Past And Past Continuous

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  • Pages: 18
Past with Past Continuous Verb Tenses

Simple Past Tense • • •

Actions, events, states that started and finished in the past (…ago, last …, yesterday… ) Regular verbs: -ed Irregular verbs: change spelling, memorize

for list of irregular verbs, see 1. Blackboard Course Documents, Verb Tenses, Past Tense folder 2. Grammar Express textbook pages 336 - 337 3. The instructor

Past Continuous: Three Uses • Use 1:

Past actions that were in progress at a particular time in the past; actions that were not yet finished at a past time

Erika’s Schedule 8 – 9: had breakfast 9 – 10: finished her homework 10 – 11: exercised 11 – 12: cooked lunch 12 – 2: shopped 2 – 5: talked to a friend on the phone

At 8:30, Erika _________________ breakfast. At 9:15, she ___________________ her homework. At 10, she _____________________. At 11:30, she ___________________. At 11, she ____________________ lunch. At 12:30, she ___________________. At 3, she ______________ to a friend.

Tell a classmate – use past continuous verbs: I was _______ing • Where were you last Thursday at 8 p.m.? What were you doing? • What were you doing Friday at 5 p.m.? Where were you? Who were you with? • What were you doing Sunday morning at 7 a.m.? • What were you doing last night at this time? • What were you doing last week at this time? • What were you doing last year at this time?

Past Continuous, continued • Use 2: Two (or more) actions that were in progress in the past at the same time

• Use while • Examples: Sorry, I wasn’t listening to you while you were talking. While I was reading, he was writing.

Past Continuous, continued • Use 3: Describe and set the scene; tell what was happening or in progress when something else happened or interrupted a past in-progress action • Examples: Car accident Broken bone Meeting a future spouse A Crime

Form: Using past and past continuous together • Use past continuous to say what was in progress I was crossing the street … • Use simple past for the interrupting action when the driver ran the red light.

Other examples: I was sleeping when the telephone rang and woke me up.

We were watching the news when the announcer made a special live report.

He was driving too fast when he crashed the car. I was trying to study when you called.

Practice: Do you have a good memory? Are you a good witness? • Directions: Look at the following picture for one minute. Try to remember as many details as you can, but don’t write anything.

Only one minute… • Ready, go ….

One minute…

What do you remember? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

How many people were there? Where were the people? What was hanging from the ceiling? What was the bank robber holding? What was the bank robber wearing? What color was his hair? What was covering the bank robber’s face? Was the bank robber right-handed or left-handed? What was the bank manager doing? What was the bank teller doing? Who was walking into the bank? What time was it? What was under the bank manager’s desk?

Form of Past Continuous Subject + was / were + verb+ing Negation: Subject + was / were + not + verb+ing Yes/ No Question: Was / Were + subject + + verb+ing ? Information Question: (WH) + Was / Were + subject + + verb+ing ?

Remember –ing spelling rules? Verb ending in...

How to make the -ING form

(Most verbs)

Add -ING

1 vowel + 1 consonant

Double the consonant, then add -ING

1 vowel + 1 consonant + E Remove E, then add –ING Final –ie Change –ie to y, then add -ING

Examples say - saying go - going walk - walking

swim - swimming hit - hitting get - getting come - coming lose - losing live – living die – dying tie -- tying

A little practice 1. The telephone (ring) when I (take a shower). 2. I (eat) dinner when you (come) to visit. 3. It (begin) to rain while they (walk) home. 4. We (see) an accident when we (drive) on the freeway. 5. The driver (no pay) attention to the cars in front when he (crash) into the red convertible. 6. She (chop) onions when she (cut) her finger. 7. They (watch) TV when the electricity (go) out. 8. A: What (you, do) yesterday at 5:00? I tried to call you but no one answered. B: I didn’t hear the telephone. I (vacuum).

Final Tips … • Use while for two actions in progress at the same time in the past: She was talking while he was driving. • Use when when telling about sequence of events (one action that was in progress that was interrupted by another event in the past): I was just leaving when you called. (first action in progress)

(interrupting event)

Punctuation with When and While • When and while at the front of a sentence, use a comma: When you called, I was watching TV. While he was washing the clothes, I was doing the dishes. • When and while in the middle of a sentence, no comma I was watching TV when you called. I was doing the dishes while he was washing the clothes.

Questions? • Practice on textbook pages 42 - 43 • For more practice: Forming and Using the Past Continuous Quiz Yourself

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