Part C - Course Work

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 303
  • Pages: 7
Part C - Coursework - A guide to gaining the highest marks

Mark Scheme for part C Level 1

0-4 marks

A statement of the obvious, a one-sided judgement with little or no argument.

Level 2

5-8 marks

A clearly expressed opinion directly related to an issue raised with an argument offered in support of it.

Level 3

9-12 marks The ability to recognise some of the significance of an issue raised. The clear expression of an opinion directly related to it supported with some use of evidence and argument. An awareness of the existence of different opinions.

Level 4

13-15 marks

The ability to recognise the complexity of issues raised and to express valid opinions about different points of view well supported by evidence and argument.

What constitutes worship?

Any other examples?

‘All worship is a waste of time because people cannot be sure that God exists.’

Some Christian arguments:

• God does exist • No one can be sure that God does not exist • Value in meditation and prayer, regardless of the outcome • Worship makes people ‘better’ human beings

‘All worship is a waste of time because people cannot be sure that God exists.’ Some arguments for agreeing: • • • •

No return of investment False hope ‘Better use of time’ – e.g. helping people Obsessive worship could be detrimental

‘All worship is a waste of time because people cannot be sure that God exists.’

Some arguments for disagreeing:

• Provides ‘space’ in peoples lives • Prayer – problem shared, problem halved • Promotes community values • Gives moral basis in decision making

Useful language • • • • • •

However… Furthermore… On the other hand… Alternatively… In contrast… Also…

• It may be argued… • …it follows… • …consequently… • …opposed to… • …subsequently… • …therefore…

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