Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O’Connor
Leesvragen van deze week behandelen Aanvullende literatuur bespreken Voorbeelden van educatieve games laten zien Discussie voeren Kijken naar de toekomst
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
Ingedeeld naar inhoudelijke-, verdiepings-, begrips- en overige vragen. Opvallend: Nauwelijks dezelfde vragen Meest interessante vragen en onderwerpen uitgekozen.
The Magic Circle Lusory Attitude Game Design & Narratief
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
Feldspar Epstein, “The Magic Circle - is not so helpful, actually.” The Metaverse Journal, 9-11-2008, Montola, “Exploring the Edge of the Magic Circle: Defining Pervasive Games”, University of Tampere Game Research Lab,
Pervasive gaming is a genre of gaming systematically blurring and breaking the traditional boundaries of game. The limits of the magic circle are explored in spatial, temporal and social dimensions. These ways of expanding the game are not new, since many intentional and unintentional examples of similar expansions can be found from earlier games, but the recently emerged fashion of pervasive gaming is differentiated with the use of these expansions in new, efficient ways to produce new kinds of gameplay experiences. These new game genres include alternate reality games, reality games, trans-reality games and crossmedia games.
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
Thomas Hurka, “Games and the Good”, University of Toronto,
But first Suits’s analysis. It says that a game has three main elements, which he calls the prelusory goal, the constitutive rules, and the lusory attitude. […] These first two elements involve pursuing a goal by less than the most efficient means, but they are not sufficient for playing a game. This is because someone can be forced to use these means by circumstances he regrets and wishes were different. If this is the case – if, for example, a farmer harvests his field by hand because he cannot afford the mechanical harvester he would much rather use – he is not playing a game. Hence the need for the third element in Suits’s analysis, the lusory attitude, which involves a person’s willingly accepting the constitutive rules, or accepting them because they make the game possible.
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern, “Build It to Understand It: Ludology Meets Narratology in Game Design Space”,
Building experimental games offers an alternative methodology for researching and understanding games, beyond what can be understood by playing and studying existing games alone. Through a simultaneous process of research and artmaking in the construction of the interactive drama Façade, new theoretical and design insights into several game studies questions were realized, including the hotly debated question of ludology vs. narratology. This paper describes some of the ways that building games can inform researchers about what game scholarship should be focused on and why, and ways that building games can offer new perspectives on existing forms and genres..
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
A child educated only at school is an uneducated child. ~ George Santayana
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
Brain Academy: Wii Degree
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
One of the best lessons children learn through video games is standing still will get them killed quicker than anything else. ~ Jinx Milea
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
Naar aanleiding van deze vraag: Doordat er juist onbeperkte participatie is bij Wikipedia, is het fenomeen niet betrouwbaar en kan het net zo goed niet gebruikt worden als informatiebron. Dit is een voorbeeld van een bottum-up cultuur. Hoe zou het fenomeen moeten veranderen, zodat het wel als wetenschappelijke bron gebruikt zou kunnen worden, maar dat er toch sprake zou kunnen zijn van participatie?
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
Om de betrouwbaarheid van informatie te garanderen moet gebruikersparticipatie in de media zoveel mogelijk beperkt worden.
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
E-learning in virtual worlds
I recently learned something quite interesting about video games. Many young people have developed incredible hand, eye and brain coordination in playing these games. The Air Force believes these kids will be our outstanding pilots, should they fly our jets. ~ Ronald Reagan
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
Virtual Social Worlds and the Future of Learning Dr. Tony O'Driscoll describes the 7 Sensibilities that Differentiate Virtual Social Worlds from other interactive media and makes the argument that these sensibilities provide us with unprecedented freedom to create true experential learning opportunities (10 min.)
Education in Second Life A video I (Joe Sanchez) made in 2006 for educators who have never heard of or seen virtual worlds. Though some of the information is now old, I thought I would post it in case someone found it useful. See my blog for more information (3 min.)
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor
20 november 2008
Kim van den Heuvel & Kimberley O'Connor