Past Questions

  • August 2019
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Exam Questions 2003 higher (a) Study the following list of farm products: Wheat Milk Eggs Barley (i)

Tick the two that are products of an arable farm. (2m) Study Figure 7, a photograph of arable farming.

(ii) (iii)

Give two features of arable farming shown on Figure 7. (2m) Explain the meaning of the term mixed farming. (1m)

(b) Study Figure 8, a sketch map of East Anglia.

Using Figure 8, suggest reasons for the development of arable farming in East Anglia. (4m)

(c) Study Figure 9, a diagram of some factors affecting farming.

(i) (ii)

Explain how factors such as these affect hill sheep farming in the UK. (4m) Explain how European Union policy affects farmers (4m)

(d) There are several different types of subsistence farming (e.g. intensive rice cultivation, shifting cultivation). For one or more types of subsistence farming, describe and explain the problems faced by the farmers and any recent changes which have occurred. (8m)

Population Exam Questions 2003 higher (e) Study the following list of areas: Mountain range Hot desert River valley Industrial area (i) (ii)

Tick the two areas that are most likely to have a high density of population (2m) For an area you have studied, explain why it has a high population density. (4m)

(f) Study Figure 1, a map which shows the density of population in selected areas of the world.

Figure 1 Describe the pattern of population density shown on the map. (4m) (g) Study Figure 2, which provides information about birth rates, death rates and population changes in three countries.

(i) (ii)

Complete the two empty boxes. (2m) Using example, explain why some countries have high birth rates and others have low birth rates. (6m)

(h) Study Figure 3, which shows two population pyramids.


Use the following data to complete the MEDC population pyramid in Figure 3.

(ii) LEDCs often have youthful populations, whereas MEDCs’ populations are often ageing. Describe the problems which may result from this. (6 m)

Coastal Landscapes and processes Exam Questions 2004 higher (a) Study Figure 12, which shows a planned coastal defence scheme for Lyme Regis in Dorset.

(i) (ii)

Using Figure 12, give three different ways in which the planned scheme may help to reduce coastal erosion. (3m) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed changes for tourists visiting the coastline. (6m)

(b) Study Figure 13, which shows a cross section of a headland with cliffs and caves.

(i) (ii)

Draw and label a diagram to show how a stack may develop at the end of the headland. (2m) Explain how wave action and other processes will help to create the features shown on your diagram in (i). (4m)

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