224 61,256 66,224 61,256 66223.92 61,256 66284.77 61,256 66284.77 61,256

45700 47700 49700 51700 53800 55800 57800 59800 61800 64100 66100 68100 70200 73200 74200 75200 76200 77200 78200 79000 79000 79000 79000 79000 79000

Horizon 48000 49920 50880 52800 54720 56640 57600 59520 61440 63360 65280 67200 69120 72000 73920 73920 73920 73920 73920 73920 73920 73920 73920 73920 73920

Island Air Peidmont SkyWest Average 41280 37152 36480 40,861 43200 38026 37392 42298.67 44160 39744 38304 43718 47040 40608 40128 45464 48960 42336 41040 47058.67 50880 43200 42864 48809.33 53760 44064 43776 50243.33 56640 44928 45600 51989.33 58560 45792 46512 53423.33 58560 46656 47424 54587.33 59520 48384 49248 56322 60480 49248 50160 57596 61440 50112 51072 58886.67 63360 50976 51984 60647.33 64320 51840 51984 61602.67 65280 51840 51984 62258.67 67200 52704 51984 63054 68160 53568 51984 63689.33 69120 54432 51984 64324.67 71040 56160 51984 65230.67 72000 55369 51984 65588.17 72000 55369 51984 65588.17 72000 55369 51984 65588.17 72000 56160 51984 65720 72000 56160 51984 65720

Commutair FO pay vs Industry average $30,000.00 $29,500.00 $29,000.00 $28,500.00 $28,000.00 $27,500.00 $27,000.00 Pay per anum

$26,500.00 $26,000.00 $25,500.00 $25,000.00

Ind. Avg. Commutair

$24,500.00 $24,000.00 $23,500.00 $23,000.00 $22,500.00 $22,000.00 $21,500.00 $21,000.00 $20,500.00 $20,000.00 Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9

Ro w 10

Ro w 11

Ro w 12

Ro w 13

Ro w 14

Years in service

Ro w 15

Ro w 16

Ro w 17

Ro w 18

Ro w 19

Ro w 20

Ro w 21

Ro w 22

Ro w 23

d. Avg. ommutair

37 seat air carriers FO pay 40000 37500 35000 32500 Commutair Colgan Era


pay per anum

27500 25000

Great Lks Gulfstream Horizon

22500 20000

Island Air ae saab Mesaba peidmont

17500 15000 12500

Mesa Skywest EmpireAirCargo Mtn. Air

10000 7500 5000 2500 0 Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9

Ro w 10

Ro w 11

Ro w 12

Ro w 13

Ro w 14

years in service

Ro w 15

Ro w 16

Ro w 17

Ro w 18

Ro w 19

Ro w 20

Ro w 21

Ro w 22

Ro w 23


Lks eam n

Air b a nt

st AirCargo r

Dash 8 carriers FO pay vs. CommutAir FO pay $40,000.00 $37,500.00 $35,000.00 $32,500.00 $30,000.00

Pay per anum

$27,500.00 $25,000.00

Commutair Horizon Island Air

$22,500.00 $20,000.00

peidmont Mesa EmpireAirCargo Mtn. Air

$17,500.00 $15,000.00 $12,500.00 $10,000.00 $7,500.00 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro Ro w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w 10

Ro w 11

Ro w 12

Ro w 13

Ro w 14

Years in service

Ro w 15

Ro w 16

Ro w 17

Ro w 18

Ro w 19

Ro w 20

Ro w 21

Ro w 22

Ro w 23

utair n Air


AirCargo r

YEARS Dash Saab Dash EMB120 EMB120 Dash Dash Saab Saab in Service CommutairColgan Era Great Lks GulfstreamHorizon Island Air ae saab Mesaba 1 20664 18900 23000 13500 16200 27840 21120 20736 21600 2 21648 23400 27000 15300 17100 30720 25920 22464 25200 3 22632 24300 30400 16200 18900 31680 26880 25056 27900 4 23616 25200 33500 18000 19800 32640 27840 27648 30600 5 24600 26100 34500 18000 20700 34560 29760 28512 31500 6 25584 27000 34500 18000 20700 35520 30720 30240 33300 7 26568 27900 34500 18000 20700 36480 32640 31104 34200 8 27552 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 9 28536 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 10 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 11 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 12 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 13 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 14 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 15 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 16 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 17 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 18 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 19 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 20 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200 21 29520 28800 34500 18000 20700 36480 34560 31104 34200

To change the industry average just remove an airline from

Dash Dash EMB120 ATR ATR peidmont Mesa Skywest EmpireAirCargo Mtn. Air 20448 17328 18240 26000 26250 23856 19152 25920 27040 26250 24708 20976 26880 28080 29400 25560 22800 27840 29120 31500 26412 22800 28800 30000 37800 27264 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800 28116 22800 29760 30000 37800

n airline from this side.

Ind. Avg. CommutairHorizon Island Air 20844.71 20664 27840 21120 23640.71 21648 30720 25920 25285.14 22632 31680 26880 26833.14 23616 32640 27840 28146 24600 34560 29760 28799.14 25584 35520 30720 29326.29 26568 36480 32640 29598 27552 36480 34560 29668.29 28536 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560 29738.57 29520 36480 34560

LEAVE This Information if you wan

peidmont Mesa EmpireAirCargo Mtn. Air 20448 17328 26000 26250 23856 19152 27040 26250 24708 20976 28080 29400 25560 22800 29120 31500 26412 22800 30000 37800 27264 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800 28116 22800 30000 37800

mation if you want to se the charts

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